public void ReadDocBatch(StreamReader file, String line, JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int> vertex) { var elements = line.Split(' '); if (elements[0] == "BEGIN") { int time = Convert.ToInt32(elements[1]); int batch_size = Convert.ToInt32(elements[2]); Message <int, Document> msg = new Message <int, Document>(time, batch_size); for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) { elements = file.ReadLine().Split(' '); msg.put(new Document(Convert.ToInt32(elements[1]), Convert.ToInt32(elements[2]), Convert.ToInt32(elements[3]), elements[4])); } vertex.onReceive(msg); } else if (elements[0] == "END") { vertex.onNotify(Convert.ToInt32(elements[1])); } }
public void ReadAuthorBatch(StreamReader file, String line, JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int> vertex) { var elements = line.Split(' '); if (elements[0] == "BEGIN") { int time = Convert.ToInt32(elements[1]); int batch_size = Convert.ToInt32(elements[2]); Message <int, Author> msg = new Message <int, Author>(time, batch_size); for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) { elements = file.ReadLine().Split(' '); msg.put(new Author(Convert.ToInt32(elements[1]), elements[2], Convert.ToInt32(elements[3]))); } vertex.onReceive(msg); } else if (elements[0] == "END") { // NOTE: This is commented because we don't want to call onNotify // twice for the same time epoch. // vertex.onNotify(Convert.ToInt32(elements[1])); } }
public void Execute(string[] args) { JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int> joinVertex = new JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int>( document => document.authorId, author =>, (document, author) => new JoinOutput(document.title,, author.age)); //PlayData(joinVertex, args[0], args[1]); PlayDataFromMemory(joinVertex, args[0], args[1]); }
public void PlayData(JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int> joinVertex, string docFileName, string authorFileName) { if (File.Exists(docFileName) && File.Exists(authorFileName)) { using (StreamReader docFile = File.OpenText(docFileName)) { using (StreamReader authorFile = File.OpenText(authorFileName)) { bool docEmpty = false; bool authorEmpty = false; while (!docEmpty || !authorEmpty) { var line = docFile.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { ReadDocBatch(docFile, line, joinVertex); } else { docEmpty = true; } line = authorFile.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { ReadAuthorBatch(authorFile, line, joinVertex); } else { authorEmpty = true; } } } } } }
public void PlayDataFromMemory(JoinVertex <Document, Author, int, JoinOutput, int> joinVertex, string docFileName, string authorFileName) { int timeEpoch = 0; RegionLinkedList <Message <int, Document> > msgsDocs; RegionLinkedList <Message <int, Author> > msgsAuthors; using (StreamReader docFile = File.OpenText(docFileName)) { using (StreamReader authorFile = File.OpenText(authorFileName)) { Region inputRegion = RegionAllocator.AllocateRegion(NaiadSimulator.TMP_REGION_SIZE); using (RegionContext regContext = RegionContext.Create(inputRegion)) { bool docEmpty = false; bool authorEmpty = false; msgsDocs = new RegionLinkedList <Message <int, Document> >(); msgsAuthors = new RegionLinkedList <Message <int, Author> >(); while (!docEmpty || !authorEmpty) { var line = docFile.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { var elements = line.Split(' '); if (elements[0] == "BEGIN") { timeEpoch++; msgsDocs.InsertFirst(ReadUtils.ReadDocBatchMemory(docFile, line)); } } else { docEmpty = true; } line = authorFile.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { var elements = line.Split(' '); if (elements[0] == "BEGIN") { msgsAuthors.InsertFirst(ReadUtils.ReadAuthorBatchMemory(authorFile, line)); } } else { authorEmpty = true; } } } } } Int64 start = RegionAllocator.NativeGetPerformanceCounter(); Node <Message <int, Document> > curDocs = msgsDocs.Head; Node <Message <int, Author> > curAuthors = msgsAuthors.Head; while (curDocs != default(Node <Message <int, Document> >) && curAuthors != default(Node <Message <int, Author> >)) { joinVertex.onReceive((Message <int, Document>)curDocs.Data.Clone()); joinVertex.onReceive((Message <int, Author>)curAuthors.Data.Clone()); joinVertex.onNotify(--timeEpoch); curDocs = curDocs.Next; curAuthors = curAuthors.Next; } // NOTE: We do not free the input region because we don't want to include // it in measuring the runtime. The input region is just used as a // mechanism to load the data into memory. Int64 end = RegionAllocator.NativeGetPerformanceCounter(); Utils.Print(end - start); }