public CertificationRequestInfo( X509Name subject, SubjectPublicKeyInfo pkInfo, Asn1Set attributes) { this.subject = subject; this.subjectPKInfo = pkInfo; this.attributes = attributes; if (subject == null || version == null || subjectPKInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException( "Not all mandatory fields set in CertificationRequestInfo generator."); } }
private CertTemplate(Asn1Sequence seq) { this.seq = seq; foreach (Asn1TaggedObject tObj in seq) { switch (tObj.TagNo) { case 0: version = DerInteger.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 1: serialNumber = DerInteger.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 2: signingAlg = AlgorithmIdentifier.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 3: issuer = X509Name.GetInstance(tObj, true); // CHOICE break; case 4: validity = OptionalValidity.GetInstance(Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(tObj, false)); break; case 5: subject = X509Name.GetInstance(tObj, true); // CHOICE break; case 6: publicKey = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 7: issuerUID = DerBitString.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 8: subjectUID = DerBitString.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; case 9: extensions = X509Extensions.GetInstance(tObj, false); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("unknown tag: " + tObj.TagNo, "seq"); } } }
private CertificationRequestInfo( Asn1Sequence seq) { version = (DerInteger) seq[0]; subject = X509Name.GetInstance(seq[1]); subjectPKInfo = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.GetInstance(seq[2]); // // some CertificationRequestInfo objects seem to treat this field // as optional. // if (seq.Count > 3) { DerTaggedObject tagobj = (DerTaggedObject) seq[3]; attributes = Asn1Set.GetInstance(tagobj, false); } if (subject == null || version == null || subjectPKInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException( "Not all mandatory fields set in CertificationRequestInfo generator."); } }
public void SetSubjectPublicKeyInfo( SubjectPublicKeyInfo pubKeyInfo) { this.subjectPublicKeyInfo = pubKeyInfo; }
internal TbsCertificateStructure( Asn1Sequence seq) { int seqStart = 0; this.seq = seq; // // some certficates don't include a version number - we assume v1 // if (seq[0] is DerTaggedObject) { version = DerInteger.GetInstance((Asn1TaggedObject)seq[0], true); } else { seqStart = -1; // field 0 is missing! version = new DerInteger(0); } serialNumber = DerInteger.GetInstance(seq[seqStart + 1]); signature = AlgorithmIdentifier.GetInstance(seq[seqStart + 2]); issuer = X509Name.GetInstance(seq[seqStart + 3]); // // before and after dates // Asn1Sequence dates = (Asn1Sequence)seq[seqStart + 4]; startDate = Time.GetInstance(dates[0]); endDate = Time.GetInstance(dates[1]); subject = X509Name.GetInstance(seq[seqStart + 5]); // // public key info. // subjectPublicKeyInfo = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.GetInstance(seq[seqStart + 6]); for (int extras = seq.Count - (seqStart + 6) - 1; extras > 0; extras--) { DerTaggedObject extra = (DerTaggedObject) seq[seqStart + 6 + extras]; switch (extra.TagNo) { case 1: issuerUniqueID = DerBitString.GetInstance(extra, false); break; case 2: subjectUniqueID = DerBitString.GetInstance(extra, false); break; case 3: extensions = X509Extensions.GetInstance(extra); break; } } }
/** * Return a RFC 3280 type 1 key identifier. As in: * <pre> * (1) The keyIdentifier is composed of the 160-bit SHA-1 hash of the * value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey (excluding the tag, * length, and number of unused bits). * </pre> * @param keyInfo the key info object containing the subjectPublicKey field. * @return the key identifier. */ public static SubjectKeyIdentifier CreateSha1KeyIdentifier( SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo) { return new SubjectKeyIdentifier(keyInfo); }
/** * Calculates the keyIdentifier using a SHA1 hash over the BIT STRING * from SubjectPublicKeyInfo as defined in RFC3280. * * @param spki the subject public key info. */ public SubjectKeyIdentifier( SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki) { this.keyIdentifier = GetDigest(spki); }
private static byte[] GetDigest( SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki) { IDigest digest = new Sha1Digest(); byte[] resBuf = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()]; byte[] bytes = spki.PublicKeyData.GetBytes(); digest.BlockUpdate(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); digest.DoFinal(resBuf, 0); return resBuf; }
/** * Return a RFC 3280 type 2 key identifier. As in: * <pre> * (2) The keyIdentifier is composed of a four bit type field with * the value 0100 followed by the least significant 60 bits of the * SHA-1 hash of the value of the BIT STRING subjectPublicKey. * </pre> * @param keyInfo the key info object containing the subjectPublicKey field. * @return the key identifier. */ public static SubjectKeyIdentifier CreateTruncatedSha1KeyIdentifier( SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo) { byte[] dig = GetDigest(keyInfo); byte[] id = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(dig, dig.Length - 8, id, 0, id.Length); id[0] &= 0x0f; id[0] |= 0x40; return new SubjectKeyIdentifier(id); }
