예제 #1
        public void Perform(WorkContext context)
            var from = context.Request.QueryString["from"].AsInt(1);
              var to   = context.Request.QueryString["to"].AsInt(10);

              if (to-from>1000) to = from + 1000;//limit so no infinite loop possible

              context.Response.ContentType = ContentType.TEXT;
              for(var i=from;i<=to;i++)
            context.Response.WriteLine("{0} times and counting".Args(i));
예제 #2
        protected override MethodInfo FindMatchingAction(WorkContext work, string action, out object[] args)
            if (action.IndexOf('-') > 3) // pattern: xxx-...
                    var el = new ELink(action);
                    args = new object[] {el.ID};
                    return mi_Resolve;

            args = null;
            return null;
예제 #3
        protected override void DoFilterWork(WorkContext work, IList<WorkFilter> filters, int thisFilterIndex)
            foreach (var match in m_Matches.OrderedValues)
                var matched = match.Make(work);
                if (matched == null)

                var newAction = matched[VAR_NEW_ACTION].AsString();
                if (newAction.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())

                var oldUrl = work.Request.Url.ToString();
                var newUrl = changeMvcUrlAction(oldUrl, newAction);
                if (newUrl == null)


            this.InvokeNextWorker(work, filters, thisFilterIndex);
예제 #4
파일: Portal.cs 프로젝트: yhhno/nfx
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the named content into desired language trying to infer language from work context/locality/session.
        /// The search is first done in this portal then in inherited portals.
        /// Returns an empty string if no translation is possible
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string TranslateContent(string contentKey, string isoLang = null, WorkContext work = null)
            if (isoLang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
              isoLang = GetLanguageISOCode(work);

            string result;

            var portal = this;

              var content = portal.m_LocalizableContent;

              if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey+"_"+isoLang, out result)) return result;
              if (!isoLang.EqualsOrdIgnoreCase(portal.DefaultLanguageISOCode))
            if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey+"_"+portal.DefaultLanguageISOCode, out result)) return result;
              if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey, out result)) return result;

              portal = portal.Parent;

            return string.Empty;
예제 #5
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_UserHosts(WorkContext work)
     if (m_UserHosts==null) return true;
     return m_UserHosts.Any(uh=> work.Request.UserHostName.IndexOf(uh, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)>=0);
예제 #6
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Ports(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Ports==null) return true;
     return m_Ports.Any(p=>p.Equals(work.Request.Url.Port.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal));
예제 #7
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Methods(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Methods==null) return true;
     return m_Methods.Any(m => m.Equals(work.Request.HttpMethod, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
예제 #8
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_IsLocal(WorkContext work)
     if (!m_IsLocal.HasValue) return true;
     return work.Request.IsLocal == m_IsLocal;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the named content into desired language trying to infer language from work context/locality/session.
        /// The search is first done in this portal then in inherited portals.
        /// Returns an empty string if no translation is possible
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string TranslateContent(string contentKey, string isoLang = null, WorkContext work = null)
            if (isoLang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                isoLang = GetLanguageISOCode(work);

            string result;

            var portal = this;

            while (portal != null)
                var content = portal.m_LocalizableContent;

                if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey + "_" + isoLang, out result))
                if (!isoLang.EqualsOrdIgnoreCase(portal.DefaultLanguageISOCode))
                    if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey + "_" + portal.DefaultLanguageISOCode, out result))
                if (content.TryGetValue(contentKey, out result))

                portal = portal.Parent;

예제 #10
파일: Portal.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to determine session/work context lang and returns it or DefaultLanguageISOCode
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string GetLanguageISOCode(WorkContext work = null)
            string lang = null;

            if (work==null)
              work = ExecutionContext.Request as WorkContext;

            if (work==null)
              var session = ExecutionContext.Session;
              if (session!=null)
               lang = session.LanguageISOCode;
              // 9/13/2016 OGee session can be exists but not acquired
              work.NeedsSession(onlyExisting: true);
              var session = work.Session;
              if (session!=null)
            lang = session.LanguageISOCode;

