LoadTilesets() 공개 메소드

public LoadTilesets ( ushort TilesetID ) : void
TilesetID ushort
리턴 void
예제 #1
        public TilesetEditor(ushort TilesetID, string tilesetName)
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.mdi)
                this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance;
            LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "TilesetEditor");
            Text = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("TilesetEditor", "_TITLE"), tilesetName);

            g = new NSMBGraphics();

            this.TilesetID = TilesetID;
            if (TilesetID == 65535)
                // load Jyotyu
                TilesetNumber = 0;
            else if (TilesetID == 65534)
                // load Nohara_sub
                TilesetNumber = 2;
                // load a normal tileset
                TilesetNumber = 1;

            t = g.Tilesets[TilesetNumber];

            objectPickerControl1.CurrentTileset = TilesetNumber;

            tilesetObjectEditor1.load(g, TilesetNumber);


            for(int i = 0; i < t.palettes.Length; i++)

            tileBehaviorPicker.init(new Bitmap[] { t.Map16Buffer }, 16);

            //            graphicsEditor1.SaveGraphics += new GraphicsEditor.SaveGraphicsHandler(graphicsEditor1_SaveGraphics);

            descExists = ROM.UserInfo.descriptions.ContainsKey(TilesetID); //Fild in there are descriptions for the tileset
            deleteDescriptions.Visible = descExists; //Make the appropriate button visible
            createDescriptions.Visible = !descExists;
            tilesetObjectEditor1.descBox.Visible = descExists; //Hide or show the description text box
            tilesetObjectEditor1.descLbl.Visible = descExists;
            if (descExists) {
                descriptions = ROM.UserInfo.descriptions[TilesetID]; //Get the descriptions
                tilesetObjectEditor1.descBox.Text = descriptions[0]; //Fill the description box with that of the first object
            this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe;
예제 #2
        private NSMBTileset loadTileset(ushort TilesetID)
            NSMBGraphics g = new NSMBGraphics();
            int          TilesetNumber;

            if (TilesetID == 65535)
                // load Jyotyu
                TilesetNumber = 0;
            else if (TilesetID == 65534)
                // load Nohara_sub
                TilesetNumber = 2;
                // load a normal tileset
                TilesetNumber = 1;

예제 #3
        public void LevelConfigForm_ReloadTileset()
            GFX.LoadTilesets(Level.Blocks[0][0xC], Level.Blocks[2][2]);


예제 #4
        private NSMBTileset loadTileset(ushort TilesetID)
            NSMBGraphics g = new NSMBGraphics();
            int TilesetNumber;

            if (TilesetID == 65535)
                // load Jyotyu
                TilesetNumber = 0;
            else if (TilesetID == 65534)
                // load Nohara_sub
                TilesetNumber = 2;
                // load a normal tileset
                TilesetNumber = 1;

            return g.Tilesets[TilesetNumber];
예제 #5
        public TilesetEditor(ushort TilesetID, string tilesetName)
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.mdi)
                this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance;
            LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "TilesetEditor");
            savePNG.Filter     = LanguageManager.Get("Filters", "png");
            openPNG.Filter     = LanguageManager.Get("Filters", "png");
            saveTileset.Filter = LanguageManager.Get("Filters", "tileset");
            openTileset.Filter = LanguageManager.Get("Filters", "tileset");

            Text = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("TilesetEditor", "_TITLE"), tilesetName);

            g = new NSMBGraphics();

            this.TilesetID = TilesetID;
            if (TilesetID == 65535)
                // load Jyotyu
                TilesetNumber = 0;
            else if (TilesetID == 65534)
                // load Nohara_sub
                TilesetNumber = 2;
                // load a normal tileset
                TilesetNumber = 1;

            t = g.Tilesets[TilesetNumber];

            objectPickerControl1.CurrentTileset = TilesetNumber;

            tilesetObjectEditor1.load(g, TilesetNumber);


            for (int i = 0; i < t.palettes.Length; i++)

            tileBehaviorPicker.init(new Bitmap[] { t.Map16Buffer }, 16);

