ReadUInt16() 공개 메소드

public ReadUInt16 ( ushort value ) : ushort
value ushort
리턴 ushort
예제 #1
 private int CharWidth(byte ch)
     if (ch < ' ')
         ch = 64;
     return(_resMan.ReadUInt16(new FrameHeader(_resMan.FetchFrame(_font, (uint)(ch - ' '))).width));
예제 #2
파일: Text.cs 프로젝트: scemino/nscumm
        public Text(ObjectMan objMan, ResMan resMan, bool czechVersion)
            _objMan = objMan;
            _resMan = resMan;
            _textCount = 0;
            _fontId = (uint)(czechVersion ? SwordRes.CZECH_GAME_FONT : SwordRes.GAME_FONT);
            _font = _resMan.OpenFetchRes(_fontId);

            _joinWidth = (ushort)(CharWidth((byte)' ') - 2 * Overlap);
            _charHeight = _resMan.ReadUInt16(new FrameHeader(_resMan.FetchFrame(_font, 0)).height); // all chars have the same height
예제 #3
        public Text(ObjectMan objMan, ResMan resMan, bool czechVersion)
            _objMan    = objMan;
            _resMan    = resMan;
            _textCount = 0;
            _fontId    = (uint)(czechVersion ? SwordRes.CZECH_GAME_FONT : SwordRes.GAME_FONT);
            _font      = _resMan.OpenFetchRes(_fontId);

            _joinWidth  = (ushort)(CharWidth((byte)' ') - 2 * Overlap);
            _charHeight = _resMan.ReadUInt16(new FrameHeader(_resMan.FetchFrame(_font, 0)).height); // all chars have the same height
예제 #4
 public ControlButton(ushort x, ushort y, uint resId, ButtonIds id, byte flag, ResMan pResMan, byte[] screenBuf,
     ISystem system)
     _x = x;
     _y = y;
     _id = id;
     _flag = flag;
     _resId = resId;
     _resMan = pResMan;
     _frameIdx = 0;
     FrameHeader tmp = new FrameHeader(_resMan.FetchFrame(_resMan.FetchRes(_resId), 0));
     _width = _resMan.ReadUInt16(tmp.width);
     _width = (ushort)((_width > Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH) ? Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH : _width);
     _height = _resMan.ReadUInt16(tmp.height);
     if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
     { // center the frame (used for panels);
         _x = (ushort)((((640 - _width) / 2) < 0) ? 0 : ((640 - _width) / 2));
         _y = (ushort)((((480 - _height) / 2) < 0) ? 0 : ((480 - _height) / 2));
     _dstBuf = new ByteAccess(screenBuf, _y * Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH + _x);
     _system = system;
예제 #5
        public ControlButton(ushort x, ushort y, uint resId, ButtonIds id, byte flag, ResMan pResMan, byte[] screenBuf,
                             ISystem system)
            _x        = x;
            _y        = y;
            _id       = id;
            _flag     = flag;
            _resId    = resId;
            _resMan   = pResMan;
            _frameIdx = 0;
            FrameHeader tmp = new FrameHeader(_resMan.FetchFrame(_resMan.FetchRes(_resId), 0));

            _width  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(tmp.width);
            _width  = (ushort)((_width > Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH) ? Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH : _width);
            _height = _resMan.ReadUInt16(tmp.height);
            if ((x == 0) && (y == 0))
            { // center the frame (used for panels);
                _x = (ushort)((((640 - _width) / 2) < 0) ? 0 : ((640 - _width) / 2));
                _y = (ushort)((((480 - _height) / 2) < 0) ? 0 : ((480 - _height) / 2));
            _dstBuf = new ByteAccess(screenBuf, _y * Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH + _x);
            _system = system;
예제 #6
        private void CreatePointer(uint ptrId, uint luggageId)
            _currentPtr = null;

            if (ptrId != 0)
                MousePtr lugg      = null;
                MousePtr ptr       = new MousePtr(_resMan.OpenFetchRes(ptrId));
                ushort   noFrames  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(ptr.numFrames);
                ushort   ptrSizeX  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(ptr.sizeX);
                ushort   ptrSizeY  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(ptr.sizeY);
                ushort   luggSizeX = 0;
                ushort   luggSizeY = 0;
                ushort   resSizeX;
                ushort   resSizeY;

                if (Sword1.SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX) //PSX pointers are half height
                    ptrSizeY *= 2;

                if (luggageId != 0)
                    lugg      = new MousePtr(_resMan.OpenFetchRes(luggageId));
                    luggSizeX = _resMan.ReadUInt16(lugg.sizeX);
                    luggSizeY = _resMan.ReadUInt16(lugg.sizeY);

                    if (SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX)
                        luggSizeY *= 2;

