예제 #1
        public void PositionHydrogenAbove()
            var positioned     = atomGenerator.PositionHydrogenLabel(HydrogenPosition.Above, element, hydrogen);
            var elementBounds  = element.GetBounds();
            var hydrogenBounds = positioned.GetBounds();

            Assert.IsTrue(elementBounds.Top > hydrogenBounds.Bottom);
            Assert.AreEqual(hydrogenBounds.Left, elementBounds.Left, 0.01);
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal constructor with required attributes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="font">the font to depict symbols with</param>
 /// <param name="adjunctSpacing">the spacing between adjuncts and the element symbol as fraction of 'H'  width</param>
 /// <param name="scriptSize">the size of</param>
 private StandardAtomGenerator(Typeface font, double emSize, double adjunctSpacing, double scriptSize)
     this.font                 = font;
     this.emSize               = emSize;
     this.scriptSize           = scriptSize;
     this.defaultHydrogenLabel = new TextOutline("H", font, emSize);
     this.padding              = adjunctSpacing * defaultHydrogenLabel.GetBounds().Width;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Position the mass label relative to the element label. The mass adjunct is position to the
        /// top left of the element label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="massLabel">mass label outline</param>
        /// <param name="elementLabel">element label outline</param>
        /// <returns>positioned mass label</returns>
        public TextOutline PositionMassLabel(TextOutline massLabel, TextOutline elementLabel)
            var elementBounds = elementLabel.GetBounds();
            var massBounds    = massLabel.GetBounds();

            return(massLabel.Translate((elementBounds.Left - padding) - massBounds.Right,
                                       (elementBounds.Top - (massBounds.Height / 2)) - massBounds.Top));
예제 #4
        public TextOutline PositionAfter(TextOutline before, TextOutline after)
            var fixedBounds   = before.GetBounds();
            var movableBounds = after.GetBounds();

            after = after.Translate((fixedBounds.Right + padding) - movableBounds.Left, 0);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Positions an outline in the subscript position relative to another 'primary' label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="label">a label outline</param>
        /// <param name="subscript">the label outline to position as subscript</param>
        /// <returns>positioned subscript outline</returns>
        public TextOutline PositionSubscript(TextOutline label, TextOutline subscript)
            var hydrogenBounds      = label.GetBounds();
            var hydrogenCountBounds = subscript.GetBounds();

            subscript = subscript.Translate((hydrogenBounds.Right + padding) - hydrogenCountBounds.Left,
                                            (hydrogenBounds.Bottom + (hydrogenCountBounds.Height / 2)) - hydrogenCountBounds.Bottom);
예제 #6
        public TextOutline PositionSuperscript(TextOutline label, TextOutline superscript)
            var labelBounds       = label.GetBounds();
            var superscriptBounds = superscript.GetBounds();

            superscript = superscript.Translate((labelBounds.Right + padding) - superscriptBounds.Left,
                                                (labelBounds.Top - (superscriptBounds.Height / 2)) - superscriptBounds.Top);
예제 #7
        [TestMethod(), Ignore()] // Font bounds vary between systems
        public void UntransformedBounds()
            TextOutline clOutline = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            var         bounds    = clOutline.GetBounds();

            Assert.AreEqual(0.67, bounds.X, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(-9.12, bounds.Y, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(9.90, bounds.Width, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(9.28, bounds.Height, 0.01);
예제 #8
        public void TestToString()
            TextOutline outline = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            var         bounds  = outline.GetBounds();

                "Cl [x=" + ToString(bounds.X) + ", y=" + ToString(bounds.Y)
                + ", w=" + ToString(bounds.Width) + ", h=" + ToString(bounds.Height) + "]",
예제 #9
        public void PositionHydrogenCount()
            var hydrogenCount = new TextOutline("2", font, emSize);
            var positioned    = atomGenerator.PositionSubscript(hydrogen, hydrogenCount);

            var hydrogenBounds      = hydrogen.GetBounds();
            var hydrogenCountBounds = positioned.GetBounds();

