public Response ProcessRequest(NancyContext context, string path)
      path = string.Concat("~", path.Substring(PathPrefix.Length));

      using (bundles.GetReadLock())
        Bundle bundle;
        IAsset asset;
        if (!bundles.TryGetAssetByPath(path, out asset, out bundle))
          logger.Info("ProcessRequest : Asset '{0}' not found", path);
          return new HtmlResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);

        var actualETag = "\"" + asset.Hash.ToHexString() + "\"";
        var givenETag = context.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"];

          logger.Info("ProcessRequest : Asset '{0}' not modified", path);
          var notModified = new HtmlResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
          notModified.ContentType = bundle.ContentType;
          return notModified;

        logger.Info("ProcessRequest : Asset '{0}' returned", path);
        var response = new StreamResponse(asset.OpenStream, bundle.ContentType);
        response.WithHeader("ETag", actualETag);
        return response;
예제 #2
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var template = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(viewLocationResult, result =>
                    var context = new NancyVeilContext(renderContext, Extensions);
                    var engine = new VeilEngine(context);
                    Type modelType = model == null ? typeof(object) : model.GetType();
                    return engine.CompileNonGeneric(viewLocationResult.Extension, result.Contents(), modelType);
                catch (Exception e)
                    return CreateErrorPage(e);

            var response = new HtmlResponse();
            response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
            response.Contents = s =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(s, Encoding.UTF8);
                template(writer, model);
            return response;
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            var html = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(viewLocationResult, result =>
                                                                                    string markDown =

                                                                                    var parser = new Markdown();
                                                                                    return parser.Transform(markDown);

            var serverHtml = ParagraphSubstitution.Replace(html, "$1");

            var renderHtml = this.engineWrapper.Render(serverHtml, model, new MarkdownViewEngineHost(new NancyViewEngineHost(renderContext), renderContext));

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            return response;
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var response = new HtmlResponse();
            var html = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(viewLocationResult, result => ConvertMarkdown(viewLocationResult));

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            return response;
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            string HTML = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(viewLocationResult, result =>
	             string markDown = viewLocationResult.Contents().ReadToEnd ();
	             var parser = new MarkdownSharp.Markdown();
	             return parser.Transform(markDown);
            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            return response;
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            var html = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(
                viewLocationResult, result => { return ConvertMarkdown(viewLocationResult); });

            var engineHost = new MarkdownViewEngineHost(
                new NancyViewEngineHost(renderContext), renderContext,
            var renderHtml = engineWrapper.Render(html, model, engineHost);

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            return response;
예제 #7
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var viewFile = viewLocationResult.Location + "/" + viewLocationResult.Name + "." +

            var response = new HtmlResponse
                                   Contents = stream =>
                                                      var viewModel = model ?? new ExpandoObject();
                                                      var context = new VelocityContext();
                                                      context.Put("Model", viewModel);
                                                      context.Put("Helper", new Helper());
                                                      var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
                                                      var template = velocityEngine.GetTemplate(viewFile);
                                                      template.Merge(context, writer);

            return response;
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext)
            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            var html = renderContext.ViewCache.GetOrAdd(viewLocationResult, result =>
                                                                         string markDown = File.ReadAllText(rootPathProvider.GetRootPath() + viewLocationResult.Location + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + viewLocationResult.Name + ".md");
                                                                         MarkdownOptions options = new MarkdownOptions();
                                                                         options.AutoNewLines = false;
                                                                         var parser = new Markdown(options);
                                                                         return parser.Transform(markDown);

            <p>		- matches the literal string "<p>"
            (		- creates a capture group, so that we can get the text back by backreferencing in our replacement string
            @		- matches the literal string "@"
            [^<]*	- matches any character other than the "<" character and does this any amount of times
            )		- ends the capture group
            </p>	- matches the literal string "</p>"

            var regex = new Regex("<p>(@[^<]*)</p>");
            var serverHtml = regex.Replace(html, "$1");

            var renderHtml = this.engineWrapper.Render(serverHtml, model, new MarkdownViewEngineHost(new NancyViewEngineHost(renderContext), renderContext));

