public static void SetKeystoreToProject(EclipseProject project) { string keystore = PlayerSettings.Android.keystoreName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keystore)) { return; } FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(keystore); if (!fi.Exists) { throw new Exception("keysotre '" + fi.FullName + "' not exsits!"); } DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(project.Path + "/nativebuilder/keystore"); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } fi.CopyTo(di.FullName + "/" + fi.Name); var keystore_path = "./nativebuilder/keystore/" + fi.Name; var keystore_pass = PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass; var keyalis_name = PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName; var keyalis_pass = PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass; project.SetKeystore(keystore_path, keystore_pass, keyalis_name, keyalis_pass); }
public static string BuildAPK(string projectPath, ProcessHandller process = null) { if (process == null) { process = (percent, title, verbos) => {}; } UnityEngine.Debug.Log(" -> BuildAPK..."); //---------------------------------------------------------- //Detect Paths //---------------------------------------------------------- process(0.1f, "Detect paths", "detect Android project path..."); var project = new EclipseProject(projectPath); //new EclipseProject(BaseProjectPath + "/" + gameProjectName); process(0.1f, "Detect path", "detect tools path..."); var local = Configuration.Local; var android_sdk = local["android.sdk"]; var ant_sdk = local["ant.sdk"]; process(0.1f, "Detect path", "detect target apk path..."); var conf = Configuration.Gloable; var target_path = conf["android.apk"]; // log UnityEngine.Debug.Log("android sdk: " + android_sdk); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("ant: " + ant_sdk); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("apk target: " + target_path); //---------------------------------------------------------- //excute command //---------------------------------------------------------- process(0.2f, "Build Apk", "excute android update..."); project.Antlize(android_sdk); process(0.3f, "Build Apk", "excute android clean..."); Ant.ant_clean(project.Path, ant_sdk); process(0.4f, "Build Apk", "detect Ant mod..."); var antMod = DecideAntMod(project); if (antMod == AntMod.Debug) { process(0.4f, "Build Apk", "excute ant debug..."); Ant.ant_debug(project.Path, ant_sdk); } else if (antMod == AntMod.Release) { //process(0.4f, "Build Apk", "set keystore to Anroid project..."); //SetKeystoreToProject(project); process(0.45f, "Build Apk", "execute ant release..."); Ant.ant_release(project.Path, ant_sdk); } process(0.95f, "Build Apk", "copy apk..."); var f = Android.FindAntBuiltAPK(project.Path, antMod); f.CopyTo(target_path, true); return(target_path); }
public static void SetKeystoreToProject(EclipseProject project, string key_store_path) { var keystore_path = key_store_path; var keystore_pass = "******"; var keyalis_name = "androiddebugkey"; var keyalis_pass = "******"; project.SetKeystore(keystore_path, keystore_pass, keyalis_name, keyalis_pass); }
public static AntMod DecideAntMod(EclipseProject project) { //string keystore = PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName; //return string.IsNullOrEmpty(keystore) ? AntMod.Debug : AntMod.Release; if (project.KeystoreExists) { return(AntMod.Release); } return(AntMod.Debug); }
//build Eclipse Project public override void OnBuild() { string solutionPath = global["android.project"]; // Build Android Project if (ShouldDoTask(TaskList.BuildAndroidProject)) { Process(5, "Build Android Project", ""); //mod file path var task_buildAndroidProject = new ReportableTask(); = "Build Android Studio Project"; task_buildAndroidProject.processHandller = OnExportReport; task_buildAndroidProject.action = (process) => { //check parent dir process(0.1f, "Export Android Studio Project", "ensure dirs..."); { var di = new DirectoryInfo(solutionPath).Parent; if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } } //if target Path exits, delete it! if (Directory.Exists(solutionPath)) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(solutionPath); dir.Delete(true); } if (!this.UseBackup) { // build eclipse project process(0.15f, "Export Android Project", "call unity to export android project..."); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Unity building eclipse project..."); NativeBuilderUtility.Build(solutionPath, UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Android, UnityEditor.BuildOptions.AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayer); // change project name /* * DirectoryInfo projectDir = new DirectoryInfo(EclipsePath); * DirectoryInfo[] childrenDir = projectDir.GetDirectories(); * if(childrenDir.Length != 1) * { * throw new Exception("multi child directories be found under the project!"); * } * string oldGameName = childrenDir[0].Name; */ // rename project dir string oldGameName = PlayerSettings.productName; string newGamename = "Game"; string source = Path.Combine(solutionPath, oldGameName); string dest = Path.Combine(solutionPath, newGamename); Directory.Move(source, dest); // rename obb string ObbPath = solutionPath + "/" + PlayerSettings.productName + ".main.obb"; if (File.Exists(ObbPath)) { string targetObbPath = solutionPath + "/" + "main." + PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode + "." + PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier + ".obb"; File.Move(ObbPath, targetObbPath); } // write info EclipseProject project = new EclipseProject(solutionPath + "/Game"); project.BuildTime = this.startTime.ToString(); // backup pure eclips project PShellUtil.CopyTo(solutionPath, Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home + "/autosave", PShellUtil.FileExsitsOption.Override, PShellUtil.DirectoryExsitsOption.Override); } else if (this.UseBackup) { PShellUtil.CopyTo(Path.Combine(Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home, this.BackupName), solutionPath, PShellUtil.FileExsitsOption.Override, PShellUtil.DirectoryExsitsOption.Override); } }; task_buildAndroidProject.Run(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Build AndroidStudio Project success, Release At [" + solutionPath + "]."); } /* * // Apply NativeBuilder * if(ShouldDoTask(TaskList.ApplyNativeBuilder)) * { * Process(0.8f, "Apply NativeBuilder Conf", "apply eupe..."); * ELProject project = new ELProject (solutionPath + "/Game"); * EUPE.ModEclipseProject(project, mod); * } * * // Build Apk * if(ShouldDoTask(TaskList.BuildApk)) * { * Process(15, "Build APK", ""); * this.apkPath = NativeBuilderUtility.BuildAPK(solutionPath + "/Game", OnApkBuildReport); * string target_dir = solutionPath + "/../TargetAndroid"; * string appName = PlayerSettings.productName +"_"+PlayerSettings.bundleVersion+"_"+System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MMdd_HHmm")+".apk"; * string target_path = target_dir+"/"+ appName; * if (Directory.Exists(target_dir)) * { * Directory.Delete(target_dir,true); * } * Directory.CreateDirectory(target_dir); * File.Move(this.apkPath,target_path); * this.apkPath = target_path; * // * string thisObbPath = solutionPath+"/"+PlayerSettings.productName+".main.obb"; * if(File.Exists(thisObbPath)) * { * * string targetObbPath = target_dir+"/"+"main."