public static SYS_UserView Do_Agent_Login(string usercode, string password) { LINQ_SystemDataContext dc = new LINQ_SystemDataContext(); string encryptpassword = Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(password, ""); return((from c in dc.SYS_UserViews where (c.Email.ToLower() == usercode.ToLower() || c.UserCode.ToLower() == usercode.ToLower()) && c.Active == true && c.Password == encryptpassword select c).FirstOrDefault()); }
public static string do_signup(string fname, string lname, string orgid, string email, string password, string provider) { var result = Controllers.Controller_Common.do_verifyemail(email); if (result != "ok") { return("Error~ Your email address is invalid!"); } if (IsSystemUserAlreadyExistByEmail(email)) { return("Error~ This email address is already registered!"); } try { string encryptpassword = provider == "sbs"? Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(password, ""):string.Empty; LINQ_SystemDataContext dc = new LINQ_SystemDataContext(); SYS_User the_record = new SYS_User { UserID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), UserName = fname.Trim() + " " + lname.Trim(), UserCode = string.Empty, Email = email, OrgID = orgid, Password = encryptpassword, ContactInfo = string.Empty, CreatedBy = "4", CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = "4", ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now, RoleID = "32232403-daa3-4a09-9615-a88285ba3735", LastAction = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), LastLogin = DateTime.Now, Active = true, Note = string.Empty, Ref_ID = string.Empty, Ref_Type = string.Empty }; dc.SYS_Users.InsertOnSubmit(the_record); dc.SubmitChanges(); return("Success~" + the_record.UserID); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Error~" + ex.Message); } }
public static string Do_Change_Password(string userid, string oldpassword, string newpassword) { LINQ_SystemDataContext dc = new LINQ_SystemDataContext(); SYS_User currentuser = (from c in dc.SYS_Users where c.UserID == userid && c.Password == Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(oldpassword, "") && c.Active == true select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (currentuser != null) { currentuser.Password = Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(newpassword, ""); currentuser.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; currentuser.ModifiedBy = userid; currentuser.LastAction = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); dc.SubmitChanges(); return("Success~"); } else { return("Error~Your Old Password Is Not Valid Please Chack Your Old Password And Try Again"); } }
public static string SaveUser( string record_id, string user_id, string user_code, string user_name, string user_email, string password, string contactinfo, string note, string role_id, string dep_id, string pos_id, string RequestID) { try { LINQ_SystemDataContext dc = new LINQ_SystemDataContext(); SYS_User the_record = new SYS_User(); SYS_UserView the_view = new SYS_UserView(); if (record_id == "" || record_id == null) { the_record = (from c in dc.SYS_Users where c.UserCode == user_code && c.Active == true && ((user_id == "") || (user_id != "" && c.UserID != user_id)) select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (the_record == null) { //Security Check if (!Controller_User_Access.CheckProgramAccess(AccessProgramCode, RequestID, "create")) { throw new Exception("No Access."); } string encryptpassword = Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(password, ""); the_record = new SYS_User() { Password = encryptpassword, LastLogin = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = user_id, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, Active = true, UserID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), LastAction = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Ref_ID = "", IsLoggedIn = true, Ref_Type = "", OrgID = "", }; dc.SYS_Users.InsertOnSubmit(the_record); } else { return("DuplicateCode~"); } } else { //Security Check if (!Controller_User_Access.CheckProgramAccess(AccessProgramCode, RequestID, "update")) { throw new Exception("No Access."); } the_record = (from c in dc.SYS_Users where c.UserID == record_id select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (the_record == null) { throw new Exception("System cannot find the record"); } } the_record.ModifiedBy = user_id; the_record.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; the_record.LastAction = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); the_record.UserName = user_name; the_record.UserCode = user_code; the_record.Email = user_email; the_record.ContactInfo = contactinfo; the_record.Note = note; the_record.RoleID = role_id; the_record.DepartmentID = dep_id; the_record.PositionID = pos_id; dc.SubmitChanges(); return("Success~" + the_record.UserID); } catch (Exception ex) { return("Error~" + ex.Message); } }
