public void FindDateFirstLine() { string filenamePath = @"TestData\Production NALBANT Jan-Jul16 2015.xls"; FileStream _fileStream = new FileStream(filenamePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IWorkbook _workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(_fileStream); _fileStream.Close(); //formulas of the Workbook are evaluated and an instance of a data formatter is created IFormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(_workbook); DataFormatter dataFormatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(new CultureInfo("en-US")); // End initialize ISheet _worksheet = _workbook.GetSheet("Iul 2015"); IRow firstRow = _worksheet.GetRow(0); int numrows = firstRow.LastCellNum; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string result = " "; foreach (ICell cell in firstRow) { if (cell.StringCellValue != "") { var Title = cell.StringCellValue; var Date = Title.Substring(Title.Length - 10, 10); DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(Date); int currentYear = now.Year; int currentMonth = now.Month; if (dt.Year == currentYear) { if (dt.Month == currentMonth) { result = Date; break; } } } } Assert.AreEqual(result, "31.07.2015"); }
public ToxySpreadsheet Parse() { if (!File.Exists(Context.Path)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + Context.Path + " is not found"); bool hasHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("HasHeader")) { hasHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["HasHeader"]); } bool extractHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetHeader")) { extractHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetHeader"]); } bool extractFooter = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetFooter")) { extractFooter = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetFooter"]); } bool showCalculatedResult = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ShowCalculatedResult")) { showCalculatedResult = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ShowCalculatedResult"]); } bool fillBlankCells = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("FillBlankCells")) { fillBlankCells = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["FillBlankCells"]); } bool includeComment = true; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("IncludeComments")) { includeComment = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["IncludeComments"]); } ToxySpreadsheet ss = new ToxySpreadsheet(); ss.Name = Context.Path; IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(Context.Path); HSSFDataFormatter formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); for (int i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++) { ToxyTable table = Parse(workbook, i, extractHeader, extractFooter, hasHeader, fillBlankCells, includeComment, formatter); ss.Tables.Add(table); } return ss; }
private FormatBase GetFormat(double cellValue, int formatIndex, String formatStr) { FormatBase format = (FormatBase)formats[formatStr]; if (format != null) { return(format); } if (formatStr.Equals("General")) { if (HSSFDataFormatter.IsWholeNumber(cellValue)) { return(generalWholeNumFormat); } return(generalDecimalNumFormat); } format = CreateFormat(cellValue, formatIndex, formatStr); formats[formatStr] = format; return(format); }
public void iterateData() { string filenamePath = @"TestData\Production NALBANT Jan-Jul16 2015.xls"; FileStream _fileStream = new FileStream(filenamePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IWorkbook _workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(_fileStream); _fileStream.Close(); //formulas of the Workbook are evaluated and an instance of a data formatter is created IFormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(_workbook); DataFormatter dataFormatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(new CultureInfo("en-US")); // End initialize ISheet _worksheet = _workbook.GetSheet("Iul 2015"); int FirstRow = 0; int LastDay = 0; foreach (IRow row in _worksheet) { //Index to find sheet header (first row) if (row.GetCell(0) != null && row.GetCell(1).NumericCellValue == 1) { FirstRow = row.RowNum; int c = 1; //Index to find last column (day) with value while (row.GetCell(c).NumericCellValue <= 31) { LastDay = row.GetCell(c).ColumnIndex; if(_worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + 24).GetCell(c).NumericCellValue == 0) { break; } c++; } break; } } DataTable results = new DataTable(); results.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime)); results.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double)); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime ProdDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1); DateTime InitialDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1); bool TheEnd = false; double Data = 0; //start iteration per day for (int day = 1; day <= LastDay; day++) { for (int hour = 1; hour <= 24; hour++) { if (_worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + hour).GetCell(day) == null) { TheEnd = true; break; } // ProdDate = ProdDate(now.Year, now.Month, 1); ProdDate = InitialDate.Date.AddDays(day - 1).AddHours(hour); Data = _worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + hour).GetCell(day).NumericCellValue; results.Rows.Add(ProdDate, Data); } if (TheEnd == true) { break; } } Assert.AreEqual(Data, 0.254); }