+PlayerSettings.Android.bundleVersionCode+"."+PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier+".obb"; * File.Move(thisObbPath,targetObbPath); * } * * UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Build Apk success, Release At [" + apkPath + "]."); * } * * // Run Apk * if(ShouldDoTask(TaskList.RunApk)) * { * NativeBuilderUtility.RunAPK(this.apkPath, PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier); * } */ }
public void OnGUI() { // build android project build_android_project = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Android Project", build_android_project); // option if (build_android_project) { //build_option = (IOSBuildOption)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Option", build_option); int selected = Array.IndexOf(option_list, selected_option); selected = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Use Backuped ?", selected, option_list); selected_option = option_list[selected]; } // backup info // null means rebuild, if not null, print backup info if (this.BackupName != null) { // if backup_project is not current selected project, reload it. if (backup_project == null || backup_project.Path != Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home + "/" + this.BackupName + "/Game") { backup_project = new EclipseProject(Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home + "/" + this.BackupName + "/Game"); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Backup Built At: " + this.backup_project.BuildTime); } if (!build_android_project) { apply_native_builder = false; } /* * apply_native_builder = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Apply NativeBuilder", apply_native_builder); * { * if(apply_native_builder) * { * if(mod_list.Length > 0) * { * int selectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(mod_list, selected_mod); * selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Eupe package", selectedIndex, mod_list); * this.selected_mod = mod_list[selectedIndex]; * } * else * { * EditorGUILayout.LabelField("None of .eupe package found, Can't Build."); * } * } * } * if(!apply_native_builder) * { * build_apk = false; * }else{ * build_android_project = true; * } * * build_apk = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Apk", build_apk); * if(!build_apk) * { * run_apk = false; * }else * { * build_android_project = true; * apply_native_builder = true; * } * * run_apk = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run Apk", run_apk); * if(!run_apk) * { * } * else * { * build_android_project = true; * apply_native_builder = true; * build_apk = true; * } */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.selected_option)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Build")) { var task = new BuildTask_Android(GetBuildLevel(), this.BackupName, this.selected_mod); task.Build(); } } }
public void OnGUI() { // build android project // build_android_project = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Android Project", build_android_project); // option if (build_android_project) { //build_option = (IOSBuildOption)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Option", build_option); int selected = Array.IndexOf(option_list, selected_option); selected = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Use Backuped ?", selected, option_list); selected_option = option_list[selected]; } // backup info // null means rebuild, if not null, print backup info if (this.BackupName != null) { // if backup_project is not current selected project, reload it. if (backup_project == null || backup_project.Path != Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home + "/" + this.BackupName + "/Game") { backup_project = new EclipseProject(Configuration.Gloable.Eclipse_Project_Backup_Home + "/" + this.BackupName + "/Game"); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Backup Built At: " + this.backup_project.BuildTime); } if (!build_android_project) { apply_native_builder = false; } /* * apply_native_builder = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Apply NativeBuilder", apply_native_builder); * { * if(apply_native_builder) * { * if(mod_list.Length > 0) * { * int selectedIndex = Array.IndexOf(mod_list, selected_mod); * selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Eupe package", selectedIndex, mod_list); * this.selected_mod = mod_list[selectedIndex]; * } * else * { * EditorGUILayout.LabelField("None of .eupe package found, Can't Build."); * } * } * } * if(!apply_native_builder) * { * build_apk = false; * }else{ * build_android_project = true; * } * * build_apk = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Build Apk", build_apk); * if(!build_apk) * { * run_apk = false; * }else * { * build_android_project = true; * apply_native_builder = true; * } * * run_apk = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Run Apk", run_apk); * if(!run_apk) * { * } * else * { * build_android_project = true; * apply_native_builder = true; * build_apk = true; * } */ // player name { var productName = PlayerSettings.productName; productName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Product Name", productName); PlayerSettings.productName = productName; } // package name { var a = PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier; var b = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Package", a); //PlayerSettings.applicationIdentifier = b; PlayerSettings.SetApplicationIdentifier(BuildTargetGroup.Android, b); } { var list = EditorBuildSettings.scenes; foreach (var s in list) { var enable = GUILayout.Toggle(s.enabled, s.path); s.enabled = enable; } EditorBuildSettings.scenes = list; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.selected_option)) { if (GUILayout.Button("Build")) { var task = new BuildTask_Android(GetBuildLevel(), this.BackupName, this.selected_mod); task.Build(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Open ProductDirectory")) { OpenProductDir(); } }