public virtual CertTemplateBuilder SetPublicKey(SubjectPublicKeyInfo spki) { publicKey = spki; return this; }
public static AsymmetricKeyParameter CreateKey( SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo) { AlgorithmIdentifier algID = keyInfo.AlgorithmID; DerObjectIdentifier algOid = algID.ObjectID; // TODO See RSAUtil.isRsaOid in Java build if (algOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.RsaEncryption) || algOid.Equals(X509ObjectIdentifiers.IdEARsa) || algOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdRsassaPss) || algOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.IdRsaesOaep)) { RsaPublicKeyStructure pubKey = RsaPublicKeyStructure.GetInstance( keyInfo.GetPublicKey()); return new RsaKeyParameters(false, pubKey.Modulus, pubKey.PublicExponent); } else if (algOid.Equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.DHPublicNumber)) { Asn1Sequence seq = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(algID.Parameters.ToAsn1Object()); DHPublicKey dhPublicKey = DHPublicKey.GetInstance(keyInfo.GetPublicKey()); BigInteger y = dhPublicKey.Y.Value; if (IsPkcsDHParam(seq)) return ReadPkcsDHParam(algOid, y, seq); DHDomainParameters dhParams = DHDomainParameters.GetInstance(seq); BigInteger p = dhParams.P.Value; BigInteger g = dhParams.G.Value; BigInteger q = dhParams.Q.Value; BigInteger j = null; if (dhParams.J != null) { j = dhParams.J.Value; } DHValidationParameters validation = null; DHValidationParms dhValidationParms = dhParams.ValidationParms; if (dhValidationParms != null) { byte[] seed = dhValidationParms.Seed.GetBytes(); BigInteger pgenCounter = dhValidationParms.PgenCounter.Value; // TODO Check pgenCounter size? validation = new DHValidationParameters(seed, pgenCounter.IntValue); } return new DHPublicKeyParameters(y, new DHParameters(p, g, q, j, validation)); } else if (algOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.DhKeyAgreement)) { Asn1Sequence seq = Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(algID.Parameters.ToAsn1Object()); DerInteger derY = (DerInteger) keyInfo.GetPublicKey(); return ReadPkcsDHParam(algOid, derY.Value, seq); } else if (algOid.Equals(OiwObjectIdentifiers.ElGamalAlgorithm)) { ElGamalParameter para = new ElGamalParameter( Asn1Sequence.GetInstance(algID.Parameters.ToAsn1Object())); DerInteger derY = (DerInteger) keyInfo.GetPublicKey(); return new ElGamalPublicKeyParameters( derY.Value, new ElGamalParameters(para.P, para.G)); } else if (algOid.Equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.IdDsa) || algOid.Equals(OiwObjectIdentifiers.DsaWithSha1)) { DerInteger derY = (DerInteger) keyInfo.GetPublicKey(); Asn1Encodable ae = algID.Parameters; DsaParameters parameters = null; if (ae != null) { DsaParameter para = DsaParameter.GetInstance(ae.ToAsn1Object()); parameters = new DsaParameters(para.P, para.Q, para.G); } return new DsaPublicKeyParameters(derY.Value, parameters); } else if (algOid.Equals(X9ObjectIdentifiers.IdECPublicKey)) { X962Parameters para = new X962Parameters(algID.Parameters.ToAsn1Object()); X9ECParameters x9; if (para.IsNamedCurve) { x9 = ECKeyPairGenerator.FindECCurveByOid((DerObjectIdentifier)para.Parameters); } else { x9 = new X9ECParameters((Asn1Sequence)para.Parameters); } Asn1OctetString key = new DerOctetString(keyInfo.PublicKeyData.GetBytes()); X9ECPoint derQ = new X9ECPoint(x9.Curve, key); ECPoint q = derQ.Point; if (para.IsNamedCurve) { return new ECPublicKeyParameters("EC", q, (DerObjectIdentifier)para.Parameters); } ECDomainParameters dParams = new ECDomainParameters(x9.Curve, x9.G, x9.N, x9.H, x9.GetSeed()); return new ECPublicKeyParameters(q, dParams); } else if (algOid.Equals(CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.GostR3410x2001)) { Gost3410PublicKeyAlgParameters gostParams = new Gost3410PublicKeyAlgParameters( (Asn1Sequence) algID.Parameters); Asn1OctetString key; try { key = (Asn1OctetString) keyInfo.GetPublicKey(); } catch (IOException) { throw new ArgumentException("invalid info structure in GOST3410 public key"); } byte[] keyEnc = key.GetOctets(); byte[] x = new byte[32]; byte[] y = new byte[32]; for (int i = 0; i != y.Length; i++) { x[i] = keyEnc[32 - 1 - i]; } for (int i = 0; i != x.Length; i++) { y[i] = keyEnc[64 - 1 - i]; } ECDomainParameters ecP = ECGost3410NamedCurves.GetByOid(gostParams.PublicKeyParamSet); if (ecP == null) return null; ECPoint q = ecP.Curve.CreatePoint(new BigInteger(1, x), new BigInteger(1, y)); return new ECPublicKeyParameters("ECGOST3410", q, gostParams.PublicKeyParamSet); } else if (algOid.Equals(CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.GostR3410x94)) { Gost3410PublicKeyAlgParameters algParams = new Gost3410PublicKeyAlgParameters( (Asn1Sequence) algID.Parameters); DerOctetString derY; try { derY = (DerOctetString) keyInfo.GetPublicKey(); } catch (IOException) { throw new ArgumentException("invalid info structure in GOST3410 public key"); } byte[] keyEnc = derY.GetOctets(); byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyEnc.Length]; for (int i = 0; i != keyEnc.Length; i++) { keyBytes[i] = keyEnc[keyEnc.Length - 1 - i]; // was little endian } BigInteger y = new BigInteger(1, keyBytes); return new Gost3410PublicKeyParameters(y, algParams.PublicKeyParamSet); } else { throw new SecurityUtilityException("algorithm identifier in key not recognised: " + algOid); } }