예제 #1
        internal ExploredTransitions(ModelProgram modelProgram, int initTransitions, int maxTransitions)
            this.modelProgram        = modelProgram;
            this.transitions         = Set <Transition> .EmptySet;
            this.groupingTransitions = Set <Transition> .EmptySet;
            Node initNode = new Literal(0);

            this.initialNode    = initNode;
            this.nodes          = new Set <Node>(initNode);
            this.acceptingNodes = (modelProgram.IsAccepting(modelProgram.InitialState) ?
                                   new Set <Node>(initNode) :
                                   Set <Node> .EmptySet);
            //this.errorNodes = (!modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(modelProgram.InitialState) ?
            //    new Set<Node>(initNode) :
            //    Set<Node>.EmptySet);
            Dictionary <Node, IState> initialStateMap =
                new Dictionary <Node, IState>();

            initialStateMap[initNode] = modelProgram.InitialState;
            this.stateMap             = initialStateMap;
            actionsExploredFromNode   = new Dictionary <Node, Dictionary <CompoundTerm, Node> >();
            Dictionary <IState, Node> initialNodeMap =
                new Dictionary <IState, Node>();

            initialNodeMap[modelProgram.InitialState] = initNode;
            this.nodeMap           = initialNodeMap;
            this.hiddenTransitions = Set <Transition> .EmptySet;
            this.maxTransitions    = maxTransitions;
            this.initTransitions   = initTransitions;
예제 #2
 internal MapletViewer(Term k, Term t, bool isBagEntry)
     this.keyName = "Entry";
     this.t = t;
     this.k = k;
     this.argumentViewers = new TermViewer[2];
     this.argumentViewers[0] = TermViewer.Create((isBagEntry ? "Element" : "Key"), k);
     this.argumentViewers[1] = TermViewer.Create((isBagEntry ? "Multiplicity" : "Value"), t);
예제 #3
 static Coin GetCoin(Term t)
     if (t.ToString().Equals("Coin(\"Nickel\")"))
         return Coin.Nickel;
     else if (t.ToString().Equals("Coin(\"Dime\")"))
         return Coin.Dime;
         throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized coin: " + t.ToString());
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Show all transitions from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void ShowOutgoing(Node node)
     foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(stateMap[node]))
         foreach (CompoundTerm a in this.modelProgram.GetActions(stateMap[node], aSymbol))
             this.ShowTransition(node, a);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the transition with the given action from the given state
        /// </summary>
        internal void ShowTransition(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action)
            Node targetNode;

            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                Transition t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                this.transitions       = this.transitions.Add(t);
                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
예제 #6
        // This method has side effects on this.stateMap, this.nodeMap, this.nodes, this.acceptingNodes, this.actionsExploredFromNode
        private bool TryGetTargetNode(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action, out Node targetNode)
            IState targetState;

            if (this.actionsExploredFromNode.ContainsKey(sourceNode))
                if (!this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode].TryGetValue(action, out targetNode))
                    //this action has not been explored yet from the given node
                    TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
                    targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set <string> .EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
                    if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
                        targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
                        this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
                        this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
                        this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
                        if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                            this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
                        //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
                        //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
                    targetState = this.stateMap[targetNode];
            else //the state has not yet been explored at all
                TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
                targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set <string> .EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
                if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
                    targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
                    this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
                    this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
                    this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
                    if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                        this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
                    //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
                    //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
                Dictionary <CompoundTerm, Node> actionsFromState = new Dictionary <CompoundTerm, Node>();
                actionsFromState[action] = targetNode;
                this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode] = actionsFromState;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Hide all previously shown transitions from the given node
        /// and those that can be reached recursively
        /// </summary>
        internal void HideReachable(Node node)
            Set <Transition> alltransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions);
            Set <Node>       frontier       = new Set <Term>(node);
            Set <Node>       visited        = frontier;
            Set <Transition> tobehidden     = Set <Transition> .EmptySet;

