public ActionResult delete_notfall() { if (Request.Cookies["Session"] != null) { SessionElement Session = Params.Sess[Request.Cookies["Session"]]; string UserId = Session.UserId; if (UserId != null) { DB db = new DB(); Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dic.Add("PatientId", Request.Form["PatientId"]); db.ExecuteProcedure("NotfallDelete", dic); return(Content("1")); } } return(Content("Error")); }
public ActionResult Login() { DB db = new DB(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT Id,Login,Password from users where Login=@Login and Password=@Password", db.myConnection); string login = Request.Form["Login"].ToString(); string password = Request.Form["Password"].ToString(); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Login", login)); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Password", password)); List <Dictionary <string, string> > responce = db.SelectCommandParam(command); int content = responce.Count; if (content == 1) { string UserId = responce[0]["Id"].ToString(); string Login = responce[0]["Login"].ToString(); string Password = responce[0]["Password"].ToString(); string source = Login + "---" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); string SessionNummer = GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, source); Response.Cookies.Append("Session", SessionNummer); Response.Cookies.Append("Login", Login); SessionElement Element = new SessionElement(); Element.UserId = UserId; Element.UserLogin = Login; Element.UserPassword = Password; Params.SessionAdd(SessionNummer, Element); return(Content("1")); } else { string CookieSession = null; try { CookieSession = Request.Cookies["Session"]; } catch { } Response.Cookies.Append("Login", ""); Response.Cookies.Append("Session", ""); if (CookieSession != null) { Params.Sess.Remove(CookieSession); } return(Content("Login/Password ist ungültig")); } }
public ActionResult save_param_value() { if (Request.Cookies["Session"] != null) { SessionElement Session = Params.Sess[Request.Cookies["Session"]]; string UserId = Session.UserId; if (UserId != null) { DB db = new DB(); Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dic.Add("NotfallId", Request.Form["NotfallId"]); dic.Add("AnswerId", Request.Form["AnswerId"]); dic.Add("Value", Request.Form["ThisValue"]); dic.Add("UserId", UserId); dic.Add("DT", System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); return(Content(db.ExecuteProcedure("ParameterChange", dic))); } } return(Content("Error")); }
public ActionResult passwordChange() { string AltePass = Request.Form["altePass"].ToString(); string NeuePass = Request.Form["neuePass"].ToString(); string UserId = "0"; string CookieSession = Request.Cookies["Session"]; DB db = new DB(); if (CookieSession != null) { if (Params.Sess.ContainsKey(CookieSession)) { SessionElement Session = Params.Sess[Request.Cookies["Session"]]; UserId = Session.UserId; } } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select * from users where Id=@Id and Password=@Password", db.myConnection); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Id", UserId)); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Password", AltePass)); List <Dictionary <string, string> > responce = db.SelectCommandParam(command); int content = responce.Count; if (content > 0) { db.ExecuteQuery("update users SET Password="******" where Id=" + UserId); Params.Sess.Remove(Request.Cookies["Session"]); } else { return(Content("0")); } return(Content("1")); }
/*public static string GetUserIdFromSession(string Val) * { * return Sess[Val]; * }*/ public static void SessionAdd(string Key, SessionElement Element) { try { Sess.Add(Key, Element); } catch { } }