public void Hydrate() { var tokens = new List <string>(); AbbreviationLabel.Parse("•H2O", tokens); Assert.IsTrue(tokens.SequenceEqual(new string[] { "•", "H2", "O" })); }
public void NonAbbreviationLabel() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsFalse(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("A Random Label - Don't Reverse", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(1, tokens.Count); }
public void ReversingBracketsWithNumbers() { List <string> tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("B(OH)2", tokens)); AbbreviationLabel.Reverse(tokens); Assert.AreEqual("(HO)2B", string.Join("", tokens)); }
public void ReversingBrackets() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("N(CH2CH2O)CH2", tokens)); AbbreviationLabel.Reverse(tokens); Assert.AreEqual("H2C(OH2CH2C)N", string.Join("", tokens)); }
public void ParseBrackets() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("N(CH2CH2O)CH2", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(10, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "N", "(", "C", "H2", "C", "H2", "O", ")", "C", "H2" }, tokens)); }
public void CO2Et() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("CO2Et", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(3, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "C", "O2", "Et" }, tokens)); }
public void Triphenylmethyl() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("CPh3", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(2, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "C", "Ph3" }, tokens)); }
public void Peglinker() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("CH2CH2OCH2CH2O", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(10, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "C", "H2", "C", "H2", "O", "C", "H2", "C", "H2", "O" }, tokens)); }
public void Carboxylate() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("COO-", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(4, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "C", "O", "O", "-" }, tokens)); }
public void ParseFeacac3() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("Fe(acac)3", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(5, tokens.Count); Assert.IsTrue(Compares.AreOrderLessDeepEqual(new[] { "Fe", "(", "acac", ")", "3" }, tokens)); }
public void ReversingFormatPOOHOEt() { List <string> tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("PO(OH)OEt", tokens)); AbbreviationLabel.Reverse(tokens); AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); Assert.AreEqual("EtO(HO)OP", string.Join("", tokens)); }
public void FormatTBu() { var tokens = new[] { "tBu" }; List <AbbreviationLabel.FormattedText> texts = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); Assert.AreEqual(2, texts.Count); Assert.AreEqual("t", texts[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_ITALIC, texts[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("Bu", texts[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_NORMAL, texts[1].Style); }
public void Tertbutyls() { var tokens = new List <string>(1); foreach (var str in new[] { "tBu", "tertBu", "t-Bu", "t-Butyl", "tertButyl" }) { tokens.Clear(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse(str, tokens), str); Assert.AreEqual(1, tokens.Count); } }
public void FormatFeacac3() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("Fe(acac)3", tokens)); List <AbbreviationLabel.FormattedText> formatted = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); Assert.AreEqual("Fe(acac)", formatted[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(0, formatted[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("3", formatted[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(-1, formatted[1].Style); }
public AtomSymbol GenerateAbbreviatedSymbol(string label, HydrogenPosition position) { var tokens = new List <string>(); if (AbbreviationLabel.Parse(label, tokens)) { return(GenerateAbbreviationSymbol(tokens, position)); } else { return(new AtomSymbol(new TextOutline(label, font, emSize), Array.Empty <TextOutline>())); } }
public void FormatOPO3() { var tokens = new[] { "O", "P", "O3", "-2" }; var texts = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); Assert.AreEqual(3, texts.Count); Assert.AreEqual("OPO", texts[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_NORMAL, texts[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("3", texts[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUBSCRIPT, texts[1].Style); Assert.AreEqual("2−", texts[2].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUPSCRIPT, texts[2].Style); }