            while (!frontier.IsEmpty)
                Node n = frontier.Choose(0);
                frontier = frontier.Remove(n);
                Set <Transition> toBeHiddenTransitions =
                    alltransitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return(t.First.Equals(n)); });
                Set <Node> targetStates =
                    toBeHiddenTransitions.Convert <Node>(delegate(Transition t) { return(t.Third); });
                frontier   = frontier.Union(targetStates.Difference(visited));
                visited    = visited.Union(targetStates);
                tobehidden = tobehidden.Union(toBeHiddenTransitions);
            this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(tobehidden);
            this.transitions       = this.transitions.Difference(tobehidden);
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions from the given node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">given node</param>
 internal void HideOutgoing(Node node)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node); }));
     this.transitions = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #9
 internal IState GetModelState(Node state)
     return stateMap[state];
예제 #10
 internal IEnumerable<CompoundTerm> GetEnabledActions(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
     IState istate = stateMap[node];
     return modelProgram.GetActions(istate, actionSymbol);
예제 #11
        public static Sequence<Sequence<CompoundTerm>> GenerateTestSequences(FSM fa)
            //Eliminate dead states from the fa
            Set<Term> deadStates = GetDeadStates(fa);
            Set<Term> aliveStates = fa.States.Difference(deadStates);
            Set<Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>> aliveTransitions =
                fa.Transitions.Select(delegate(Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term> trans)
                    return aliveStates.Contains(trans.First) &&
            if (aliveTransitions.IsEmpty) //test suite cannot be generated
                return Sequence<Sequence<CompoundTerm>>.EmptySequence;

            //Build a graph from the alive transitions
            Term[] states = new Term[aliveStates.Count];
            Dictionary<Term, int> stateToVertexMap = new Dictionary<Term, int>();
            states[0] = fa.InitialState;
            stateToVertexMap[fa.InitialState] = 0;
            int i = 1;
            foreach (Term state in aliveStates.Remove(fa.InitialState))
                states[i] = state;
                stateToVertexMap[state] = i++;

            //create edges that must be traversed
            GraphTraversals.Edge[] mustEdges = new GraphTraversals.Edge[aliveTransitions.Count];
            Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>[] mustTransitions = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>[aliveTransitions.Count];
            i = 0;
            foreach (Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term> trans in aliveTransitions)
                GraphTraversals.Edge edge = new GraphTraversals.Edge(stateToVertexMap[trans.First],
                    stateToVertexMap[trans.Third], i);
                mustEdges[i] = edge;
                mustTransitions[i++] = trans;

            //add an optional edge with label -1 from every accepting state
            //to the initial state, this corresponds to a reset action
            GraphTraversals.Edge[] optionalEdges =
                new GraphTraversals.Edge[fa.AcceptingStates.Count];
            i = 0;
            foreach (Term accState in fa.AcceptingStates)
                int accVertex = stateToVertexMap[accState];
                optionalEdges[i++] = new GraphTraversals.Edge(accVertex, 0, -1); //-1 = reset

            //at this point it is known that g is strongly connected and has no dead states
            //so a postman tour exists, compute a postman tour
            GraphTraversals.Graph g =
                new GraphTraversals.Graph(0, mustEdges, optionalEdges,
            List<GraphTraversals.Edge> postmanTour =
                new List<GraphTraversals.Edge>(g.GetRuralChinesePostmanTour());

