예제 #1
 public void Initialize(ProblemDefinition problem, Randomization randomObj)
     for (int i = 0; i < IndList.Count; i++)
         IndList[i].Initialize(problem, randomObj);
예제 #2
        /* Routine to perform non-dominated sorting */
        static void fill_nondominated_sort(Population mixedPop, Population newPop, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
            int flag;
            int i, j;
            int end;
            int frontSize;
            int archieveSize;
            int rank = 1;
            Lists pool;
            Lists elite;
            Lists temp1, temp2;
            pool = new Lists();
            elite = new Lists();
            frontSize = 0;
            archieveSize = 0;
            pool.index = -1;
            pool.parent = null;
            pool.child = null;
            elite.index = -1;
            elite.parent = null;
            elite.child = null;
            temp1 = pool;
            for (i = 0; i < 2 * problemObj.PopulationSize; i++)
                Insert(temp1, i);
                temp1 = temp1.child;
            i = 0;
                temp1 = pool.child;
                Insert(elite, temp1.index);
                frontSize = 1;
                temp2 = elite.child;
                temp1 = Delete(temp1);
                temp1 = temp1.child;
                    temp2 = elite.child;
                    if (temp1 == null)
                        end = 0;
                        flag = CheckDominance(mixedPop.IndList[temp1.index], mixedPop.IndList[temp2.index], problemObj);
                        if (flag == 1)
                            Insert(pool, temp2.index);
                            temp2 = Delete(temp2);
                            temp2 = temp2.child;
                        if (flag == 0)
                            temp2 = temp2.child;
                        if (flag == -1)
                            end = 1;
                    while (end != 1 && temp2 != null);
                    if (flag == 0 || flag == 1)
                        Insert(elite, temp1.index);
                        temp1 = Delete(temp1);
                    temp1 = temp1.child;
                while (temp1 != null);
                temp2 = elite.child;
                j = i;
                if (archieveSize + frontSize <= problemObj.PopulationSize)
                        newPop.IndList[i].Copy(mixedPop.IndList[temp2.index], problemObj);
                        //CopyIndividual(mixedPop.IndList[temp2.index], newPop.IndList[i]);

                        newPop.IndList[i].Rank = rank;
                        archieveSize += 1;
                        temp2 = temp2.child;
                        i += 1;
                    while (temp2 != null);
                    assign_crowding_distance_indices(newPop, j, i - 1, problemObj, randomizationObj);
                    rank += 1;
                    crowding_fill(mixedPop, newPop, i, frontSize, elite, problemObj, randomizationObj);
                    archieveSize = problemObj.PopulationSize;
                    for (j = i; j < problemObj.PopulationSize; j++)
                        newPop.IndList[j].Rank = rank;
                temp2 = elite.child;
                    temp2 = Delete(temp2);
                    temp2 = temp2.child;
                while (elite.child != null);
            while (archieveSize < problemObj.PopulationSize);
예제 #3
        /* Routine to fill a population with individuals in the decreasing order of crowding distance */
        static void crowding_fill(Population mixedPop, Population newPop, int count, int frontSize, Lists elite, ProblemDefinition ProblemObj, Randomization RandomizationObj)
            int[] dist;
            Lists temp;
            int i, j;
            assign_crowding_distance_list(mixedPop, elite.child, frontSize, ProblemObj, RandomizationObj);
            dist = new int[frontSize];
            temp = elite.child;
            for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
                dist[j] = temp.index;
                temp = temp.child;
            quicksort_dist(mixedPop, dist, frontSize, RandomizationObj);
            for (i = count, j = frontSize - 1; i < ProblemObj.PopulationSize; i++, j--)
                newPop.IndList[i].Copy(mixedPop.IndList[dist[j]], ProblemObj);
                //CopyIndividual(mixedPop.IndList[dist[j]], newPop.IndList[i]);
                //newPop.IndList[i] = new Individual(mixedPop.IndList[dist[j]], ProblemObj);

