public static void RemoveInvoice(string invoice) { int i = NGLicensesManager.invoices.FindIndex(l => l.invoice == invoice); if (i != -1) { NGLicensesManager.invoices.RemoveAt(i); NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } }
public static void AddInvoice(string invoice) { invoice = invoice.Trim(); License license = NGLicensesManager.invoices.Find(l => l.invoice == invoice); if (license == null) { NGLicensesManager.invoices.Add(new License() { invoice = invoice }); NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } }
public static void RevokeLicense(string invoice) { License license; lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { license = NGLicensesManager.invoices.Find(l => l.invoice == invoice); if (license == null) { return; } } StringBuilder buffer = Utility.GetBuffer(NGLicensesManager.ServerEndPoint + "revoke_invoice.php?i="); buffer.Append(invoice); buffer.Append("&dn="); buffer.Append(SystemInfo.deviceName); buffer.Append("&un="); buffer.Append(Environment.UserName); NGLicensesManager.RequestServer(Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), (error, result) => { if (error == false) { if (result == "1") { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { license.status = 0; = false; NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "License revoked.", "OK"); }; } else { string message; if (result == "0") // Not using { message = "You are not using this invoice."; license.status = Status.Valid; = false; } else if (result == "-2") // Banned { message = "You are not allowed to revoke this invoice. Please contact the author."; license.status = Status.Banned; = false; } else { message = "Server has encountered an issue. Please contact the author."; } EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (NGLicensesManager.RevokeFailed != null) { NGLicensesManager.RevokeFailed(invoice, message, result); } }; } } else { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (NGLicensesManager.RevokeFailed != null) { NGLicensesManager.RevokeFailed(invoice, "Request has failed.", result); } }; } }, invoice); }
public static void RevokeSeat(string invoice, string deviceName, string userName, Action <string, string, string> onCompleted) { StringBuilder buffer = Utility.GetBuffer(NGLicensesManager.ServerEndPoint + "revoke_seats.php?i="); buffer.Append(invoice); buffer.Append("&dn="); buffer.Append(SystemInfo.deviceName); buffer.Append("&un="); buffer.Append(Environment.UserName); buffer.Append("&sdn[]="); buffer.Append(deviceName); buffer.Append("&sun[]="); buffer.Append(userName); NGLicensesManager.RequestServer(Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), (error, result) => { if (error == false) { if (result == "1") { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { License license = NGLicensesManager.invoices.Find(l => l.invoice == invoice); if (license != null) { = false; license.status = 0; NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } } onCompleted(invoice, deviceName, userName); InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "Seat \"" + deviceName + " " + userName + "\" revoked.", "OK"); }; } else { string message; if (result == "0") // Not using { message = "The server could not revoke the seat \"" + deviceName + " " + userName + "\". Please contact the author."; } else { message = "Server has encountered an issue. Please contact the author."; } EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, message, "OK"); }; } } else { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "Request has failed.", "OK"); }; } }, invoice); }
public static void ActivateLicense(string invoice) { License license; lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { license = NGLicensesManager.invoices.Find(l => l.invoice == invoice); if (license == null) { return; } } StringBuilder buffer = Utility.GetBuffer(NGLicensesManager.ServerEndPoint + "active_invoice.php?i="); buffer.Append(invoice); buffer.Append("&dn="); buffer.Append(SystemInfo.deviceName); buffer.Append("&un="); buffer.Append(Environment.UserName); NGLicensesManager.RequestServer(Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), (error, result) => { if (error == false) { if (result == "1") { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { = true; if (NGLicensesManager.ActivationSucceeded != null) { NGLicensesManager.ActivationSucceeded(license.invoice); } NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "License activated.", "OK"); }; } else { string message; if (result == "-2") // Banned { message = "You are not allowed to use this invoice. Please contact the author."; license.status = Status.Banned; = false; } else if (result == "-3") // Invalid { message = "Invoice is invalid."; license.status = Status.Invalid; = false; } else if (result == "-4") // Max reached { message = "No more activation is allowed, limitation per seat is already reached. Please first revoke your license on other computers before activating here."; license.status = Status.Valid; = false; } else { message = "Server has encountered an issue. Please contact the author."; } EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (NGLicensesManager.ActivationFailed != null) { NGLicensesManager.ActivationFailed(invoice, message, result); } }; } } else { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (NGLicensesManager.ActivationFailed != null) { NGLicensesManager.ActivationFailed(invoice, "Request has failed.", result); } }; } }, invoice); }