            #region normalize the tour so that it ends in an accepting state and has a reset at the end as a "watchdog"
            //if the last edge has not label -1, i.e. the edge leading back
            //to the initial state is not a reset edge from an accepting state
            //and the last state is not an accepting state
            //then extend the path to an accepting state, from the beginning of the path
            //notice that there must be at least one accepting state, so such an extesion
            //is indeed possible
            GraphTraversals.Edge lastEdge = postmanTour[postmanTour.Count - 1];
            if (lastEdge.label >= 0) //if the last edge is a reset, we are done
                //the last edge leads back to the initial state, because this is a tour
                if (fa.AcceptingStates.Contains(fa.InitialState))
                    postmanTour.Add(new GraphTraversals.Edge(0, 0, -1)); //add a watchdog
                    //create an extesion to the tour from the initial state to the first accepting state
                    List<GraphTraversals.Edge> extension = new List<GraphTraversals.Edge>();
                    foreach (GraphTraversals.Edge edge in postmanTour)
                        if (fa.AcceptingStates.Contains(states[edge.target]))
                            //the end state of the edge is accepting, so we are done
                            extension.Add(new GraphTraversals.Edge(0, 0, -1)); //add a watchdog


            #region break up the tour into sequences of transition ids separated by the reset edge
            List<List<int>> paths = new List<List<int>>();
            List<int> path = new List<int>();
            for (int k = 0; k < postmanTour.Count; k++)
                //presense of the watchdog at the end of the tour is assumed here
                GraphTraversals.Edge edge = postmanTour[k];
                if (edge.label < 0) //encountered reset, end of path
                    path = new List<int>();

            #region map the paths into action sequences
            Sequence<Sequence<CompoundTerm>> res = Sequence<Sequence<CompoundTerm>>.EmptySequence;
            foreach (List<int> path1 in paths)
                Sequence<CompoundTerm> transSeq = Sequence<CompoundTerm>.EmptySequence;
                foreach (int transId in path1)
                    transSeq = transSeq.AddLast(mustTransitions[transId].Second);
                res = res.AddLast(transSeq);

            return res;
예제 #12
        static CompoundTerm GetActionTerm(string actionString, string[] defaultArguments, bool mustUseAllNames,
            Set<string> optionalArguments)
            Set<string> possibleArguments = new Set<string>(defaultArguments).Union(optionalArguments);

