public async Task DeleteAsync(FixItTask taskToRemove) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { _context.FixItTasks.Remove(taskToRemove); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); watch.Stop(); _logger.TraceApi("MyFixIt3", "FixItTaskRepository.RemoveAsync", watch.Elapsed, "Removed task {0}", taskToRemove); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Failed to remove a FixIt task"); throw; } }
public async Task CreateAsync(FixItTask taskToAdd) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { _context.FixItTasks.Add(taskToAdd); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); watch.Stop(); _logger.Information("Add a task takes {0}, Task to add: {1}", watch.Elapsed, taskToAdd); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Failed to add a FixIt task"); throw; } }
public async Task SendMessageAsync(FixItTask newTask) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_storageConnectionstring); var queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient(); var queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(_queueName); await queue.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); var taskInJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newTask); var taskMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(taskInJson); await queue.AddMessageAsync(taskMessage); watch.Stop(); _logger.TraceApi("Queue Manager", "SendMessageAsync", watch.Elapsed, "Message added to queue: {0}", newTask); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Error in SendMessgeAsync, task:{0}", newTask); throw; } }
public async Task UpdateAsync(FixItTask taskToSave) { var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); try { _context.Entry(taskToSave).State = EntityState.Modified; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); watch.Stop(); _logger.TraceApi("SQL database", "UpdateAsync", watch.Elapsed, "taskToSave={0}", taskToSave); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex, "Error in UpdateAsync(tasktosave={0}", taskToSave); throw; } }