public void SetUp() { // One or more test methods depends on the american culture. System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); // create the formatter to Test formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); // create a workbook to Test with wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet(); IDataFormat format = wb.CreateDataFormat(); // create a row and Put some cells in it IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0); // date value for July 8 1901 1:19 PM double dateNum = 555.555; // date value for July 8 1901 11:23 AM double timeNum = 555.47431; //valid date formats -- all should have "Jul" in output String[] goodDatePatterns = { "[$-F800]dddd\\,\\ mmmm\\ dd\\,\\ yyyy", "mmm/d/yy\\ h:mm PM;@", "mmmm/d/yy\\ h:mm;@", "mmmm/d;@", "mmmm/d/yy;@", "mmm/dd/yy;@", "[$-409]d\\-mmm;@", "[$-409]d\\-mmm\\-yy;@", "[$-409]dd\\-mmm\\-yy;@", "[$-409]mmm\\-yy;@", "[$-409]mmmm\\-yy;@", "[$-409]mmmm\\ d\\,\\ yyyy;@", "[$-409]mmm/d/yy\\ h:mm:ss;@", "[$-409]mmmm/d/yy\\ h:mm:ss am;@", "[$-409]mmmmm;@", "[$-409]mmmmm\\-yy;@", "mmmm/d/yyyy;@", "[$-409]d\\-mmm\\-yyyy;@" }; //valid time formats - all should have 11:23 in output String[] goodTimePatterns = { "HH:MM", "HH:MM:SS", "HH:MM;HH:MM;HH:MM", // This is fun - blue if positive time, // red if negative time or green for zero! "[BLUE]HH:MM;[RED]HH:MM;[GREEN]HH:MM", "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm", "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", }; // valid number formats String[] goodNumPatterns = { "#,##0.0000", "#,##0;[Red]#,##0", "(#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)", "($#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)", "$#,##0.00", "[$-809]#,##0.00", // international format "[$-2]#,##0.00", // international format "0000.00000%", "0.000E+00", "0.00E+00", "[BLACK]0.00;[COLOR 5]##.##", }; // invalid date formats -- will throw exception in DecimalFormat ctor String[] badNumPatterns = { "#,#$'#0.0000", "'#','#ABC#0;##,##0", "000 '123 4'5'6 000", "#''0#0'1#10L16EE" }; // create cells with good date patterns for (int i = 0; i < goodDatePatterns.Length; i++) { ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(dateNum); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat(goodDatePatterns[i])); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } row = sheet.CreateRow(1); // create cells with time patterns for (int i = 0; i < goodTimePatterns.Length; i++) { ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(timeNum); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat(goodTimePatterns[i])); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } row = sheet.CreateRow(2); // create cells with num patterns for (int i = 0; i < goodNumPatterns.Length; i++) { ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(-1234567890.12345); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat(goodNumPatterns[i])); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } row = sheet.CreateRow(3); // create cells with bad num patterns for (int i = 0; i < badNumPatterns.Length; i++) { ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(1234567890.12345); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat(badNumPatterns[i])); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } // Built in formats { // Zip + 4 format row = sheet.CreateRow(4); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(123456789); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat("00000-0000")); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } { // Phone number format row = sheet.CreateRow(5); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(5551234567D); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat("[<=9999999]###-####;(###) ###-####")); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } { // SSN format row = sheet.CreateRow(6); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(444551234); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat("000-00-0000")); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } { // formula cell row = sheet.CreateRow(7); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellType(CellType.FORMULA); cell.CellFormula = (/*setter*/"SUM(12.25,12.25)/100"); ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cellStyle.DataFormat = (/*setter*/format.GetFormat("##.00%;")); cell.CellStyle = (/*setter*/cellStyle); } }
