예제 #1
		/// <param name="message">a parsed message to validate (note that MSH-9-1 and MSH-9-2 must be valued)
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> true if the message is OK
		/// </returns>
		/// <throws>  HL7Exception if there is at least one error and this validator is set to fail on errors </throws>
		public virtual bool validate(IMessage message)
			Terser t = new Terser(message);
			IMessageRule[] rules = myContext.getMessageRules(message.Version, t.Get("MSH-9-1"), t.Get("MSH-9-2"));

			ValidationException toThrow = null;
			bool result = true;
			for (int i = 0; i < rules.Length; i++)
				ValidationException[] ex = rules[i].test(message);
				for (int j = 0; j < ex.Length; j++)
					result = false;
					ourLog.Error("Invalid message", ex[j]);
					if (failOnError && toThrow == null)
						toThrow = ex[j];

			if (toThrow != null)
				throw new HL7Exception("Invalid message", toThrow);

			return result;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ValidationException[] test(NHapi.Base.Model.IMessage msg)
            ValidationException[] result = new ValidationException[0];

            foreach (MessageRegExRuleElement rule in regexRules)
                bool flag1 = (rule.Version == "*") || (msg.Version == rule.Version);

                string structureName = msg.GetStructureName();
                string[] sNames = structureName.Split('_');
                bool flag2 = (rule.MessageType == "*") || (sNames[0] == rule.MessageType);
                bool flag3 = (rule.TriggerEvent == "*") || (sNames[1] == rule.TriggerEvent);

                if (flag1 && flag2 && flag3)
                    Terser terser = new Terser(msg);
                    string value = terser.Get(rule.FieldIndicator);

                    if ((value == null) && !rule.AllowNull)
                        result = new ValidationException[1] { new ValidationException(string.Format("Value in '{0}' may not be null.", value)) };
                    else if ((value != null) && !Regex.IsMatch(value, rule.RegEx))
                        result = new ValidationException[1] { new ValidationException(string.Format("Value '{0}' in '{1}' doesn't match regex '{2}'.", value, rule.FieldIndicator, rule.RegEx)) };

                if (result.Count() > 0)

            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Test
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ValidationException[] test(NHapi.Base.Model.IMessage msg)
            ValidationException[] result = new ValidationException[0];

            foreach (MessageFieldMandatoryRuleElement rule in mandatoryRules)
                bool flag1 = (rule.Version == "*") || (msg.Version == rule.Version);

                string structureName = msg.GetStructureName();
                string[] sNames = structureName.Split('_');
                bool flag2 = (rule.MessageType == "*") || (sNames[0] == rule.MessageType);
                bool flag3 = (rule.TriggerEvent == "*") || (sNames[1] == rule.TriggerEvent);

                if (flag1 && flag2 && flag3)
                    Terser terser = new Terser(msg);
                    string value = terser.Get(rule.FieldIndicator);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        result = new ValidationException[1] { new ValidationException(string.Format("Field '{1}' is mandatory.", value, rule.FieldIndicator)) };

                if (result.Count() > 0)

            return result;
예제 #4
        public override bool Send(IMessage msg)
            IMessage response = mllpClient.SendHL7Message(msg);

            Terser terser = new Terser(response);
            string ackCode = terser.Get("/MSA-1");

            return (ackCode == "AA");
예제 #5
        private bool CheckFieldFilter(IMessage message)
            bool result = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FieldFilter) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FieldFilterValue))
                return result;

            Terser terser = new Terser(message);
            string msgFieldValue = terser.Get(FieldFilter);
            result = Compare(FieldFilterValue, msgFieldValue);

            return result;
예제 #6
        public bool Match(IMessage message)
            bool result = false;

            result = Compare(Hl7Version, message.Version);
            if (result)
                // Dib0 20150125: Changed the compare. This method doesn't work with messages
                // that are parsed as generic messages
                //result = Compare(Structurename, message.GetStructureName());

                Terser terser = new Terser(message);
                string messageType = string.Format("{0}_{1}", terser.Get("MSH-9-1"), terser.Get("MSH-9-2"));

                result = Compare(Structurename, messageType);

            // Check the field filter
            if (result)
                result = CheckFieldFilter(message);
            return result;
예제 #7
        public override bool Send(IMessage msg)
            bool result = true; 

                PipeParser parser = new PipeParser();
                string res = SendRequest(parser.Encode(msg));
                IMessage response = parser.Parse(res);