예제 #4
 /* Function to cross two individuals */
 static void Crossover(Individual parent1, Individual parent2, Individual child1, Individual child2, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     if (problemObj.RealVariableCount != 0)
         RealCrossover(parent1, parent2, child1, child2, problemObj, randomizationObj);
     if (problemObj.BinaryVariableCount != 0)
         BinaryCrossover(parent1, parent2, child1, child2, problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #5
 /* Routine for binary mutation of an individual */
 static void BinaryMutate(Individual ind, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int j, k;
     double prob;
     for (j = 0; j < problemObj.BinaryVariableCount; j++)
         for (k = 0; k < problemObj.Nbits[j]; k++)
             prob = randomizationObj.RandomPercent();
             if (prob <= problemObj.BinaryMutationProbability)
                 if (ind.Gene[j][k] == 0)
                     ind.Gene[j][k] = 1;
                     ind.Gene[j][k] = 0;
                 problemObj.BinaryMutationCount += 1;
예제 #6
 /* Actual implementation of the randomized quick sort used to sort a population based on a particular objective chosen */
 static void q_sort_front_obj(Population pop, int objcount, int[] objArray, int left, int right, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int index;
     int temp;
     int i, j;
     double pivot;
     if (left < right)
         index = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(left, right);
         temp = objArray[right];
         objArray[right] = objArray[index];
         objArray[index] = temp;
         pivot = pop.IndList[objArray[right]].Obj[objcount];
         i = left - 1;
         for (j = left; j < right; j++)
             if (pop.IndList[objArray[j]].Obj[objcount] <= pivot)
                 i += 1;
                 temp = objArray[j];
                 objArray[j] = objArray[i];
                 objArray[i] = temp;
         index = i + 1;
         temp = objArray[index];
         objArray[index] = objArray[right];
         objArray[right] = temp;
         q_sort_front_obj(pop, objcount, objArray, left, index - 1, randomizationObj);
         q_sort_front_obj(pop, objcount, objArray, index + 1, right, randomizationObj);
예제 #7
 /* Randomized quick sort routine to sort a population based on crowding distance */
 static void quicksort_dist(Population pop, int[] dist, int frontSize, Randomization randomizationObj)
     q_sort_dist(pop, dist, 0, frontSize - 1, randomizationObj);
예제 #8
 /* Routine to compute crowding distances */
 static void assign_crowding_distance(Population pop, int[] dist, int[][] objArray, int frontSize, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int i, j;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.ObjectiveCount; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
             objArray[i][j] = dist[j];
         quicksort_front_obj(pop, i, objArray[i], frontSize, randomizationObj);
     for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
         pop.IndList[dist[j]].CrowdDist = 0.0;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.ObjectiveCount; i++)
         pop.IndList[objArray[i][0]].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.ObjectiveCount; i++)
         for (j = 1; j < frontSize - 1; j++)
             if (pop.IndList[objArray[i][j]].CrowdDist != problemObj.Inf)
                 if (pop.IndList[objArray[i][frontSize - 1]].Obj[i] == pop.IndList[objArray[i][0]].Obj[i])
                     pop.IndList[objArray[i][j]].CrowdDist += 0.0;
                     pop.IndList[objArray[i][j]].CrowdDist += (pop.IndList[objArray[i][j + 1]].Obj[i] - pop.IndList[objArray[i][j - 1]].Obj[i]) / (pop.IndList[objArray[i][frontSize - 1]].Obj[i] - pop.IndList[objArray[i][0]].Obj[i]);
     for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
         if (pop.IndList[dist[j]].CrowdDist != problemObj.Inf)
             pop.IndList[dist[j]].CrowdDist = pop.IndList[dist[j]].CrowdDist / problemObj.ObjectiveCount;
예제 #9
        /* Routine to compute crowding distance based on objective function values when the population in in the form of an array */
        static void assign_crowding_distance_indices(Population pop, int c1, int c2, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
            int[][] objArray;
            int[] dist;
            int i, j;
            int frontSize;
            frontSize = c2 - c1 + 1;
            if (frontSize == 1)
                pop.IndList[c1].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
            if (frontSize == 2)
                pop.IndList[c1].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
                pop.IndList[c2].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
            dist = new int[frontSize];
            objArray = new int[problemObj.ObjectiveCount][];
            //obj_array = (int**)malloc(ProblemObj.ObjectiveCount * sizeof(int*));
            for (i = 0; i < problemObj.ObjectiveCount; i++)
                objArray[i] = new int[frontSize];