public void TestFromFile() { IWorkbook workbook = HSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleWorkbook("Formatting.xls"); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); HSSFDataFormatter f = new HSSFDataFormatter(); // This one is one of the nasty auto-locale changing ones... Assert.AreEqual("dd/mm/yyyy", sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("m/d/yy", sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("11/24/06", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(1))); Assert.AreEqual("yyyy/mm/dd", sheet.GetRow(2).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("yyyy/mm/dd", sheet.GetRow(2).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("2006/11/24", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(2).GetCell(1))); Assert.AreEqual("yyyy-mm-dd", sheet.GetRow(3).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("yyyy\\-mm\\-dd", sheet.GetRow(3).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("2006-11-24", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(3).GetCell(1))); Assert.AreEqual("yy/mm/dd", sheet.GetRow(4).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("yy/mm/dd", sheet.GetRow(4).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("06/11/24", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(4).GetCell(1))); // Another builtin fun one Assert.AreEqual("dd/mm/yy", sheet.GetRow(5).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("d/m/yy;@", sheet.GetRow(5).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("24/11/06", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(5).GetCell(1))); Assert.AreEqual("dd-mm-yy", sheet.GetRow(6).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("dd\\-mm\\-yy", sheet.GetRow(6).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("24-11-06", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(6).GetCell(1))); // Another builtin fun one Assert.AreEqual("nn.nn", sheet.GetRow(9).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("General", sheet.GetRow(9).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("10.52", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(9).GetCell(1))); // text isn't quite the format rule... Assert.AreEqual("nn.nnn", sheet.GetRow(10).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("0.000", sheet.GetRow(10).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("10.520", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(10).GetCell(1))); // text isn't quite the format rule... Assert.AreEqual("nn.n", sheet.GetRow(11).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("0.0", sheet.GetRow(11).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("10.5", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(11).GetCell(1))); // text isn't quite the format rule... Assert.AreEqual("\u00a3nn.nn", sheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual("\"\u00a3\"#,##0.00", sheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(1).CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); Assert.AreEqual("\u00a310.52", f.FormatCellValue(sheet.GetRow(12).GetCell(1))); }
public void TestGeneralAtFormat() { IWorkbook workbook = HSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleWorkbook("47154.xls"); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); IRow row = sheet.GetRow(0); ICell cellA1 = row.GetCell(0); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.NUMERIC, cellA1.CellType); Assert.AreEqual(2345.0, cellA1.NumericCellValue, 0.0001); Assert.AreEqual("@", cellA1.CellStyle.GetDataFormatString()); HSSFDataFormatter f = new HSSFDataFormatter(); Assert.AreEqual("2345", f.FormatCellValue(cellA1)); }
public void iterateData() { var mockConfigProvider = new Mock<IConfigurationProvider>(); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetHourlyPlantsString()).Returns("MAREE01"); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetMeasureSourceFor1HResolution()).Returns("CLIENTE1H"); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetDataVariable()).Returns("E"); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetResolution()).Returns("1H"); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetEXIMToGnarumOffsetHours()).Returns(-1); mockConfigProvider.Setup(x => x.GetMeasureValueMultiplier()).Returns(1000); var apiPlant = new ApiPlant { Id = "NALBAN01", Technology = "EO", CountryCode = "ES", RegionCode = "28", TimeZone = "E. Europe Standard Time", Latitude = 40.4293, Longitude = -3.6574, Power = 22668 }; var