public static void CreateAccount(string accountName, string friendlyName, string adminPassword, string adminEmail, int planType) { using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { using (MySqlConnection sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(UtilityHelper.GetConnectionString())) { string salt = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sqlConnection.Open(); sqlConnection.Execute(@"insert into Account(Name,FriendlyName,IsActive,PlanType) values (@Name,@FriendlyName,@IsActive,@PlanType)", new { Name = accountName, FriendlyName = friendlyName, IsActive = true, PlanType = planType }); sqlConnection.Execute(@"insert into User(Username,Account,Password,Salt,IsActive,IsAdmin,Email) values (@Username,@Account,@Password,@Salt,@IsActive,@IsAdmin,@Email)", new { Username = "******", Account = accountName, Password = UtilityHelper.HashPassword(adminPassword, salt), Salt = salt, IsActive = true, IsAdmin = true, Email = adminEmail }); } ts.Complete(); } }
public void UpdateMatchup(MatchupModel model) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(GlobalConfig.ConnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); if (model.Winner != null) { p.Add("inp_Id", model.Id); p.Add("inp_WinnerId", model.Winner.Id); connection.Execute("sp_Matchups_Update", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } foreach (MatchupEntryModel me in model.Entries) { if (me.TeamCompeting != null) { p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("inp_Id", me.Id); p.Add("inp_TeamCompetingId", me.TeamCompeting.Id); p.Add("inp_Score", me.Score); connection.Execute("sp_MatchupEntries_Update", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } } } }
public TeamModel CreateTeam(TeamModel model) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(GlobalConfig.ConnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("inp_TeamName", model.TeamName); p.Add("out_id", 0, dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("sp_Teams_Insert", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); model.Id = p.Get <int>("out_id"); foreach (PersonModel tm in model.TeamMembers) { p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("inp_TeamId", model.Id); p.Add("inp_PersonId", tm.Id); p.Add("out_id", 0, dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("sp_TeamMembers_Insert", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } return(model); } }
public void AddPayment(IPayment payment) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"INSERT INTO Payment(Block, AccountId, Amount, CreatedAt) VALUES(@blockId, @accountId, @amount, @createdAt)", new { blockId = payment.BlockId, accountId = payment.AccountId, amount = payment.Amount, createdAt = DateTime.Now }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while committing payment; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public static DataModel.User GetValidatedUser(string username, string password, string account) { using (MySqlConnection sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(UtilityHelper.GetConnectionString())) { sqlConnection.Open(); DataModel.User userObj = sqlConnection.Query<DataModel.User>("Select * from User where Username=@Username and Account=@Account", new { Username = username, Account = account }).FirstOrDefault(); if (userObj != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userObj.Salt)) { if (password.Equals(userObj.Password)) { string salt = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sqlConnection.Execute(@"update User set Salt=@Salt, Password=@Password where Username=@Username and Account=@Account", new { Salt = salt, Password = UtilityHelper.HashPassword(userObj.Password, salt), Username = username, Account = account }); return userObj; } } else { password=UtilityHelper.HashPassword(password,userObj.Salt); if (password.Equals(userObj.Password)) { return userObj; } } } } return null; }
public void UpdateBlock(IPersistedBlock block) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"UPDATE Block SET Orphaned = @orphaned, Confirmed = @confirmed, Accounted = @accounted, Reward = @reward WHERE Height = @height", new { orphaned = block.Status == BlockStatus.Orphaned, confirmed = block.Status == BlockStatus.Confirmed, accounted = block.Accounted, reward = block.Reward, height = block.Height }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while updating block; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public void RunBeforeAnyTests() { using (var mySqlConnection = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Port=3306;uid=root;password=password!")) { mySqlConnection.Execute(string.Format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{0}`", DatabaseName)); } Container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer(); DapperConfiguration .Use() .UseClassMapper(typeof(AutoClassMapper<>)) .UseContainer<ContainerForWindsor>(cfg => cfg.UseExisting(Container)) .UseSqlDialect(new MySqlDialect()) .WithDefaultConnectionStringNamed("__DefaultMySql") .FromAssembly("Dapper.Extensions.Linq.Test.Entities") .FromAssembly("Dapper.Extensions.Linq.Test.Maps") .Build(); var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["__DefaultMySql"].ConnectionString); var files = new List<string> { ReadScriptFile("CreateAnimalTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateFooTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateMultikeyTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreatePersonTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateCarTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreatePhoneTable") }; foreach (var setupFile in files) { connection.Execute(setupFile); } }
public void Activate(Promocion p) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Constants.QueryConn)) { try { conn.Open(); var platos = GetPlatosByPromo(p); PlatoDao platoDao = new PlatoDao(); foreach (var pl in platos) { var plato = platoDao.GetOne(pl.Plato_Id); if (plato.Estado != "DISPONIBLE") { throw new DataException("No se puede marcar como DISPONIBLE una promoción que contiene platos NO DISPONIBLES"); } } if (conn.Execute(Constants.ActivatePromo, p, null, null, CommandType.Text) == -1) { throw new DataException("No se actualizó la promoción como DISPONIBLE"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
public void CreateOfficeDepartment(DepartmentToUser departmentToUser) { using (MySqlConnection db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationValues.GroveHillConnection)) { departmentToUser.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); try { const string query = "insert into officenames(UniqueID,Name,Department)" + " values(@UniqueID,@Name,@Department)"; int rowsAffectd = db.Execute(query, new { @UniqueID = departmentToUser.UniqueID, @Name = departmentToUser.Name, @Department = departmentToUser.Department }); int r = 5; } catch (Exception er) { string s1 = er.ToString(); //Log.LogMessage(er.ToString()); } } }
public void AddBlock(IShare share) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"INSERT INTO Block(Height, BlockHash, TxHash, Amount, CreatedAt) VALUES (@height, @blockHash, @txHash, @amount, @createdAt)", new { height = share.Block.Height, blockHash = share.BlockHash.ToHexString(), txHash = share.Block.Tx.First(), amount = (decimal)share.GenerationTransaction.TotalAmount, createdAt = share.Block.Time.UnixTimestampToDateTime() }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while adding block; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
private void CreateDatabaseIfNeeded() { using (var conn = new MySqlConnection(_connectionString)) conn.Execute($"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {_databaseName}"); using (var conn = OpenConnection()) { if (!DoesTableExists(conn, "EndpointConfig")) CreateEndpointConfig(conn); if (!DoesColumnExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "Tags")) CreateColumn(conn, "EndpointConfig", "Tags", "varchar(4096)"); if (!DoesColumnExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "Password")) CreateColumn(conn, "EndpointConfig", "Password", "varchar(64)"); var date = DateTime.UtcNow; if (!DoesColumnExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "RegisteredOnUtc")) CreateColumnAndSetValue(conn, "EndpointConfig", "RegisteredOnUtc", "datetime not null", date); if (!DoesColumnExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "RegistrationUpdatedOnUtc")) CreateColumnAndSetValue(conn, "EndpointConfig", "RegistrationUpdatedOnUtc", "datetime not null", date); if (!DoesColumnExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "MonitorTag")) CreateColumn(conn, "EndpointConfig", "MonitorTag", "varchar(1024) default 'default'"); if (!DoesTableExists(conn, "EndpointStats")) CreateEndpointStats(conn); if (!DoesTableExists(conn, "HealthMonitorTypes")) CreateHealthMonitorTypesTable(conn); if (!DoesIndexExists(conn, "EndpointStats", "EndpointStats_EndpointIdCheckTimeUtc_idx")) CreateEndpointStatsIndex(conn); if (!DoesIndexExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "EndpointConfig_MonitorTag_idx")) CreateMonitorTagIndex(conn); if (!DoesIndexExists(conn, "EndpointConfig", "EndpointConfig_MonitorType_idx")) CreateMonitorTypeIndex(conn); } }