//            graphicsEditor1.SaveGraphics += new GraphicsEditor.SaveGraphicsHandler(graphicsEditor1_SaveGraphics);

            descExists = ROM.UserInfo.descriptions.ContainsKey(TilesetID); //Fild in there are descriptions for the tileset
            deleteDescriptions.Visible           = descExists;             //Make the appropriate button visible
            createDescriptions.Visible           = !descExists;
            tilesetObjectEditor1.descBox.Visible = descExists;             //Hide or show the description text box
            tilesetObjectEditor1.descLbl.Visible = descExists;
            if (descExists)
                descriptions = ROM.UserInfo.descriptions[TilesetID]; //Get the descriptions
                tilesetObjectEditor1.descBox.Text = descriptions[0]; //Fill the description box with that of the first object
            this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe;
예제 #6
        private void LoadEditor(string LevelFilename, string LevelName, byte[] LevelFile, byte[] BGDatFile, File LevelFileID, File LevelBGDatFileID)
            coordinateViewer1.EdControl = levelEditorControl1;
            //This is supposed to reduce flickering on stuff like the side panel...
            //But it doesn't :(
                ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
                ControlStyles.UserPaint |
                ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.mdi)
                this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance;
            this.LevelFilename = LevelFilename;

            smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.SmallBlockOverlays;
            showResizeHandles.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.ShowResizeHandles;

            LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "LevelEditor");
            this.Text = LanguageManager.Get("General", "EditingSomething") + " " + LevelName;
            // these need to be added manually
            reloadTilesets.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "reloadTilesets");
            smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem");
            setBgImageButton.Text        = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "setBgImageButton");
            removeBgButton.Text          = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "removeBgButton");
            moveBGToolStripMenuItem.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "moveBGToolStripMenuItem");

            levelEditorControl1.LoadUndoManager(undoButton, redoButton);

            // There's a catch 22 here: Level loading requires graphics. Graphics loading requires level.
            // Therefore, I have a simple loader here which gets this info.
            int  Block1Offset = LevelFile[0] | (LevelFile[1] << 8) | (LevelFile[2] << 16) | (LevelFile[3] << 24);
            int  Block3Offset = LevelFile[16] | (LevelFile[17] << 8) | (LevelFile[18] << 16) | (LevelFile[19] << 24);
            byte TilesetID    = LevelFile[Block1Offset + 0x0C];
            byte BGNSCID      = LevelFile[Block3Offset + 2];

            GFX = new NSMBGraphics();
            GFX.LoadTilesets(TilesetID, BGNSCID);
            if (LevelFileID == null)
                Level = new NSMBLevel(LevelFilename, LevelFile, BGDatFile, GFX);
                Level = new NSMBLevel(LevelFileID, LevelBGDatFileID, LevelFile, BGDatFile, GFX);
            levelEditorControl1.Initialise(GFX, Level, this);

            oem      = new ObjectsEditionMode(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            bgdragem = new BackgroundDragEditionMode(Level, levelEditorControl1);

            levelEditorControl1.minimapctrl = minimapControl1;

            tools       = new ToolsForm(levelEditorControl1);
            MinimapForm = new LevelMinimap(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            levelEditorControl1.minimap = MinimapForm;
            MinimapForm.Text            = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "MinimapTitle"), LevelName);
            minimapControl1.loadMinimap(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe;

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutoBackup > 0)
                backupTimer.Interval = Properties.Settings.Default.AutoBackup * 60000;
예제 #7
        public NSMBLevel(LevelSource source)
            this.source = source;
            this.name = source.getLevelName();
            byte[] eLevelFile = source.getData();
            byte[] eBGFile = source.getBGDatData();

            int FilePos;

            // Level loading time yay.
            // Since I don't know the format for every block, I will just load them raw.
            Blocks = new byte[][] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            FilePos = 0;
            for (int BlockIdx = 0; BlockIdx < 14; BlockIdx++) {
                int BlockOffset = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24;
                FilePos += 4;
                int BlockSize = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24;
                FilePos += 4;

                Blocks[BlockIdx] = new byte[BlockSize];
                Array.Copy(eLevelFile, BlockOffset, Blocks[BlockIdx], 0, BlockSize);

            byte TilesetID = Blocks[0][0x0C];
            byte BGNSCID = Blocks[2][2];
            GFX = new NSMBGraphics();
            GFX.LoadTilesets(TilesetID, BGNSCID);