            Assert.IsTrue(hydrogenCountBounds.Left > hydrogenBounds.Left);
            Assert.AreEqual(hydrogenBounds.Bottom, hydrogenCountBounds.CenterY(), 0.01);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// If the hydrogens are position in from of the element we may need to move the hydrogen and
 /// hydrogen count labels. This code assesses the positions of the mass, hydrogen, and hydrogen
 /// count labels and determines the x-axis adjustment needed for the hydrogen label to dodge a
 /// collision.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hydrogens">number of hydrogens</param>
 /// <param name="mass">atomic mass</param>
 /// <param name="elementLabel">element label outline</param>
 /// <param name="hydrogenLabel">hydrogen label outline</param>
 /// <param name="hydrogenCount">hydrogen count label outline</param>
 /// <param name="massLabel">the mass label outline</param>
 /// <returns>required adjustment to x-axis</returns>
 private double HydrogenXDodge(int hydrogens, int mass, TextOutline elementLabel, TextOutline hydrogenLabel,
                               TextOutline hydrogenCount, TextOutline massLabel)
     if (mass < 0 && hydrogens > 1)
         return((elementLabel.GetBounds().Left - padding) - hydrogenCount.GetBounds().Right);
     else if (mass >= 0)
         if (hydrogens > 1)
             return((massLabel.GetBounds().Left + padding) - hydrogenCount.GetBounds().Right);
         else if (hydrogens > 0)
             return((massLabel.GetBounds().Left - padding) - hydrogenLabel.GetBounds().Right);
예제 #11
        public void BoundsTransformedWithYTranslation()
            TextOutline original    = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            TextOutline transformed = original.Translate(0, -5);
            var         oBounds     = original.GetBounds();
            var         tBounds     = transformed.GetBounds();

            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.X, tBounds.X, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Y - 5, tBounds.Y, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Width, tBounds.Width, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Height, tBounds.Height, 0.01);
예제 #12
        public void ResizeModifiesBounds()
            TextOutline original    = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            TextOutline transformed = original.Resize(2, 2);
            var         oBounds     = original.GetBounds();
            var         tBounds     = transformed.GetBounds();

            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.X - oBounds.Width / 2, tBounds.X, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Y - oBounds.Height / 2, tBounds.Y, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Width * 2, tBounds.Width, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Height * 2, tBounds.Height, 0.01);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Position the charge label on the top right of either the element or hydrogen label. Where the
        /// charge is placed depends on the number of hydrogens and their position relative to the
        /// element symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hydrogens">number of hydrogen</param>
        /// <param name="position">position of hydrogen</param>
        /// <param name="charge">the charge label outline (to be positioned)</param>
        /// <param name="element">the element label outline</param>
        /// <param name="hydrogen">the hydrogen label outline</param>
        /// <returns>positioned charge label</returns>
        public TextOutline PositionChargeLabel(int hydrogens, HydrogenPosition position, TextOutline charge, TextOutline element, TextOutline hydrogen)
            var chargeBounds = charge.GetBounds();

            // the charge is placed to the top right of the element symbol
            // unless either the hydrogen label or the hydrogen count label
            // are in the way - in which case we place it relative to the
            // hydrogen
            var referenceBounds = element.GetBounds();

            if (hydrogens > 0 && position == HydrogenPosition.Right)
                referenceBounds = hydrogen.GetBounds();
            else if (hydrogens > 1 && position == HydrogenPosition.Above)
                referenceBounds = hydrogen.GetBounds();

            return(charge.Translate((referenceBounds.Right + padding) - chargeBounds.Left,
                                    (referenceBounds.Top - (chargeBounds.Height / 2)) - chargeBounds.Top));
예제 #14
        public void TestResize()
            TextOutline outline     = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            AtomSymbol  symbol      = new AtomSymbol(outline, Array.Empty <TextOutline>());
            AtomSymbol  transformed = symbol.Resize(2, 2);
            var         orgBounds   = outline.GetBounds();
            var         newBounds   = transformed.GetOutlines()[0].Bounds;