//***************************************************Australia*************************************** //Australia Yellow Pages Category #region --For InsertSiteCatUrlTableAusYp public int InsertSiteCatUrlTableAusYp(string SiteName, string SiteUrl, string Category, DateTime CrawlDate, string Status) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(BG_Db_Class.getConnectionString())) try { { if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) try { conn.Open(); } catch (MySqlException ex) { throw (ex); } int rowAffected = conn.Execute(@"INSERT INTO Bus_Data_AusYPCatUrl(SiteName,Url,Category,date,Status) VALUES(@SiteName,@SiteUrl,@Category,@date,@Status)", new { SiteName = SiteName, SiteUrl = SiteUrl, Category = Category, date = CrawlDate, Status = Status }); return rowAffected; } } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static void DeleteUser(string account, string username) { using (MySqlConnection sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(UtilityHelper.GetConnectionString())) { sqlConnection.Open(); sqlConnection.Execute(@"update User set IsActive=false where Username=@Username and Account=@Account", new { Username = username, Account = account }); } }
/// <summary> /// 注册 /// </summary> public void register() { new driverService().Register(); new MessgeService().Register(); new orderService().Register(); var ws = UseSocket.CreateSocket(); ws.Message = (username, message) => { var request = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Request>(message); request.Head.Add("wxcount", username); if (request.ClientType.Other.Equals("uploadLocation")) { request.AddService = () => { IDbConnection con = new MySqlConnection(this.Configuration["mysql"]); var driverState = con.ExecuteScalar <long>("select count(1) from orders where driverid=" + request.Head["KeyID"] + " and state=2"); return(driverState.ToString()); } } ; var result = Hup.CreateMsg.Run(request); }; } void outTimeOrders() { var t = Startup.GlobConfiguration["mysql"]; IDbConnection db = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(this.Configuration["mysql"]); db.Open(); JObject obj = new JObject(); obj.Add("state", 3); var lists = db.Query <orders>("select * from orders where state='0' "); TaskManagerService tak = TaskManagerService.Factory(); TokenService token = new TokenService(this.Configuration["appsecret"], this.Configuration["AppID"]); foreach (var key in lists) { Task.Run(async() => { await tak.AutoRun(key.StartTime, keys => { IDbConnection _db = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(this.Configuration["mysql"]); JObject js = JObject.Parse(key.ordersInfo); string sql = uilt.uiltT.Update(obj, "orders", " where id='" + + "' "); _db.Execute(sql); uilt.uiltT.SendWxMessage(token, "您的订单从" + js["startingPoint"] + "到" + js["endingPoint"] + "的 行程,由于长时间没有司机接单已经超时,请重新创建行程。", js["openid"].ToString()); _db.Close(); return(Task.CompletedTask); }); }); } db.Close(); } }
public bool DeleteCoord(int id) { using (var cn = new MySqlConnection(_connectionString)) { const string sql = "DELETE FROM `geopoints` WHERE `ID`=@id;"; return cn.Execute(sql, new {ID = id}) > 0; } }
public static void CreateUser(string username, string accountName, string password, string email, bool? isAdmin) { using (MySqlConnection sqlConnection = new MySqlConnection(UtilityHelper.GetConnectionString())) { string salt = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); sqlConnection.Open(); sqlConnection.Execute(@"insert into User(Username,Account,Password,Salt,IsActive,IsAdmin,Email) values (@Username,@Account,@Password,@Salt,@IsActive,@IsAdmin,@Email)", new { Username = username, Account = accountName, Password = UtilityHelper.HashPassword(password, salt), Salt = salt, IsActive = true, IsAdmin = isAdmin, Email = email }); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes an image from the DB /// </summary> /// <param name="imageId">The Id of the image to delete</param> public void DeleteImage(int imageId) { using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(Common.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); connection.Execute("osae_sp_image_delete", new { pimage_id = imageId }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); } }
public int DeleteAllPlatos(Promocion p, MySqlConnection conn, MySqlTransaction trans) { try { return conn.Execute(Constants.DeletePlatosByPromo, p, trans, null, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private static void DropDatabase() { var recreateDatabaseSql = String.Format( @"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{0}`", ConnectionUtils.GetDatabaseName()); using (var connection = new MySqlConnection( ConnectionUtils.GetMasterConnectionString())) { connection.Execute(recreateDatabaseSql); } }
