public static Rect DrawStackTrace(ILogContentGetter log, RowsDrawer rowsDrawer, Rect r, int i, Row row) { StackTraceSettings settings = HQ.Settings.Get <StackTraceSettings>(); float width = r.width; // Substract viewRect to avoid scrollbar. r.height = settings.height; // Display the stack trace. int j = 0; foreach (var frame in log.Frames) { // Hide invisible frames. if (r.y - rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset > rowsDrawer.bodyRect.height) { break; } r.x = 0F; r.width = width - 16F; GUI.SetNextControlName("SF" + i + j); if (GUI.Button(r, frame.frameString, settings.Style) == true) { if (RowUtility.CheckLowestRowGoToLineAllowed(j) == true) { GUI.FocusControl("SF" + i + j); r.y -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; RowUtility.GoToLine(r, frame); r.y += rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; } } // Handle hover overflow. if (r.y - rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset + r.height > rowsDrawer.bodyRect.height) { r.height = rowsDrawer.bodyRect.height - r.y + rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { r.y -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; RowUtility.PreviewStackFrame(rowsDrawer, r, frame); r.y += rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; } r.x = r.width; r.width = 16F; if (GUI.Button(r, "+", settings.Style) == true) { StackTraceSettings stackTrace = HQ.Settings.Get <StackTraceSettings>(); GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); if (frame.raw == null) { InternalNGDebug.LogError("The frame stack is invalid." + Environment.NewLine + frame); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Set as Category"), false, RowUtility.SetAsCategory, frame.raw); string f = RowUtility.GetFilterNamespace(frame.raw); if (f != null) { if (stackTrace.filters.Contains(f) == false) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Skip Namespace \"" + f + "\""), false, RowUtility.AddFilter, f); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Skip Namespace \"" + f + "\"")); } } f = RowUtility.GetFilterClass(frame.raw); if (f != null) { if (stackTrace.filters.Contains(f) == false) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Skip Class \"" + f + "\""), false, RowUtility.AddFilter, f); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Skip Class \"" + f + "\"")); } } f = RowUtility.GetFilterMethod(frame.raw); if (f != null) { if (stackTrace.filters.Contains(f) == false) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Skip Method \"" + f + "\""), false, RowUtility.AddFilter, f); } else { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Skip Method \"" + f + "\"")); } } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Manage filters"), false, RowUtility.GoToSettings); menu.ShowAsContext(); } ++j; r.y += r.height; } return(r); }
public override void DrawRow(RowsDrawer rowsDrawer, Rect r, int streamIndex, bool?collapse) { if (this.isParsed == false) { this.ParseLog(); } float originWidth = RowUtility.drawingWindow.position.width - rowsDrawer.verticalScrollbarWidth; LogSettings settings = HQ.Settings.Get <LogSettings>(); // Draw highlight. r.x = 0F; r.width = originWidth; r.height = settings.height; this.DrawBackground(rowsDrawer, r, streamIndex); r.width = 16F; EditorGUI.DrawRect(r, JSONRow.FoldColor); bool isOpened = rowsDrawer.rowsData.ContainsKey(this); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.Foldout(r, isOpened, ""); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { if (isOpened == false) { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Add(this, true); } else { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Remove(this); } isOpened = !isOpened; rowsDrawer.InvalidateViewHeight(); } r.x = r.width; r.width = originWidth - r.x; // Handle mouse inputs. if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { // Toggle on middle click. if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 2) { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); } rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); } } if (isOpened == false) { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Add(this, true); } else { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Remove(this); } isOpened = !isOpened; rowsDrawer.InvalidateViewHeight(); Event.current.Use(); } // Show menu on right click up. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1 && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyLine")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuCopyLine, this); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyActualExplodedJSON")), false, this.CopyAllActualExplodedJSON, rowsDrawer); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyFullExplodedJSON")), false, this.CopyAllFullExplodedJSON, rowsDrawer); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("ViewJSON")), false, this.ViewJSON); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.StackTrace) == false) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyStackTrace")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuCopyStackTrace, this); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Advance Copy Shift+C"), false, rowsDrawer.OpenAdvanceCopy); if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.CountSelection >= 2) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("ExportSelection")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuExportSelection, this); } if (RowsDrawer.GlobalLogContextMenu != null) { RowsDrawer.GlobalLogContextMenu(menu, rowsDrawer, streamIndex, this); } if (rowsDrawer.LogContextMenu != null) { rowsDrawer.LogContextMenu(menu, this); } menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); } // Focus on right click down. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 1) { // Handle multi-selection. if (Event.current.control == true) { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } } else { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); } Event.current.Use(); } // Focus on left click. