/// <summary> Gets the name of the external sheet specified by the index /// /// </summary> /// <param name="index">the external sheet index /// </param> /// <returns> the name of the external sheet /// </returns> public virtual string getLastExternalSheetName(int index) { // For biff7, the whole external reference thing works differently // Hopefully for our purposes sheet references will all be local if (workbookBof.isBiff7()) { BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[index]; return(br.Name); } int supbookIndex = externSheet.getSupbookIndex(index); SupbookRecord sr = (SupbookRecord)supbooks[supbookIndex]; int lastTab = externSheet.getLastTabIndex(index); if (sr.Type == SupbookRecord.INTERNAL) { // It's an internal reference - get the name from the boundsheets list BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[lastTab]; return(br.Name); } else if (sr.Type == SupbookRecord.EXTERNAL) { // External reference - get the sheet name from the supbook record System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append('['); sb.Append(sr.FileName); sb.Append(']'); sb.Append(sr.getSheetName(lastTab)); return(sb.ToString()); } // An unknown supbook - return unkown return("[UNKNOWN]"); }
/// <summary> Does the hard work of building up the object graph from the excel bytes /// /// </summary> /// <exception cref=""> BiffException /// </exception> /// <exception cref=""> PasswordException if the workbook is password protected /// </exception> protected internal override void parse() { Record r = null; BOFRecord bof = new BOFRecord(excelFile.next()); workbookBof = bof; bofs++; if (!bof.isBiff8() && !bof.isBiff7()) { throw new BiffException(BiffException.unrecognizedBiffVersion); } if (!bof.isWorkbookGlobals()) { throw new BiffException(BiffException.expectedGlobals); } ArrayList continueRecords = new ArrayList(); nameTable = new ArrayList(); // Skip to the first worksheet while (bofs == 1) { r = excelFile.next(); if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.SST) { continueRecords.Clear(); Record nextrec = excelFile.peek(); while (nextrec.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.CONTINUE) { continueRecords.Add(excelFile.next()); nextrec = excelFile.peek(); } // cast the array System.Object[] rec = continueRecords.ToArray(); Record[] records = new Record[rec.Length]; Array.Copy(rec, 0, records, 0, rec.Length); sharedStrings = new SSTRecord(r, records, settings); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FILEPASS) { throw new PasswordException(); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.NAME) { NameRecord nr = null; if (bof.isBiff8()) { nr = new NameRecord(r, settings, namedRecords.Count); } else { nr = new NameRecord(r, settings, namedRecords.Count, NameRecord.biff7); } namedRecords[nr.Name] = nr; nameTable.Add(nr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FONT) { FontRecord fr = null; if (bof.isBiff8()) { fr = new FontRecord(r, settings); } else { fr = new FontRecord(r, settings, FontRecord.biff7); } fonts.addFont(fr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PALETTE) { NExcel.Biff.PaletteRecord palette = new NExcel.Biff.PaletteRecord(r); formattingRecords.Palette = palette; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.NINETEENFOUR) { NineteenFourRecord nr = new NineteenFourRecord(r); nineteenFour = nr.is1904(); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FORMAT) { FormatRecord fr = null; if (bof.isBiff8()) { fr = new FormatRecord(r, settings, FormatRecord.biff8); } else { fr = new FormatRecord(r, settings, FormatRecord.biff7); } try { formattingRecords.addFormat(fr); } catch (NumFormatRecordsException e) { // This should not happen. Bomb out // Assert.verify(false, e.getMessage()); Assert.verify(false, "This should not happen. 64"); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.XF) { XFRecord xfr = null; if (bof.isBiff8()) { xfr = new XFRecord(r, XFRecord.biff8); } else { xfr = new XFRecord(r, XFRecord.biff7); } try { formattingRecords.addStyle(xfr); } catch (NumFormatRecordsException e) { // This should not happen. Bomb out // Assert.verify(false, e.getMessage()); Assert.verify(false, "This should not happen. 59"); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOUNDSHEET) { BoundsheetRecord br = null; if (bof.isBiff8()) { br = new BoundsheetRecord(r); } else { br = new BoundsheetRecord(r, BoundsheetRecord.biff7); } if (br.isSheet() || br.Chart) { boundsheets.Add(br); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.EXTERNSHEET) { if (bof.isBiff8()) { externSheet = new ExternalSheetRecord(r, settings); } else { externSheet = new ExternalSheetRecord(r, settings, ExternalSheetRecord.biff7); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.CODEPAGE) { CodepageRecord cr = new CodepageRecord(r); settings.CharacterSet = cr.CharacterSet; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.SUPBOOK) { SupbookRecord sr = new SupbookRecord(r, settings); supbooks.Add(sr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PROTECT) { ProtectRecord pr = new ProtectRecord(r); wbProtected = pr.IsProtected(); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.MSODRAWINGGROUP) { msoDrawingGroup = new MsoDrawingGroupRecord(r); if (drawingGroup == null) { drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup(DrawingGroup.READ); } drawingGroup.add(msoDrawingGroup); Record nextrec = excelFile.peek(); while (nextrec.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.CONTINUE) { drawingGroup.add(excelFile.next()); nextrec = excelFile.peek(); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.EOF) { bofs--; } } bof = null; if (excelFile.hasNext()) { r = excelFile.next(); if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOF) { bof = new BOFRecord(r); } } // Only get sheets for which there is a corresponding Boundsheet record while (bof != null && NumberOfSheets < boundsheets.Count) { if (!bof.isBiff8() && !bof.isBiff7()) { throw new BiffException(BiffException.unrecognizedBiffVersion); } if (bof.isWorksheet()) { // Read the sheet in SheetImpl s = new SheetImpl(excelFile, sharedStrings, formattingRecords, bof, workbookBof, nineteenFour, this); BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[NumberOfSheets]; s.setName(br.Name); s.Hidden = br.isHidden(); addSheet(s); } else if (bof.isChart()) { // Read the sheet in SheetImpl s = new SheetImpl(excelFile, sharedStrings, formattingRecords, bof, workbookBof, nineteenFour, this); BoundsheetRecord br = (BoundsheetRecord)boundsheets[NumberOfSheets]; s.setName(br.Name); s.Hidden = br.isHidden(); addSheet(s); } else { logger.warn("BOF is unrecognized"); while (excelFile.hasNext() && r.Type != NExcel.Biff.Type.EOF) { r = excelFile.next(); } } // The next record will normally be a BOF or empty padding until // the end of the block is reached. In exceptionally unlucky cases, // the last EOF will coincide with a block division, so we have to // check there is more data to retrieve. // Thanks to liamg for spotting this bof = null; if (excelFile.hasNext()) { r = excelFile.next(); if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOF) { bof = new BOFRecord(r); } } } }