protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); if (disposing) { // Remove the possible event hook to sizechange. foreach (BaseContainer _con in this.OutputContainers) { // Event Hooks //this.eValueChanged -= _con.OnValueChange ; this.eSizeChanged -= _con.OnSizeChange; this.SizeClass.eResizing -= _con.SizeClass.OnResize; this._sizeClass = null; this._sizeWorkNumlet = null; this._uiNumberFactory = null; } } }
private void Initialize() { this.AspyTag1 = 60024; this.AspyName = "VC_WorkNumlet"; // Size Class Init this._sizeWorkNumlet = new SizeWorkNumlet(this); this._sizeClass = this._sizeWorkNumlet; // Factory Classes for expression building this._uiNumberFactory = iOSCoreServiceContainer.Resolve <UINumberFactory>(); this.View.AutosizesSubviews = false; this.OutputAnswerContainers = new List <object>(); this.AnswerState = G__AnswerState.Empty; // Set our error flags to false this._bStringToComputedError = false; this._bStringToDecimalError = false; // init total this._intEmpty = 0; this._intCorrect = 0; this._intInCorrect = 0; this._intPartCorrect = 0; }