public PlayPrediction Predict(Day data) { var playLikelihood = predictLikelihood(avc => avc.Play, data); var notPlayLikelihood = predictLikelihood(avc => avc.NotPlay, data); var combinedLiklihood = playLikelihood + notPlayLikelihood; return playLikelihood > notPlayLikelihood ? new PlayPrediction(true, playLikelihood, playLikelihood / combinedLiklihood) : new PlayPrediction(false, notPlayLikelihood, notPlayLikelihood / combinedLiklihood); }
private double predictLikelihood(Func<AttributeValueCount, int> totalGetter, Day data) { BigInteger totalInCategory = totalGetter(_totalPerCategory); var probabilities = _attributes .Select(a => { var value = a.GetValueFrom(data); var subTotal = totalGetter(a.ValueCounts[value]); return Rational.Get(subTotal, totalInCategory); }) .Concat(new[] { Rational.Get(totalInCategory, _total) }).ToList().AsReadOnly(); return probabilities .Aggregate((double)1, (a, b) => a*(b.ToDouble())); }
/* Implementation of Naive Bayes for the Golf/Weather dataset. * Principles taken from * NOTE: The fellow in the video mis-counts "Sunny" (he counts 2 Yes, 3 No instead of 3 Yes, 2 No), * leading to incorrect probabilities (he calculates 2/9 Yes, 3/5 No rather than 3/9 Yes, 2/5 No) and likelihoods. */ public static void Main(string[] args) { var dataSet = getTrainingDataSet(); Console.WriteLine("Raw DataSet:"); Writer.DataSetTable(dataSet); Console.WriteLine(); var summary = new GolfDayPredictor(dataSet); Console.WriteLine("Naive Bayes has been applied to the DataSet above, which links weather conditions to a decision to play golf or not."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Next, we are given a description of weather conditions on an arbitrary day: "); var novelGolfDay = new Day(Outlook.Sunny, Temp.Cool, Humidity.High, true); var prediction = summary.Predict(novelGolfDay); Writer.DataSetRow(novelGolfDay); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("The Naive Bayes learner predicts:"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("\t"); Writer.Prediction(prediction); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); Console.ReadKey(); }