예제 #1
        private static List <ScriptLine> ParseScriptText(string scriptName, string scriptText, List <DefineScriptLine> globalDefines, bool ignoreErrors)
            var scriptDefines = new LiteralMap <string>();

            if (globalDefines != null && globalDefines.Count > 0)
                foreach (var define in globalDefines)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(define.DefineKey) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(define.DefineValue))
                        scriptDefines[define.DefineKey] = define.DefineValue;

            var scriptLines     = new List <ScriptLine>();
            var scriptLinesText = scriptText?.TrimFull()?.SplitByNewLine() ?? new[] { string.Empty };

            for (int i = 0; i < scriptLinesText.Length; i++)
                var scriptLineText = scriptLinesText[i].TrimFull();
                var scriptLineType = ResolveLineType(scriptLineText);
                var scriptLine     = Activator.CreateInstance(scriptLineType, scriptName, i, scriptLineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors) as ScriptLine;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces all occurences of replace defined expressions in the provided string with the provided values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Defines collection should be passed by reference to all the line constructors by line order;
        /// <see cref="DefineScriptLine"/> will add values to the collection, while the subsequent lines
        /// will use this method to replace the expressions in their <see cref="Text"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual string ReplaceDefines(string lineText, LiteralMap <string> defines)
            foreach (var define in defines)
                lineText = lineText.Replace($"{{{define.Key}}}", define.Value);

예제 #3
        public ScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreParseErrors = false)
            ScriptName = scriptName;
            LineIndex  = lineIndex;
            Text       = scriptDefines != null?ReplaceDefines(lineText, scriptDefines) : lineText;

            LineText          = lineText;
            IgnoreParseErrors = ignoreParseErrors;
        protected override string ReplaceDefines(string lineText, LiteralMap <string> defines)
            foreach (var define in defines) // Actor names in generic text lines doesn't require replace literal to be replaced.
                if (lineText.StartsWithFast($"{define.Key}: "))
                    lineText = lineText.Replace($"{define.Key}: ", $"{define.Value}: "); break;

            return(base.ReplaceDefines(lineText, defines));
예제 #5
        }                                                                               // For reflection to work properly.

        public CommandScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, int inlineIndex = 0, bool ignoreErrors = false)
            : base(scriptName, lineIndex, lineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors)
            CommandName = ParseCommandName(Text);
            var nameValid = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CommandName);

            CommandParameters = ParseCommandParameters(Text, out var isError, IgnoreParseErrors);
            var parametersValid = !isError;

            InlineIndex = inlineIndex;
            var inlineIndexValid = InlineIndex >= 0;

            Valid = nameValid && parametersValid && inlineIndexValid;
            if (!Valid && !IgnoreParseErrors)
예제 #6
        public DefineScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreErrors = false)
            : base(scriptName, lineIndex, lineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors)
            DefineKey   = ParseDefineKey(Text);
            DefineValue = ParseDefineValue(Text, DefineKey);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefineKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefineValue))
                if (!IgnoreParseErrors)
                Valid = false;

            if (scriptDefines != null)
                //if (scriptDefines.ContainsKey(DefineKey)) Debug.LogWarning($"Multiple assigns to `{DefineKey}` define key detected in '{ScriptName}' script at line #{LineNumber}. Define value will be overwritten.");
                scriptDefines[DefineKey] = DefineValue;
예제 #7
 public CommentScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreErrors = false)
     : base(scriptName, lineIndex, lineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors)
     CommentText = ParseComment(Text);
예제 #8
 // Don't allow to replace the define expressions themselves.
 protected override string ReplaceDefines(string lineText, LiteralMap <string> defines) => lineText;
        private List <CommandScriptLine> ExtractInlinedCommandLines(string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null)
            // When actor name is present at the start of the line: extract it and cut from the line.
            var actorId = lineText.GetBefore(ActorIdLiteral);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actorId) && !actorId.Any(char.IsWhiteSpace) && !actorId.StartsWithFast("\""))
                lineText = lineText.GetAfterFirst(ActorIdLiteral);
                actorId = null;

            // Collect all inlined command strings (text inside square brackets).
            var inlinedCommandMatches = Regex.Matches(lineText, "\\[.*?\\]").Cast <Match>().ToList();