            // Now objects.

            int ObjectCount = eBGFile.Length / 10;
            Objects = new List<NSMBObject>(ObjectCount);
            FilePos = 0;
            for (int ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectCount; ObjectIdx++) {
                int ObjID = eBGFile[FilePos] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                //int ObjX = eBGFile[FilePos + 2] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                //int ObjY = eBGFile[FilePos + 4] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                int ObjX = BitConverter.ToInt16(eBGFile, FilePos + 2);
                int ObjY = BitConverter.ToInt16(eBGFile, FilePos + 4);
                int ObjWidth = eBGFile[FilePos + 6] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 7] << 8);
                int ObjHeight = eBGFile[FilePos + 8] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 9] << 8);
                Objects.Add(new NSMBObject(ObjID & 4095, (ObjID & 61440) >> 12, ObjX, ObjY, ObjWidth, ObjHeight, GFX));
                FilePos += 10;

             * Sprite struct:
             * Offs Len Dat
             * 0x0   2   Sprite id
             * 0x2   2   X
             * 0x4   2   Y
             * 0x6   6   Dat
             * 0xD   end

            // Sprites
            byte[] SpriteBlock = Blocks[6];
            int SpriteCount = (SpriteBlock.Length - 2) / 12;
            Sprites = new List<NSMBSprite>(SpriteCount);
            FilePos = 0;
            for (int SpriteIdx = 0; SpriteIdx < SpriteCount; SpriteIdx++) {
                NSMBSprite Sprite = new NSMBSprite(this);
                Sprite.Type = SpriteBlock[FilePos] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                Sprite.X = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                Sprite.Y = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                Sprite.Data = new byte[6];
                FilePos += 6;
                Sprite.Data[0] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1];
                Sprite.Data[1] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 0];
                Sprite.Data[2] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5];
                Sprite.Data[3] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4];
                Sprite.Data[4] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3];
                Sprite.Data[5] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2];
//                Array.Copy(SpriteBlock, FilePos + 6, Sprite.Data, 0, 6);
                FilePos += 6;

            // Entrances.
            byte[] EntranceBlock = Blocks[5];
            int EntranceCount = EntranceBlock.Length / 20;
            Entrances = new List<NSMBEntrance>(EntranceCount);
            FilePos = 0;
            for (int EntIdx = 0; EntIdx < EntranceCount; EntIdx++) {
                NSMBEntrance Entrance = new NSMBEntrance();
                Entrance.X = EntranceBlock[FilePos] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                Entrance.Y = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 2] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                Entrance.CameraX = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 4] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                Entrance.CameraY = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 6] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 7] << 8);
                Entrance.Number = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 8];
                Entrance.DestArea = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 9];
                Entrance.ConnectedPipeID = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 10];
                Entrance.DestEntrance = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 12];
                Entrance.Type = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 14];
                Entrance.Settings = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 15];
                Entrance.Unknown1 = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 16];
                Entrance.EntryView = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 18];
                Entrance.Unknown2 = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 19];
                //Array.Copy(EntranceBlock, FilePos, Entrance.Data, 0, 20);
                FilePos += 20;

            // Views
            ByteArrayInputStream ViewBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[7]);
            ByteArrayInputStream CamBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[1]);
            Views = new List<NSMBView>();
            while (ViewBlock.lengthAvailable(16))
                Views.Add(NSMBView.read(ViewBlock, CamBlock));

            // Zones
            ByteArrayInputStream ZoneBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[8]);
            Zones = new List<NSMBView>();
            while (ZoneBlock.lengthAvailable(12))

            // Paths

            ByteArrayInputStream PathBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[10]);
            ByteArrayInputStream PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[12]);

            Paths = new List<NSMBPath>();
            while (!PathBlock.end())
                Paths.Add(NSMBPath.read(PathBlock, PathNodeBlock, false));

            PathBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[9]);
            PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[11]);

            ProgressPaths = new List<NSMBPath>();
            while (!PathBlock.end())
                ProgressPaths.Add(NSMBPath.read(PathBlock, PathNodeBlock, true));

