public void LoadTest(string testName) { try { events.FireTestLoading(TestFileName); testDomain = new TestDomain(stdOutWriter, stdErrWriter); Test test = testDomain.Load(TestProject, testName); TestSuite suite = test as TestSuite; if (suite != null) { suite.Sort(); } loadedTest = test; loadedTestName = testName; results = null; reloadPending = false; if (ReloadOnChange) { InstallWatcher( ); } if (suite != null) { events.FireTestLoaded(TestFileName, this.loadedTest); } else { lastException = new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unable to find test {0} in assembly", testName)); events.FireTestLoadFailed(TestFileName, lastException); } } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { lastException = exception; foreach (string assembly in TestProject.ActiveConfig.AbsolutePaths) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assembly) == exception.FileName && !ProjectPath.SamePathOrUnder(testProject.ActiveConfig.BasePath, assembly)) { lastException = new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unable to load {0} because it is not located under the AppBase", exception.FileName), exception); break; } } events.FireTestLoadFailed(TestFileName, lastException); } catch (Exception exception) { lastException = exception; events.FireTestLoadFailed(TestFileName, exception); } }
public string RelativePathTo(string path) { return(ProjectPath.RelativePath(BasePath, path)); }