public void FixtureSetup() { this.DatabaseName = this.GetType().Name + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd__HH_mm_ss"); using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); connection.Execute(string.Format("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{0}`", this.DatabaseName)); } var connectionStringBuilder = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConnectionString) { Database = this.DatabaseName }; this.connectionString = connectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString; }
static void Main(string[] args) { var conn = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["mysql_conn_str"]); conn.Open(); try { using (var tns = conn.BeginTransaction()) { { var sql = @"CREATE TABLE `PubList` ( `id` BIGINT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `pubkey` VARBINARY(512) NOT NULL UNIQUE, `last_seen` DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX pubkey_ind (pubkey), INDEX date_ind (last_seen) ) engine = InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `Msg` ( `id` BIGINT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `recipient_id` BIGINT NOT NULL, `msg` VARBINARY(8192) NOT NULL, INDEX reci_ind (recipient_id), FOREIGN KEY (recipient_id) REFERENCES PubList(id) ) engine = InnoDB;"; conn.Execute(sql, new { }); tns.Commit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } //openssl genrsa -out server.pem 1024 var pemfn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["pem_prv_key"]; var pem_pw = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["pem_prv_key_pw"]; if (Shared.LoadKey(pemfn, new PasswordFinder(pem_pw == null ? null : pem_pw.ToCharArray()), out key1) == false) throw new Exception("PEM file must have private key"); var listen_ip_addr = IPAddress.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ip_addr"]); var port = Int16.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["port"]); var backlog = int.Parse(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["backlog"]); var server = new TcpListener(listen_ip_addr, port); server.Start(backlog); while (true) { DoBeginAcceptTcpClient(server); } }
public PersonModel CreatePerson(PersonModel model) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(GlobalConfig.ConnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("inp_FirstName", model.FirstName); p.Add("inp_LastName", model.LastName); p.Add("inp_EmailAddress", model.EmailAddress); p.Add("inp_CellphoneNumber", model.CellphoneNumber); p.Add("out_id", 0, dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("sp_Person_Insert", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); model.Id = p.Get <int>("out_id"); return(model); } }
public PrizeModel CreatePrize(PrizeModel model) { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(GlobalConfig.ConnString(db))) { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("inp_PlaceNumber", model.PlaceNumber); p.Add("inp_PlaceName", model.PlaceName); p.Add("inp_PrizeAmount", model.PrizeAmount); p.Add("inp_PrizePercentage", model.PrizePercentage); p.Add("out_id", 0, dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("sp_Prizes_Insert", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); model.Id = p.Get <int>("out_id"); return(model); } }
private static void CreateAndInitializeDatabase() { var recreateDatabaseSql = String.Format( @"CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{0}`", ConnectionUtils.GetDatabaseName()); using (var connection = new MySqlConnection( ConnectionUtils.GetMasterConnectionString())) { connection.Execute(recreateDatabaseSql); } using (var connection = new MySqlConnection( ConnectionUtils.GetConnectionString())) { MySqlObjectsInstaller.Install(connection); } }
public void CleanUpPackages() { var dbType = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DbType"].ToLowerInvariant(); if (dbType == "mysql") { using (IDbConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["phpnuget"].ConnectionString)) { string query = "TRUNCATE TABLE nugetdb_pkg"; connection.Execute(query); } } else { var dbfile = Path.Combine(PhpSrc, "data", "db", "nugetdb_pkg.txt"); if (File.Exists(dbfile)) File.Delete(dbfile); } }
public int DeleteAllPlatos(Promocion p) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Constants.QueryConn)) { try { conn.Open(); return conn.Execute(Constants.DeletePlatosByPromo, p, null, null, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
public int Activate(Plato p) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(Constants.QueryConn)) { try { conn.Open(); return conn.Execute(Constants.ActivatePlato, p, null, null, CommandType.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } } }
public static void Install(MySqlConnection connection) { if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); if (TablesExists(connection)) { Log.Info("DB tables already exist. Exit install"); return; } Log.Info("Start installing Hangfire SQL objects..."); var script = GetStringResource( typeof(MySqlObjectsInstaller).Assembly, "Hangfire.MySql.Install.sql"); connection.Execute(script); Log.Info("Hangfire SQL objects installed."); }
