public void Clear()
			IDictionary<string, Player> lhm = new LinkedHashMap<string, Player>();
			Player p = new Player("78945", "Someone");
			lhm[p.Id] = p;

			Assert.AreEqual(0, lhm.Count);

			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Player> pair in lhm)
				Assert.Fail("Should not be any entries but found Key = " + pair.Key + " and Value = " + pair.Value);
		public void FirstKeyFirstValue()
			LinkedHashMap<string, Player> lhm = new LinkedHashMap<string, Player>();
			Assert.AreEqual(players[0].Id, lhm.FirstKey);
			Assert.AreEqual(players[0], lhm.FirstValue);

			// override First
			Player antWithSameId = new Player("12341", "Another");
			lhm[antWithSameId.Id] = antWithSameId;
			Assert.AreEqual(players[1].Id, lhm.FirstKey);
			Assert.AreEqual(players[1], lhm.FirstValue);
		public void LastKeyLastValue()
			LinkedHashMap<string, Player> lhm = new LinkedHashMap<string, Player>();
			Assert.AreEqual(players[players.Length - 1].Id, lhm.LastKey);
			Assert.AreEqual(players[players.Length-1], lhm.LastValue);

			// override
			Player antWithSameId = new Player("12341", "Another");
			lhm[antWithSameId.Id] = antWithSameId;
			Assert.AreEqual(antWithSameId.Id, lhm.LastKey);
			Assert.AreEqual(antWithSameId, lhm.LastValue);
		public void ShowDiff()
			IDictionary<string, Player> dict = new Dictionary<string, Player>();
			IDictionary<string, Player> lhm = new LinkedHashMap<string, Player>();
			// Override the first element
			Player o = new Player("12341", "Ovirride");
			dict[o.Id] = o;
			lhm[o.Id] = o;
			Console.Out.WriteLine("Dictionary order:");
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Player> pair in dict)
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Key->{0}", pair.Key);
			Console.Out.WriteLine("LinkedHashMap order:");
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Player> pair in lhm)
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Key->{0}", pair.Key);
		public void GetEnumeratorModifyExceptionFromUpdate()
			IDictionary<string, Player> lhm = new LinkedHashMap<string, Player>();
			lhm["123"] = new Player("123", "yyyyyyy");
			Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
			                                         		foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Player> pair in lhm)
			                                         			lhm["123"] = new Player("123", "aaaaaaa");