              if (lang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && work.GeoEntity!=null && work.GeoEntity.Location.HasValue)
            var country = work.GeoEntity.CountryISOName;
            lang =  CountryISOCodeToLanguageISOCode(country);

            return lang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? this.DefaultLanguageISOCode : lang;
예제 #11
파일: Response.cs 프로젝트: sergey-msu/nfx
 internal Response(WorkContext work, HttpListenerResponse netResponse)
   Work = work;
   m_NetResponse = netResponse;
   m_NetResponse.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.Server] = Work.Server.Name;
예제 #12
 internal Response(WorkContext work, HttpListenerResponse netResponse)
     Work          = work;
     m_NetResponse = netResponse;
     m_NetResponse.Headers[HttpResponseHeader.Server] = Work.Server.Name;
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to handle the work - i.e. render a template page or call MVC controller method.
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void DoHandleWork(WorkContext work);
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles processing exception - this implementation uses server-wide behavior.
 /// All parameters except ERROR can be null - which indicates error that happened during WorkContext dispose
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void HandleException(WorkContext work, WorkFilter filter, WorkHandler handler, Exception error)
     ComponentDirector.HandleException(work, filter, handler, error);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the most appropriate work handler to do the work.
 /// The default implementation finds first handler with matching URI pattern or null
 /// </summary>
 public virtual WorkHandler GetWorkHandler(WorkContext work)
     return(m_Handlers.OrderedValues.FirstOrDefault(handler => handler.MakeMatch(work)));
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the work -  first involes all filters then calls HandleWork to do actual processing
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads
 /// </summary>
 public void FilterAndHandleWork(WorkContext work)
   var filters = m_Filters.OrderedValues.ToList().AsReadOnly();//captures context
   var filter = filters.FirstOrDefault();
   if (filter!=null)
      filter.FilterWork(work, filters, 0);
예제 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true when the particular work request matches the pattern match of this handler.
 /// Also sets the WorkHandler's MatchedVars property filled with matched values
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool MakeMatch(WorkContext work)
   foreach(var match in m_Matches.OrderedValues)
     var matched = match.Make(work);
     if (matched!=null)
        work.___SetWorkMatch(match, matched);
        return true;
   return false;
예제 #18
파일: WorkFilter.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to filter the work - i.e. extract some security name from cookies and check access, turn exception in error page etc.
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="work">Work context</param>
 /// <param name="filters">
 /// The filters that participated in a call.
 /// Note the Dipatcher.Filters may yield different results as it may change with time, whereas this parameter captures all filters during the call start
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="thisFilterIndex">
 /// The index of THIS filter in filters
 /// </param>
 public void FilterWork(WorkContext work, IList<WorkFilter> filters, int thisFilterIndex)
     DoFilterWork(work, filters, thisFilterIndex);
      catch(Exception error)
     work.LastError = error;
     throw new FilterPipelineException(this, error);
예제 #19
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Hosts(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Hosts==null) return true;
     return m_Hosts.Any(h=>h.Equals(work.Request.Url.Host, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
예제 #20
파일: WorkFilter.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to filter the work - i.e. extract some security name from cookies and check access, turn exception in error page etc.
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads. Do not forget to call InvokeNextWorker() to continue request processing, otherwise the work will
 ///  not be handled (which may be a desired behavior)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="work">Work context</param>
 /// <param name="filters">
 /// The filters that participated in a call.
 /// Note the Dipatcher.Filters may yield different results as it may change with time, whereas this parameter captures all filters during the call start
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="thisFilterIndex">
 /// The index of THIS filter in filters
 /// </param>
 protected abstract void DoFilterWork(WorkContext work, IList<WorkFilter> filters, int thisFilterIndex);
예제 #21
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_IsSocialNetBot(WorkContext work)
     if (!m_IsSocialNetBot.HasValue) return true;
     var isBot = Web.Social.SocialNetwork.IsAnySocialNetBotUserAgent(work.Request.UserAgent);
     return m_IsSocialNetBot == isBot;
예제 #22
파일: WorkFilter.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes next processing body be it the next filter or handler (when all filters are iterated through).
        /// The filter implementors must call this method to pass WorkContext processing along the line.
        /// Does nothing if work is Aborted or Handled
        /// </summary>
        protected void InvokeNextWorker(WorkContext work, IList<WorkFilter> filters, int thisFilterIndex)
            if (work==null) return;
             if (work.Aborted || work.Handled) return;

