public override void SetDefaults(VehicleController vc) { base.SetDefaults(vc); speedSensitiveSteeringCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0f, 1f, 0f, 0f), new Keyframe(0.3f, 0.4f, -0.6f, -0.6f), new Keyframe(1f, 0.2f, -0.1f, 0.1f) ); linearity = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe(0, 0, 1, 1), new Keyframe(1, 1, 1, 1)); }
/// <summary> /// First function that gets called on all components. /// VehicleController reference will be null before this function is called. /// </summary> public virtual void Awake(VehicleController vc) { = vc; initialized = false; wasEnabled = false; fullTypeName = GetType().FullName; if (state == null) { state = new StateDefinition(); } state.fullName = fullTypeName; LoadStateFromDefinitionsFile(fullTypeName, ref state); }
public override bool OnNUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { bool isExpanded = base.OnNUI(position, property, label); VehicleController vehicleController = property.serializedObject.targetObject as VehicleController; if (Application.isPlaying) { if (vehicleController != null && vehicleController.stateSettings != null) { DrawStateSettingsBar( position, vehicleController.stateSettings.LODs.Count, property.FindPropertyRelative("state.isOn"), property.FindPropertyRelative("state.isEnabled"), property.FindPropertyRelative("state.lodIndex")); } } return(isExpanded); }
private void Update() { if (!_insideVehicle) { nearVehicle = false; if (!characterObject.activeSelf) { characterObject.SetActive(true); } _enterExitPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(enterExitTag); _nearestEnterExitPoint = null; float nearestSqrDist = Mathf.Infinity; foreach (GameObject eep in _enterExitPoints) { float sqrDist = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(characterObject.transform.position - eep.transform.position); if (sqrDist < nearestSqrDist) { nearestSqrDist = sqrDist; _nearestEnterExitPoint = eep; } } if (_nearestEnterExitPoint == null) { return; } if (Vector3.Magnitude(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane( _nearestEnterExitPoint.transform.position - characterObject.transform.position, Vector3.up)) < enterDistance) { nearVehicle = true; _nearestVehicle = _nearestEnterExitPoint.GetComponentInParent <VehicleController>(); } } if (_insideVehicle) { if (_nearestVehicle.Speed > maxVelocityScript) { damageScript.enabled = true; } else { damageScript.enabled = false; } } bool any = false; foreach (InputProvider i in InputProvider.Instances) { if (i.ChangeVehicle()) { any = true; break; } } if (InputProvider.Instances.Count > 0 && any) { EnterExitVehicle(); } }
public CharacterVehicleChanger(VehicleController nearestVehicle) { this._nearestVehicle = nearestVehicle; }
/// <summary> /// Ran when VehicleController.Validate is called. /// Checks if the component setup is valid and alerts the developer if there are any issues. /// </summary> public virtual void Validate(VehicleController vc) { }
/// <summary> /// Resets component's values to defaults. Also called when Reset is called from inspector. /// </summary> public virtual void SetDefaults(VehicleController vc) { }
/// <summary> /// Equivalent to MonoBehavior's OnDrawGizmosSelected(). /// </summary> public virtual void OnDrawGizmosSelected(VehicleController vc) { }
void Update() { _vc = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController; promptText.text = ""; if (UnityEngine.Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { _canvas.enabled = !_canvas.enabled; } if (CharacterVehicleChanger.Instance != null && CharacterVehicleChanger.Instance.nearVehicle) { promptText.text = "Press V to enter the vehicle."; } if (_vc == null) { return; } if (_vc != _prevVc) { _trailerHitchModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <TrailerHitchModule>(); _flipOverModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <FlipOverModule>(); _absModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <ABSModule>(); _tcsModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <TCSModule>(); _escModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <ESCModule>(); _aeroModule = VehicleChanger.ActiveVehicleController.moduleManager.GetModule <AerodynamicsModule>(); } throttleSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(_vc.input.states.vertical); brakeSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(-_vc.input.states.vertical); clutchSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(_vc.powertrain.clutch.clutchEngagement); handbrakeSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(_vc.input.states.handbrake); horizontalLeftSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(-_vc.input.Horizontal); horizontalRightSlider.value = Mathf.Clamp01(_vc.input.Horizontal); if (_trailerHitchModule != null && _trailerHitchModule.trailerInRange && !