            Assert.AreEqual(orgBounds.Left - orgBounds.Width / 2, newBounds.Left, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(orgBounds.Top - orgBounds.Height / 2, newBounds.Top, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(orgBounds.Right + orgBounds.Width / 2, newBounds.Right, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(orgBounds.Bottom + orgBounds.Height / 2, newBounds.Bottom, 0.01);
예제 #15
        public void TestCenter()
            TextOutline outline     = new TextOutline("Cl", font, emSize);
            AtomSymbol  symbol      = new AtomSymbol(outline, Array.Empty <TextOutline>());
            AtomSymbol  transformed = symbol.Center(2, 2);
            var         oBounds     = outline.GetBounds();
            var         newBounds   = transformed.GetOutlines()[0].Bounds;

            double dx = 2 - oBounds.CenterX();
            double dy = 2 - oBounds.CenterY();

            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Left + dx, newBounds.X, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Top + dy, newBounds.Y, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Right + dx, newBounds.Right, 0.01);
            Assert.AreEqual(oBounds.Bottom + dy, newBounds.Bottom, 0.01);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines the transformed centre of a specified glyph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">glyph index</param>
 /// <returns>center point</returns>
 private Point GetGlyphCenter(int index)
     if (text.Length == 1)
     else if (index == 0)
         var o1     = new TextOutline(text.Substring(0, 1), typeface, emSize, transform);
         var center = o1.GetCenter();
         var o1 = new TextOutline(text.Substring(0, index), typeface, emSize, transform);
         var o2 = new TextOutline(text.Substring(0, index + 1), typeface, emSize, transform);
         var b1 = o1.GetBounds();
         var b2 = o2.GetBounds();
         return(new Point((b1.Right + b2.Right) / 2, (b2.Top + b2.Bottom) / 2));
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Position the hydrogen label relative to the element label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">relative position where the hydrogen is placed</param>
        /// <param name="element">the outline of the element label</param>
        /// <param name="hydrogen">the outline of the hydrogen</param>
        /// <returns>positioned hydrogen label</returns>
        public TextOutline PositionHydrogenLabel(HydrogenPosition position, TextOutline element, TextOutline hydrogen)
            var elementBounds  = element.GetBounds();
            var hydrogenBounds = hydrogen.GetBounds();

            switch (position)
            case HydrogenPosition.Above:
                return(hydrogen.Translate(0, (elementBounds.Top - padding) - hydrogenBounds.Bottom));

            case HydrogenPosition.Right:
                return(hydrogen.Translate((elementBounds.Right + padding) - hydrogenBounds.Left, 0));

            case HydrogenPosition.Below:
                return(hydrogen.Translate(0, (elementBounds.Bottom + padding) - hydrogenBounds.Top));

            case HydrogenPosition.Left:
                return(hydrogen.Translate((elementBounds.Left - padding) - hydrogenBounds.Right, 0));
            return(hydrogen); // never reached
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Make an embedded text label for display in a CDK renderer. If a piece of text contains newlines
        /// they are centred aligned below each other with a line height of 1.4.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">the font to embedded</param>
        /// <param name="text">the text label</param>
        /// <param name="color">the color</param>
        /// <param name="scale">the resize, should include the model scale</param>
        /// <returns>pre-rendered element</returns>
        public static IRenderingElement EmbedText(Typeface font, double emSize, string text, Color color, double scale)
            var lines = text.Split('\n');
            var group = new ElementGroup();

            double yOffset    = 0;
            double lineHeight = 1.4d;

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var outline = new TextOutline(line, font, emSize).Resize(scale, -scale);
                var center  = outline.GetCenter();
                outline = outline.Translate(-center.X, -(center.Y + yOffset));

                yOffset += lineHeight * outline.GetBounds().Height;

                group.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(outline.GetOutline(), color));
                var logicalBounds = outline.LogicalBounds;
                group.Add(new Bounds(logicalBounds.Left, logicalBounds.Top, logicalBounds.Right, logicalBounds.Bottom));