mockPlantService = new Mock<IPlantService>(); mockPlantService.Setup(x => x.GetPlant("NALBAN01")).Returns(apiPlant); string filenamePath = @"TestData\Production NALBANT Jan-Jul22 2015.xls"; FileStream _fileStream = new FileStream(filenamePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IWorkbook _workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(_fileStream); _fileStream.Close(); //formulas of the Workbook are evaluated and an instance of a data formatter is created IFormulaEvaluator formulaEvaluator = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(_workbook); DataFormatter dataFormatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(new CultureInfo("en-US")); MeasureFileExtracter measureFile = new MeasureFileExtracter(mockConfigProvider.Object, mockPlantService.Object); // End initialize ISheet _worksheet = _workbook.GetSheet("Iul 2015"); int FirstRow = 0; int LastDay = 0; foreach (IRow row in _worksheet) { //Index to find sheet header (first row) if (row.GetCell(0) != null && row.GetCell(1).NumericCellValue == 1) { FirstRow = row.RowNum; int c = 1; //Index to find last column (day) with value while (row.GetCell(c).NumericCellValue <= 31) { LastDay = row.GetCell(c).ColumnIndex; //check that there is some value for the iterated day by going to the SUM cell at the end if (_worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + 25).GetCell(c).NumericCellValue == 0) { break; } c++; } break; } } //DataTable results = new DataTable(); //results.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime)); //results.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(double)); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTime ProdDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1); DateTime InitialDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1); bool TheEnd = false; double Data = 0; var result = new List<Measure>(); //start iteration per day for (int day = 1; day <= LastDay; day++) { //get every hour in the sheet for (int hour = 1; hour <= 24; hour++) { //it will finish reading when a blank cell is found var check = _worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + hour).GetCell(day); if (check.ToString() == "") { TheEnd = true; break; } Data = _worksheet.GetRow(FirstRow + hour).GetCell(day).NumericCellValue; // ProdDate = ProdDate(now.Year, now.Month, 1); ProdDate = InitialDate.Date.AddDays(day - 1).AddHours(hour); var measure = measureFile.ProcessLine(ProdDate, Data, apiPlant); result.Add(measure); } if (TheEnd == true) { break; } } Assert.AreEqual(Data, 0.254); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExcelExtractor"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="wb">The wb.</param> public ExcelExtractor(HSSFWorkbook wb) : base(wb) { this.wb = wb; _formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); }
ToxyTable Parse(IWorkbook workbook, int sheetIndex, bool extractHeader, bool extractFooter, bool hasHeader, bool fillBlankCells, bool includeComment, HSSFDataFormatter formatter) { ToxyTable table = new ToxyTable(); if (workbook.NumberOfSheets - 1 < sheetIndex) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("This file only contains {0} sheet(s).", workbook.NumberOfSheets)); } ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(sheetIndex); table.Name = sheet.SheetName; if (extractHeader && sheet.Header != null) { table.PageHeader = sheet.Header.Left + "|" + sheet.Header.Center + "|" + sheet.Header.Right; } if (extractFooter && sheet.Footer != null) { table.PageFooter = sheet.Footer.Left + "|" + sheet.Footer.Center + "|" + sheet.Footer.Right; } bool firstRow = true; table.LastRowIndex = sheet.LastRowNum; foreach (IRow row in sheet) { ToxyRow tr = null; if (!hasHeader || !firstRow) { tr = new ToxyRow(row.RowNum); } else if (hasHeader && firstRow) { table.HeaderRows.Add(new ToxyRow(row.RowNum)); } foreach (ICell cell in row) { if (hasHeader && firstRow) { table.HeaderRows[0].Cells.Add(new ToxyCell(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.ToString())); } else { if (tr.LastCellIndex < cell.ColumnIndex) { tr.LastCellIndex = cell.ColumnIndex; } ToxyCell c = new ToxyCell(cell.ColumnIndex, formatter.FormatCellValue(cell)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.ToString())) { tr.Cells.Add(c); } else if (fillBlankCells) { tr.Cells.Add(c); } if (includeComment && cell.CellComment != null) { c.Comment = cell.CellComment.String.String; } } } if (tr != null) { tr.RowIndex = row.RowNum; table.Rows.Add(tr); if (table.LastColumnIndex < tr.LastCellIndex) table.LastColumnIndex = tr.LastCellIndex; } if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; } } for (int j = 0; j < sheet.NumMergedRegions; j++) { var range = sheet.GetMergedRegion(j); table.MergeCells.Add(new MergeCellRange() { FirstRow = range.FirstRow, FirstColumn = range.FirstColumn, LastRow = range.LastRow, LastColumn = range.LastColumn }); } return table; }
