async void importClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { JObject data = MatchParameters.initializeEventsObject(); try { JObject importJSON = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(importData.Text); if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches") || importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches")) { if (!data.ContainsKey("Matches")) { data.Add(new JProperty("Matches", new JArray())); } await addMatchItemsChecker(data, importJSON); } if (importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { if (!data.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { data.Add(new JProperty("PitNotes", new JArray())); } await addPitItemsChecker(data, importJSON); } Preferences.Set("matchEventsString", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(true); } else { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } } catch (JsonReaderException) { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } }
async void importClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { JObject data = MatchParameters.initializeEventsObject(); if (data.ContainsKey("")) { data.Remove(""); } if (importData.Text.ToLower().Contains("")) { try { String response = new WebClient().DownloadString(importData.Text); importData.Text = response; } catch { await DisplayAlert("Error", "No Internet!", "OK"); return; } } try { JObject import = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(importData.Text); foreach (JProperty temp in import.Properties()) { Debug.WriteLine(temp); JObject importJSON = new JObject(); //importJSON = importJSON; try { importJSON = temp.Value.ToObject <JObject>(); if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches") || importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches")) { await addMatchItemsChecker(data, importJSON, (String)temp.Name); //TODO } if (importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { await addPitItemsChecker(data, importJSON, (String)temp.Name); //TODO } Debug.WriteLine("final" + data); Preferences.Set(ConstantVars.APP_DATA_STORAGE, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(); } else { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } } catch { } } } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex); await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } }
async void backClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var text = await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Do you want to discard progress?", "Yes", "No"); if (text) { NewMatchStart.isTimerRunning = false; s.setEventButtons(true); s.setSlider(0); MatchParameters.clearMatchItems(); Children.Remove(s); Navigation.PopAsync(); } }
void saveClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Disables save button so app doesn't crash when user taps many times saveButton.IsEnabled = false; vals[vals.Length - 1] = newName.ToString(); Dictionary <String, object> s = new Dictionary <String, object> (); for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length - 1; i++) { s.Add("q" + i, vals[i]); } s.Add("team", newName); JObject notes = JObject.FromObject(s); if (isAllEmpty(notes)) { try { Navigation.PopAsync(true); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } clearMatchItems(); } else { //Adds or creates new JObject to start all data in app cache JObject dataMain = MatchParameters.initializeEventsObject(); JObject data = (JObject)dataMain[Preferences.Get(ConstantVars.CURRENT_EVENT_NAME, "")]; if (!data.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { data.Add(new JProperty("PitNotes", new JArray())); pushBackToHome(dataMain, data, new JArray(), notes); } else { JArray temp = (JArray)data["PitNotes"]; if (temp.ToList().Exists(x => x["team"].Equals(notes["team"]))) { var item = temp.ToList().Find(x => (int)x["team"] == (int)notes["team"]); temp.Remove(item); for (int i = 0; i < ConstantVars.QUESTIONS.Length; i++) { try { item["q" + (i)] = giveNewString(item["q" + i].ToString(), notes["q" + (i)].ToString()); } catch { } } } pushBackToHome(dataMain, data, temp, notes); } } }
void saveClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Disables save button so app doesn't crash when user taps many times saveButton.IsEnabled = false; = Preferences.Get("teamStart", "oof"); JObject notes = JObject.FromObject(vals); if (isAllEmpty(notes)) { try { if (Matches.appRestore == false) { Navigation.PopToRootAsync(true); } else if (Matches.appRestore == true) { Matches.appRestore = false; Navigation.PopAsync(true); } } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) { } clearMatchItems(); } else { //Adds or creates new JObject to start all data in app cache JObject data = MatchParameters.initializeEventsObject(); if (!data.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { data.Add(new JProperty("PitNotes", new JArray())); pushBackToHome(data, new JArray(), notes); } else { JArray temp = (JArray)data["PitNotes"]; if (temp.ToList().Exists(x => x["team"].Equals(notes["team"]))) { var item = temp.ToList().Find(x => x["team"].Equals(notes["team"])); temp.Remove(item); for (int i = 0; i < ConstantVars.QUESTIONS.Length; i++) { item["q" + (i)] = giveNewString(item["q" + (i)].ToString(), notes["q" + (i)].ToString()); } } pushBackToHome(data, temp, notes); } } }
async void importClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { JObject data = MatchParameters.initializeEventsObject(); if (importData.Text.ToLower().Contains("")) { try { String response = new WebClient().DownloadString(importData.Text); importData.Text = response; } catch { await DisplayAlert("Error", "No Internet!", "OK"); return; } } try { JObject importJSON = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(importData.Text); if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches") || importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { if (importJSON.ContainsKey("Matches")) { if (!data.ContainsKey("Matches")) { data.Add(new JProperty("Matches", new JArray())); } await addMatchItemsChecker(data, importJSON); } if (importJSON.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { if (!data.ContainsKey("PitNotes")) { data.Add(new JProperty("PitNotes", new JArray())); } await addPitItemsChecker(data, importJSON); } Preferences.Set("matchEventsString", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); await PopupNavigation.Instance.PopAsync(true); } else { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } } catch (JsonReaderException) { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Error in Data", "OK"); } }
async void backClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var text = await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Do you want to discard progress?", "Yes", "No"); if (text) { MatchParameters.clearMatchItems(); if (Matches.appRestore == false) { Matches.appRestore = false; Navigation.PopToRootAsync(true); } else if (Matches.appRestore == true) { Matches.appRestore = false; Navigation.PopAsync(true); } } }