private void Connect() { IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(ipAddressControl1.GetAddressBytes()); if (PingServer(ipAddress)) { NFSClient.NFSVersion ver = NFSClient.NFSVersion.v2; if (cboxVer.SelectedItem.ToString() == "V3") ver = NFSClient.NFSVersion.v3; mNFS = new NFSClient(ver); int UserId = int.Parse(tbUserId.Text); int GroupId = int.Parse(tbGroupId.Text); Encoding encoding = Encoding.ASCII; if (chkUnicode.Checked) encoding = Encoding.UTF8; mNFS.Connect(ipAddress, UserId, GroupId, (int)nupTimeOut.Value, encoding, chkUsePrivilegedPorts.Checked); cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Clear(); foreach (string strDev in mNFS.GetExportedDevices()) cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Add(strDev); if (cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Count > 0) gboxMount.Enabled = true; btnConnect.Enabled = false; btnDisconnect.Enabled = true; ipAddressControl1.Enabled = false; cboxVer.Enabled = false; tbGroupId.Enabled = false; tbUserId.Enabled = false; nupTimeOut.Enabled = false; chkUnicode.Enabled = false; chkAutoConnect.Enabled = false; chkUsePrivilegedPorts.Enabled = false; if (cboxLocalDrive.Items.Count > NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.DriveLetter) cboxLocalDrive.SelectedIndex = NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.DriveLetter; if (cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Count > NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteDevice) cboxRemoteDevices.SelectedIndex = NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.RemoteDevice; chkAutoMount.Checked = NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.AutoMount; tbDriveLabel.Text = NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.DriveLabel; chkUnicode.Checked = NekoDrive.Properties.Settings.Default.Unicode; if (chkAutoMount.Checked) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; MountDrive(); } } else throw new ApplicationException("Server not found!"); }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(ipAddressControl1.GetAddressBytes()); if (PingServer(ipAddress)) { NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v2; if (cboxVer.SelectedItem.ToString() == "V3") ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v3; nfsClient = new NFSLibrary.NFSClient(ver); nfsClient.DataEvent += new NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSDataEventHandler(nfsClient_DataEvent); Encoding encoding = Encoding.ASCII; if (chkUseUnicode.Checked) encoding = Encoding.UTF8; nfsClient.Connect(ipAddress, 1000, 1000, (int) nupTimeOut.Value * 1000, encoding, chkUseSecurePort.Checked); nfsDevs = nfsClient.GetExportedDevices(); cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Clear(); foreach (string nfsdev in nfsDevs) cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Add(nfsdev); RefreshLocal(Environment.CurrentDirectory); listViewRemote.Items.Clear(); pnlMain.Enabled = true; } else throw new Exception("Server not found!"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "NFS Client"); pnlMain.Enabled = false; } }
public void connect() { if (connected) { dissconect(false); return; } if (serverAdress == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please add a server to server list or add one time server.", "NFS Client"); return; } IPAddress ipAddress; if (GetResolvedConnecionIPAddress(serverAdress, out ipAddress)) { addToStatusLog("Resolved IP: " + ipAddress.ToString()); } else return; bool pinged = false; try { pinged = PingServer(ipAddress); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Can't ping server, check your connection,host adress and NFS server. Code: " + e.Message, "NFS Client"); addToStatusLog("Connection failed!"); return; } if (pinged) { addToStatusLog("Pinged server...OK"); //TODO NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion ver; if (serverVersion == "v3") { ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v3; addToStatusLog("Using NFS version 3"); } else if (serverVersion == "v2") { ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v2; addToStatusLog("Using NFS version 2"); } else { ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v4; addToStatusLog("Using NFS version 4.1 !!! (experimantal)"); } addToStatusLog("Using uid: " + serverUid); nfsClient = new NFSLibrary.NFSClient(ver); nfsClient.DataEvent += new NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSDataEventHandler(nfsClient_DataEvent); Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8; addToStatusLog("Connecting...."); try { nfsClient.Connect(ipAddress, serverUid,serverGid, NFSClient.Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionTimeout * 1000, encoding,serverSecurePort, NFSClient.Properties.Settings.Default.UseFhCache); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed, check your host adress and NFS server. Code: " + ex.Message, "NFS Client"); addToStatusLog("Connection failed!"); return; } addToStatusLog("Connected!"); connected = true; this.Text = "NFS Client - Connected, " + ipAddress + ", " + serverVersion; button_connect.Text = "Disconnect"; label2.Visible = true; cboxRemoteDevices.Visible = true; addToStatusLog("Geting exported devices"); try { nfsDevs = nfsClient.GetExportedDevices(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "NFS Client - Error"); addToStatusLog("Connection failed!"); return; } cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Clear(); foreach (string nfsdev in nfsDevs) cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Add(nfsdev); listViewRemote.Items.Clear(); //automatic connect to fist one if (cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Count > 0) { try { //selected index change automaticly mount the device anyway cboxRemoteDevices.SelectedIndex = 0; //MountDevice(0); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "NFS Client - Error"); } } } else MessageBox.Show("Server not found!", "NFS Client"); }
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IPAddress ipAddress = new IPAddress(ipAddressControl1.GetAddressBytes()); if (PingServer(ipAddress)) { NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v2; if (cboxVer.SelectedItem.ToString() == "V3") { ver = NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSVersion.v3; } nfsClient = new NFSLibrary.NFSClient(ver); nfsClient.DataEvent += new NFSLibrary.NFSClient.NFSDataEventHandler(nfsClient_DataEvent); Encoding encoding = Encoding.ASCII; if (chkUseUnicode.Checked) { encoding = Encoding.UTF8; } nfsClient.Connect(ipAddress, 1000, 1000, (int)nupTimeOut.Value * 1000, encoding, chkUseSecurePort.Checked); nfsDevs = nfsClient.GetExportedDevices(); cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Clear(); foreach (string nfsdev in nfsDevs) { cboxRemoteDevices.Items.Add(nfsdev); } RefreshLocal(Environment.CurrentDirectory); listViewRemote.Items.Clear(); pnlMain.Enabled = true; } else { throw new Exception("Server not found!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "NFS Client"); pnlMain.Enabled = false; } }