async void openClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { await Task.Run(async() => { JObject val = JObject.Parse(returnMatchJSONText(jsonIndex)); JObject parameters = new JObject(); foreach (var x in val) { if (!x.Key.Equals("numEvents")) { parameters.Add(x.Key, x.Value); } else { break; } } Preferences.Set("tempParams", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters.ToObject <MatchFormat.EntryParams> ())); = MatchFormat.JSONEventsToObject(val); CubeDroppedDialog.saveEvents(); Preferences.Set("timerValue", Convert.ToInt32(val.Property("timerValue").Value)); Preferences.Set("teamStart", val.Property("team").Value.ToString()); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Navigation.PushAsync(new MatchEntryEditTab() { Title = val.Property("team").Value.ToString() }); }); }); }
async void resetClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { var ensure = await DisplayActionSheet("Are you sure you want to reset everything about this match?", ConstantVars.CANCEL, null, ConstantVars.YES); if (ensure == ConstantVars.YES) { events.Clear(); CubeDroppedDialog.saveEvents(); timeSlider.Value = 0; isTimerRunning = false; climbTime = 0; } }
void climbClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!isTimerRunning) { DisplayAlert("Error", "Timer not Started", "OK"); } else if (climbTime == 0) { //Adds info to to JSON about climb climbTime = (int)timerValue; events.Add(new MatchFormat.Data { time = climbTime, type = (int)MatchFormat.ACTION.startClimb }); CubeDroppedDialog.saveEvents(); setClimbButton(); } }
async void cubeClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!isTimerRunning) { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Timer not Started", "OK"); } else if (cubePicked.Text == ConstantVars.ITEM_PICKED_TEXT_LIVE) { //Performs actions to open popup for adding cube dropped, etc pickedTime = (int)timerValue; Preferences.Set("lastItemPicked", (int)pickedTime); String action = ""; while (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action)) { action = await DisplayActionSheet("Choose Pick Type:", ConstantVars.CANCEL, null, ConstantVars.PICK_1_TEXT, ConstantVars.PICK_2_TEXT); } if (!action.ToString().Equals(ConstantVars.CANCEL)) { if (action.ToString().Equals(ConstantVars.PICK_1_TEXT)) { events.Add(new MatchFormat.Data { time = (int)pickedTime, type = (int)MatchFormat.ACTION.pick1 }); } else if (action.ToString().Equals(ConstantVars.PICK_2_TEXT)) { events.Add(new MatchFormat.Data { time = (int)pickedTime, type = (int)MatchFormat.ACTION.pick2 }); } cubePicked.Image = ConstantVars.ITEM_DROPPED_IMAGE_LIVE; cubePicked.Text = ConstantVars.ITEM_DROPPED_TEXT_LIVE; CubeDroppedDialog.saveEvents(); } } else if (cubePicked.Text == ConstantVars.ITEM_DROPPED_TEXT_LIVE) { //Performs action/s to open popup for adding cube dropped, etc droppedTime = (int)timerValue; await Navigation.PushAsync(new CubeDroppedDialog()); cubePicked.Image = ConstantVars.ITEM_PICKED_IMAGE_LIVE; cubePicked.Text = ConstantVars.ITEM_PICKED_TEXT_LIVE; } }
void removeAtIndex(int index) {; eventsList.RemoveAt(index); CubeDroppedDialog.saveEvents(); }