예제 #1
        private static void ReadSkeleton(Byte[] b, ref int offset)
            try {
                int[] _id = new int[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _id, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int id = _id[0];

                NatNetSkeleton sk = null;
                if (!streamData.skeletons.ContainsKey(id))
                    streamData.skeletons[id] = new NatNetSkeleton(id);
                sk = streamData.skeletons[id];

                string skName = "UNKNOWN";
                if (sk.name.Length > 0)
                    skName = sk.name;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int expectedBones = iData[0];
                frameLog += String.Format("Skeleton: " + skName + " with " + expectedBones + " bones.");

                 * string name = "";
                 * while (b[offset] != 0x00) {
                 *  name += (char)b[offset];
                 *  offset++;
                 * }
                 * offset++;
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedBones; i++)
                    ReadRigidBody(b, ref offset, sk);
            } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #2
        // Unpack RigidBody data
        private static void ReadRigidBody(Byte[] b, ref int offset, NatNetSkeleton sk)
            try {
                // RB ID
                int[] _id = new int[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _id, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int id = _id[0];

                int iSkelID = _id[0] >> 16;          // hi 16 bits = ID of bone's parent skeleton
                int iBoneID = _id[0] & 0xffff;       // lo 16 bits = ID of bone

                NatNetRigidBody rb = null;
                if (sk == null)
                    if (!streamData.rigidBodies.ContainsKey(id))
                        streamData.rigidBodies[id] = new NatNetRigidBody(id);
                    rb = streamData.rigidBodies[id];
                else if (sk.ID == iSkelID)
                    if (!sk.bones.ContainsKey(iBoneID))
                        sk.bones[iBoneID] = new NatNetRigidBody(iBoneID);
                    rb = sk.bones[iBoneID];

                // RB pos
                float[] pos = new float[3];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, pos, 0, 4 * 3); offset += 4 * 3;
                rb.position.x = pos[0] * -1; rb.position.y = pos[1]; rb.position.z = pos[2];

                // RB ori
                float[] ori = new float[4];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, ori, 0, 4 * 4); offset += 4 * 4;
                rb.rotation.x = -ori[0]; rb.rotation.y = ori[1]; rb.rotation.z = ori[2]; rb.rotation.w = -ori[3];

                // nMarkers
                int[] _nMarkers = new int[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _nMarkers, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int nMarkers = _nMarkers[0];

                // Marker positions
                float[] _markerData = new float[3 * nMarkers];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _markerData, 0, 4 * 3 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * 3 * nMarkers;

                // Marker IDs
                int[] _markerIDs = new int[nMarkers];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _markerIDs, 0, 4 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * nMarkers;

                // Marker Sizes
                float[] _markerSizes = new float[nMarkers];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _markerSizes, 0, 4 * nMarkers); offset += 4 * nMarkers;

                // Marker error
                float[] _error = new float[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _error, 0, 4); offset += 4;

                // Tracking Flags
                short[] _params = new short[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _params, 0, 2); offset += 2;
                rb.tracked = (_params[0] & 0x01) > 0;
                // 0x01 : rigid body was successfully tracked in this frame
            } catch (Exception e) {
예제 #3
        private static void ReadPacket(Byte[] b)
            int offset = 0;
            int nBytes = 0;

            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 2); offset += 2;
            int messageID = iData[0];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 2); offset += 2;
            nBytes = iData[0];

            if (messageID == 5)
                Debug.Log("DirectParseClient: Data descriptions");
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int nDatasets = iData[0];

                for (int d = 0; d < nDatasets; d++)
                    int[] _type = new int[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _type, 0, 4); offset += 4;

                    if (_type[0] == 0)   // Markerset
                        string name    = "";
                        int    namelen = 0;
                        while (b[offset + namelen] != 0x00)
                            name += (char)b[offset + namelen];
                        offset = offset + namelen + 1;
                        int[] _nMarkers = new int[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _nMarkers, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                        int   nMarkers  = _nMarkers[0];
                        //Debug.Log("Markerset: "+name+" ("+nMarkers+")");

                        for (int j = 0; j < nMarkers; j++)
                            string marker_name    = "";
                            int    marker_namelen = 0;
                            while (b[offset + marker_namelen] != 0x00)
                                marker_name += (char)b[offset + marker_namelen];
                            offset = offset + marker_namelen + 1;
                            //Debug.Log("....with marker: "+marker_name);
                    else if (_type[0] == 1)     // Rigidbody
                        string name    = "";
                        int    namelen = 0;
                        while (b[offset + namelen] != 0x00)
                            name += (char)b[offset + namelen];
                        offset = offset + namelen + 1;
                        int[] _id       = new int[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _id, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                        int[] _parentID = new int[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _parentID, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                        int   id        = _id[0];
                        int   parentID  = _parentID[0];