public static Return_login Do_Login(string usercode, string password) { LINQ_SystemDataContext dc = new LINQ_SystemDataContext(); Return_login return_login = new Return_login(); string encryptpassword = Controller_TextEncryption.Encrypt(password, ""); var the_userview = (from c in dc.SYS_UserViews where (c.Email.ToLower() == usercode.ToLower() || c.UserCode.ToLower() == usercode.ToLower() || c.Email == usercode) && c.Active == true && c.Password == encryptpassword select new SYS_UserView { UserID = c.UserID, UserCode = c.UserCode, UserName = c.UserName, Email = c.Email, Ref_Type = c.Ref_Type, Ref_ID = c.Ref_ID, RoleID = c.RoleID, RoleCode = c.RoleCode, DepartmentID = c.DepartmentID, DepartmentName = c.DepartmentName }).FirstOrDefault(); return_login.user_data = the_userview; if (the_userview != null) { SYS_UserRoleProgramView usercontrol = (from c in dc.SYS_UserRoleProgramViews where c.RoleID == the_userview.RoleID && c.ProgramCode == "UserControl" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (usercontrol != null) { Access usercontrol_access = new Access { AllowView = usercontrol.AllowView, AllowDelete = usercontrol.AllowDelete, AllowUpdate = usercontrol.AllowUpdate, AllowCreate = usercontrol.AllowCreate, AllowDecision = usercontrol.AllowDecision, AllowAllDepartment = usercontrol.AllowAllDepartment }; return_login.UserControl = usercontrol_access; } SYS_UserRoleProgramView meetingrequst = (from c in dc.SYS_UserRoleProgramViews where c.RoleID == the_userview.RoleID && c.ProgramCode == "MeetingRequest" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (meetingrequst != null) { Access meetingrequst_access = new Access { AllowView = meetingrequst.AllowView, AllowDelete = meetingrequst.AllowDelete, AllowCreate = meetingrequst.AllowCreate, AllowUpdate = meetingrequst.AllowUpdate, AllowDecision = meetingrequst.AllowDecision, AllowAllDepartment = meetingrequst.AllowAllDepartment }; return_login.MeetingRequest = meetingrequst_access; } SYS_UserRoleProgramView sysConfig = (from c in dc.SYS_UserRoleProgramViews where c.RoleID == the_userview.RoleID && c.ProgramCode == "SysConfig" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (sysConfig != null) { Access sysConfig_access = new Access { AllowView = sysConfig.AllowView, AllowDelete = sysConfig.AllowDelete, AllowCreate = sysConfig.AllowCreate, AllowUpdate = sysConfig.AllowUpdate, AllowDecision = sysConfig.AllowDecision, AllowAllDepartment = sysConfig.AllowAllDepartment }; return_login.SysConfig = sysConfig_access; } SYS_UserRoleProgramView meetingAgenda = (from c in dc.SYS_UserRoleProgramViews where c.RoleID == the_userview.RoleID && c.ProgramCode == "MeetingAgenda" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (meetingAgenda != null) { Access meetingAgenda_access = new Access { AllowView = meetingAgenda.AllowView, AllowDelete = meetingAgenda.AllowDelete, AllowCreate = meetingAgenda.AllowCreate, AllowUpdate = meetingAgenda.AllowUpdate, AllowDecision = meetingAgenda.AllowDecision, AllowAllDepartment = meetingAgenda.AllowAllDepartment }; return_login.MeetingAgenda = meetingAgenda_access; } SYS_UserRoleProgramView meetingMinute = (from c in dc.SYS_UserRoleProgramViews where c.RoleID == the_userview.RoleID && c.ProgramCode == "MeetingMinute" select c).FirstOrDefault(); if (meetingMinute != null) { Access meetingMinute_access = new Access { AllowView = meetingMinute.AllowView, AllowDelete = meetingMinute.AllowDelete, AllowCreate = meetingMinute.AllowCreate, AllowUpdate = meetingMinute.AllowUpdate, AllowDecision = meetingMinute.AllowDecision, AllowAllDepartment = meetingMinute.AllowAllDepartment }; return_login.MeetingMinute = meetingMinute_access; } } return(return_login); }