예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all Attacks against each Entity. After each attack, the Entity's health is checked.
        /// If the Entity is out of health, it is removed from the World.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CHealth health;

            /// <summary>
            /// For each Entity in the System.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                health = World.GetComponent <CHealth>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// For each attack registered against the Entity.
                /// </summary>
                foreach (int damage in _attacks[Entities[i]])
                    health.Damage += damage;

                    if (health.OutOfHealth)
                        break; //Stop when the Entity is out of health to prevent overkill.

            /// <summary>
            /// Remove all Attacks ready for the next frame.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
        /// <summary>
        /// Loops through each animation, updating and drawing them.
        /// If an animation has ended, the Animation Component is removed from the Entity.
        /// If the Entity has no other Components, it is removed from the World.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CAnimation anim;
            CPosition  pos;

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Entity with an Animation Component.
            /// Backwards loop to allow Entities to be removed from the World while looping.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                anim = World.GetComponent <CAnimation>(Entities[i]);
                pos  = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                if (SwinGame.AnimationEnded(anim.Anim))
                    if (World.GetAllComponentsOfEntity(Entities[i]).Count == 1)
                    SwinGame.DrawAnimation(anim.Anim, anim.Img, pos.X, pos.Y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the passed in Entity to each Spatial Hash Player cell it resides in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entID">The Entity to add to Player cells.</param>
        private void AddEntityToCells(ulong entID, Dictionary <int, List <ulong> > cells)
            CPosition  pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(entID);
            List <int> cellsEntityIsIn;

            if (pos.Width > _cellSize || pos.Height > _cellSize)
                cellsEntityIsIn = GetCellsBigEntityIsIn(pos);
                cellsEntityIsIn = GetCellsNormalSizeEntityIsIn(pos);

            foreach (int i in cellsEntityIsIn)
                if (i >= 0 && i < _numCells)
                    if (!cells[i].Contains(entID))
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers a collision between two passed in Entities by adding a
        /// reference to the other Entity in its Collision Component. If the Entity
        /// does not have a Collision Component, one is added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entOne">The first Entity in the collision.</param>
        /// <param name="entTwo">The second Entity in the collision..</param>
        private void RegisterCollision(ulong entOne, ulong entTwo)
            CCollision entOneCollision;
            CCollision entTwoCollision;

            //Handle collision for the first Entity
            if (!World.EntityHasComponent(entOne, typeof(CCollision)))
                World.AddComponent(entOne, new CCollision(entTwo));
                entOneCollision = World.GetComponent <CCollision>(entOne);

            //Handle collision for the second Entity
            if (!World.EntityHasComponent(entTwo, typeof(CCollision)))
                World.AddComponent(entTwo, new CCollision(entOne));
                entTwoCollision = World.GetComponent <CCollision>(entTwo);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loops through each Poisoned Entity and applies poison damage. If the poison has expired, then
        /// the Poison Component is removed from the Entity.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            /// <summary>
            /// The System where Attacks are registered.
            /// </summary>
            DamageSystem damageSystem = World.GetSystem <DamageSystem>();

            if (ReadyToApplyPoison(_lastTick, _tickInterval))
                _lastTick = World.GameTime;

                CPoison poison;

                for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                    poison = World.GetComponent <CPoison>(Entities[i]);

                    if (!Utils.DurationReached(poison.TimeApplied, poison.Duration))
                        damageSystem.RegisterAttack(Entities[i], poison.Strength);
                        World.RemoveComponent <CPoison>(Entities[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Circle to represent the attack radius of the AI. If the Position Component of the
        /// AI's target is within this Circle, then the AI is in range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entID">The Entity to check range for.</param>
        /// <param name="AI">AI component of the Entity to check range for.</param>
        /// <param name="pos">Position component of the Entity to check range for.</param>
        protected void CheckRange(ulong entID, CAI AI, CPosition pos)
            Circle    attackRadius = SwinGame.CreateCircle(pos.Centre.X, pos.Centre.Y, AI.Range + (pos.Width / 2));
            CPosition targetPos    = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(AI.TargetID);

            AI.IsInRange = SwinGame.CircleRectCollision(attackRadius, targetPos.Rect);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the state of each Explosion Man. Two key events occur with Explosion Men:
        ///     -When the Spawn Animation finishes, the explosion is created.
        ///     -When the Explosion Animation finishes, the Entity is removed.
        /// This System checks the state and animation of each Explosion Man.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CExplosionMan explosion;
            CAnimation    anim;
            CPosition     pos;