                        float[] _offsets = new float[3]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _offsets, 0, 4 * 3); offset += 4 * 3;
                        Vector3 offsets  = new Vector3(_offsets[0] * -1, _offsets[1], _offsets[2]);

                        NatNetRigidBody rb = null;
                        if (!streamData.rigidBodies.ContainsKey(id))
                            streamData.rigidBodies[id] = new NatNetRigidBody(id);
                        rb          = streamData.rigidBodies[id];
                        rb.name     = name;
                        rb.parentID = parentID;
                        rb.offset   = offsets;

                        Debug.Log(name + ": (" + _id[0] + "," + _parentID[0] + ") [" + offsets.x + "," + offsets.y + "," + offsets.z + "]");
                    else if (_type[0] == 2)     // Skeleton
                        string name = "";
                        while (b[offset] != 0x00)
                            name += (char)b[offset];
                        //int[] _id = new int[1]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _id, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                        int _skeletonID = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, offset); offset += 4; // Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _idx, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                        int _nBones     = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, offset); offset += 4;

                        NatNetSkeleton sk = null;
                        if (!streamData.skeletons.ContainsKey(_skeletonID))
                            streamData.skeletons[_skeletonID] = new NatNetSkeleton(_skeletonID);
                        sk      = streamData.skeletons[_skeletonID];
                        sk.name = name;

                        //Debug.Log("Skeleton (ID: " + sk.ID + ", Name: "+ sk.name + ") with " + _nBones + " bones");

                        for (int i = 0; i < _nBones; i++)
                            string boneName    = "";
                            int    boneNameLen = 0;
                            while (b[offset + boneNameLen] != 0x00)
                                boneName += (char)b[offset + boneNameLen];
                            offset = offset + boneNameLen + 1;

                            int             boneID       = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, offset); offset += 4;
                            int             boneParentID = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, offset); offset += 4;
                            float[]         _boneOffsets = new float[3]; Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, _boneOffsets, 0, 4 * 3); offset += 4 * 3;
                            Vector3         boneOffsets  = new Vector3(_boneOffsets[0] * -1, _boneOffsets[1], _boneOffsets[2]);
                            NatNetRigidBody rb           = null;

                            if (!sk.bones.ContainsKey(boneID))
                                sk.bones[boneID] = new NatNetRigidBody(boneID);
                            rb          = sk.bones[boneID];
                            rb.name     = boneName;
                            rb.parentID = boneParentID;
                            rb.offset   = boneOffsets;
                            //Debug.Log("\t" + boneName + ": [ID=" + boneID + ", ParentID=" + boneParentID + ", Offset=[" + rb.offset.x + "," + rb.offset.y + "," + rb.offset.z + "])");
                        sk.receivedDescription = true;
                receivedDataDescription = true;
                Debug.Log("End data descriptions.");
            else if (receivedDataDescription && messageID == 7)
                frameLog = String.Format("DirectParseClient: [UDPClient] Read FrameOfMocapData: {0}\n", nBytes);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                frameLog += String.Format("Frame # : {0}\n", iData[0]);

                //number of data sets (markersets, rigidbodies, etc)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int nMarkerSets = iData[0];
                frameLog += String.Format("MarkerSets # : {0}\n", iData[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < nMarkerSets; i++)
                    String strName = "";
                    int    nChars  = 0;
                    while (b[offset + nChars] != '\0')
                    strName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b, offset, nChars);
                    offset += nChars + 1;

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                    frameLog += String.Format("{0}:" + strName + ": marker count : {1}\n", i, iData[0]);

                    nBytes = iData[0] * 3 * 4;
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, nBytes); offset += nBytes;

                // Other Markers - All 3D points that were triangulated but not labeled for the given frame.
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int nOtherMarkers = iData[0];
                frameLog += String.Format("Other Markers : {0}\n", iData[0]);
                nBytes    = nOtherMarkers * 3 * 4;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, fData, 0, nBytes); offset += nBytes;

                // Rigid Bodies
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int expectedRigidBodies = iData[0];
                frameLog += String.Format("Rigid Bodies : {0}\n", iData[0]);

                for (int i = 0; i < expectedRigidBodies; i++)
                    ReadRigidBody(b, ref offset, null);

                // Skeletons
                Buffer.BlockCopy(b, offset, iData, 0, 4); offset += 4;
                int expectedSkeletons = iData[0];
                frameLog += String.Format("Rigid Bodies : {0}\n", iData[0]);
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedSkeletons; i++)
                    ReadSkeleton(b, ref offset);

                // Labeled Markers
                // Force Plate data
                // latency
                // timecode
                // timestamp
                // frame params
                // end of data tag

                Debug.Log("Unhandled messageID: " + messageID);

            if (!receivedDataDescription)