public void FormatOPO3H2() { var tokens = new[] { "O", "P", "O3", "H2" }; List <AbbreviationLabel.FormattedText> texts = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); Assert.AreEqual(4, texts.Count); Assert.AreEqual("OPO", texts[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(0, texts[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("3", texts[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(-1, texts[1].Style); Assert.AreEqual("H", texts[2].Text); Assert.AreEqual(0, texts[2].Style); Assert.AreEqual("2", texts[3].Text); Assert.AreEqual(-1, texts[3].Style); }
public void FormatRubpy3Cl2() { var tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("Ru(bpy)3Cl2", tokens)); var formatted = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); AbbreviationLabel.Reduce(formatted, 0, formatted.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Ru(bpy)", formatted[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(0, formatted[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("3", formatted[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(-1, formatted[1].Style); Assert.AreEqual("Cl", formatted[2].Text); Assert.AreEqual(0, formatted[2].Style); Assert.AreEqual("2", formatted[3].Text); Assert.AreEqual(-1, formatted[3].Style); }
public void NEt3DotHCl() { List <string> tokens = new List <string>(); Assert.IsTrue(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("NEt3·HCl", tokens)); Assert.AreEqual(5, tokens.Count); Assert.AreEqual("N", tokens[0]); Assert.AreEqual("Et3", tokens[1]); Assert.AreEqual("·", tokens[2]); Assert.AreEqual("H", tokens[3]); Assert.AreEqual("Cl", tokens[4]); List <AbbreviationLabel.FormattedText> formatted = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); AbbreviationLabel.Reduce(formatted, 0, formatted.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, formatted.Count); Assert.AreEqual("NEt", formatted[0].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_NORMAL, formatted[0].Style); Assert.AreEqual("3", formatted[1].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUBSCRIPT, formatted[1].Style); Assert.AreEqual("·HCl", formatted[2].Text); Assert.AreEqual(AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_NORMAL, formatted[2].Style); }
public void NonAsciiLabel() { // phenyl Assert.IsFalse(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("苯基", new List <string>())); }
public void ParseNumberOnly() { Assert.IsFalse(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("1", new List <string>())); }
public void ParseChargeOnly() { Assert.IsFalse(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("+", new List <string>())); }
public void Het() { // 'Het' not 'He'lium and 't'erts Assert.IsFalse(AbbreviationLabel.Parse("Het", new List <string>())); }
/// <summary> /// Generate a formatted abbreviation AtomSymbol for the given Hydrogen position. /// </summary> /// <param name="tokens">the parsed tokens</param> /// <param name="position">hydrogen position - determines if we reverse the label</param> /// <returns>the generated symbol</returns> public AtomSymbol GenerateAbbreviationSymbol(List <string> tokens, HydrogenPosition position) { if (position == HydrogenPosition.Left) { AbbreviationLabel.Reverse(tokens); } var tmpRefPoint = new TextOutline("H", font, emSize); var fTexts = AbbreviationLabel.Format(tokens); var italicFont = new Typeface(font.FontFamily, FontStyles.Italic, font.Weight, font.Stretch); var outlines = new List <TextOutline>(fTexts.Count); foreach (var fText in fTexts) { var outline = fText.Style == AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_ITALIC ? new TextOutline(fText.Text, italicFont, emSize) : new TextOutline(fText.Text, font, emSize); // resize and position scripts if (fText.Style == AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUBSCRIPT) { outline = outline.Resize(scriptSize, scriptSize); outline = PositionSubscript(tmpRefPoint, outline); } else if (fText.Style == AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUPSCRIPT) { outline = outline.Resize(scriptSize, scriptSize); outline = PositionSuperscript(tmpRefPoint, outline); } outlines.Add(outline); } // position the outlines relative to each other for (int i = 1; i < outlines.Count; i++) { var ref_ = outlines[i - 1]; var curr = outlines[i]; // charge aligns to symbol not a subscript part if (fTexts[i].Style == AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUPSCRIPT && fTexts[i - 1].Style == AbbreviationLabel.STYLE_SUBSCRIPT && i > 1) { ref_ = outlines[i - 2]; } outlines[i] = PositionAfter(ref_, curr); } // find symbol where we want to attach the bond // this becomes the primary outline int index; if (position == HydrogenPosition.Left) { for (index = outlines.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if ((fTexts[index].Style & 0x1) == 0) { break; } } } else { for (index = 0; index < outlines.Count; index++) { if ((fTexts[index].Style & 0x1) == 0) { break; } } } var primary = outlines[index]; outlines.RemoveAt(index); return(new AtomSymbol(primary, outlines)); }