public virtual void Setup() { var connection = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=dapperTest;uid=root;password=password!"); var config = new DapperExtensionsConfiguration(typeof(AutoClassMapper<>), new List<Assembly>(), new MySqlDialect()); var sqlGenerator = new SqlGeneratorImpl(config); Db = new Database(connection, sqlGenerator); var files = new List<string> { ReadScriptFile("CreateFooTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateMultikeyTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreatePersonTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateCarTable"), ReadScriptFile("CreateAnimalTable") }; foreach (var setupFile in files) { connection.Execute(setupFile); } }
public void AddShare(IShare share) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; var ourResult = share.IsValid ? 'Y' : 'N'; var upstreamResult = share.IsBlockCandidate ? 'Y' : 'N'; object errorReason; if (share.Error != ShareError.None) errorReason = share.Error; else errorReason = null; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"INSERT INTO shares(rem_host, username, our_result, upstream_result, reason, solution, difficulty,time) VALUES (@rem_host, @username, @our_result, @upstream_result, @reason, @solution, @difficulty, @time)", new { rem_host = ((IClient) share.Miner).Connection.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(), username = share.Miner.Username, our_result = ourResult, upstream_result = upstreamResult, reason = errorReason, solution = share.BlockHash.ToHexString(), difficulty = share.Difficulty, // should we consider mpos difficulty multiplier here? time = DateTime.Now }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while comitting share; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public void UpdateDifficulty(IStratumMiner miner) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( "UPDATE pool_worker SET difficulty = @difficulty WHERE username = @username", new { difficulty = miner.Difficulty, username = miner.Username }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while updating difficulty for miner; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public void UpdatePayment(IPayment payment) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"UPDATE Payment SET Completed = @completed WHERE Id = @id", new { completed = payment.Completed, id = payment.Id }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while updating payment; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public void UpdateNotes(string notes) { using (MySqlConnection db = new MySqlConnection(Database.ReminderConnection)) { try { string query = "update notes" + " set notes = @notes" + " where id = 1"; int rowsAffectd = db.Execute(query, new { @notes = notes, } ); } catch (Exception er) { Log.LogMessage(er.ToString()); } } }
public void AddAccount(IAccount account) { try { if (!IsEnabled) return; using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(_mySqlProvider.ConnectionString)) { connection.Execute( @"INSERT INTO Account(Username, Address, CreatedAt) VALUES (@username, @address, @createdAt)", new { username = account.Username, address = account.Address, createdAt = DateTime.Now }); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.Error("An exception occured while creating account; {0:l}", e.Message); } }
public void CreateOfficeDepartment(DepartmentToUser departmentToUser) { using (MySqlConnection db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationValues.GroveHillConnection)) { departmentToUser.UniqueID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); try { const string query = "insert into officenames(UniqueID,Name,Department)" + " values(@UniqueID,@Name,@Department)"; int rowsAffectd = db.Execute(query, new { @UniqueID = departmentToUser.UniqueID, @Name = departmentToUser.Name, @Department = departmentToUser.Department }); } catch (Exception er) { EmployeeDesktop.API.Exceptions.ExceptionHandling.InsertErrorMessage(er.ToString()); EmployeeDesktop.API.Exceptions.ExceptionHandling.SendErrorEmail(er.ToString(), ConfigurationValues.EmailFromFriendly, ConfigurationValues.EmailSendToFriendly, ConfigurationValues.EmailSubject); } } }
public void SearchInitial(List <string> startList) { try { conn.Open(); conn.Execute("delete from ImgContent where ImgId>=0"); conn.Execute("delete from UrlContent where ListId>=0"); for (int i = 0; i < startList.Count; i++) { conn.Execute("insert into UrlContent(Url,depth) values(@url,0)", new { url = startList[i] }); } } catch (Exception) { //ignore throw; } finally { conn.Close(); } }