public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); #if DEBUG IsDebugMode = true; #endif // Self Updater SelfUpdater.DeleteOldFiles(); // not really needed since CleanAndLaunch.exe SelfUpdater TheSelfUpdater = new SelfUpdater(); TheSelfUpdater.SetMainWindowRef(this); TheSelfUpdater.UpdateLauncher(); if (SelfUpdater.LaucherRemoteVNumber != SelfUpdater.LaucherLocalVNumber && SelfUpdater.isSelfUpdating) { Hide(); } else { // Set the title of the window with the correct launcher version if (SelfUpdater.isSelfUpdating) { Launcher_Window.Title = "Natural Launcher v " + SelfUpdater.LaucherLocalVNumber; } else { Launcher_Window.Title = "Natural Launcher"; } // CHECK THE HL AND NS INSTALL DIR AND WRITE IT IN THE LAUNCHER XML Launcher.CheckInstallDirectory(); // set the experimental label if (Launcher.isExperimental) { Experimental_label.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { Experimental_label.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } // WE SET DISCORD PRESENCE string ApplicationID = "474144509048127503"; Discordclient = new DiscordRpcClient(ApplicationID); Discordclient.Initialize(); OnlineStatusAtLaunch(); System.Timers.Timer PresenceTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); PresenceTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); PresenceTimer.Enabled = true; PresenceTimer.Interval = 5000; // *** Get the main index.html if connected *** \\ if (Util.CheckForInternetConnection(Launcher.MainPageURL.AbsoluteUri)) //if we are connected { Launcher.RefreshInternetPageAsync("Main"); // we refresh the page MainWebBrowser.Source = Launcher.MainPageURL; // and display it from source } else // if not simply show the saved file { MainWebBrowser.Navigate(LocalIndexURL.AbsolutePath); } // CHECK APP.VERSION NUMBER Check_Version(); if (versionNumber != remoteVersionNumber && versionNumber != "") { MessageBoxResult AlertBox = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Update Needed !", "Update", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); StartButton.Content = "Please Update"; IsVerification = false; } if (versionNumber == "") { StartButton.Content = "Verify"; IsVerification = false; } if (versionNumber == remoteVersionNumber && versionNumber != "") { StartButton.Content = "Play"; // TODO The algorithm to verify btween local and remote manifest } } }