예제 #19
        private IRenderingElement GenerateSgroupBrackets(Sgroup sgroup,
                                                         IList <SgroupBracket> brackets,
                                                         IReadOnlyDictionary <IAtom, AtomSymbol> symbols,
                                                         string subscriptSuffix,
                                                         string superscriptSuffix)
            // brackets are square by default (style:0)
            var  style  = (int?)sgroup.GetValue(SgroupKey.CtabBracketStyle);
            bool round  = style != null && style == 1;
            var  result = new ElementGroup();

            var atoms         = sgroup.Atoms;
            var crossingBonds = sgroup.Bonds;

            // easy to depict in correct orientation, we just
            // point each bracket at the atom of a crossing
            // bond that is 'in' the group - this scales
            // to more than two brackets

            // first we need to pair the brackets with the bonds
            var pairs = crossingBonds.Count == brackets.Count ? BracketBondPairs(brackets, crossingBonds) : Dictionaries.Empty <SgroupBracket, IBond>();

            // override bracket layout around single atoms to bring them in closer
            if (atoms.Count == 1)
                var atom = atoms.First();

                // e.g. 2 HCL, 8 H2O etc.
                if (IsUnsignedInt(subscriptSuffix) &&
                    !crossingBonds.Any() &&
                    var prefix       = new TextOutline('·' + subscriptSuffix, font, emSize).Resize(1 / scale, 1 / -scale);
                    var prefixBounds = prefix.LogicalBounds;

                    var symbol = symbols[atom];

                    var bounds = symbol.GetConvexHull().Outline.Bounds;

                    // make slightly large
                    bounds = new Rect(bounds.Bottom - 2 * stroke,
                                      bounds.Left - 2 * stroke,
                                      bounds.Width + 4 * stroke,
                                      bounds.Height + 4 * stroke);

                    prefix = prefix.Translate(bounds.Bottom - prefixBounds.Top,
                                              symbol.GetAlignmentCenter().Y - prefixBounds.CenterY());

                    result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(prefix.GetOutline(), foreground));
                // e.g. CC(O)nCC
                else if (crossingBonds.Count > 0)
                    var scriptscale = labelScale;

                    var leftBracket  = new TextOutline("(", font, emSize).Resize(1 / scale, 1 / -scale);
                    var rightBracket = new TextOutline(")", font, emSize).Resize(1 / scale, 1 / -scale);

                    var leftCenter  = leftBracket.GetCenter();
                    var rightCenter = rightBracket.GetCenter();

                    if (symbols.ContainsKey(atom))
                        var symbol = symbols[atom];

                        var bounds = symbol.GetConvexHull().Outline.Bounds;
                        // make slightly large
                        bounds = new Rect(bounds.Left - 2 * stroke,
                                          bounds.Top - 2 * stroke,
                                          bounds.Width + 4 * stroke,
                                          bounds.Height + 4 * stroke);

                        leftBracket = leftBracket.Translate(bounds.Left - 0.1 - leftCenter.X,
                                                            symbol.GetAlignmentCenter().Y - leftCenter.Y);
                        rightBracket = rightBracket.Translate(bounds.Right + 0.1 - rightCenter.X,
                                                              symbol.GetAlignmentCenter().Y - rightCenter.Y);
                        var p = atoms.First().Point2D.Value;
                        leftBracket  = leftBracket.Translate(p.X - 0.2 - leftCenter.X, p.Y - leftCenter.Y);
                        rightBracket = rightBracket.Translate(p.X + 0.2 - rightCenter.X, p.Y - rightCenter.Y);

                    result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(leftBracket.GetOutline(), foreground));
                    result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(rightBracket.GetOutline(), foreground));

                    var rightBracketBounds = rightBracket.GetBounds();

                    // subscript/superscript suffix annotation
                    if (subscriptSuffix != null && subscriptSuffix.Any())
                        TextOutline subscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(subscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(),
                                                                          new Vector2(rightBracketBounds.Right,
                                                                                      rightBracketBounds.Top - 0.1),
                                                                          new Vector2(-0.5 * rightBracketBounds.Width, 0),
                        result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(subscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));
                    if (superscriptSuffix != null && superscriptSuffix.Any())
                        var superscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(superscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(),
                                                                    new Vector2(rightBracketBounds.Right,
                                                                                rightBracketBounds.Bottom + 0.1),
                                                                    new Vector2(-rightBracketBounds.Width, 0),
                        result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(superscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));
            else if (pairs.Any())
                SgroupBracket suffixBracket     = null;
                Vector2?      suffixBracketPerp = null;

                foreach (var e in pairs)
                    var bracket     = e.Key;
                    var bond        = e.Value;
                    var inGroupAtom = atoms.Contains(bond.Begin) ? bond.Begin : bond.End;

                    var p1 = bracket.FirstPoint;
                    var p2 = bracket.SecondPoint;

                    var perp = VecmathUtil.NewPerpendicularVector(VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(p1, p2));

