void Start() { sceneLoader = GetComponent <SceneLoader>(); sfxManager = SfxManager.instance; gameData = PersistentGameData.Instance; }
void Start() { //Reference gameData = PersistentGameData.Instance; //Initalize ui attributes display attributesUI.UpdateDisplay(gameData.SaveFile); attributesUI.SetUnspentPoints(unspentStatPoints); }
void Awake() { //Singleton if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); LoadGame(); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } //GameData.create }
void Start() { //Static references gameData = PersistentGameData.Instance; ui = UIManager.Instance; directory = PlayerAbilityDirectory.Instance; Inventory = Inventory_Bag.Instance; //Reference game data and use it to initialize the game data = gameData.SaveFile; //UI ui.UpdateAllPlayerInfo(data); //Model color feedback.playerColorAssigner.UpdateColor(gameData.SaveFile); //Initialize class resourceManagement = new PlayerResourceManagement(this); //Cache layerInteractable = CharacterSettings.instance.InteractableLayer; }