            for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
                dist[j] = c1++;
            assign_crowding_distance(pop, dist, objArray, frontSize, problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #10
 /* Routine for binary Tournament */
 static Individual Tournament(Individual ind1, Individual ind2, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     var flag = CheckDominance(ind1, ind2, problemObj);
     if (flag == 1)
         return ind1;
     if (flag == -1)
         return ind2;
     if (ind1.CrowdDist > ind2.CrowdDist)
         return ind1;
     if (ind2.CrowdDist > ind1.CrowdDist)
         return ind2;
     if (randomizationObj.RandomPercent() <= 0.5)
         return ind1;
         return ind2;
예제 #11
        public UCTProblem(double dSeed, int nPopulation, int nMaxGeneration, int nObjective, int nConstraint, bool useBinary, double crossProbability, double mutateProbability, bool usePlot = false, DisabledCollisions disableOptions = DisabledCollisions.None)
            CurrentGeneration = 0;
            Seed = dSeed;
            if (Seed <= 0.0 || Seed >= 1.0)
                Console.WriteLine("\n Entered seed value is wrong, seed value must be in (0,1) \n");
                Seed = 0.75;

            UsePlot = usePlot;

            var title = RandomTitle.GetRandomTitle();

            ProblemObj = new ProblemDefinition(title)
                PopulationSize = nPopulation,
                MaxGeneration = nMaxGeneration,
                ObjectiveCount = nObjective,
                ConstraintCount = nConstraint,
                BinaryVariableCount = 0,
                RealVariableCount = 0,
                DisabledCollisions = disableOptions


            if (useBinary)
                ProblemObj.BinaryVariableCount = ProblemObj.CourseList.Count;


                ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability = crossProbability;
                if (ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability < 0.0 || ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability > 1.0)
                    ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability = 0.75;

                ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability = mutateProbability;
                if (ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability < 0.0 || ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability > 1.0)
                    ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability = 0.0232558;
                ProblemObj.BinaryVariableCount = ProblemObj.CourseList.Count;


                ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability = crossProbability;
                if (ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability < 0.0 || ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability > 1.0)
                    ProblemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability = 0.75;

                ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability = mutateProbability;
                if (ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability < 0.0 || ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability > 1.0)
                    ProblemObj.BinaryMutationProbability = 0.0232558;


            RandomizationObj = new Randomization(dSeed);

            _displayObj = new Display();
            InitDisplay(true, true, new[] { 0, 1, 2 });