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

            return response;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewLocationResult">A <see cref="ViewLocationResult"/> instance, containing information on how to get the view template.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model that should be passed into the view</param>
        /// <param name="renderContext">The render context.</param>
        /// <param name="isPartial">Used by HtmlHelpers to declare a view as partial</param>
        /// <returns>A response.</returns>
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext, bool isPartial)
            Assembly referencingAssembly = null;

            if (model != null)
                var underlyingSystemType = model.GetType().UnderlyingSystemType;
                if (underlyingSystemType != null)
                    referencingAssembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(underlyingSystemType);

            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer =
                    new StreamWriter(stream);

                var view = this.GetViewInstance(viewLocationResult, renderContext, referencingAssembly, model);

                view.ExecuteView(null, null);

                var body = view.Body;
                var sectionContents = view.SectionContents;

                var layout = view.HasLayout ? view.Layout : GetViewStartLayout(model, renderContext, referencingAssembly, isPartial);

                var root = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layout);

                while (!root)
                    view = this.GetViewInstance(renderContext.LocateView(layout, model), renderContext, referencingAssembly, model);

                    view.ExecuteView(body, sectionContents);

                    body = view.Body;
                    sectionContents = view.SectionContents;

                    layout = view.HasLayout ? view.Layout : GetViewStartLayout(model, renderContext, referencingAssembly, isPartial);

                    root = !view.HasLayout;


            return response;
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewLocationResult">A <see cref="ViewLocationResult"/> instance, containing information on how to get the view template.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model that should be passed into the view</param>
        /// <param name="renderContext">The render context.</param>
        /// <param name="isPartial">Used by HtmlHelpers to declare a view as partial</param>
        /// <returns>A response.</returns>
        public Response RenderView(ViewLocationResult viewLocationResult, dynamic model, IRenderContext renderContext, bool isPartial)
            Assembly referencingAssembly = null;

            var response = new HtmlResponse();

            response.Contents = stream =>
                var writer =
                    new StreamWriter(stream);

                var view = this.GetViewInstance(viewLocationResult, renderContext, model);

                view.ExecuteView(null, null);

                var body = view.Body;
                var sectionContents = view.SectionContents;

                var layout = view.HasLayout ? view.Layout : GetViewStartLayout(model, renderContext, referencingAssembly, isPartial);

                var root = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(layout);

                while (!root)
                    var viewLocation =
                        renderContext.LocateView(layout, model);

                    if (viewLocation == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to locate layout: " + layout);

                    view = this.GetViewInstance(viewLocation, renderContext, model);

                    view.ExecuteView(body, sectionContents);

                    body = view.Body;
                    sectionContents = view.SectionContents;

                    layout = view.HasLayout ? view.Layout : GetViewStartLayout(model, renderContext, referencingAssembly, isPartial);

                    root = !view.HasLayout;


            return response;
    public Response Rewrite(NancyContext context)
      if (!IsCassetteRequest(context)) return null;

      string path;
      if (!TryGetFilePath(context, out path)) return null;

      var file = settings.SourceDirectory.GetFile(path);

//      file.LastWriteTimeUtc

      var hash = fileContentHasher.Hash(path).ToHexString();
      var actualETag = "\"" + hash + "\"";

      //if (request.PathInfo.Contains(hash))
      //  SetFarFutureExpiresHeader(context.Response, actualETag);
      //  NoCache(context.Response);

      var givenETag = context.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"];
      if (givenETag.Contains(actualETag))
        logger.Info("ProcessRequest : File '{0}' not modified", path);
        var notModified = new HtmlResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotModified);
        return notModified;

      context.Request.Url.Path = "/" + path;

      return null;