public ToxyTable Parse(int sheetIndex) { if (!File.Exists(Context.Path)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + Context.Path + " is not found"); bool hasHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("HasHeader")) { hasHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["HasHeader"]); } bool extractHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetHeader")) { extractHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetHeader"]); } bool extractFooter = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetFooter")) { extractFooter = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetFooter"]); } bool showCalculatedResult = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ShowCalculatedResult")) { showCalculatedResult = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ShowCalculatedResult"]); } bool fillBlankCells = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("FillBlankCells")) { fillBlankCells = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["FillBlankCells"]); } bool includeComment = true; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("IncludeComments")) { includeComment = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["IncludeComments"]); } IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(Context.Path); HSSFDataFormatter formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); return Parse(workbook, sheetIndex, extractHeader, extractFooter, hasHeader, fillBlankCells, includeComment, formatter); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string representation of the cell /// This method returns a simple representation, /// anthing more complex should be in user code, with /// knowledge of the semantics of the sheet being Processed. /// Formula cells return the formula string, /// rather than the formula result. /// Dates are Displayed in dd-MMM-yyyy format /// Errors are Displayed as #ERR<errIdx> /// </summary> public override String ToString() { string format = this.CellStyle.GetDataFormatString(); HSSFDataFormatter formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); return formatter.FormatCellValue(this); }
public ToxySpreadsheet Parse() { if (!File.Exists(Context.Path)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + Context.Path + " is not found"); bool hasHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("GenerateColumnHeader")) { hasHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["GenerateColumnHeader"]); } bool extractHeader = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetHeader")) { extractHeader = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetHeader"]); } bool extractFooter = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ExtractSheetFooter")) { extractFooter = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ExtractSheetFooter"]); } bool showCalculatedResult = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("ShowCalculatedResult")) { showCalculatedResult = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["ShowCalculatedResult"]); } bool fillBlankCells = false; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("FillBlankCells")) { fillBlankCells = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["FillBlankCells"]); } bool includeComment = true; if (Context.Properties.ContainsKey("IncludeComments")) { includeComment = Utility.IsTrue(Context.Properties["IncludeComments"]); } ToxySpreadsheet ss = new ToxySpreadsheet(); ss.Name = Context.Path; IWorkbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.Create(Context.Path); HSSFDataFormatter formatter = new HSSFDataFormatter(); for (int i = 0; i < workbook.NumberOfSheets; i++) { ToxyTable table=new ToxyTable(); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(i); table.Name = sheet.SheetName; if (extractHeader && sheet.Header != null) { table.PageHeader = sheet.Header.Left + "|" + sheet.Header.Center + "|" + sheet.Header.Right; } if (extractFooter && sheet.Footer != null) { table.PageFooter = sheet.Footer.Left + "|" + sheet.Footer.Center + "|" + sheet.Footer.Right; } bool firstRow = true; table.LastRowIndex = sheet.LastRowNum; foreach (IRow row in sheet) { ToxyRow tr=null; if (!hasHeader || !firstRow) { tr=new ToxyRow(row.RowNum); } foreach (ICell cell in row) { if (hasHeader&& firstRow) { table.ColumnHeaders.Cells.Add(new ToxyCell(cell.ColumnIndex, cell.ToString())); } else { if (tr.LastCellIndex < cell.ColumnIndex) { tr.LastCellIndex = cell.ColumnIndex; } ToxyCell c = new ToxyCell(cell.ColumnIndex, formatter.FormatCellValue(cell)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.ToString())) { tr.Cells.Add(c); } else