            if (actionString.Contains("(") || actionString.Contains(")"))
                    Term t = Term.Parse(actionString);
                    CompoundTerm ct = t as CompoundTerm;
                    if (null == ct)
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("invalid action label syntax: " + actionString);
                    Set<string> unusedArguments = GetUnusedArguments(possibleArguments, ct);
                    Set<string> missingArguments = (mustUseAllNames ? unusedArguments.Difference(optionalArguments) : Set<string>.EmptySet);
                    if (mustUseAllNames && !missingArguments.IsEmpty)
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + actionString +
                            " is missing required argument(s). Missing value(s) are: " + missingArguments.ToString());
                    if (mustUseAllNames)
                    return ct;
                catch (ArgumentException e)
                    throw new ModelProgramUserException("invalid action label syntax: " + actionString +
                        ". Could not parse term: " + e.Message);
                int arity = defaultArguments.Length;
                Term[] args = new Term[arity];
                for (int i = 0; i < arity; i += 1)
                    args[i] = new Variable(defaultArguments[i]);
                return new CompoundTerm(new Symbol(actionString), args);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide the transition with the given action from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideTransition(Node node, CompoundTerm action)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return(t.First.Equals(node) && t.Second.Equals(action)); }));
     this.transitions       = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #14
 private void AddNodeLabel(StringBuilder sb, Node node, bool accepting)
     sb.Append("\n  ");
     AppendLabel(sb, node);
     if (this.customStateLabelProvider != null && this.finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider != null)
         sb.Append(" [label = ");
         AppendLabel(sb, this.customStateLabelProvider(this.finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider(node)));
         if (accepting)
             sb.Append(", peripheries = 2");
     else if (accepting)
         sb.Append(" [peripheries = 2]");
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Add tooltip with state variables values
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sb"></param>
 /// <param name="node"></param>
 private void AddNodeTooltip(StringBuilder sb, Node node)
     sb.Append("[tooltip = \"");
     // Create string for the tooltip
     StringBuilder sTooltip = new StringBuilder();
     if (finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider != null)
         sTooltip.Append( DefaultNodeTooltip(finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider(node)) );
         sTooltip.Append("//Variables in state " + node.ToString() + " are undefined");
     // Remove quotes in sTooltip
     sTooltip.Replace("\"", "");
     // Remove the last 3 dots at the end of a line in sb
     //sb.Replace(" . . . \"", "\"");
예제 #16
 static bool IsStartAction(Term action)
     CompoundTerm a = action as CompoundTerm;
     if (a == null) return false;
     // return Symbol.Kind(a.FunctionSymbol1) == ActionKind.Start;
     return a.Symbol.Name.EndsWith("_Start");
예제 #17
 private void AddNodeLabel(StringBuilder sb, Node node)
     sb.Append("\n  ");
     AppendLabel(sb, node);
     if (this.customStateLabelProvider != null && this.finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider != null)
         sb.Append(" [label = ");
         AppendLabel(sb, this.customStateLabelProvider(this.finiteAutomatonContext.stateProvider(node)));
예제 #18
 static bool IsFinishAction(Term action, string name)
     CompoundTerm a = action as CompoundTerm;
     if (a == null) return false;
     return IsFinishAction(action) && a.Symbol.Name == name + "_Finish";
예제 #19
 static bool IsFinishAction(Term action)
     CompoundTerm a = action as CompoundTerm;
     if (a == null) return false;
     // return Symbol.Kind(a.FunctionSymbol1) == ActionKind.Finish ;
     return a.Symbol.Name.EndsWith("_Finish");
예제 #20
 Term PopStackFrame(Term controlMode)
     Sequence<CompoundTerm> stack = (Sequence<CompoundTerm>)context.InterpretTerm(controlMode);
     if (stack.IsEmpty)
         throw new ArgumentException("Internal error-- attempt to pop empty control mode stack");
         return AbstractValue.GetTerm(stack.Tail);
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide the transition with the given action from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideTransition(Node node, CompoundTerm action)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node) && t.Second.Equals(action); }));
     this.transitions = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #22
 Set<Term> GetAutomatonParameterDomain(Term startState, Symbol actionSymbol, int parameterIndex)
     Set<Term> result = Set<Term>.EmptySet;
     Set<Transition> outgoing = this.automaton.OutgoingTransitions(startState);
     foreach (Transition transition in outgoing)
         CompoundTerm ct = transition.Second as CompoundTerm;
         if (ct == null || parameterIndex >= ActionArity(actionSymbol))
             throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal error");
         if (actionSymbol.Equals(ct.Symbol))
             result = result.Add(ct.Arguments[parameterIndex]);
     return result;
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Show all transitions from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void ShowOutgoing(Node node)
     foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(stateMap[node]))
         foreach (CompoundTerm a in this.modelProgram.GetActions(stateMap[node], aSymbol))
             this.ShowTransition(node, a);
예제 #24
 internal IState GetState(Term newControlMode)
     Term[] vals = new Term[this.stateFields.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < vals.Length; i++)
         IComparable/*?*/ val = this.stateFields[i].GetValue(this.context);
         vals[i] = AbstractValue.GetTerm(val);
     return SimpleState.CreateState(newControlMode, vals, context.IdPool, this.name, this.locationNames);
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions from the given node
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">given node</param>
 internal void HideOutgoing(Node node)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return(t.First.Equals(node)); }));
     this.transitions       = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #26
 internal IState GetModelState(Node state)
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions with te given action symbol from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideAll(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return(t.First.Equals(node) && ((CompoundTerm)t.Second).Symbol.Equals(actionSymbol)); }));
     this.transitions       = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #28
        internal Set <Symbol> GetEnabledActionSymbols(Node node)
            IState istate = stateMap[node];