private static void VerifyActiveLicenses(params string[] invoices) { if (invoices.Length == 0) { return; } StringBuilder buffer = Utility.GetBuffer(NGLicensesManager.ServerEndPoint + "check_active_invoices.php?i="); buffer.Append(string.Join(",", invoices)); buffer.Append("&dn="); buffer.Append(SystemInfo.deviceName); buffer.Append("&un="); buffer.Append(Environment.UserName); NGLicensesManager.RequestServer(Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), (error, json) => { if (error == false) { string[] lines = json.Split('\n'); List <string> changes = new List <string>(); lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { for (int i = 0; i + 2 < lines.Length; i += 3) { for (int j = 0; j < NGLicensesManager.invoices.Count; j++) { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice == lines[i]) { if (lines[i + 1] == "-1") // Banned { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status != Status.Banned || NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active != false) { changes.Add("License \"" + NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice + "\" has been revoked and blocked." + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i + 2]) == false ? " (" + lines[i + 2] + ")" : string.Empty)); NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = Status.Banned; NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active = false; } } else if (lines[i + 1] == "0") // Revoked { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status != Status.Valid || NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active != false) { changes.Add("License \"" + NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice + "\" has been revoked." + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i + 2]) == false ? " (" + lines[i + 2] + ")" : string.Empty)); NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = Status.Valid; NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active = false; } } else if (lines[i + 1] == "1") // Activated { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status != Status.Valid || NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active != true) { changes.Add("License \"" + NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice + "\" has been activated." + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lines[i + 2]) == false ? " (" + lines[i + 2] + ")" : string.Empty)); NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = Status.Valid; NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].active = true; } } } } } if (changes.Count > 0) { NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } } if (changes.Count > 0) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { for (int i = 0; i < changes.Count; i++) { Debug.LogWarning("[" + NGLicensesManager.Title + "] " + changes[i]); } InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); }; } } }, invoices); }
public static void VerifyLicenses(params string[] invoices) { if (invoices.Length == 0) { return; } StringBuilder buffer = Utility.GetBuffer(NGLicensesManager.ServerEndPoint + "check_invoices.php?i="); buffer.Append(string.Join(",", invoices)); buffer.Append("&dn="); buffer.Append(SystemInfo.deviceName); buffer.Append("&un="); buffer.Append(Environment.UserName); // Is is apparently possible to send an invoice and receive a completely different invoice, but still valid. bool soloInvoiceFallback = invoices.Length == 1; NGLicensesManager.RequestServer(Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), (error, json) => { if (error == false) { if (json == "[]") { lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { for (int j = 0; j < NGLicensesManager.invoices.Count; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < invoices.Length; i++) { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice == invoices[i]) { NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = Status.Invalid; } } } EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); }; } } else if (json.StartsWith("[") == true) { string[] results = json.Split('{'); List <string> unchangedInvoices = new List <string>(invoices); lock (NGLicensesManager.invoices) { for (int i = 1; i < results.Length; i++) { string[] values = results[i].Split(','); string invoice = values[0].Split(':')[1]; invoice = invoice.Substring(1, invoice.Length - 2); // Remove quotes. if (soloInvoiceFallback == true) { soloInvoiceFallback = false; for (int j = 0; j < NGLicensesManager.invoices.Count; j++) { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice == invoices[0]) { string asset_name = values[1].Split(':')[1]; string rawStatus = values[2].Split(':')[1]; Status status = (Status)int.Parse(rawStatus.Substring(0, rawStatus.Length - 2)); if (asset_name.Length > 2) { asset_name = asset_name.Substring(1, asset_name.Length - 2); NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].assetName = asset_name; } NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = status; unchangedInvoices.Remove(invoices[0]); break; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < NGLicensesManager.invoices.Count; j++) { if (NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].invoice.Contains(invoice) == true) { string asset_name = values[1].Split(':')[1]; string rawStatus = values[2].Split(':')[1]; Status status = (Status)int.Parse(rawStatus.Substring(0, rawStatus.Length - 2)); if (asset_name.Length > 2) { asset_name = asset_name.Substring(1, asset_name.Length - 2); NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].assetName = asset_name; } NGLicensesManager.invoices[j].status = status; unchangedInvoices.RemoveAll(inv => inv.Contains(invoice)); break; } } } } NGLicensesManager.SaveLicenses(); } EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { if (unchangedInvoices.Count > 0) { buffer = Utility.GetBuffer("Invoice(s)"); for (int i = 0; i < unchangedInvoices.Count; i++) { buffer.Append(" \""); buffer.Append(unchangedInvoices[i]); buffer.Append('"'); } buffer.Append(" might be invalid.\nPlease use real invoice and not voucher."); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, Utility.ReturnBuffer(buffer), "OK"); } InternalEditorUtility.RepaintAllViews(); }; } else if (json == "-2") { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "Don't spam.", "OK"); } } else { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(NGLicensesManager.Title, "Request has failed. Please retry or contact the author.", "OK"); } }, invoices); }