            // In case no inlined commands found, just add a single @print command line.
            if (inlinedCommandMatches.Count == 0)
                var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(lineText, actorId);
                var printLine     = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors: IgnoreParseErrors);
                return(new List <CommandScriptLine> {

            var result            = new List <CommandScriptLine>();
            var printedTextBefore = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < inlinedCommandMatches.Count; i++)
                // Check if we need to print any text before the current inlined command.
                var precedingGenericText = StringUtils.TrySubset(lineText,
                                                                 i > 0 ? inlinedCommandMatches[i - 1].GetEndIndex() + 1 : 0,
                                                                 inlinedCommandMatches[i].Index - 1);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(precedingGenericText))
                    var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(precedingGenericText, actorId, printedTextBefore ? (bool?)false : null, false);
                    var printLine     = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors);
                    printedTextBefore = true;

                // Extract inlined command script line.
                var commandLineText = CommandScriptLine.IdentifierLiteral + inlinedCommandMatches[i].ToString().GetBetween("[", "]").TrimFull();
                var commandLine     = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, commandLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors);

            // Check if we need to print any text after the last inlined command.
            var lastGenericText = StringUtils.TrySubset(lineText,
                                                        inlinedCommandMatches.Last().GetEndIndex() + 1,
                                                        lineText.Length - 1);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastGenericText))
                var printLineText = TransformGenericToPrintText(lastGenericText, actorId, printedTextBefore ? (bool?)false : null, false);
                var printLine     = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, printLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors);

            // Add wait input command at the end; except when generic text contains a [skipInput] command.
            if (lineText?.IndexOf(nameof(SkipInput), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
                var waitCommandLineText = CommandScriptLine.IdentifierLiteral + typeof(WaitForInput).Name;
                var waitCommandLine     = new CommandScriptLine(ScriptName, LineIndex, waitCommandLineText, scriptDefines, result.Count, IgnoreParseErrors);

예제 #10
 public GenericTextScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineNumber, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreErrors = false)
     : base(scriptName, lineNumber, lineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors)
     InlinedCommandLines = ExtractInlinedCommandLines(Text, scriptDefines);
예제 #11
 public LabelScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreErrors = false)
     : base(scriptName, lineIndex, lineText, scriptDefines, ignoreErrors)
     LabelText = ParseLabel(Text);
예제 #12
        private static LiteralMap <string> ParseCommandParameters(string scriptLineText, out bool isError, bool ignoreErrors = false)
            isError = false;
            var cmdParams = new LiteralMap <string>();

            var paramPairs = ExtractParamPairsFromScriptLine(scriptLineText);

            if (paramPairs is null)
                return(cmdParams);                    // No params in the line.
            foreach (var paramPair in paramPairs)
                var paramName  = string.Empty;
                var paramValue = string.Empty;
                if (IsParamPairNameless(paramPair)) // Corner case for nameless params.
                    if (cmdParams.ContainsKey(string.Empty))
                        isError = true;
                        if (ignoreErrors)
                        Debug.LogError("There could be only one nameless parameter per command.");
                    paramValue = paramPair;
                    paramName  = paramPair.GetBefore(AssignLiteral);
                    paramValue = paramPair.GetAfterFirst(AssignLiteral);

                if (paramName is null || paramValue is null)
                    isError = true;

                // Trim quotes in case parameter value is wrapped in them.
                if (paramValue.WrappedIn("\""))
                    paramValue = paramValue.Substring(1, paramValue.Length - 2);

                // Restore escaped quotes.
                paramValue = paramValue.Replace("\\\"", "\"");

                if (cmdParams.ContainsKey(paramName))
                    isError = true;
                    if (!ignoreErrors)
                        Debug.LogError($"Dublicate parameter with ID `{paramName}`.");
                    cmdParams.Add(paramName, paramValue);

예제 #13
 public CommandScriptLine(string scriptName, int lineIndex, string lineText, LiteralMap <string> scriptDefines = null, bool ignoreErrors = false)
     : this(scriptName, lineIndex, lineText, scriptDefines, 0, ignoreErrors)
 }                                                                               // For reflection to work properly.