예제 #12
 /* Routine for Tournament Selection, it creates a newPopulation from oldPopulation by performing Tournament Selection and the Crossover */
 static void Selection(Population oldPopulation, Population newPopulation, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int[] a1, a2; //todo: optmizasyon
     int temp;
     int i;
     int rand;
     Individual parent1, parent2;
     a1 = new int[problemObj.PopulationSize];
     a2 = new int[problemObj.PopulationSize];
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.PopulationSize; i++)
         a1[i] = a2[i] = i;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.PopulationSize; i++)
         rand = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(i, problemObj.PopulationSize - 1);
         temp = a1[rand];
         a1[rand] = a1[i];
         a1[i] = temp;
         rand = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(i, problemObj.PopulationSize - 1);
         temp = a2[rand];
         a2[rand] = a2[i];
         a2[i] = temp;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.PopulationSize; i += 4)
         parent1 = Tournament(oldPopulation.IndList[a1[i]], oldPopulation.IndList[a1[i + 1]], problemObj, randomizationObj);
         parent2 = Tournament(oldPopulation.IndList[a1[i + 2]], oldPopulation.IndList[a1[i + 3]], problemObj, randomizationObj);
         Crossover(parent1, parent2, newPopulation.IndList[i], newPopulation.IndList[i + 1], problemObj, randomizationObj);
         parent1 = Tournament(oldPopulation.IndList[a2[i]], oldPopulation.IndList[a2[i + 1]], problemObj, randomizationObj);
         parent2 = Tournament(oldPopulation.IndList[a2[i + 2]], oldPopulation.IndList[a2[i + 3]], problemObj, randomizationObj);
         Crossover(parent1, parent2, newPopulation.IndList[i + 2], newPopulation.IndList[i + 3], problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #13
 /* Routine for real polynomial mutation of an individual */
 static void RealMutate(Individual ind, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int j;
     double rnd, delta1, delta2, mutPow, deltaq;
     double y, yl, yu, val, xy;
     for (j = 0; j < problemObj.RealVariableCount; j++)
         if (randomizationObj.RandomPercent() <= problemObj.RealMutationProbability)
             y = ind.Xreal[j];
             yl = problemObj.MinRealvar[j];
             yu = problemObj.MaxRealvar[j];
             delta1 = (y - yl) / (yu - yl);
             delta2 = (yu - y) / (yu - yl);
             rnd = randomizationObj.RandomPercent();
             mutPow = 1.0 / (problemObj.MutationDistributionIndex + 1.0);
             if (rnd <= 0.5)
                 xy = 1.0 - delta1;
                 val = 2.0 * rnd + (1.0 - 2.0 * rnd) * Math.Pow(xy, problemObj.MutationDistributionIndex + 1.0);
                 deltaq = Math.Pow(val, mutPow) - 1.0;
                 xy = 1.0 - delta2;
                 val = 2.0 * (1.0 - rnd) + 2.0 * (rnd - 0.5) * Math.Pow(xy, problemObj.MutationDistributionIndex + 1.0);
                 deltaq = 1.0 - Math.Pow(val, mutPow);
             y = y + deltaq * (yu - yl);
             if (y < yl)
                 y = yl;
             if (y > yu)
                 y = yu;
             ind.Xreal[j] = y;
             problemObj.RealMutationCount += 1;
예제 #14
 /* Routine for real variable SBX Crossover */
 static void RealCrossover(Individual parent1, Individual parent2, Individual child1, Individual child2, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int i;
     double rand;
     double y1, y2, yl, yu;
     double c1, c2;
     double alpha, beta, betaq;
     if (randomizationObj.RandomPercent() <= problemObj.RealCrossoverProbability)
         for (i = 0; i < problemObj.RealVariableCount; i++)
             if (randomizationObj.RandomPercent() <= 0.5)
                 if (Math.Abs(parent1.Xreal[i] - parent2.Xreal[i]) > problemObj.Eps)
                     if (parent1.Xreal[i] < parent2.Xreal[i])
                         y1 = parent1.Xreal[i];
                         y2 = parent2.Xreal[i];
                         y1 = parent2.Xreal[i];
                         y2 = parent1.Xreal[i];
                     yl = problemObj.MinRealvar[i];
                     yu = problemObj.MaxRealvar[i];
                     rand = randomizationObj.RandomPercent();
                     beta = 1.0 + 2.0 * (y1 - yl) / (y2 - y1);
