/** * Checks if the shape is a placeholder. * (placeholders aren't normal shapes, they are visible only in the Edit Master mode) * * * @return true if the shape is a placeholder */ public static bool IsPlaceholder(Shape shape) { if (!(shape is TextShape)) return false; TextShape tx = (TextShape)shape; return tx.GetPlaceholderAtom() != null; }
/** * Create a Shape object. This constructor is used when an existing Shape is read from from a PowerPoint document. * * @param escherRecord <code>EscherSpContainer</code> Container which holds information about this shape * @param parent the parent of this Shape */ protected Shape(EscherContainerRecord escherRecord, Shape parent) { _escherContainer = escherRecord; _parent = parent; }
/** * Create a SimpleShape object and Initialize it from the supplied Record Container. * * @param escherRecord <code>EscherSpContainer</code> Container which holds information about this shape * @param parent the parent of the shape */ protected SimpleShape(EscherContainerRecord escherRecord, Shape parent) : base(escherRecord, parent) { }