예제 #29
        void viewer_RightClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)//+++
            //notice that the context menu is possible only in the root view
            //i.e. when reduct of the fa in the current context has the empty tree position
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && this.finiteAutomatonContext.reductName.treePosition.IsEmpty)
                if (viewer.SelectedObject is GraphLayout.Drawing.Node && this.exploredTransitions != null)
                    GraphLayout.Drawing.Node currentGleeNode =
                        viewer.SelectedObject as GraphLayout.Drawing.Node;

                    //populate the context menu with actions that can be explored
                    Node currentNode = this.nodes[currentGleeNode];
                    Map <Symbol, Sequence <CompoundTerm> > enabledActions = Map <Symbol, Sequence <CompoundTerm> > .EmptyMap;
                    foreach (Symbol actionSymbol in this.exploredTransitions.GetEnabledActionSymbols(currentNode))
                        Sequence <CompoundTerm> actions = new Sequence <CompoundTerm>(this.exploredTransitions.GetEnabledActions(currentNode, actionSymbol));
                        if (actions.Count > 0)
                            enabledActions = enabledActions.Add(actionSymbol, actions);

                    bool someSymbolIsVisible       = false;
                    bool allSymbolsAreFullyVisible = true;
                    //populate and show the expand context menu, one per action symbol
                    List <ToolStripMenuItem> expandItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(enabledActions.Count);
                    foreach (Pair <Symbol, Sequence <CompoundTerm> > entry in enabledActions)
                        ToolStripMenuItem expandItem =
                            new ToolStripMenuItem(entry.First.FullName);
                        //expandItem.Tag = new Pair<Node, Sequence<CompoundTerm>>(currentNode, entry.Second);
                        //expandItem.Click += new EventHandler(actionSymbol_Click);
                        expandItem.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text;
                        //expandItem.CheckOnClick = false;
                        ToolStripMenuItem[] subitems = new ToolStripMenuItem[entry.Second.Count];
                        bool someActionIsVisible     = false;
                        bool allActionsAreVisible    = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < subitems.Length; i++)
                            subitems[i]              = new ToolStripMenuItem(entry.Second[i].ToCompactString());
                            subitems[i].Tag          = new Pair <Node, CompoundTerm>(currentNode, entry.Second[i]);
                            subitems[i].Click       += new EventHandler(action_Click);
                            subitems[i].DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text;
                            subitems[i].CheckOnClick = false;
                            if (this.exploredTransitions.IsActionVisible(currentNode, entry.Second[i]))
                                subitems[i].Checked     = true;
                                subitems[i].ToolTipText = "Uncheck to hide";
                                someActionIsVisible     = true;
                                someSymbolIsVisible     = true;
                                subitems[i].Checked       = false;
                                subitems[i].ToolTipText   = "Check to show";
                                allActionsAreVisible      = false;
                                allSymbolsAreFullyVisible = false;

                        if (allActionsAreVisible)
                            expandItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                        else if (someActionIsVisible)
                            expandItem.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
                            expandItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
                        //if (expandItem.CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                        //    expandItem.ToolTipText = "Uncheck to hide all " + entry.First.FullName + " transitions from selected state";
                        //    expandItem.ToolTipText = "Check to show all " + entry.First.FullName + " transitions from selected state";

                        //add a menu item to hide all actions

                        #region showAll - menu item to show all actions
                        ToolStripMenuItem showAll = new ToolStripMenuItem("Show All");
                        showAll.Tag          = new Pair <Node, Sequence <CompoundTerm> >(currentNode, entry.Second);
                        showAll.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text;
                        showAll.CheckOnClick = false;
                        showAll.Checked      = false;
                        showAll.Click       += new EventHandler(showAll_Click);

                        #region hideAll - menu item to hide all actions
                        ToolStripMenuItem hideAll = new ToolStripMenuItem("Hide All");
                        hideAll.Tag          = new Pair <Node, Symbol>(currentNode, entry.First);
                        hideAll.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text;
                        hideAll.CheckOnClick = false;
                        hideAll.Checked      = false;
                        hideAll.Click       += new EventHandler(hideAll_Click);