            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                anim = World.GetComponent <CAnimation>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// If one of the two key events are happening.
                /// </summary>
                if (SwinGame.AnimationEnded(anim.Anim))
                    explosion = World.GetComponent <CExplosionMan>(Entities[i]);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// If not ready to explode, the Spawn animation has just finished.
                    /// Therefore, create the explosion.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (!explosion.ReadyToExplode)
                        explosion.ReadyToExplode = true;
                        pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Update size details as the Entity is now an Explosion.
                        /// </summary>
                        pos.Width  = EntityFactory.EXPLOSION_SIZE;
                        pos.Height = EntityFactory.EXPLOSION_SIZE;

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Adjust position details so explosion is in centre of the cell.
                        /// </summary>
                        CollisionCheckSystem collisions = World.GetSystem <CollisionCheckSystem>();
                        Point2D cellPos = collisions.CentreOfCell(explosion.TargetCell);
                        pos.X = cellPos.X - (pos.Width / 2);
                        pos.Y = cellPos.Y - (pos.Height / 2);

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Create explosion animation.
                        /// </summary>
                        anim.Img = SwinGame.BitmapNamed("Explosion");
                        SwinGame.AssignAnimation(anim.Anim, "Explode", anim.AnimScript);

                        /// <summary>
                        /// Add new components to the Entity.
                        /// </summary>
                        World.AddComponent(Entities[i], new CDamagesOnImpact(false));
                        World.AddComponent(Entities[i], new CDamage(EntityFactory.EXPLOSION_DAMAGE));
                        World.AddComponent(Entities[i], new CCollidable());
                    else //If ready to explode, the Explode animation has just finished. Therefore, remove the Entity.
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks collisions. If a collision is detected, a Collision Component is added to both
        /// of the colliding Entities. If these Entities already have a Collision Component, a new
        /// EntityID is added to the list of collisions inside the Collision Component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CPosition playerPos;
            CPosition enemyPos;

            /// <summary>
            /// Empty the Spatial Hash cell details from last frame
            /// and populate them with the new positions.
            /// </summary>

            /// <summary>
            /// For each Spatial Hash cell, check collisions against Entities on the
            /// other team in the same Spatial Hash cell.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = 0; i < _numCells; i++)
                foreach (ulong playerEnt in _playerCells[i])
                    playerPos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(playerEnt);

                    foreach (ulong enemyEnt in _enemyCells[i])
                        enemyPos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(enemyEnt);

                        if (AreColliding(playerPos, enemyPos))
                            RegisterCollision(playerEnt, enemyEnt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the GotStatusEffect Components of each Entity to determine which type of status effect it has received.
        /// The corresponding Status Animation is then created and the GotStatusEffect Component is removed.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CGotStatusEffect  statusEffects;
            CStatusAnimations statusAnims;
            CPosition         pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                statusEffects = World.GetComponent <CGotStatusEffect>(Entities[i]);
                statusAnims   = World.GetComponent <CStatusAnimations>(Entities[i]);
                pos           = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                if (statusEffects.Contains(typeof(CFrozen)))
                    HandleFreezeEffect(statusAnims, pos);

                if (statusEffects.Contains(typeof(CPoison)))
                    HandlePoisonEffect(statusAnims, pos);

            /// <summary>
            /// Remove GotStatusEffect Components from each Entity.
            /// Backwards looping is used to avoid errors caused when modifying a collection while looping over it.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                World.RemoveComponent <CGotStatusEffect>(Entities[i]);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Process this instance.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            /// <summary>
            /// Represents how many pixels wide the Health Bar should be for each point of HP the Entity has.
            /// </summary>
            int barWidthPerHP;

            CHealth   health;
            CPosition pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                health = World.GetComponent <CHealth>(Entities[i]);
                pos    = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                barWidthPerHP = pos.Width / health.Health;

                /// <summary>
                /// Renders the Green Health Bar.
                /// </summary>
                SwinGame.FillRectangle(Color.DarkGreen, pos.X, pos.Y - 4, pos.Width, 3);