                    // point the vector at the atom group
                    var midpoint = VecmathUtil.Midpoint(p1, p2);
                    if (Vector2.Dot(perp, VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(midpoint, inGroupAtom.Point2D.Value)) < 0)
                        perp = Vector2.Negate(perp);
                    perp *= bracketDepth;

                    if (round)
                        result.Add(CreateRoundBracket(p1, p2, perp, midpoint));
                        result.Add(CreateSquareBracket(p1, p2, perp));

                    if (suffixBracket == null)
                        suffixBracket     = bracket;
                        suffixBracketPerp = perp;
                        // is this bracket better as a suffix?
                        var sp1      = suffixBracket.FirstPoint;
                        var sp2      = suffixBracket.SecondPoint;
                        var bestMaxX = Math.Max(sp1.X, sp2.X);
                        var thisMaxX = Math.Max(p1.X, p2.X);
                        var bestMaxY = Math.Max(sp1.Y, sp2.Y);
                        var thisMaxY = Math.Max(p1.Y, p2.Y);

                        // choose the most eastern or.. the most southern
                        var xDiff = thisMaxX - bestMaxX;
                        var yDiff = thisMaxY - bestMaxY;
                        if (xDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD || (xDiff > -EQUIV_THRESHOLD && yDiff < -EQUIV_THRESHOLD))
                            suffixBracket     = bracket;
                            suffixBracketPerp = perp;

                // write the labels
                if (suffixBracket != null)
                    var subSufPnt = suffixBracket.FirstPoint;
                    var supSufPnt = suffixBracket.SecondPoint;

                    // try to put the subscript on the bottom
                    var xDiff = subSufPnt.X - supSufPnt.X;
                    var yDiff = subSufPnt.Y - supSufPnt.Y;
                    if (yDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD || (yDiff > -EQUIV_THRESHOLD && xDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD))
                        var tmpP = subSufPnt;
                        subSufPnt = supSufPnt;
                        supSufPnt = tmpP;

                    // subscript/superscript suffix annotation
                    if (subscriptSuffix != null && subscriptSuffix.Any())
                        var subscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(subscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), subSufPnt, suffixBracketPerp.Value, labelScale));
                        result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(subscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));
                    if (superscriptSuffix != null && superscriptSuffix.Any())
                        var superscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(superscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), supSufPnt, suffixBracketPerp.Value, labelScale));
                        result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(superscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));
            else if (brackets.Count == 2)
                var b1p1 = brackets[0].FirstPoint;
                var b1p2 = brackets[0].SecondPoint;
                var b2p1 = brackets[1].FirstPoint;
                var b2p2 = brackets[1].SecondPoint;

                var b1vec = VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(b1p1, b1p2);
                var b2vec = VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(b2p1, b2p2);

                var b1pvec = VecmathUtil.NewPerpendicularVector(b1vec);
                var b2pvec = VecmathUtil.NewPerpendicularVector(b2vec);

                // Point the vectors at each other
                if (Vector2.Dot(b1pvec, VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(b1p1, b2p1)) < 0)
                    b1pvec = Vector2.Negate(b1pvec);
                if (Vector2.Dot(b2pvec, VecmathUtil.NewUnitVector(b2p1, b1p1)) < 0)
                    b2pvec = Vector2.Negate(b2pvec);

                // scale perpendicular vectors by how deep the brackets need to be
                b1pvec *= bracketDepth;
                b2pvec *= bracketDepth;

