public LMAcquireConfig(LMAcquireConfig src) { _parms = (Hashtable)src._parms.Clone(); SaveOnTerminate = src.SaveOnTerminate;// DailyResultsPath = src.DailyResultsPath; IncludeConfig = src.IncludeConfig; LM = src.LM; Message = String.Copy(src.Message); Feedback = src.Feedback; Separation = src.Separation; Cycles = src.Cycles; Interval = src.Interval; MinHV = src.MinHV; MaxHV = src.MaxHV; Step = src.Step; HVDuration = src.HVDuration; Delay = src.Delay; HVX = src.HVX; AssayType = src.AssayType; Detector = String.Copy(src.Detector); ItemId = src.ItemId; Material = String.Copy(src.Material); }
public static string[] ToLines(Config cfg, LMAcquireConfig c) { string[] x = new string[100]; int ix = 0; if (c.LM >= 0) x[ix++] = " LMMM LM #: " + c.LM; x[ix++] = " annotation message: " + "'" + c.Message + "'"; //x[ix++] = " raw NCD file location: " + (cfg == null ? c.Raw : cfg.Raw); fix lameness //x[ix++] = " results file location: " + (cfg == null ? c.Results : cfg.Results); if (c.IncludeConfig) x[ix++] = " append app config content to results file"; x[ix++] = ""; x[ix++] = " assay cycles: " + c.Cycles; x[ix++] = " assay cycle interval: " + c.Interval + " seconds"; x[ix++] = " assay cycle separation: " + c.Separation + " ms"; x[ix++] = " assay feedback flag: " + c.Feedback; x[ix++] = " assay type: " + c.PoliteName(c.AssayType); if (c.SaveOnTerminate) x[ix++] = " SaveOnTerminate: on cancellation or DAQ error, preserve results"; else x[ix++] = " SaveOnTerminate: on cancellation or DAQ error, abandon results"; x[ix++] = ""; x[ix++] = " HV calib minHV, maxHV, step: " + c.MinHV + ", " + c.MaxHV + ", " + c.Step + " volts"; x[ix++] = " HV calib step and delay duration: " + c.HVDuration + ", " + c.Delay + " seconds"; if (c.HVX) x[ix++] = " HV calib push to Excel enabled"; Array.Resize(ref x, ix); return x; }
public void AfterDBSetup(AppContextConfig appctx, string[] args) { _args = args; // sets hardcoded defaults for all values app = appctx; acq = new LMAcquireConfig(_parms); netcomm = new LMMMNetComm(_parms); lmmm = new LMMMConfig(_parms); cmd = new CmdConfig(_parms); }