                /// <summary>
                /// Renders the Red Damage Bar if the Entity has been damaged.
                /// </summary>
                if (health.Damage > 0)
                    SwinGame.FillRectangle(Color.Red, pos.X, pos.Y - 4, (barWidthPerHP * health.Damage), 3); //Draw damage bar
        /// <summary>
        /// Purchases an Explosion Man for the Player if they have enough gold. Lowers the Player's gold
        /// and spawns an Explosion Man at the centre of the most populated Hash cell on the field.
        /// </summary>
        public void BuyExplosionMan()
            CPlayer player = World.GetComponent <CPlayer>(PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);

            if (player.Gold >= EXPLOSION_MAN_COST)
                player.Gold -= EXPLOSION_MAN_COST;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to create a Poison Zone at the passed in point.
        /// This will only occur if the Ability is off cooldown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">Point.</param>
        public void CastPoisonZone(Point2D pt)
            CPlayer player = World.GetComponent <CPlayer>(PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);

            if (AbilityIsReady(player.TimeOfLastPoisonZone, POISON_ZONE_COOLDOWN))
                EntityFactory.CreatePoisonZone(pt.X, pt.Y);
                player.TimeOfLastPoisonZone = World.GameTime;
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders everything related to the Player, including UI elements.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CRenderable renderable = World.GetComponent <CRenderable>(PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);
            CHealth     health     = World.GetComponent <CHealth>(PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);
            CPlayer     player     = World.GetComponent <CPlayer>(PlayerSystem.PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);

예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the Entity is within the System. If it is, its loot component is extracted
 /// and its contents sent to the fetched Player Gold System.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entID">The Entity to remove.</param>
 public override void Remove(ulong entID)
     if (HasEntity(entID))
         CLoot        lootToGive   = World.GetComponent <CLoot>(entID);
         PlayerSystem playerSystem = World.GetSystem <PlayerSystem>();
        public override void Process()
            CCollision collision;
            CFrozen    freezeZoneFrozen;
            CFrozen    collidedFrozen;

            List <int> deadFreezeEffects = new List <int>();

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Freeze Zone.
            /// Backwards loop to allow Entities to be removed while looping.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                freezeZoneFrozen = World.GetComponent <CFrozen>(Entities[i]);
                collision        = World.GetComponent <CCollision>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// This loop represents each Entity colliding with the Freeze Zone.
                /// </summary>
                for (int j = 0; j < collision.Count; j++)
                    //If not already Frozen, add a Frozen Component.
                    if (!World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CFrozen)))
                        //Don't freeze projectiles
                        if (!World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CProjectile)))
                            World.AddComponent(collision[j], new CFrozen(freezeZoneFrozen.Duration, World.GameTime));

                        if (!World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CGotStatusEffect)))
                            World.AddComponent(collision[j], new CGotStatusEffect(typeof(CFrozen)));
                            CGotStatusEffect statusEffects = World.GetComponent <CGotStatusEffect>(collision[j]);
                    else //If already Frozen, refresh the duration.
                        collidedFrozen             = World.GetComponent <CFrozen>(collision[i]);
                        collidedFrozen.TimeApplied = World.GameTime;

                /// <summary>
                /// Freeze Zone only lasts for one frame to apply Frozen Components.
                /// Each Freeze Zone is removed from the World once its collisions are processed.
                /// </summary>
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the Enemy Positions dictionary with the current positions of each Enemy Entity.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetEnemyPositions()
            CPosition enemyPos;

            foreach (ulong enemyID in _enemies.Entities)
                enemyPos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(enemyID);
                _enemyPositions.Add(enemyID, SwinGame.PointAt(enemyPos.Centre.X, enemyPos.Centre.Y));
        /// <summary>
        /// Purchases an Archer for the Player if they have enough gold. Lowers the Player's gold, increments the
        /// Archer count and spawns an Archer at a random y coordinate inside the Castle.
        /// </summary>
        public void BuyArcher()
            CPlayer player = World.GetComponent <CPlayer>(PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);

            if (player.Gold >= ARCHER_COST)
                EntityFactory.CreatePlayerArcher(_spawnAtX, _spawnAtY.Next(20, 550));
                player.Gold -= ARCHER_COST;
        /// <summary>
        /// Attemps to create a Freezing Bullet heading towards the passed in point.
        /// This will only occur if the Ability is off cooldown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">The point the Freezing Bullet will head towards.</param>
        public void CastFreezingBullet(Point2D pt)
            CPlayer player = World.GetComponent <CPlayer>(PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);

