private void QuitDeskTopResult(BaseControl sender, DialogResult dialogResult) { if (dialogResult == AvengersUTD.Odyssey.UserInterface.RenderableControls.DialogResult.Ok) { NWNXServer.StopNWNX(); Close(); } }
private static void LaunchNWN2Main() { string ipAddress = NWNXServer.GetLocalIPAddress(); //TODO: set the Direct Connect IP = ipAddress, set Direct Connect Password to empty string in nwn2player.ini Process nwLauncher = new Process(); nwLauncher.StartInfo.FileName = NWN2Paths.NWN2MainPath + "\\nwLauncher.exe"; nwLauncher.Start(); //TODO: trigger event to main window so as to hide NWN2CC window }
private void MainWindow_FormClosing(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs e) { NWNXServer.StopNWNX(); Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); }
private void LaunchModule(string startModule, int savedGameSlot) { NWNXServer.nwn2CC = this; NWNXServer.nwn2CCWnd = this.Handle; NWNXServer.LaunchNWNX(startModule, savedGameSlot); }