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { // Set the selection to the log's object if available. if (this.log.instanceID != 0 && (Event.current.modifiers & settings.selectObjectOnModifier) != 0) { Selection.activeInstanceID = this.log.instanceID; } // Go to line if force focus is available. else if ((Event.current.modifiers & settings.forceFocusOnModifier) != 0) { RowUtility.GoToLine(this, this.log, true); } // Handle multi-selection. if (Event.current.control == true && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.RemoveSelection(streamIndex); } else { if (Event.current.shift == true) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.WrapSelection(streamIndex); } else if (Event.current.control == false) { if (settings.alwaysDisplayLogContent == false && rowsDrawer.currentVars.CountSelection != 1) { rowsDrawer.bodyRect.height -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.rowContentHeight + ConsoleConstants.RowContentSplitterHeight; } else { // Reset last click when selection changes. if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { RowUtility.LastClickTime = 0; } } rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); } if (Event.current.shift == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); } GUI.FocusControl(null); Event.current.Use(); } } // Handle normal behaviour on left click up. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0) { // Go to line on double click. if (RowUtility.LastClickTime + Constants.DoubleClickTime > EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup && RowUtility.LastClickIndex == streamIndex && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { bool focus = false; if ((Event.current.modifiers & settings.forceFocusOnModifier) != 0) { focus = true; } RowUtility.GoToLine(this, this.log, focus); } // Ping on simple click. else if (this.log.instanceID != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(this.log.instanceID); } RowUtility.LastClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; RowUtility.LastClickIndex = streamIndex; RowUtility.drawingWindow.Repaint(); Event.current.Use(); } } r = this.DrawPreLogData(rowsDrawer, r); r.width = originWidth - r.x; GUI.Label(r, this.firstLine, settings.Style); if (isOpened == true) { if (this.root == null) { this.ParseJSON(); } r.y += r.height; r.x = 16F; r.width = originWidth - 16F; r.height = this.root.GetHeight(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); this.root.Draw(r); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { rowsDrawer.InvalidateViewHeight(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) { this.editor.Repaint(); } } }
public override void DrawRow(RowsDrawer rowsDrawer, Rect r, int streamIndex, bool?collapse) { LogSettings settings = HQ.Settings.Get <LogSettings>(); float originWidth = r.width - rowsDrawer.verticalScrollbarWidth /* + rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollX*/; // Draw highlight. //r.x = rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollX; r.width = originWidth; r.height = settings.height; this.DrawBackground(rowsDrawer, r, streamIndex); // Handle row events. if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove || Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag && Utility.position2D != && DragAndDrop.GetGenericData(Utility.DragObjectDataName) != null && (Utility.position2D - Event.current.mousePosition).sqrMagnitude >= Constants.MinStartDragDistance) { Utility.position2D =; DragAndDrop.StartDrag("Drag Object"); } if (rowsDrawer.RowHovered != null) { r.y -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; rowsDrawer.RowHovered(r, this); r.y += rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (rowsDrawer.RowClicked != null) { r.y -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; rowsDrawer.RowClicked(r, this); r.y += rowsDrawer.currentVars.scrollbar.Offset; } } } //r.x = 0F; if (RowsDrawer.GlobalBeforeFoldout != null) { //r.width = originWidth - r.x; r = RowsDrawer.GlobalBeforeFoldout(rowsDrawer, r, streamIndex, this); } if (rowsDrawer.BeforeFoldout != null) { r.width = originWidth - r.x; r = rowsDrawer.BeforeFoldout(r, streamIndex, this); } // The drag position needs to be often reset. To ensure no drag start. if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp) { Utility.position2D =; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { Utility.position2D =; if (Event.current.button == 0 && r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { Utility.position2D = Event.current.mousePosition; if (this.log.instanceID != 0) { DragAndDrop.objectReferences = new Object[] { EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(this.log.instanceID) }; DragAndDrop.SetGenericData(Utility.DragObjectDataName, this.log.instanceID); } } } Color foldoutColor = Color.white; bool isDefaultLog = false; if ((this.log.mode & Mode.ScriptingException) != 0) { if (HQ.Settings.Get <GeneralSettings>().differentiateException == false) { foldoutColor = ConsoleConstants.ErrorFoldoutColor; } else { foldoutColor = ConsoleConstants.ExceptionFoldoutColor; } } else if ((this.log.mode & (Mode.ScriptCompileError | Mode.ScriptingError | Mode.Fatal | Mode.Error | Mode.Assert | Mode.AssetImportError | Mode.ScriptingAssertion)) != 0) { foldoutColor = ConsoleConstants.ErrorFoldoutColor; } else if ((this.log.mode & (Mode.ScriptCompileWarning | Mode.ScriptingWarning | Mode.AssetImportWarning)) != 0) { foldoutColor = ConsoleConstants.WarningFoldoutColor; } else { isDefaultLog = true; } bool isOpened = rowsDrawer.rowsData.ContainsKey(this); // Draw foldout. r.x += 2F; r.width = 16F; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(this.HasStackTrace == false); { using (BgColorContentRestorer.Get(!isDefaultLog, foldoutColor)) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.Foldout(r, (bool)isOpened, ""); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true) { if (isOpened == false) { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Add(this, true); } else { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Remove(this); } isOpened = !isOpened; GUI.FocusControl(null); rowsDrawer.InvalidateViewHeight(); } } r.x -= 2F; r.width = 3F; if (isDefaultLog == false) { EditorGUI.DrawRect(r, foldoutColor); } r.width = 16F; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); r.x = r.width; if (this.log.instanceID != 0) { if (this.icon == null) { this.icon = Utility.GetIcon(this.log.instanceID); if (this.icon == null) { this.icon = InternalEditorUtility.GetIconForFile(this.log.file); } } if (icon != null) { r.width = settings.height; GUI.DrawTexture(r, icon); r.x += r.width; } } if (RowsDrawer.GlobalBeforeLog != null) { r.width = originWidth - r.x; r = RowsDrawer.GlobalBeforeLog(r, streamIndex, this); } if (rowsDrawer.BeforeLog != null) { r.width = originWidth - r.x; r = rowsDrawer.BeforeLog(r, streamIndex, this); } r.width = originWidth - r.x; // Handle mouse inputs. if (r.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) == true) { // Toggle on middle click. if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 2) { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); } rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); } GUI.FocusControl(null); } if (rowsDrawer.rowsData.ContainsKey(this) == false) { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Add(this, true); } else { rowsDrawer.rowsData.Remove(this); } //this.isOpened = !this.isOpened; rowsDrawer.InvalidateViewHeight(); Event.current.Use(); } // Show menu on right click up. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1 && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyLine")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuCopyLine, this); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyLog")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuCopyLog, this); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.StackTrace) == false) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("CopyStackTrace")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuCopyStackTrace, this); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Advance Copy Shift+C"), false, rowsDrawer.OpenAdvanceCopy); if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.CountSelection >= 2) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(LC.G("ExportSelection")), false, rowsDrawer.MenuExportSelection, this); } if (RowsDrawer.GlobalLogContextMenu != null) { RowsDrawer.GlobalLogContextMenu(menu, rowsDrawer, streamIndex, this); } if (rowsDrawer.LogContextMenu != null) { rowsDrawer.LogContextMenu(menu, this); } menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); } // Focus on right click down. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 1) { // Handle multi-selection. if (Event.current.control == true) { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } } else { if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); GUI.FocusControl(null); } Event.current.Use(); } // Focus on left click. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { // Set the selection to the log's object if available. if (this.log.instanceID != 0 && (Event.current.modifiers & settings.selectObjectOnModifier) != 0) { Selection.activeInstanceID = this.log.instanceID; } // Go to line if force focus is available. else if ((Event.current.modifiers & settings.forceFocusOnModifier) != 0) { RowUtility.GoToLine(this, this.log, true); } // Handle multi-selection. if (Event.current.control == true && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.RemoveSelection(streamIndex); } else { if (Event.current.shift == true) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.WrapSelection(streamIndex); } else if (Event.current.control == false) { if (settings.alwaysDisplayLogContent == false && rowsDrawer.currentVars.CountSelection != 1) { rowsDrawer.bodyRect.height -= rowsDrawer.currentVars.rowContentHeight + ConsoleConstants.RowContentSplitterHeight; } else { // Reset last click when selection changes. if (rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == false) { RowUtility.LastClickTime = 0; } } rowsDrawer.currentVars.ClearSelection(); } if (Event.current.shift == false) { rowsDrawer.currentVars.AddSelection(streamIndex); } if (Event.current.control == false) { rowsDrawer.FitFocusedLogInScreen(streamIndex); } GUI.FocusControl(null); Event.current.Use(); } } // Handle normal behaviour on left click up. else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0) { // Go to line on double click. if (RowUtility.LastClickTime + Constants.DoubleClickTime > EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup && RowUtility.LastClickIndex == streamIndex && rowsDrawer.currentVars.IsSelected(streamIndex) == true) { bool focus = false; if ((Event.current.modifiers & settings.forceFocusOnModifier) != 0) { focus = true; } RowUtility.GoToLine(this, this.log, focus); } // Ping on simple click. else if (this.log.instanceID != 0) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(this.log.instanceID); } RowUtility.LastClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; RowUtility.LastClickIndex = streamIndex; GUI.FocusControl(null); RowUtility.drawingWindow.Repaint(); Event.current.Use(); } } r = this.DrawPreLogData(rowsDrawer, r); r.width = originWidth - r.x; this.DrawLog(r, streamIndex); r = this.DrawCollapseLabel(r, collapse); if (RowsDrawer.GlobalAfterLog != null) { r = RowsDrawer.GlobalAfterLog(r, streamIndex, this); } if (rowsDrawer.AfterLog != null) { r = rowsDrawer.AfterLog(r, streamIndex, this); } r.y += r.height; if (isOpened == true) { r.x = 0F; r.width = originWidth; RowUtility.DrawStackTrace(this, rowsDrawer, r, streamIndex, this); } }