            if (AbilityIsReady(player.TimeOfLastFreezingBullet, FREEZING_BULLET_COOLDOWN))
                CPosition playerPos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(PLAYER_ENTITY_ID);
                EntityFactory.CreateFreezingBullet(playerPos.Centre.X, playerPos.Centre.Y, pt.X, pt.Y);
                player.TimeOfLastFreezingBullet = World.GameTime;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the Bitmap in each Entity's Renderable Component at the x and y coordinates
        /// in the Entity's Position Component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CRenderable render;
            CPosition   pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                render = World.GetComponent <CRenderable>(Entities[i]);
                pos    = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                SwinGame.DrawBitmap(render.Img, pos.X, pos.Y);
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the Position Components of each Entity according to the velocities in their Velocity Components.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CPosition pos;
            CVelocity vel;

            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);
                vel = World.GetComponent <CVelocity>(Entities[i]);

                pos.X += vel.DX;
                pos.Y += vel.DY;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetches the Frozen Component of each Entity. If the effect has expired,
        /// the Frozen Component is removed from the Entity.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CFrozen frozen;

            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                frozen = World.GetComponent <CFrozen>(Entities[i]);

                if (FreezeExpired(frozen.TimeApplied, frozen.Duration))
                    World.RemoveComponent <CFrozen>(Entities[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the Game Time against the last time the AI attacked. If the time difference is greater
        /// than the attack cooldown of the AI, then the AI is ready to attack and their Attack animation begins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entID">Ent identifier.</param>
        protected void CheckCooldown(ulong entID)
            CAI AI = World.GetComponent <CAI>(entID);

            AI.AttackIsReady = World.GameTime - AI.LastAttackTime >= AI.Cooldown;

            if (AI.AttackIsReady)
                /// <summary>
                /// Begin the Attack animation for the AI
                /// </summary>
                CAnimation anim = World.GetComponent <CAnimation>(entID);
                SwinGame.AssignAnimation(anim.Anim, "Attack", anim.AnimScript);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if each Entity has left the bounds of the screen. If it has,
        /// then it is removed from the World.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CPosition pos;

            /// <summary>
            /// Backwards loop to allow Entities to be removed from the World while looping.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                if (!ProjectileOnScreen(pos))
        public override void Process()
            CAI        AI;
            CPosition  pos;
            CAnimation anim;

            /// <summary>
            /// For each Enemy AI Entity.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                AI  = World.GetComponent <CAI>(Entities[i]);
                pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                if (!AI.IsInRange)
                    CheckRange(Entities[i], AI, pos);

                    /// If the AI is now in range, stop moving and begin attacking.
                    if (AI.IsInRange)
                        World.RemoveComponent <CVelocity>(Entities[i]);
                else if (!AI.AttackIsReady)
                    anim = World.GetComponent <CAnimation>(Entities[i]);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Attack will be carried out when the Attack animation has ended.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (SwinGame.AnimationEnded(anim.Anim))
                        Attack <CEnemyTeam>(Entities[i]);

                        ///If the Entity has attacked, stand still during the cooldown period.
                        SwinGame.AssignAnimation(anim.Anim, "Still", anim.AnimScript);
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the Lifetime of each Entity. If their Lifetime has passed,
        /// the Entity is removed from the World.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CLifetime lifetime;

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Entity with a Lifetime.
            /// Backwards loop to allow Entities to be removed from the World while looping.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                lifetime = World.GetComponent <CLifetime>(Entities[i]);

                if (TimeLimitReached(lifetime.CreatedAt, lifetime.Lifetime))
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs an Attack for the specified Entity. The Entity's
        /// attack Type is evaluated and the appropriate attack is performed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entID">The Attacking Entity.</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Team the Entity belongs to.</typeparam>
        protected void Attack <T>(ulong entID) where T : CTeam
            CAI       AI = World.GetComponent <CAI>(entID);
            CDamage   damage;
            CPosition pos;
            CPosition targetPos;

            /// <summary>
            /// The AI has just attacked, so its cooldown is started.
            /// </summary>
            AI.LastAttackTime = World.GameTime;
            AI.AttackIsReady  = false;

            /// <summary>
            /// If the Attack Type is Melee, register an attack with the Damage System.
            /// If the Attack Type is Gun, create an Arrow Entity to travel towards the Target.
            /// </summary>
            switch (AI.AttackType)
            case AttackType.Melee:
                /// <summary>
                /// The System where Attacks are registered.
                /// </summary>
                DamageSystem damageSystem = World.GetSystem <DamageSystem>();

                damage = World.GetComponent <CDamage>(entID);
                damageSystem.RegisterAttack(AI.TargetID, damage.Damage);

            case AttackType.Bow:
                pos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(entID);
                CBow bow = World.GetComponent <CBow>(entID);

                targetPos = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(AI.TargetID);