             var idxNext = thisFilterIndex+1;
             if (idxNext<filters.Count)
            filters[idxNext].FilterWork(work, filters, idxNext);
              WorkHandler handler = m_Handler;

              if (handler!=null)//if we are under Handler already then call the handler directly
              else //if we are under dispatcher then call dipatcher to locate and invoke the matching handler
            m_Dispatcher.InvokeHandler(work, out handler);
예제 #23
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Permissions(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Permissions==null) return true;
     var failed = m_Permissions.FirstOrDefault(prm => !prm.Check(work.Session));
     return failed == null;
예제 #24
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        /// <summary>
        /// Decides whether the specified WorkContext makes the match per this instance and if it does, returns the match variables.
        /// Returns null if match was not made
        /// </summary>
        public virtual JSONDataMap Make(WorkContext work)
            if (
            !Check_Methods(work) ||
            !Check_AcceptTypes(work) ||
            !Check_ContentTypes(work) ||
            !Check_IsLocal(work) ||
            !Check_Hosts(work) ||
            !Check_Ports(work) ||
            !Check_Schemes(work) ||
            !Check_UserHosts(work) ||
            !Check_Permissions(work) ||
            !Check_Cookies(work) ||
            !Check_AbsentCookies(work) ||
            !Check_IsSocialNetBot(work) ||
            !Check_Headers(work) ||
               ) return null;

            JSONDataMap result = null;

            if (m_PathPattern!=null)
              result = m_PathPattern.MatchURIPath(work.Request.Url);
              if (result==null) return null;

            if (m_NotPathPattern!=null)
              if (m_NotPathPattern.MatchURIPath(work.Request.Url)!=null) return null;

            if (!Check_VariablesAndGetValues(work, ref result)) return null;

            return result ?? new JSONDataMap(false);
예제 #25
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Schemes(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Schemes==null) return true;
     return m_Schemes.Any(s=>s.Equals(work.Request.Url.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
예제 #26
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        protected virtual bool Check_AcceptTypes(WorkContext work)
            if (m_AcceptJson)
              if (!work.RequestedJSON) return false;

            if (m_AcceptTypes==null) return true;
            var atps = work.Request.AcceptTypes;
            if (atps==null || atps.Length==0) return false;

            var found = false;

            foreach(var at in m_AcceptTypes)
            if (atps.Any(t=>at.Equals(t, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
              found = true;
            return found;
예제 #27
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        protected virtual bool Check_VariablesAndGetValues(WorkContext work, ref JSONDataMap result)
            if (m_Variables.Count==0) return true;

            result = result ?? new JSONDataMap(false);
            foreach(var cvar in m_Variables)
              if (cvar.QueryName==Variable.QUERY_NAME_WC)
            foreach(var qk in work.Request.QueryString.AllKeys)
              if (qk.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())//20150528 DKh  fixed: ?a=1&b
               result[qk] = work.Request.QueryString[qk];

              var qv = cvar.QueryName.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() ? work.Request.QueryString[cvar.QueryName] : string.Empty;
              if (qv.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) qv = cvar.Default ?? string.Empty;
              result[cvar.Name] = qv;

              if (cvar.MatchEquals.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
            if (!cvar.MatchEquals.Equals(qv, cvar.MatchCaseSensitive ? StringComparison.InvariantCulture : StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return false;

              if (cvar.MatchContains.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
            if (qv.IndexOf(cvar.MatchContains, cvar.MatchCaseSensitive ? StringComparison.InvariantCulture : StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)<0) return false;

            return true;
예제 #28
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        protected virtual bool Check_ApiVersions(WorkContext work)
            if (!m_ApiMinVer.HasValue && !m_ApiMaxVer.HasValue) return true;

            var hdr = work.Request.Headers[SysConsts.HEADER_API_VERSION];

