private void UpdateUIDownload() { if (downloadRequest != null) { downloadProgress = downloadRequest.progress; if (downloadRequest.isDone) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadRequest.error)) { downloadProgress = 1f; NPNFUpgradeUlti.SaveFile(downloadRequest.bytes); CurrentPhase = UpgreadePhase.Uninstall_Current_Version; downloadRequest.Dispose(); downloadRequest = null; } else { string error = downloadRequest.error; downloadRequest.Dispose(); downloadRequest = null; if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Download NPNF SDK Latest Version", error, "Retry", "Close")) { downloadRequest = new WWW(latestUrlSDK); } else { this.Close(); } } } } }
private void UninstallCurrentVersion() { if (NPNFUpgradeUlti.UninstallCurrentVersion()) { CurrentPhase = UpgreadePhase.Import_Latest_Version; } }
private void CheckLatestVersion() { string latestVersion; if (!NPNFUpgradeUlti.GetLatestVersion(out latestVersion, out latestUrlSDK)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Check for New Version", "Can not check versions, network fault", "Close"); this.Close(); return; } Version current = new Version(NPNFSettings.SDK_VERSION); Version latest = new Version(latestVersion); if (latest.CompareTo(current) > 0) { bool pick = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Check for New Version", "There is a new version of NPNF SDK available for upgrade", "Upgrade", "Later"); if (pick) { CurrentPhase = UpgreadePhase.Download_Latest_SDK; } else { this.Close(); } } else { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Check for New Version", "No newer version found. You are already using the latest version", "OK"); this.Close(); } }