                        expandItem.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());

                    if (allSymbolsAreFullyVisible)
                        this.expandToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                    else if (someSymbolIsVisible)
                        this.expandToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate;
                        this.expandToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;

                    this.exploreContextMenuStrip.Show(this.viewer, e.Location);
예제 #30
        internal IEnumerable <CompoundTerm> GetEnabledActions(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
            IState istate = stateMap[node];

            return(modelProgram.GetActions(istate, actionSymbol));
예제 #31
 internal ExploredTransitions(ModelProgram modelProgram, int initTransitions, int maxTransitions)
     this.modelProgram = modelProgram;
     this.transitions = Set<Transition>.EmptySet;
     this.groupingTransitions = Set<Transition>.EmptySet;
     Node initNode = new Literal(0);
     this.initialNode = initNode;
     this.nodes = new Set<Node>(initNode);
     this.acceptingNodes = (modelProgram.IsAccepting(modelProgram.InitialState) ?
         new Set<Node>(initNode) :
     //this.errorNodes = (!modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(modelProgram.InitialState) ?
     //    new Set<Node>(initNode) :
     //    Set<Node>.EmptySet);
     Dictionary<Node, IState> initialStateMap =
         new Dictionary<Node, IState>();
     initialStateMap[initNode] = modelProgram.InitialState;
     this.stateMap = initialStateMap;
     actionsExploredFromNode = new Dictionary<Node, Dictionary<CompoundTerm,Node>>();
     Dictionary<IState, Node> initialNodeMap =
         new Dictionary<IState, Node>();
     initialNodeMap[modelProgram.InitialState] = initNode;
     this.nodeMap = initialNodeMap;
     this.hiddenTransitions = Set<Transition>.EmptySet;
     this.maxTransitions = maxTransitions;
     this.initTransitions = initTransitions;
예제 #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the action is a label of a visible transition from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal bool IsActionVisible(Node node, CompoundTerm action)
     return(this.transitions.Exists(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node) && t.Second.Equals(action); }));
예제 #33
 internal Set<Symbol> GetEnabledActionSymbols(Node node)
     IState istate = stateMap[node];
     return modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(istate);
예제 #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the transition with the given action from the given state
 /// </summary>
 internal void ShowTransition(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action)
     Node targetNode;
     if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
         Transition t = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
         this.transitions = this.transitions.Add(t);
         this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
예제 #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions with te given action symbol from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideAll(Node node, Symbol actionSymbol)
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node) && ((CompoundTerm)t.Second).Symbol.Equals(actionSymbol); }));
     this.transitions = this.transitions.Difference(this.hiddenTransitions);
예제 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Interpret the term as a .NET value in this context
        /// </summary>
        public IComparable InterpretTerm(Term term)
            Any a = term as Any;
            if (a != null)
                return a;

            Literal l = term as Literal;
            if (l != null)
                return l.Value;

            //IComparable result;
            CompoundTerm ct = term as CompoundTerm;
            if (ct != null)
                Symbol sort = ct.Symbol;
                // Case 1: Quoted term. No evaluation needed
                if (quoteSymbol.Equals(sort))
                    return ct.Arguments.Head;
                // Case 2: reconstruct value from sort.
                    int arity = ct.Arguments.Count;
                    ValueConstructor ctor = GetValueConstructor(sort, arity);
                    Sequence<IComparable> args = ct.Arguments.Convert<IComparable>(InterpretTerm);
                    return ctor(args);

