public Boolean EmployeeRemove(int employeeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); string dateFormat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); sqlQuery = "UPDATE employee SET end_date = '" + dateFormat + "' WHERE employee_id = " + employeeId; MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlQuery; connection.Open(); int response = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { return true; } else return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public Boolean PriceChange(int productId, float price, String effectiveDate, String office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); if (storeList.Count > 0) { sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET effective_price=" + price + ", effective_date = '" + effectiveDate + "' WHERE store_id IN (" + store(storeList) + ") AND product_id = " + productId; MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlQuery; int response = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public Boolean EmployeeAdd(string name, string ssn, string address, string gender, string jobTitle, float salary, string worksFor, int officeId, string startDate, string username, string password) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); string dateFormat = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO employee (name, ssn, address, gender, job_title, salary, works_for, office_id, start_date, username, password) VALUES ('" + name + "', '" + ssn + "', '" + address + "', '" + gender + "', '" + jobTitle + "', " + salary + ", '" + worksFor + "', " + officeId + ", '" + startDate + "', '" + username + "', '" + password + "')"; MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlQuery; connection.Open(); int response = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { return true; } else return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public String PriceChange(int productId, String office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM store JOIN (SELECT * FROM store_product WHERE product_id=" + productId + " AND store_id IN (" + store(storeList) + ")) sp WHERE store.store_id=sp.store_id"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); return "123"; } catch (Exception ex) { return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public float Payroll(string office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); sqlQuery = "SELECT sum(salary) as sum FROM employee WHERE works_for='Retail' AND office_id IN(" + store(storeList) + ")"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); float count = 0; while (sdr.Read()) { count = float.Parse(sdr["sum"].ToString()); } return count; } catch (Exception ex) { return 0; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public Boolean RemoveItem(int productId, int officeId, String office) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); String stores = store(storeList); sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET discontinue = true WHERE product_id=" + productId + " AND store_id IN (" + store(storeList) + ")"; MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = sqlQuery; int response = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { return true; } else return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public Boolean ItemAdd(String productName, String productDescription, float price, int productId, String office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); //store(storeList); if (storeList.Count > 0) { if (productId == 0) { sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO product (product_id, product_name, product_description) VALUES (NULL, '" + productName + "', '" + productDescription + "')"; MySqlCommand newCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); newCommand.CommandText = sqlQuery; newCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } foreach (int eachStore in storeList) { sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM store_product WHERE product_id=" + productId + " AND store_id=" + eachStore; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!sdr.HasRows) { sdr.Close(); sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO store_product (store_id, product_id, price) VALUES (" + eachStore + ", " + productId + ", " + price + ")"; MySqlCommand newCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); newCommand.CommandText = sqlQuery; newCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } sdr.Close(); } return true; } return false; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; //return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); ; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public string Sale(int storeId, int productId, int quantity, int employeeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); DateTime saleDate = DateTime.Now; sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM store_product WHERE product_id = " + productId + " AND store_id = " + storeId; connection.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read()) { currentQuantity = Int32.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()); if (quantity > currentQuantity) { return "Insufficient Quantity"; } if ((Boolean)sdr["discontinue"]) { return "Product Discontinued"; } } sdr.Close(); sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO sales (store_id, product_id, quantity, sale_date, employee_id) VALUES (" + storeId + ", " + productId + ", " + quantity + ",'" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'," + employeeId + ")"; MySqlCommand newCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); int response = newCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { int newQuantity = currentQuantity - quantity; sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET quantity = " + newQuantity + " WHERE store_id=" + storeId + " AND product_id=" + productId; MySqlCommand newNewCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); newNewCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return "Success"; } return "Failure"; } catch (Exception ex) { //return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); return ex.Message; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public string ListItems(int productId, string office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE product_id = " + productId; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); string productName = ""; string productDescription = ""; while (sdr.Read()) { productName = sdr["product_name"].ToString(); productDescription = sdr["product_description"].ToString(); } sdr.Close(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM store_product WHERE product_id =" + productId + " AND store_id IN(" + store(storeList) + ")"; MySqlCommand newCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); sdr = newCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.HasRows) { var result = new List<inventory>(); while (sdr.Read()) { result.Add(new inventory { productId = Int32.Parse(sdr["product_id"].ToString()), productName = productName, productDescription = productDescription, price = float.Parse(sdr["price"].ToString()), quantity = Int32.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()), storeId=Int32.Parse(sdr["store_id"].ToString()), effectiveDate=sdr["effective_date"].ToString(), effectivePrice=float.Parse(sdr["effective_price"].ToString()), discontinue=bool.Parse(sdr["discontinue"].ToString())}); } sdr.Close(); return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); } return "Hello World"; }
