public QueueControl(FileCollection collection, MainGUI gui) { this.gui = gui; this.collection = collection; InitializeComponent(); UpdateUI(); }
// Loads an .nzb file public static FileCollection loadFile(string filename) { // Loadtime measuring Performance.Stopwatch sw = new Performance.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument(); FileStream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); // Inits xmlreader with custom resolver for instant dtd file lookup XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.ProhibitDtd = false; settings.XmlResolver = new XmlFileResolver(); // Create new FIleCOllection object FileCollection collection = new FileCollection(getPrettyFilename(filename)); // Parse file into XmlDocument document.Load(XmlReader.Create(stream, settings)); stream.Close(); List<FileJob> files = ParseXML(document, collection); collection.files = files; // Calculate collection size collection.CalculateTotalSize(); // Loadtime measuring sw.Stop(); Logging.Instance.Log("Loading {0}. Took {1}ms", filename, sw.GetElapsedTimeSpan().TotalMilliseconds); return collection; }
// Adds a collection to be handled public void AddCollection(FileCollection collection) { //lock (collections) //{ // collections.Add(collection); //} HandleCollection(collection); }
public void AddCollection(FileCollection collection) { collection.status = CollectionStatus.QUEUED; //collection.queue = NZBFileHandler.genQueue(collection.files); = nextId; nextId++; collections.Add(collection); changed = true; }
public FileJob(ref FileCollection parent) { status = FileJobStatus.QUEUED; saveprogress = 0; this.parent = parent; Random random = new Random(); filename = ""+random.Next(99999); segments = new List<Segment>(); groups = new ArrayList(); complete = false; }
public FileCollection[] getCollections() { FileCollection[] coll = new FileCollection[collections.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < nextId; i++) { foreach (FileCollection col in collections) { if ( == i) { coll[i] = col; break; } } } return coll; }
// Starting point for handling a collection private void HandleCollection(FileCollection collection) { idle = false; StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string mainPar2filename = null; string dir = Properties.Settings.Default.outputPath + "\\" +; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { if (mainPar2filename == null && files[i].EndsWith(".par2")) mainPar2filename = files[i]; System.Console.WriteLine(files[i]); } idle = true; }
public void setCollectionID(FileCollection col, int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < nextId) { if ( > index) { // decrement foreach (FileCollection collection in collections) { if( == index) {; break; } }; } else { // increment foreach (FileCollection collection in collections) { if ( == index) {; break; } }; } } changed = true; }
public void removeCollection(FileCollection collection) { if (currentFileJob != null && currentFileJob.parent == collection) currentFileJob = null; if ( != nextId - 1) { for (int i = + 1; i < nextId; i++) { foreach (FileCollection col in collections) { if ( == i) {; break; } } } } else nextId--; collections.Remove(collection); changed = true; }
//// Generates queues for a filecollection object //public static Queue genQueue(ArrayList list) //{ // Queue queue = new Queue(list.Count); // foreach (FileJob job in list) // { // job.queue = new Queue(job.segments.Count); // foreach (Segment seg in job.segments) // { // job.queue.Enqueue(seg); // } // queue.Enqueue(job); // } // return queue; //} // Parses XML structure into file objects private static List<FileJob> ParseXML(XmlDocument document, FileCollection filecollection) { XmlNodeList nodes = document.GetElementsByTagName("file"); List<FileJob> files = new List<FileJob>(); Random random = new Random(); int collectionID = random.Next(); int fileId = 0; // Parsing for each file node foreach (XmlElement fileNode in nodes) { FileJob filejob = new FileJob(ref filecollection); filejob.filename = ""+collectionID; XmlAttributeCollection collection = fileNode.Attributes; // File Attributes foreach (XmlAttribute attr in collection) { switch (attr.Name) { case "poster": filejob.poster = attr.Value; break; case "date": = int.Parse(attr.Value); break; case "subject": if (attr.Value.Contains("\"")) { // try to get inner filename... try { int first = attr.Value.IndexOf("\"") + 1; string filename = attr.Value.Substring(first, attr.Value.Length - first); filename = filename.Substring(0, filename.IndexOf("\"")); filejob.filename = filejob.filename + "-"+ filename.Substring(0, filename.LastIndexOf(".")+4); } catch (Exception ex) { filejob.filename = filejob.filename+"-"+fileId; } } else filejob.filename = filejob.filename + "-" + fileId; filejob.subject = attr.Value; break; } } int maxnumber = 0; foreach (XmlElement subNode in fileNode.ChildNodes) { if (subNode.Name == "segments") { foreach (XmlElement segmentNode in subNode) { Segment segment = new Segment(); segment.addr = "<"+segmentNode.InnerXml+">"; segment.addr = segment.addr.Replace("&", "&"); segment.setParent(ref filejob); foreach (XmlAttribute attr in segmentNode.Attributes) { switch (attr.Name) { case "bytes": segment.bytes = int.Parse(attr.Value); filejob.size += (ulong)segment.bytes; break; case "number": = int.Parse(attr.Value); if ( > maxnumber) maxnumber =; break; } } // Check and add element to arraylist if ( != 0 && segment.bytes != 0 && segment.addr.Length > 10) filejob.segments.Add(segment); } } else if (subNode.Name == "groups") { filejob.groups.Add(subNode.FirstChild.InnerText); } } filejob.yparts = maxnumber; // Will fail if source isnt yenc // Sort segments filejob.segments.Sort(new SegmentComparer()); files.Add(filejob); fileId++; } return files; }