/// <seealso cref="Fallible.Lift{T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult}"/> public static Fallible <TResult> ZipWith <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult>( this Fallible <T1> @this, Fallible <T2> second, Fallible <T3> third, Fallible <T4> fourth, Fallible <T5> fifth, Func <T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, TResult> zipper) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ /* T4: NotNull(second) */ /* T4: NotNull(third) */ /* T4: NotNull(fourth) */ /* T4: NotNull(fifth) */ Require.NotNull(zipper, nameof(zipper)); // > return @this.Bind( // > arg1 => second.Bind( // > arg2 => third.Bind( // > arg3 => fourth.Bind( // > arg4 => fifth.Select( // > arg5 => zipper(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)))))); return(@this.Bind( arg1 => second.ZipWith( third, fourth, fifth, (arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) => zipper(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)))); }
public static Fallible <TResult> InvokeWith <TSource, TResult>( this Func <TSource, Fallible <TResult> > @this, Fallible <TSource> value) { /* T4: NotNull(value) */ return(value.Bind(@this)); }
public static Fallible <TResult> ContinueWith <TSource, TResult>( this Fallible <TSource> @this, Fallible <TResult> other) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ return(@this.Bind(_ => other)); }
public static Fallible <TResult> Select <TSource, TResult>( this Fallible <TSource> @this, Func <TSource, TResult> selector) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ Require.NotNull(selector, nameof(selector)); return(@this.Bind(val => Fallible <TResult> .η(selector(val)))); }
/// <seealso cref="Apply{TSource, TResult}(Fallible{Func{TSource, TResult}}, Fallible{TSource})" /> public static Fallible <TResult> Gather <TSource, TResult>( this Fallible <TSource> @this, Fallible <Func <TSource, TResult> > applicative) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ /* T4: NotNull(applicative) */ return(applicative.Bind(func => @this.Select(func))); }
// Bind() with automatic resource management. public static Fallible <TResult> Using <TSource, TResult>( this Fallible <TSource> @this, Func <TSource, Fallible <TResult> > binder) where TSource : IDisposable { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ Require.NotNull(binder, nameof(binder)); return(@this.Bind(val => { using (val) { return binder(val); } })); }
// Generalizes both Bind() and ZipWith<T1, T2, TResult>(). public static Fallible <TResult> SelectMany <TSource, TMiddle, TResult>( this Fallible <TSource> @this, Func <TSource, Fallible <TMiddle> > selector, Func <TSource, TMiddle, TResult> resultSelector) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ Require.NotNull(selector, nameof(selector)); Require.NotNull(resultSelector, nameof(resultSelector)); return(@this.Bind( val => selector(val).Select( middle => resultSelector(val, middle)))); }
/// <seealso cref="Fallible.Lift{T1, T2, TResult}"/> public static Fallible <TResult> ZipWith <T1, T2, TResult>( this Fallible <T1> @this, Fallible <T2> second, Func <T1, T2, TResult> zipper) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ /* T4: NotNull(second) */ Require.NotNull(zipper, nameof(zipper)); return(@this.Bind( arg1 => second.Select( arg2 => zipper(arg1, arg2)))); }
/// <seealso cref="Fallible.Lift{T1, T2, T3, TResult}"/> public static Fallible <TResult> ZipWith <T1, T2, T3, TResult>( this Fallible <T1> @this, Fallible <T2> second, Fallible <T3> third, Func <T1, T2, T3, TResult> zipper) { /* T4: NotNull(@this) */ /* T4: NotNull(second) */ /* T4: NotNull(third) */ Require.NotNull(zipper, nameof(zipper)); // This is the same as: // > return @this.Bind( // > arg1 => second.Bind( // > arg2 => third.Select( // > arg3 => zipper(arg1, arg2, arg3)))); // but faster if ZipWith is locally shadowed. return(@this.Bind( arg1 => second.ZipWith( third, (arg2, arg3) => zipper(arg1, arg2, arg3)))); }