                // bad brackets
                if (double.IsNaN(b1pvec.X) || double.IsNaN(b1pvec.Y) ||
                    double.IsNaN(b2pvec.X) || double.IsNaN(b2pvec.Y))

                    var path = new PathGeometry();

                    if (round)
                            // bracket 1 (cp: control point)
                            var pf = new PathFigure
                                StartPoint = new Point(b1p1.X + b1pvec.X, b1p1.Y + b1pvec.Y)
                            Vector2 cpb1 = VecmathUtil.Midpoint(b1p1, b1p2);
                            cpb1 += VecmathUtil.Negate(b1pvec);
                            var seg = new QuadraticBezierSegment
                                Point1 = new Point(cpb1.X, cpb1.Y),
                                Point2 = new Point(b1p2.X + b1pvec.X, b1p2.Y + b1pvec.Y)

                            // bracket 2 (cp: control point)
                            var pf = new PathFigure
                                StartPoint = new Point(b2p1.X + b2pvec.X, b2p1.Y + b2pvec.Y)
                            var cpb2 = VecmathUtil.Midpoint(b2p1, b2p2);
                            cpb2 += VecmathUtil.Negate(b2pvec);
                            var seg = new QuadraticBezierSegment
                                Point1 = new Point(cpb2.X, cpb2.Y),
                                Point2 = new Point(b2p2.X + b2pvec.X, b2p2.Y + b2pvec.Y)
                            // bracket 1
                            var pf = new PathFigure
                                StartPoint = new Point(b1p1.X + b1pvec.X, b1p1.Y + b1pvec.Y)
                            var seg = new PolyLineSegment();
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b1p1.X, b1p1.Y));
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b1p2.X, b1p2.Y));
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b1p2.X + b1pvec.X, b1p2.Y + b1pvec.Y));

                            // bracket 2
                            var pf = new PathFigure
                                StartPoint = new Point(b2p1.X + b2pvec.X, b2p1.Y + b2pvec.Y)
                            var seg = new PolyLineSegment();
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b2p1.X, b2p1.Y));
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b2p2.X, b2p2.Y));
                            seg.Points.Add(new Point(b2p2.X + b2pvec.X, b2p2.Y + b2pvec.Y));

                    result.Add(GeneralPath.OutlineOf(path, stroke, foreground));

                // work out where to put the suffix labels (e.g. ht/hh/eu) superscript
                // and (e.g. n, xl, c, mix) subscript
                // TODO: could be improved
                var b1MaxX = Math.Max(b1p1.X, b1p2.X);
                var b2MaxX = Math.Max(b2p1.X, b2p2.X);
                var b1MaxY = Math.Max(b1p1.Y, b1p2.Y);
                var b2MaxY = Math.Max(b2p1.Y, b2p2.Y);

                var subSufPnt = b2p2;
                var supSufPnt = b2p1;
                var subpvec   = b2pvec;

                var bXDiff = b1MaxX - b2MaxX;
                var bYDiff = b1MaxY - b2MaxY;

                if (bXDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD || (bXDiff > -EQUIV_THRESHOLD && bYDiff < -EQUIV_THRESHOLD))
                    subSufPnt = b1p2;
                    supSufPnt = b1p1;
                    subpvec   = b1pvec;

                var xDiff = subSufPnt.X - supSufPnt.X;
                var yDiff = subSufPnt.Y - supSufPnt.Y;

                if (yDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD || (yDiff > -EQUIV_THRESHOLD && xDiff > EQUIV_THRESHOLD))
                    var tmpP = subSufPnt;
                    subSufPnt = supSufPnt;
                    supSufPnt = tmpP;

                // subscript/superscript suffix annotation
                if (subscriptSuffix != null && subscriptSuffix.Any())
                    var subscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(subscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), subSufPnt, subpvec, labelScale));
                    result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(subscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));
                if (superscriptSuffix != null && superscriptSuffix.Any())
                    var superscriptOutline = LeftAlign(MakeText(superscriptSuffix.ToLowerInvariant(), supSufPnt, subpvec, labelScale));
                    result.Add(GeneralPath.ShapeOf(superscriptOutline.GetOutline(), foreground));