            throw new ArgumentException("Can't interpret term " + term.ToString());
예제 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide all previously shown transitions from the given node
 /// and those that can be reached recursively
 /// </summary>
 internal void HideReachable(Node node)
     Set<Transition> alltransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(this.transitions);
     Set<Node> frontier = new Set<Term>(node);
     Set<Node> visited = frontier;
     Set<Transition> tobehidden = Set<Transition>.EmptySet;
     while (!frontier.IsEmpty)
         Node n = frontier.Choose(0);
         frontier = frontier.Remove(n);
         Set<Transition> toBeHiddenTransitions =
            alltransitions.Select(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(n); });
         Set<Node> targetStates =
             toBeHiddenTransitions.Convert<Node>(delegate(Transition t) { return t.Third; });
         frontier = frontier.Union(targetStates.Difference(visited));
         visited = visited.Union(targetStates);
         tobehidden = tobehidden.Union(toBeHiddenTransitions);
     this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Union(tobehidden);
     this.transitions = this.transitions.Difference(tobehidden);
예제 #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new coverage point to the current context. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coveragePoint">Term denoting a coverage point.</param>
 public void AddCoveragePoint(Term coveragePoint)
     this.coveragePoints = this.coveragePoints.Add(coveragePoint);
예제 #39
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the action is a label of a visible transition from the given node
 /// </summary>
 internal bool IsActionVisible(Node node, CompoundTerm action)
     return this.transitions.Exists(delegate(Transition t) { return t.First.Equals(node) && t.Second.Equals(action); });
예제 #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Show all transitions from the given node and from the nodes that are reached from
        /// the given node etc., until the maximum nr of transitions is reached
        /// </summary>
        internal void ShowReachable(Node node)
            int transCnt = (firstExploration ? (initTransitions < 0 ? maxTransitions : initTransitions) : maxTransitions);

            firstExploration = false;

            if (excludeIsomorphicStates)
                Set <IState>            frontier = new Set <IState>(stateMap[node]);
                StateContainer <IState> visited  = new StateContainer <IState>(this.modelProgram, stateMap[node]);
                while (!frontier.IsEmpty && this.transitions.Count < transCnt)
                    IState sourceIState = frontier.Choose(0);
                    Node   sourceNode   = nodeMap[sourceIState];
                    frontier = frontier.Remove(sourceIState);
                    foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(sourceIState))
                        foreach (CompoundTerm action in this.modelProgram.GetActions(sourceIState, aSymbol))
                            Node targetNode;
                            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                                IState     targetIState = stateMap[targetNode];
                                IState     isomorphicState;
                                Transition t;
                                if (!visited.HasIsomorphic(targetIState, out isomorphicState))
                                    frontier = frontier.Add(targetIState);
                                    //visited = visited.Add(targetIState);
                                    t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                    if (collapseExcludedIsomorphicStates)
                                        t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, nodeMap[isomorphicState]);
                                        Term isoNode = nodeMap[isomorphicState];
                                        t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                        if (!targetNode.Equals(sourceNode) && !targetNode.Equals(isoNode))
                                            groupingTransitions = groupingTransitions.Add(new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(targetNode, new CompoundTerm(new Symbol("IsomorphicTo"), new Sequence <Term>()), isoNode));
                                this.transitions       = this.transitions.Add(t);
                                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
                Set <Node> frontier = new Set <Node>(node);
                Set <Node> visited  = frontier;

                while (!frontier.IsEmpty && this.transitions.Count < transCnt)
                    Node sourceNode = frontier.Choose(0);
                    frontier = frontier.Remove(sourceNode);
                    foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(stateMap[sourceNode]))
                        foreach (CompoundTerm action in this.modelProgram.GetActions(stateMap[sourceNode], aSymbol))
                            Node targetNode;
                            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                                if (!visited.Contains(targetNode))
                                    frontier = frontier.Add(targetNode);
                                    visited  = visited.Add(targetNode);
                                Transition t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                this.transitions       = this.transitions.Add(t);
                                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
예제 #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Show all transitions from the given node and from the nodes that are reached from 
        /// the given node etc., until the maximum nr of transitions is reached
        /// </summary>
        internal void ShowReachable(Node node)
            int transCnt = (firstExploration ? (initTransitions < 0 ? maxTransitions : initTransitions) : maxTransitions);
            firstExploration = false;