                     alpha = 2.0 - Math.Pow(beta, -(problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                     if (rand <= 1.0 / alpha)
                         betaq = Math.Pow(rand * alpha, 1.0 / (problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                         betaq = Math.Pow(1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha), 1.0 / (problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                     c1 = 0.5 * (y1 + y2 - betaq * (y2 - y1));
                     beta = 1.0 + 2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1);
                     alpha = 2.0 - Math.Pow(beta, -(problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                     if (rand <= 1.0 / alpha)
                         betaq = Math.Pow(rand * alpha, 1.0 / (problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                         betaq = Math.Pow(1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha), 1.0 / (problemObj.CrossoverDistributionIndex + 1.0));
                     c2 = 0.5 * (y1 + y2 + betaq * (y2 - y1));
                     if (c1 < yl)
                         c1 = yl;
                     if (c2 < yl)
                         c2 = yl;
                     if (c1 > yu)
                         c1 = yu;
                     if (c2 > yu)
                         c2 = yu;
                     if (randomizationObj.RandomPercent() <= 0.5)
                         child1.Xreal[i] = c2;
                         child2.Xreal[i] = c1;
                         child1.Xreal[i] = c1;
                         child2.Xreal[i] = c2;
                     child1.Xreal[i] = parent1.Xreal[i];
                     child2.Xreal[i] = parent2.Xreal[i];
                 child1.Xreal[i] = parent1.Xreal[i];
                 child2.Xreal[i] = parent2.Xreal[i];
         for (i = 0; i < problemObj.RealVariableCount; i++)
             child1.Xreal[i] = parent1.Xreal[i];
             child2.Xreal[i] = parent2.Xreal[i];
예제 #15
 /* Function to perform mutation of an individual */
 static void MutateIndividual(Individual ind, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     if (problemObj.RealVariableCount != 0)
         RealMutate(ind, problemObj, randomizationObj);
     if (problemObj.BinaryVariableCount != 0)
         BinaryMutate(ind, problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #16
 /* Routine to compute crowding distance based on ojbective function values when the population in in the form of a list */
 static void assign_crowding_distance_list(Population pop, Lists lst, int frontSize, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int[][] objArray;
     int[] dist;
     int i, j;
     Lists temp;
     temp = lst;
     if (frontSize == 1)
         pop.IndList[lst.index].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
     if (frontSize == 2)
         pop.IndList[lst.index].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
         pop.IndList[lst.child.index].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;
     dist = new int[frontSize];
     objArray = new int[problemObj.ObjectiveCount][];
     //obj_array = (int**)malloc(ProblemObj.ObjectiveCount * sizeof(int*));
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.ObjectiveCount; i++)
         objArray[i] = new int[frontSize];
     for (j = 0; j < frontSize; j++)
         dist[j] = temp.index;
         temp = temp.child;
     assign_crowding_distance(pop, dist, objArray, frontSize, problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #17
 /* Function to perform mutation in a population */
 static void MutatePopulation(Population pop, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.PopulationSize; i++)
         MutateIndividual(pop.IndList[i], problemObj, randomizationObj);
예제 #18
        /* Function to assign rank and crowding distance to a population of size pop_size*/
        static void assign_rank_and_crowding_distance(Population newPopulation, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
            int flag;
            int i;
            int end;
            int frontSize;
            int rank = 1;
            Lists orig;
            Lists cur;
            Lists temp1, temp2;
            orig = new Lists();
            cur = new Lists();