public Boolean InventoryAdd(int storeId, int productId, int quantity) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); sqlQuery = "SELECT quantity FROM store_product WHERE store_id=" + storeId + " AND product_id=" + productId; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read()) { int newQuantity = quantity + Int32.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()); sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET quantity = " + newQuantity + " WHERE store_id=" + storeId + " AND product_id=" + productId; } else { sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO store_product (store_id, product_id, quantity) VALUES (" + storeId + "," + productId + "," + quantity + ")"; } sdr.Close(); MySqlCommand newCommand = connection.CreateCommand(); newCommand.CommandText = sqlQuery; int response = newCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (response > 0) { return true; } else return false; } catch (Exception ex) { //var result = new { result = "error", message = "LoginFailed" }; //return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public string Login(string userName, string password) { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); int userRole = 0; try { connection.Open(); string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE username = '******' and password = '******'"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if(sdr.HasRows) { if (sdr.Read()) { var result = new { employeeId = sdr["employee_id"].ToString(), worksFor=sdr["works_for"].ToString(), officeId=sdr["office_id"].ToString()}; return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var result = new { result="connection failed"}; return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } if (userRole != 0) { var result = new { result = "success", UserRole = userRole}; return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } else { var result = new { result = "error", message = "LoginFailed"}; return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } return "Hello World"; }
public String EmployeeInfo(string office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); int storeInHierarchy = 0; List<int> newStoreList = new List<int>(); foreach (int stores in storeList) { if (stores == officeId) { storeInHierarchy = 1; } else { newStoreList.Add(stores); } } if (storeInHierarchy == 1) { return "Not in the same Hierarchy"; } if (newStoreList.Count > 0) { sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM employee WHERE works_for='Retail' AND office_id IN(" + store(newStoreList) + ")"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); var result = new List<Employee>(); while (sdr.Read()) { result.Add(new Employee { name = sdr["name"].ToString(), ssn = sdr["ssn"].ToString(), address = sdr["address"].ToString(), gender = sdr["gender"].ToString(), jobTitle = sdr["job_title"].ToString(), salary = float.Parse(sdr["salary"].ToString()), works_for = sdr["works_for"].ToString(), officeId = int.Parse(sdr["office_id"].ToString()), // startDate = sdr["start_date"].ToString(), // endDate = sdr["end_date"].ToString(), username = sdr["username"].ToString() }); } sdr.Close(); return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public String SalesInfo(string office, int officeId) { try { DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); List<int> storeList = new List<int>(); storeList = getChildStoreIds(officeId, office); int storeInHierarchy = 0; List<int> newStoreList = new List<int>(); foreach (int stores in storeList) { if (stores == officeId) { storeInHierarchy = 1; } else { newStoreList.Add(stores); } } if (storeInHierarchy == 1) { return "Not in the same Hierarchy"; } if (newStoreList.Count > 0) { sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM sales WHERE store_id IN(" + store(newStoreList) + ")"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); var result = new List<Sales>(); while (sdr.Read()) { result.Add(new Sales { storeId = int.Parse(sdr["store_id"].ToString()), quantity = int.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()), salesDate = sdr["sale_date"].ToString(), employeeId = int.Parse(sdr["employee_id"].ToString()), }); } sdr.Close(); return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception ex) { return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public String TransferToStore(int productId, int quantity, int fromStoreId, int toStoreId, float price) { try { int currentQuantityFromStore = 0; int currentQuantityToStore = 0; DbConnection dbConnection = new DbConnection(); connection = dbConnection.getConnection(); connection.Open(); sqlQuery = "SELECT quantity FROM store_product WHERE product_id = " + productId + " AND store_id = " + fromStoreId; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); MySqlDataReader sdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.Read()) { currentQuantityFromStore = Int32.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()); if (quantity > currentQuantityFromStore) { return "234"; } } sdr.Close(); sqlQuery = "SELECT quantity FROM store_product WHERE product_id = " + productId + " AND store_id = " + toStoreId; MySqlCommand fromCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); sdr = fromCommand.ExecuteReader(); if(sdr.Read()) { currentQuantityToStore = Int32.Parse(sdr["quantity"].ToString()); } sdr.Close(); sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET quantity=" + (currentQuantityFromStore - quantity) + " WHERE store_id=" + fromStoreId + " AND product_id=" + productId; MySqlCommand newCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); newCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM store_product WHERE store_id=" + toStoreId + " AND product_id=" + productId; MySqlCommand checkCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); sdr = checkCommand.ExecuteReader(); if(sdr.HasRows) { sqlQuery = "UPDATE store_product SET quantity=" + (currentQuantityToStore + quantity) + " WHERE store_id=" + toStoreId + " AND product_id=" + productId; } else { sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO store_product (store_id, product_id, quantity, price) VALUES (" + toStoreId + ", " + productId + ", " + quantity + ", " + price + ")"; } sdr.Close(); MySqlCommand newNewCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection); newNewCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return "123"; } catch (Exception ex) { return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(ex.Message); //return false; } finally { connection.Close(); } }