            if (excludeIsomorphicStates)
                Set<IState> frontier = new Set<IState>(stateMap[node]);
                StateContainer<IState> visited = new StateContainer<IState>(this.modelProgram, stateMap[node]);
                while (!frontier.IsEmpty && this.transitions.Count < transCnt)
                    IState sourceIState = frontier.Choose(0);
                    Node sourceNode = nodeMap[sourceIState];
                    frontier = frontier.Remove(sourceIState);
                    foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(sourceIState))
                        foreach (CompoundTerm action in this.modelProgram.GetActions(sourceIState, aSymbol))
                            Node targetNode;
                            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                                IState targetIState = stateMap[targetNode];
                                IState isomorphicState;
                                Transition t;
                                if (!visited.HasIsomorphic(targetIState, out isomorphicState))
                                    frontier = frontier.Add(targetIState);
                                    //visited = visited.Add(targetIState);
                                    t = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                    if (collapseExcludedIsomorphicStates)
                                        t = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, nodeMap[isomorphicState]);
                                        Term isoNode = nodeMap[isomorphicState];
                                        t = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                        if (!targetNode.Equals(sourceNode) && !targetNode.Equals(isoNode))
                                            groupingTransitions = groupingTransitions.Add(new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(targetNode, new CompoundTerm(new Symbol("IsomorphicTo"), new Sequence<Term>()), isoNode));
                                this.transitions = this.transitions.Add(t);
                                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
                Set<Node> frontier = new Set<Node>(node);
                Set<Node> visited = frontier;

                while (!frontier.IsEmpty && this.transitions.Count < transCnt)
                    Node sourceNode = frontier.Choose(0);
                    frontier = frontier.Remove(sourceNode);
                    foreach (Symbol aSymbol in this.modelProgram.PotentiallyEnabledActionSymbols(stateMap[sourceNode]))
                        foreach (CompoundTerm action in this.modelProgram.GetActions(stateMap[sourceNode], aSymbol))
                            Node targetNode;
                            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                                if (!visited.Contains(targetNode))
                                    frontier = frontier.Add(targetNode);
                                    visited = visited.Add(targetNode);
                                Transition t = new Triple<Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                                this.transitions = this.transitions.Add(t);
                                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
예제 #42
 Term PushStackFrame(Term controlMode, CompoundTerm action)
     Sequence<CompoundTerm> stack = (Sequence<CompoundTerm>)context.InterpretTerm(controlMode);
     Sequence<CompoundTerm> newStack = stack.AddFirst(action);
     return AbstractValue.GetTerm(newStack);
예제 #43
 // This method has side effects on this.stateMap, this.nodeMap, this.nodes, this.acceptingNodes, this.actionsExploredFromNode
 private bool TryGetTargetNode(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action, out Node targetNode)
     IState targetState;
     if (this.actionsExploredFromNode.ContainsKey(sourceNode))
         if (!this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode].TryGetValue(action, out targetNode))
             //this action has not been explored yet from the given node
             TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
             targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set<string>.EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
             if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
                 targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
                 this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
                 this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
                 this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
                 if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                     this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
                 //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
                 //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
             targetState = this.stateMap[targetNode];
     else //the state has not yet been explored at all
         TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
         targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set<string>.EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
         if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
             targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
             this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
             this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
             this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
             if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                 this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
             //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
             //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
         Dictionary<CompoundTerm, Node> actionsFromState = new Dictionary<CompoundTerm, Node>();
         actionsFromState[action] = targetNode;
         this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode] = actionsFromState;
     return this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateFilter(targetState);
예제 #44
 internal static bool TermNeedsNoBrowsing(Term t)
     return t is Literal; //|| t.Arguments.Forall(delegate(Term s) { return s is Literal; });