            orig.index = -1;
            orig.parent = null;
            orig.child = null;
            cur.index = -1;
            cur.parent = null;
            cur.child = null;
            temp1 = orig;
            for (i = 0; i < problemObj.PopulationSize; i++)
                Insert(temp1, i);
                temp1 = temp1.child;
                if (orig.child != null && orig.child.child == null)
                    newPopulation.IndList[orig.child.index].Rank = rank;
                    newPopulation.IndList[orig.child.index].CrowdDist = problemObj.Inf;

                temp1 = orig.child;
                Insert(cur, temp1.index);
                frontSize = 1;
                temp2 = cur.child;
                temp1 = Delete(temp1);
                temp1 = temp1.child;
                    temp2 = cur.child;
                        end = 0;
                        flag = CheckDominance(newPopulation.IndList[temp1.index], newPopulation.IndList[temp2.index], problemObj);
                        if (flag == 1)
                            Insert(orig, temp2.index);
                            temp2 = Delete(temp2);
                            temp2 = temp2.child;
                        if (flag == 0)
                            temp2 = temp2.child;
                        if (flag == -1)
                            end = 1;
                    while (end != 1 && temp2 != null);
                    if (flag == 0 || flag == 1)
                        Insert(cur, temp1.index);
                        temp1 = Delete(temp1);
                    temp1 = temp1.child;
                while (temp1 != null);
                temp2 = cur.child;
                    newPopulation.IndList[temp2.index].Rank = rank;
                    temp2 = temp2.child;
                while (temp2 != null);
                assign_crowding_distance_list(newPopulation, cur.child, frontSize, problemObj, randomizationObj);
                temp2 = cur.child;
                    temp2 = Delete(temp2);
                    temp2 = temp2.child;
                while (cur.child != null);
                rank += 1;
            while (orig.child != null);
예제 #19
 /* Randomized quick sort routine to sort a population based on a particular objective chosen */
 static void quicksort_front_obj(Population pop, int objcount, int[] objArray, int objArraySize, Randomization randomizationObj)
     q_sort_front_obj(pop, objcount, objArray, 0, objArraySize - 1, randomizationObj);
예제 #20
 /* Routine for two point binary Crossover */
 static void BinaryCrossover(Individual parent1, Individual parent2, Individual child1, Individual child2, ProblemDefinition problemObj, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int i, j;
     double rand;
     int temp, site1, site2;
     for (i = 0; i < problemObj.BinaryVariableCount; i++)
         rand = randomizationObj.RandomPercent();
         if (rand <= problemObj.BinaryCrossoverProbability)
             site1 = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(0, problemObj.Nbits[i] - 1);
             site2 = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(0, problemObj.Nbits[i] - 1);
             if (site1 > site2)
                 temp = site1;
                 site1 = site2;
                 site2 = temp;
             for (j = 0; j < site1; j++)
                 child1.Gene[i][j] = parent1.Gene[i][j];
                 child2.Gene[i][j] = parent2.Gene[i][j];
             for (j = site1; j < site2; j++)
                 child1.Gene[i][j] = parent2.Gene[i][j];
                 child2.Gene[i][j] = parent1.Gene[i][j];
             for (j = site2; j < problemObj.Nbits[i]; j++)
                 child1.Gene[i][j] = parent1.Gene[i][j];
                 child2.Gene[i][j] = parent2.Gene[i][j];
             for (j = 0; j < problemObj.Nbits[i]; j++)
                 child1.Gene[i][j] = parent1.Gene[i][j];
                 child2.Gene[i][j] = parent2.Gene[i][j];
예제 #21
 /* Function to initialize an individual randomly */
 public void Initialize(ProblemDefinition problem, Randomization randomObj)
     int j;
     if (problem.RealVariableCount != 0)
         for (j = 0; j < problem.RealVariableCount; j++)
             Xreal[j] = randomObj.RandomDouble(problem.MinRealvar[j], problem.MaxRealvar[j]);
     if (problem.BinaryVariableCount != 0)
         for (j = 0; j < problem.BinaryVariableCount; j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < problem.Nbits[j]; k++)
                 if (randomObj.RandomPercent() <= 0.5)
                     Gene[j][k] = 0;
                     Gene[j][k] = 1;
예제 #22
 /* Actual implementation of the randomized quick sort used to sort a population based on crowding distance */
 static void q_sort_dist(Population pop, int[] dist, int left, int right, Randomization randomizationObj)
     int index;
     int temp;
     int i, j;
     double pivot;
     if (left < right)
         index = randomizationObj.RandomInteger(left, right);
         temp = dist[right];
         dist[right] = dist[index];
         dist[index] = temp;
         pivot = pop.IndList[dist[right]].CrowdDist;
         i = left - 1;
         for (j = left; j < right; j++)
             if (pop.IndList[dist[j]].CrowdDist <= pivot)
                 i += 1;
                 temp = dist[j];
                 dist[j] = dist[i];
                 dist[i] = temp;
         index = i + 1;
         temp = dist[index];
         dist[index] = dist[right];
         dist[right] = temp;
         q_sort_dist(pop, dist, left, index - 1, randomizationObj);
         q_sort_dist(pop, dist, index + 1, right, randomizationObj);