                    resSizeX = Math.Max(ptrSizeX, (ushort)((ptrSizeX / 2) + luggSizeX));
                    resSizeY = Math.Max(ptrSizeY, (ushort)((ptrSizeY / 2) + luggSizeY));
                    resSizeX = ptrSizeX;
                    resSizeY = ptrSizeY;
                _currentPtr           = new MousePtr(new byte[MousePtr.Size + resSizeX * resSizeY * noFrames]);
                _currentPtr.hotSpotX  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(ptr.hotSpotX);
                _currentPtr.hotSpotY  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(ptr.hotSpotY);
                _currentPtr.numFrames = noFrames;
                _currentPtr.sizeX     = resSizeX;
                _currentPtr.sizeY     = resSizeY;
                var ptrData    = _currentPtr;
                var ptrDataOff = MousePtr.Size;
                int dstDataOff = 0;
                ptrData.Data.Set(ptrData.Offset + ptrDataOff, 255, resSizeX * resSizeY * noFrames);
                if (luggageId != 0)
                    dstDataOff = ptrDataOff + resSizeX - luggSizeX;
                    for (uint frameCnt = 0; frameCnt < noFrames; frameCnt++)
                        var luggSrc = MousePtr.Size;
                        dstDataOff += (resSizeY - luggSizeY) * resSizeX;
                        for (uint cnty = 0; cnty < (uint)(SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX ? luggSizeY / 2 : luggSizeY); cnty++)
                            for (uint cntx = 0; cntx < luggSizeX; cntx++)
                                if (lugg.Data[lugg.Offset + luggSrc + cntx] != 0)
                                    ptrData.Data[ptrData.Offset + dstDataOff + cntx] = lugg.Data[lugg.Offset + luggSrc + cntx];

                            if (SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX)
                                dstDataOff += resSizeX;
                                for (uint cntx = 0; cntx < luggSizeX; cntx++)
                                    if (lugg.Data[lugg.Offset + luggSrc + cntx] != 0)
                                        ptrData.Data[ptrData.Offset + dstDataOff + cntx] = lugg.Data[lugg.Offset + luggSrc + cntx];

                            dstDataOff += resSizeX;
                            luggSrc    += luggSizeX;

                dstDataOff = ptrDataOff;
                var srcDataOff = MousePtr.Size;
                for (uint frameCnt = 0; frameCnt < noFrames; frameCnt++)
                    for (uint cnty = 0; cnty < (uint)(SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX ? ptrSizeY / 2 : ptrSizeY); cnty++)
                        for (uint cntx = 0; cntx < ptrSizeX; cntx++)
                            if (ptr.Data[ptr.Offset + srcDataOff + cntx] != 0)
                                ptrData.Data[ptrData.Offset + dstDataOff + cntx] = ptr.Data[ptr.Offset + srcDataOff + cntx];

                        if (SystemVars.Platform == Platform.PSX)
                            dstDataOff += resSizeX;
                            for (uint cntx = 0; cntx < ptrSizeX; cntx++)
                                if (ptr.Data[ptr.Offset + srcDataOff + cntx] != 0)
                                    ptrData.Data[ptrData.Offset + dstDataOff + cntx] = ptr.Data[ptr.Offset + srcDataOff + cntx];

                        srcDataOff += ptrSizeX;
                        dstDataOff += resSizeX;
                    dstDataOff += (resSizeY - ptrSizeY) * resSizeX;
예제 #7
        private void PerformPostProcessing(byte[] screen)
            // TODO: We don't support displaying these in true color yet,
            // nor using the PSX fonts to display subtitles.
            if (SystemVars.Platform == Core.IO.Platform.PSX /* || _decoderType == kVideoDecoderMP2*/)

            if (_movieTexts.Count > 0)
                if (_decoder.CurrentFrame == _movieTexts[0]._startFrame)
                    var text = new ByteAccess(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_movieTexts[0]._text));
                    _textMan.MakeTextSprite(2, text, 600, Text.LetterCol);

                    var frame = new FrameHeader(_textMan.GiveSpriteData(2));
                    _textWidth  = _resMan.ReadUInt16(frame.width);
                    _textHeight = _resMan.ReadUInt16(frame.height);
                    _textX      = 320 - _textWidth / 2;
                    _textY      = 420 - _textHeight;
                    _textColor  = _movieTexts[0]._color;
                if (_decoder.CurrentFrame == _movieTexts[0]._endFrame)
                    _textMan.ReleaseText(2, false);

            ByteAccess src, dst;
            int        x, y;

            if (_textMan.GiveSpriteData(2) != null)
                src         = new ByteAccess(_textMan.GiveSpriteData(2));
                src.Offset += FrameHeader.Size;
                dst         = new ByteAccess(screen, _textY * Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH + _textX * 1);

                for (y = 0; y < _textHeight; y++)
                    for (x = 0; x < _textWidth; x++)
                        switch (src[x])
                        case Text.BorderCol:
                            dst[x] = (byte)GetBlackColor();

                        case Text.LetterCol:
                            dst[x] = (byte)FindTextColor();
                    src.Offset += _textWidth;
                    dst.Offset += Screen.SCREEN_WIDTH;
            else if (_textX != 0 && _textY != 0)
                // If the frame doesn't cover the entire screen, we have to
                // erase the subtitles manually.

                int frameWidth  = _decoder.GetWidth();
                int frameHeight = _decoder.GetHeight();
                int frameX      = (_vm.Settings.Game.Width - frameWidth) / 2;
                int frameY      = (_vm.Settings.Game.Height - frameHeight) / 2;

                dst = new ByteAccess(screen, _textY * _vm.Settings.Game.Width);

                for (y = 0; y < _textHeight; y++)
                    if (_textY + y < frameY || _textY + y >= frameY + frameHeight)
                        dst.Data.Set(dst.Offset + _textX, (byte)GetBlackColor(), _textWidth);
                        if (frameX > _textX)
                            dst.Data.Set(dst.Offset + _textX, (byte)GetBlackColor(), frameX - _textX);
                        if (frameX + frameWidth < _textX + _textWidth)
                            dst.Data.Set(dst.Offset + frameX + frameWidth, (byte)GetBlackColor(), _textX + _textWidth - (frameX + frameWidth));

                    dst.Offset += _vm.Settings.Game.Width;

                _textX = 0;
                _textY = 0;