예제 #8
        public NSMBLevel(LevelSource source)
            this.source = source;
            this.name   = source.getLevelName();
            byte[] eLevelFile = source.getData();
            byte[] eBGFile    = source.getBGDatData();

            int FilePos;

            // Level loading time yay.
            // Since I don't know the format for every block, I will just load them raw.
            Blocks = new byte[][] { null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null };

            FilePos = 0;
            for (int BlockIdx = 0; BlockIdx < 14; BlockIdx++)
                int BlockOffset = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24;
                FilePos += 4;
                int BlockSize = eLevelFile[FilePos] | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 1] << 8) | (eLevelFile[FilePos + 2] << 16) | eLevelFile[FilePos + 3] << 24;
                FilePos += 4;

                Blocks[BlockIdx] = new byte[BlockSize];
                Array.Copy(eLevelFile, BlockOffset, Blocks[BlockIdx], 0, BlockSize);

            byte TilesetID = Blocks[0][0x0C];
            byte BGNSCID   = Blocks[2][2];

            GFX = new NSMBGraphics();
            GFX.LoadTilesets(TilesetID, BGNSCID);

            // Now objects.

            int ObjectCount = eBGFile.Length / 10;

            Objects = new List <NSMBObject>(ObjectCount);
            FilePos = 0;

            for (int ObjectIdx = 0; ObjectIdx < ObjectCount; ObjectIdx++)
                int ObjID = eBGFile[FilePos] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                //int ObjX = eBGFile[FilePos + 2] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                //int ObjY = eBGFile[FilePos + 4] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                int ObjX      = BitConverter.ToInt16(eBGFile, FilePos + 2);
                int ObjY      = BitConverter.ToInt16(eBGFile, FilePos + 4);
                int ObjWidth  = eBGFile[FilePos + 6] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 7] << 8);
                int ObjHeight = eBGFile[FilePos + 8] | (eBGFile[FilePos + 9] << 8);
                Objects.Add(new NSMBObject(ObjID & 4095, (ObjID & 61440) >> 12, ObjX, ObjY, ObjWidth, ObjHeight, GFX));
                FilePos += 10;

             * Sprite struct:
             * Offs Len Dat
             * 0x0   2   Sprite id
             * 0x2   2   X
             * 0x4   2   Y
             * 0x6   6   Dat
             * 0xD   end

            // Sprites
            byte[] SpriteBlock = Blocks[6];
            int    SpriteCount = (SpriteBlock.Length - 2) / 12;

            Sprites = new List <NSMBSprite>(SpriteCount);
            FilePos = 0;
            for (int SpriteIdx = 0; SpriteIdx < SpriteCount; SpriteIdx++)
                NSMBSprite Sprite = new NSMBSprite(this);
                Sprite.Type    = SpriteBlock[FilePos] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                Sprite.X       = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                Sprite.Y       = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4] | (SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                Sprite.Data    = new byte[6];
                FilePos       += 6;
                Sprite.Data[0] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 1];
                Sprite.Data[1] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 0];
                Sprite.Data[2] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 5];
                Sprite.Data[3] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 4];
                Sprite.Data[4] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 3];
                Sprite.Data[5] = SpriteBlock[FilePos + 2];
//                Array.Copy(SpriteBlock, FilePos + 6, Sprite.Data, 0, 6);
                FilePos += 6;

            // Entrances.
            byte[] EntranceBlock = Blocks[5];
            int    EntranceCount = EntranceBlock.Length / 20;

            Entrances = new List <NSMBEntrance>(EntranceCount);
            FilePos   = 0;
            for (int EntIdx = 0; EntIdx < EntranceCount; EntIdx++)
                NSMBEntrance Entrance = new NSMBEntrance();
                Entrance.X               = EntranceBlock[FilePos] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 1] << 8);
                Entrance.Y               = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 2] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 3] << 8);
                Entrance.CameraX         = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 4] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 5] << 8);
                Entrance.CameraY         = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 6] | (EntranceBlock[FilePos + 7] << 8);
                Entrance.Number          = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 8];
                Entrance.DestArea        = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 9];
                Entrance.ConnectedPipeID = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 10];
                Entrance.DestEntrance    = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 12];
                Entrance.Type            = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 14];
                Entrance.Settings        = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 15];
                Entrance.Unknown1        = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 16];
                Entrance.EntryView       = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 18];
                Entrance.Unknown2        = EntranceBlock[FilePos + 19];
                //Array.Copy(EntranceBlock, FilePos, Entrance.Data, 0, 20);
                FilePos += 20;