                Terser terser = new Terser(response);
                string ackCode = terser.Get("/MSA-1");
                result = (ackCode == "AA");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.ErrorFormat("Error in delivering message '{0}' to Http endpoint with uri '{1}'. Error: {2}", msg.GetStructureName(), serverUri, ex.Message);
                result = false;

            return result;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an Ack message based on a received message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inboundMessage">received message</param>
        /// <param name="ackResult">Send AA, AE or AR message.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">The reason the message was rejected or an error. If "AA" was supplied as ackCode the errorMessage should be null.</param>
        /// <returns>Created ACK message</returns>
        public IMessage MakeACK(IMessage inboundMessage, AckTypes ackResult, string errorMessage)
            IMessage ackMessage = null;
            // Get an object from the right ACK class
            string ackClassType = string.Format("NHapi.Model.V{0}.Message.ACK, NHapi.Model.V{0}", inboundMessage.Version.Replace(".", ""));
            Type x = Type.GetType(ackClassType);
            if (x != null)
                ackMessage = (IMessage)Activator.CreateInstance(x);
                // Fix for V2.2 and V2.1 Since tha ACK message class is missing there in NHapi
                if (inboundMessage.Version == "2.1")
                    ackMessage = (IMessage)new NHapiTools.Base.CustomImplementation.V21.Messages.ACK();
                if (inboundMessage.Version == "2.2")
                    ackMessage = (IMessage)new NHapiTools.Base.CustomImplementation.V22.Messages.ACK();

            Terser inboundTerser = new Terser(inboundMessage);
            ISegment inboundHeader = null;
            inboundHeader = inboundTerser.getSegment("MSH");

            // Find the HL7 version of the inbound message:
            string version = null;
                version = Terser.Get(inboundHeader, 12, 0, 1, 1);
            catch (NHapi.Base.HL7Exception)
                // I'm not happy to proceed if we can't identify the inbound
                // message version.
                throw new NHapi.Base.HL7Exception("Failed to get valid HL7 version from inbound MSH-12-1");

            // Create a Terser instance for the outbound message (the ACK).
            Terser terser = new Terser(ackMessage);

            // Populate outbound MSH fields using data from inbound message
            ISegment outHeader = (ISegment)terser.getSegment("MSH");
            DeepCopy.copy(inboundHeader, outHeader);

            // Now set the message type, HL7 version number, acknowledgement code
            // and message control ID fields:
            string sendingApp = terser.Get("/MSH-3");
            string sendingEnv = terser.Get("/MSH-4");
            terser.Set("/MSH-3", appCommunicationName);
            terser.Set("/MSH-4", environmentIdentifier);
            terser.Set("/MSH-5", sendingApp);
            terser.Set("/MSH-6", sendingEnv);
            terser.Set("/MSH-7", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddmmhh"));
            terser.Set("/MSH-9", "ACK");
            terser.Set("/MSH-12", version);
            terser.Set("/MSA-1", Enum.GetName(typeof(AckTypes), ackResult));
            terser.Set("/MSA-2", Terser.Get(inboundHeader, 10, 0, 1, 1));

            // Set error message
            if (errorMessage != null)
                terser.Set("/ERR-1-1", errorMessage);

            return ackMessage;
        public static IMessage MakeACK(ISegment inboundHeader, string ackCode)
            if (!inboundHeader.GetStructureName().Equals("MSH"))
                throw new NHapi.Base.HL7Exception(
                    "Need an MSH segment to create a response ACK (got " + inboundHeader.GetStructureName() + ")");

            // Find the HL7 version of the inbound message:
            string version = null;
                version = Terser.Get(inboundHeader, 12, 0, 1, 1);
            catch (NHapi.Base.HL7Exception)
                // I'm not happy to proceed if we can't identify the inbound
                // message version.
                throw new NHapi.Base.HL7Exception("Failed to get valid HL7 version from inbound MSH-12-1");

            IMessage ackMessage = new ACK();
            // Create a Terser instance for the outbound message (the ACK).
            Terser terser = new Terser(ackMessage);

            // Populate outbound MSH fields using data from inbound message
            ISegment outHeader = (ISegment)terser.getSegment("MSH");
            DeepCopy.copy(inboundHeader, outHeader);

            // Now set the message type, HL7 version number, acknowledgement code
            // and message control ID fields:
            string sendingApp = terser.Get("/MSH-3");
            string sendingEnv = terser.Get("/MSH-4");
            terser.Set("/MSH-3", CommunicationName);
            terser.Set("/MSH-4", EnvironmentIdentifier);
            terser.Set("/MSH-5", sendingApp);
            terser.Set("/MSH-6", sendingEnv);
            terser.Set("/MSH-7", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddmmhh"));
            terser.Set("/MSH-9", "ACK");
            terser.Set("/MSH-12", version);
            terser.Set("/MSA-1", ackCode == null ? "AA" : ackCode);
            terser.Set("/MSA-2", Terser.Get(inboundHeader, 10, 0, 1, 1));

            return ackMessage;