예제 #1
        public void WhatsNewAndFeaturedBrief()
            //tests the literary brieg text
            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodCSS("What's New", ".panel-pane.pane-custom.pane-7", GCDriver));

            Assert.IsTrue(GCDriver.FindElement(By.LinkText("Featured Literacy Brief")).Text.Equals("Featured Literacy Brief"));
 public void TestTitle()
     Assert.IsTrue(GCDriver.Title.Equals("Improving Literacy Briefs | National Center on Improving Literacy"));
     Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodCSS("Improving Literacy Briefs", ".page__title", GCDriver));
     Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodClassName("Read research summaries and infographics written by our experts that simplify complex ideas related to literacy.", "lead", GCDriver));
     TestingClass.IsElementPresentCSS(".container.header-icon", GCDriver);
예제 #3
        public void TestHeader()
            //header title
            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodClassName("You are here\r\nHome\r\nState Agencies\r\nDevelop and implement state and local structures, procedures and policies to address student challenges in learning to read and write.", "col-sm-8", GCDriver));
            //header description
            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodCSS("Develop and implement state and local structures, procedures and policies to address student challenges in learning to read and write.", ".block.block-block.first.last.odd", GCDriver));

            TestingClass.IsElementPresentCSS(".container.header-icon", GCDriver);
예제 #4
        public void TestFooterText()
            Console.WriteLine("7 Footer text test");
            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodCSS("Contact Us\r\nEmail Us\r\nFollow us on Facebook\r\nFollow us on Twitter\r\nSubscribe to our YouTube Feed\r\nShare\r\nShare on Facebook\r\n  Share on Twitter", ".footer-col.col-md-4", GCDriver));

            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodCSS("Stay Informed!\r\nEmail *", ".block-constant-contact.first.last.odd", GCDriver));

            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodClassName("The research reported here is funded by awards to the National Center on Improving Literacy from the Office of Elementary " +
                                                                "and Secondary Education, in partnership with the Office of Special Education Programs (Award #: S283D160003). The opinions expressed are those of the authors" +
                                                                " and do not represent views of OESE, OSEP, or the U.S. Department of Education.", "margin-top", GCDriver));

            Assert.IsTrue(TestingClass.TextCheckMethodClassName("Copyright © 2018 National Center on Improving Literacy  Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Accessibility", "footer-below", GCDriver));

            Console.WriteLine("7 footer text test COMPLETE");