_trailerHitchModule.attached) { promptText.text = "Press T to attach the trailer."; } if (_flipOverModule != null && _flipOverModule.manual && _flipOverModule.flippedOver) { promptText.text = "Press P to recover the vehicle."; } if (_absModule != null) { absButton.targetGraphic.color = _absModule.IsEnabled ? enabledColor : disabledColor; } if (_tcsModule != null) { tcsButton.targetGraphic.color = _tcsModule.IsEnabled ? enabledColor : disabledColor; } if (_escModule != null) { escButton.targetGraphic.color = _escModule.IsEnabled ? enabledColor : disabledColor; } if (_aeroModule != null) { aeroButton.targetGraphic.color = _aeroModule.IsEnabled ? enabledColor : disabledColor; } damageButton.targetGraphic.color = _vc.damageHandler.Active ? enabledColor : disabledColor; animationHealth = _vc.damageHandler.Damage; liveConverter = _vc.damageHandler.Damage; live = -_vc.damageHandler.Damage; damageSlider.value = live; _prevVc = _vc; }
public override bool OnInspectorNUI() { if (!base.OnInspectorNUI()) { return(false); } vehicleController = (VehicleController)target; Rect awakeButtonRect = new Rect(drawer.positionRect.x + drawer.positionRect.width - 58f, drawer.positionRect.y - 20f, 56f, 15f); // Draw logo texture Rect logoRect = drawer.positionRect; logoRect.height = 60f; drawer.DrawEditorTexture(logoRect, "NWH Vehicle Physics/Editor/logo_bg", ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop); drawer.DrawEditorTexture( new Rect(logoRect.x + 8f, logoRect.y + 11f, logoRect.width - 8f, logoRect.height - 22f), "NWH Vehicle Physics/Editor/logo_light", ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); drawer.AdvancePosition(logoRect.height); // Draw awake button Color initGUIColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = vehicleController.IsAwake ? NUISettings.enabledColor : NUISettings.disabledColor; GUIStyle awakeButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButton); awakeButtonStyle.fixedHeight = 15f; if (Application.isPlaying) { if (GUI.Button(awakeButtonRect, vehicleController.IsAwake ? "AWAKE" : "ASLEEP", awakeButtonStyle)) { if (vehicleController.IsAwake) { vehicleController.Sleep(); } else { vehicleController.Wake(); } } GUI.color = initGUIColor; // Draw lod text Rect lodRect = awakeButtonRect; lodRect.y += 22f; GUI.Label(lodRect, "LOD " + vehicleController.activeLODIndex, EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel); } GUI.color = initGUIColor; // Draw toolbar int categoryTab = drawer.HorizontalToolbar("categoryTab", new[] { "Sound", "FX", "Powertrain", "Control", "Modules", "Settings" }, true, true); drawer.Space(2); if (categoryTab == 0) // FX { drawer.Property("soundManager"); } else if (categoryTab == 1) { int fxTab = drawer.HorizontalToolbar("fxTab", new[] { "Effects", "Grnd. Det.", "Damage" }, true, true); drawer.Space(2); if (fxTab == 0) // Effects { drawer.Property("effectsManager"); } else if (fxTab == 1) { drawer.Property("groundDetection"); } else if (fxTab == 2) { drawer.Property("damageHandler"); } } else if (categoryTab == 2) // Powertrain { drawer.Property("powertrain"); } // Powertrain else if (categoryTab == 3) // Control { int controlTab = drawer.HorizontalToolbar("controlTab", new[] { "Input", "Steering", "Brakes" }, true, true); switch (controlTab) { case 0: DrawInputTab(); break; case 1: drawer.Property("steering"); break; case 2: drawer.Property("brakes"); break; } } else if (categoryTab == 4) // Modules { DrawModulesTab(vehicleController); } // Modules else if (categoryTab == 5) // Settings { DrawSettingsTab(); } DrawWarnings(); if (drawer.totalHeight < 800) { drawer.totalHeight = 800; } drawer.EndEditor(this); return(true); }
private void DrawModulesTab(VehicleController vc) { drawer.Property("moduleManager"); }