            // Views
            ByteArrayInputStream ViewBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[7]);
            ByteArrayInputStream CamBlock  = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[1]);

            Views = new List <NSMBView>();
            while (ViewBlock.lengthAvailable(16))
                Views.Add(NSMBView.read(ViewBlock, CamBlock));

            // Zones
            ByteArrayInputStream ZoneBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[8]);

            Zones = new List <NSMBView>();
            while (ZoneBlock.lengthAvailable(12))

            // Paths

            ByteArrayInputStream PathBlock     = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[10]);
            ByteArrayInputStream PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[12]);

            Paths = new List <NSMBPath>();
            while (!PathBlock.end())
                Paths.Add(NSMBPath.read(PathBlock, PathNodeBlock, false));

            PathBlock     = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[9]);
            PathNodeBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(Blocks[11]);

            ProgressPaths = new List <NSMBPath>();
            while (!PathBlock.end())
                ProgressPaths.Add(NSMBPath.read(PathBlock, PathNodeBlock, true));

예제 #9
        private void LoadEditor(string LevelFilename, string LevelName, byte[] LevelFile, byte[] BGDatFile, File LevelFileID, File LevelBGDatFileID) {
            coordinateViewer1.EdControl = levelEditorControl1;
            //This is supposed to reduce flickering on stuff like the side panel...
            //But it doesn't :(
              ControlStyles.UserPaint |
              ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); 

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.mdi)
                this.MdiParent = MdiParentForm.instance;
            this.LevelFilename = LevelFilename;

            smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.SmallBlockOverlays;
<<<<<<< HEAD
            showBGs.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.showBG;
            showResizeHandles.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.ShowResizeHandles;
>>>>>>> upstream/master

            LanguageManager.ApplyToContainer(this, "LevelEditor");
            this.Text = LanguageManager.Get("General", "EditingSomething") + " " + LevelName;
            // these need to be added manually
            reloadTilesets.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "reloadTilesets");
            smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "smallBlockOverlaysToolStripMenuItem");
            setBgImageButton.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "setBgImageButton");
            removeBgButton.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "removeBgButton");
            moveBGToolStripMenuItem.Text = LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "moveBGToolStripMenuItem");

            levelEditorControl1.LoadUndoManager(undoButton, redoButton);

            // There's a catch 22 here: Level loading requires graphics. Graphics loading requires level.
            // Therefore, I have a simple loader here which gets this info.
            int Block1Offset = LevelFile[0] | (LevelFile[1] << 8) | (LevelFile[2] << 16) | (LevelFile[3] << 24);
            int Block3Offset = LevelFile[16] | (LevelFile[17] << 8) | (LevelFile[18] << 16) | (LevelFile[19] << 24);
            byte TilesetID = LevelFile[Block1Offset + 0x0C];
            byte BGNSCID = LevelFile[Block3Offset + 2];

            GFX = new NSMBGraphics();
            GFX.LoadTilesets(TilesetID, BGNSCID);

            Level = new NSMBLevel(LevelFileID, LevelBGDatFileID, LevelFile, BGDatFile, GFX);
            levelEditorControl1.Initialise(GFX, Level, this);

            oem = new ObjectsEditionMode(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            bgdragem = new BackgroundDragEditionMode(Level, levelEditorControl1);

            levelEditorControl1.minimapctrl = minimapControl1;

            tools = new ToolsForm(levelEditorControl1);
            MinimapForm = new LevelMinimap(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            levelEditorControl1.minimap = MinimapForm;
            MinimapForm.Text = string.Format(LanguageManager.Get("LevelEditor", "MinimapTitle"), LevelName);
            minimapControl1.loadMinimap(Level, levelEditorControl1);
            this.Icon = Properties.Resources.nsmbe;

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutoBackup > 0)
                backupTimer.Interval = Properties.Settings.Default.AutoBackup * 60000;