            if (hdr.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) return false;

            int v;
            if (!Int32.TryParse(hdr, out v)) return false;

            if (m_ApiMinVer.HasValue && m_ApiMinVer.Value>v) return false;
            if (m_ApiMaxVer.HasValue && m_ApiMaxVer.Value<v) return false;

            return true;
예제 #29
파일: Portal.cs 프로젝트: yhhno/nfx
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to determine session/work context lang and returns it or DefaultLanguageISOCode
        /// </summary>
        public virtual string GetLanguageISOCode(WorkContext work = null)
            string lang = null;

            if (work==null)
              work = ExecutionContext.Request as WorkContext;

            if (work==null)
              var session = ExecutionContext.Session;
              if (session!=null)
               lang = session.LanguageISOCode;
              var session = work.Session;
              if (session!=null)
            lang = session.LanguageISOCode;

              if (lang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && work.GeoEntity!=null && work.GeoEntity.Location.HasValue)
            var country = work.GeoEntity.Location.Value.CountryISOName.Value;
            lang =  CountryISOCodeToLanguageISOCode(country);

            return lang.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? this.DefaultLanguageISOCode : lang;
예제 #30
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
        protected virtual bool Check_ContentTypes(WorkContext work)
            if (m_ContentTypes==null) return true;
            var ct = work.Request.ContentType;
            if (ct.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) return false;

            return m_ContentTypes.Any(t=>ct.Equals(t, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
예제 #31
      /// <summary>
      /// Handles processing exception by calling ErrorFilter.HandleException(work, error).
      /// All parameters except ERROR can be null - which indicates error that happened during WorkContext dispose
      /// </summary>
      public virtual void HandleException(WorkContext work, WorkFilter filter, WorkHandler handler, Exception error)
            if (m_InstrumentationEnabled) Interlocked.Increment(ref m_Stat_ServerHandleException);

            //work may be null (when WorkContext is already disposed)
            if (work!=null)
              ErrorFilter.HandleException(work, error, m_ErrorShowDumpMatches, m_ErrorLogMatches);
                 StringConsts.SERVER_DEFAULT_ERROR_WC_NULL_ERROR + error.ToMessageWithType(),
         catch(Exception error2)
            if (m_LogHandleExceptionErrors)
                     StringConsts.SERVER_DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER_ERROR + error2.ToMessageWithType(),
                     pars: new
                        OriginalError = error.ToMessageWithType() 
예제 #32
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Cookies(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Cookies==null) return true;
     foreach(var pair in m_Cookies)
       var cookie = work.Request.Cookies[pair.Name];
       if (cookie==null) continue;
       if (string.Equals( cookie.Value,
                      StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return true;
     return false;
예제 #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the work - i.e. renders a template page or calls MVC controller method.
 /// This method does not pass through handler's filters
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads
 /// </summary>
 public void HandleWork(WorkContext work)
     work.m_Handler = this;
     work.m_Handled = true;
예제 #34
파일: WorkMatch.cs 프로젝트: itadapter/nfx
 protected virtual bool Check_Headers(WorkContext work)
     if (m_Headers==null) return true;
     foreach(var pair in m_Headers)
       if (string.Equals( work.Request.Headers[pair.Name],
                      StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return true;
     return false;
예제 #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to handle the work - i.e. render a template page or call MVC controller method.
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads
 /// </summary>
 protected abstract void DoHandleWork(WorkContext work);
예제 #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Override to filter the work - i.e. extract some security name from cookies and check access, turn exception in error page etc.
 /// Note: This method is re-entrant by multiple threads. Do not forget to call InvokeNextWorker() to continue request processing, otherwise the work will
 ///  not be handled (which may be a desired behavior)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="work">Work context</param>
 /// <param name="filters">
 /// The filters that participated in a call.
 /// Note the Dipatcher.Filters may yield different results as it may change with time, whereas this parameter captures all filters during the call start
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="thisFilterIndex">
 /// The index of THIS filter in filters
 /// </param>
 protected abstract void DoFilterWork(WorkContext work, IList <WorkFilter> filters, int thisFilterIndex);