                EntityFactory.CreateArrow <T>(pos.Centre.X, pos.Centre.Y, bow, targetPos);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the collisions of each Entity which deals damage on impact. If it has collided with something containing a Health Component,
        /// an Attack is registered with the Damage System.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            /// <summary>
            /// The System where Attacks are registered.
            /// </summary>
            DamageSystem damageSystem = World.GetSystem <DamageSystem>();

            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                CDamage          damage;
                CCollision       collision;
                CDamagesOnImpact dmgOnImp;

                collision = World.GetComponent <CCollision>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// Apply damage to the first Entity the Entity has collided with that still exists in
                /// the World and also has a Health Component. If none are found, the Arrow remains live.
                /// </summary>
                for (int j = 0; j < collision.Count; j++)
                    if (World.HasEntity(collision[j]))
                        if (World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CHealth)))
                            damage = World.GetComponent <CDamage>(Entities[i]);
                            damageSystem.RegisterAttack(collision[j], damage.Damage);

                /// <summary>
                /// If the Entity is set to die after impact, remove it from the World.
                /// </summary>
                dmgOnImp = World.GetComponent <CDamagesOnImpact>(Entities[i]);

                if (dmgOnImp.DiesAfterImpact)
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks each Entity colliding with each Poison Zone. If the Entity does not have
        /// a Poison Component, then a Poison Component and a GotStatusEffect Component are added.
        /// Otherwise, the Entity's Poison Component duration is refreshed.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CPoison    poisonEffect;
            CPoison    targetPoisonEffect;
            CCollision collision;

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Poison Zone.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                poisonEffect = World.GetComponent <CPoison>(Entities[i]);
                collision    = World.GetComponent <CCollision>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// This loop represents each Entity colliding with the Poison Zone.
                /// </summary>
                for (int j = 0; j < collision.Count; j++)
                    if (!World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CPoison)))
                        World.AddComponent(collision[j], new CPoison(poisonEffect.Strength, poisonEffect.Duration, World.GameTime));

                        if (!World.EntityHasComponent(collision[j], typeof(CGotStatusEffect)))
                            World.AddComponent(collision[j], new CGotStatusEffect(typeof(CPoison)));
                            CGotStatusEffect statusEffects = World.GetComponent <CGotStatusEffect>(collision[j]);
                    else //If entity already has a Poison Component, refresh its duration.
                        targetPoisonEffect             = World.GetComponent <CPoison>(collision[j]);
                        targetPoisonEffect.TimeApplied = World.GameTime;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loops through all Freezing Bullet entities and checks if they've reached their destination.
        /// If they have, the Bullet is removed and a Freeze Zone is created at the bullet's location.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CFreezingBullet freezingBullet;
            CPosition       pos;

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Freezing Bullet.
            /// Backwards loop to allow Enities to be removed from the World while looping.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = Entities.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                freezingBullet = World.GetComponent <CFreezingBullet>(Entities[i]);
                pos            = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                if (ReachedTarget(pos, freezingBullet))
예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates and Draws each Animation in each Entity's StatusAnimation Component.
        /// If an Entity no longer has the required Component for the StatusAnimation, it
        /// is removed from the StatusAnimations Component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Process()
            CStatusAnimations statusAnims;
            CStatusAnimation  anim;
            CPosition         pos;

            /// <summary>
            /// This loop represents each Entity with a Status Animations Component.
            /// </summary>
            for (int i = 0; i < Entities.Count; i++)
                statusAnims = World.GetComponent <CStatusAnimations>(Entities[i]);
                pos         = World.GetComponent <CPosition>(Entities[i]);

                /// <summary>
                /// This loop represents each Status Animation inside the Status Animations Component.
                /// Backwards loop to allow Status Animations to be removed while looping.
                /// </summary>
                for (int j = statusAnims.Anims.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    anim = statusAnims[j];

                    if (World.EntityHasComponent(Entities[i], anim.LinkedComponent))
                        float x = pos.X + anim.XOffset;
                        float y = pos.Y + anim.YOffset;

                        SwinGame.DrawAnimation(anim.Anim, anim.Img, x, y);