if (fillBlankCells) { tr.Cells.Add(c); } if (cell.CellComment != null) { c.Comment = cell.CellComment.String.String; } } } if (tr != null) { tr.RowIndex = row.RowNum; table.Rows.Add(tr); } if (firstRow) { firstRow = false; } if(table.LastColumnIndex<tr.LastCellIndex) table.LastColumnIndex=tr.LastCellIndex; } for (int j = 0; j < sheet.NumMergedRegions; j++) { var range = sheet.GetMergedRegion(j); table.MergeCells.Add(new MergeCellRange() { FirstRow = range.FirstRow, FirstColumn = range.FirstColumn, LastRow = range.LastRow, LastColumn = range.LastColumn }); } ss.Tables.Add(table); } if (workbook is XSSFWorkbook) { var props= ((XSSFWorkbook)workbook).GetProperties(); if (props.CoreProperties != null) { if (props.CoreProperties.Title != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Title", props.CoreProperties.Title ); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Identifier != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Identifier", props.CoreProperties.Identifier ); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Keywords != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Keywords", props.CoreProperties.Keywords); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Revision != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Revision", props.CoreProperties.Revision); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Subject != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Subject", props.CoreProperties.Subject); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Modified != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Modified", props.CoreProperties.Modified); } else if (props.CoreProperties.LastPrinted != null) { ss.Properties.Add("LastPrinted", props.CoreProperties.LastPrinted); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Created != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Created", props.CoreProperties.Created); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Creator != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Creator", props.CoreProperties.Creator); } else if (props.CoreProperties.Description != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Description", props.CoreProperties.Description); } } if (props.ExtendedProperties != null && props.ExtendedProperties.props!=null) { var extProps = props.ExtendedProperties.props.GetProperties(); if (extProps.Application != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Application", extProps.Application); } if (extProps.AppVersion != null) { ss.Properties.Add("AppVersion", extProps.AppVersion); } if (extProps.Characters>0) { ss.Properties.Add("Characters", extProps.Characters); } if (extProps.CharactersWithSpaces>0) { ss.Properties.Add("CharactersWithSpaces", extProps.CharactersWithSpaces); } if (extProps.Company != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Company", extProps.Company); } if (extProps.Lines > 0) { ss.Properties.Add("Lines", extProps.Lines); } if (extProps.Manager != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Manager", extProps.Manager); } if (extProps.Notes> 0) { ss.Properties.Add("Notes", extProps.Notes); } if (extProps.Pages>0) { ss.Properties.Add("Pages", extProps.Pages); } if (extProps.Paragraphs>0) { ss.Properties.Add("Paragraphs", extProps.Paragraphs); } if (extProps.Words>0) { ss.Properties.Add("Words", extProps.Words); } if (extProps.TotalTime>0) { ss.Properties.Add("TotalTime", extProps.TotalTime); } } } else { //HSSFWorkbook var si = ((HSSFWorkbook)workbook).SummaryInformation; if (si != null) { if (si.Title != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Title", si.Title); } else if (si.LastSaveDateTime != null) { ss.Properties.Add("LastSaveDateTime", si.LastSaveDateTime); } else if (si.PageCount > 0) { ss.Properties.Add("PageCount", si.PageCount); } else if (si.OSVersion > 0) { ss.Properties.Add("OSVersion", si.OSVersion); } else if (si.Security > 0) { ss.Properties.Add("Security", si.Security); } else if (si.Keywords != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Keywords", si.Keywords); } else if (si.EditTime > 0) { ss.Properties.Add("EditTime", si.EditTime); } else if (si.Subject != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Subject", si.Subject); } else if (si.CreateDateTime != null) { ss.Properties.Add("CreateDateTime", si.CreateDateTime); } else if (si.LastPrinted != null) { ss.Properties.Add("LastPrinted", si.LastPrinted); } else if (si.CharCount != null) { ss.Properties.Add("CharCount", si.CharCount); } else if (si.Author != null) { ss.Properties.Add("Author", si.Author); } else if (si.LastAuthor != null) { ss.Properties.Add("LastAuthor", si.LastAuthor); 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