public ArgsHelp DeleteFloder(string floderName, string path) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } else { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = "不存在文件夹!"; } var floder = (from fd in userFloderDB.userfloder where fd.floder_name == floderName select fd).First(); userFloderDB.userfloder.DeleteOnSubmit(floder); userFloderDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp AddAccessoriesNoJs(string filePath, string fileName, string fileID) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { GlobalVar.AttachmentID.Clear(); // Create the file attachment for this e-mail message. Attachment data = new Attachment(filePath, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet);//(ofd.FileName, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet); // Add time stamp information for the file. ContentDisposition disposition = data.ContentDisposition; disposition.CreationDate = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(filePath);// (ofd.FileName); disposition.ModificationDate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(filePath);// (ofd.FileName); disposition.ReadDate = System.IO.File.GetLastAccessTime(filePath);// (ofd.FileName); // Add the file attachment to this e-mail message. if (GlobalVar.AttachmentID.Contains(fileID)) throw new Exception("已经存在"); else { GlobalVar.AttachmentID.Add(fileID); GlobalVar.message.Attachments.Add(data); } } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ActionResult MoveToFloder(string fileID, string floderName, string higherFloder, UserModel user) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); string filePath = string.Empty; if (higherFloder == null || higherFloder == "") filePath = user.UserInfo.user_id + "/" + floderName; else filePath = user.UserInfo.user_id + "/" + higherFloder + "/" + floderName; ah = floderDAO.MoveFileToNewFloder(fileID, floderName, filePath, Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/")); if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('移动成功');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('移动失败');"); }
public ArgsHelp DelFile(string fileId) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var file = (from f in filesDB.wjgl_files where f.file_id == fileId select f).First(); string[] pathInfos = file.file_path.Split('\\'); string[] idInfos = file.file_id.Split('-'); string path = BulidFilePath(pathInfos, idInfos,file.file_name.Split('.').Last()); var zyhGx = (from zg in zyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_zyhgx where zg.file_id == fileId select zg).ToList(); zyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_zyhgx.DeleteAllOnSubmit(zyhGx); var fsyhGx = (from fg in fsyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_fsyhgxb where fg.file_id == fileId select fg).ToList(); fsyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_fsyhgxb.DeleteAllOnSubmit(fsyhGx); fsyhGxFilesDB.SubmitChanges(); zyhGxFilesDB.SubmitChanges(); if (File.Exists(file.file_path)) { File.Delete(file.file_path); if (File.Exists(path + ".swf")) File.Delete(path + ".swf"); if (File.Exists(path + ".pdf")) File.Delete(path + ".pdf"); } else { throw new Exception("没有找到文件"); } var lsbh=(from c in lsbhDB.lsgl_lsbh where c.lsbh_name == "文件上传" select c).First(); lsbh.lsbh_lasttime = lsbh.lsbh_beforetime; lsbh.lsbh_code = (Convert.ToInt32(lsbh.lsbh_code) - 1).ToString(); lsbhDB.SubmitChanges(); filesDB.wjgl_files.DeleteOnSubmit(file); filesDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp SendZnx(yjgl_znx znx) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { znxDB.yjgl_znx.InsertOnSubmit(znx); znxDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ActionResult ChangeBz() { string friendId = Request.Form["hiddenId"]; string bz = Request.Form["bz"]; string type = Request.Form["friendType"]; ArgsHelp ah=new ArgsHelp(); if (type == "主用户") ah = friendDAO.ChangeBz(Convert.ToInt32(friendId), bz); else ah = friendDAO.FsyhChangeBz(Convert.ToInt32(friendId), bz); if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('备注更改成功!');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('错误!" + ah.msg + "');"); }
public ArgsHelp SaveEmailInfo(yjgl_yjmx yjmx) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { yjmxDB.yjgl_yjmx.InsertOnSubmit(yjmx); yjmxDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ActionResult DelFile(string fileId) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { ah = fileDAO.DelFile(fileId); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('删除成功!');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('删除失败!" + ah.msg + "');"); }
/// <summary> /// 增加好友分组 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AddNewGroup(UserModel user) { string groupName = Request.Form["groupName"]; ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { ah = yhglDAO.AddNewGroup(groupName, user.UserInfo.user_id); if(ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('增加分组成功!');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('增加分组失败!');"); } catch (Exception e) { return JavaScript("alert('增加分组失败!');"); } }
public ArgsHelp SetIsRead(int id) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var znx = (from z in znxDB.yjgl_znx where z.znx_id == id select z).First(); znx.znx_isread = "是"; znxDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp ChangeGroupName(int groupId,string newName) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var group = (from g in groupDB.hygl_group where g.group_id == groupId select g).First(); group.group_name = newName; groupDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp FsyhChangeBz(int friendId, string bz) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var fsyh = (from f in fsyhDB.yhgl_fsyh where f.fsyh_id == friendId select f).First(); fsyh.fsyh_bz = bz; fsyhDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp ChangeBz(int friendId, string bz) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var friend = (from f in friendDB.hygl_friend where f.hy2_id == friendId select f).First(); friend.hy_bz = bz; friendDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ActionResult DelFloder(string floderName, string higherFloder, UserModel user) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); foreach (var file in user.Files) { if (file.floder_name == floderName) return JavaScript("alert('文件夹内还有文件,无法删除!')"); } string filePath = string.Empty; if (higherFloder == null || higherFloder == "") filePath = Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.UserInfo.user_id + "/") + floderName; else filePath = Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.UserInfo.user_id + "/") + higherFloder + "/" + floderName; ah = floderDAO.DeleteFloder(floderName, filePath); if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('删除成功');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('删除失败');"); }
// // GET: /Floder/ public ActionResult AddFloder(UserModel user) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); string floderName = Request.Form["floderName"]; string higherFloder = Request.Form["higherFloder"]; if (floderName == "") return JavaScript("alert('请填写文件名')"); string filePath = Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.UserInfo.user_id + "/"); if (higherFloder == null || higherFloder == "/") { filePath = Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.UserInfo.user_id + "/") + floderName; higherFloder = ""; } else filePath = Request.MapPath("/UploadFiles/" + user.UserInfo.user_id + "/") + higherFloder + "/" + floderName; ah = floderDAO.AddNewFloder(user.UserInfo.user_id, floderName, filePath, higherFloder); if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('添加成功');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('添加失败');"); }
/// <summary> /// 好友分组 /// </summary> /// <param name="groupName"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp AddNewGroup(string groupName,int userId) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var group = new hygl_group { group_name = groupName, user_id = userId, group_cjsj = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") }; friendGroupDB.hygl_group.InsertOnSubmit(group); friendGroupDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// 新建文件夹 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">用户ID(用来保存到数据库)</param> /// <param name="floderName">文件夹名称</param> /// <param name="filePath">新建文件夹路径</param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp AddNewFloder(int userId,string floderName,string filePath,string higherFloder) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { userfloder userfloder = new userfloder { floder_name = floderName, user_id = userId, floder_higher = higherFloder }; userFloderDB.userfloder.InsertOnSubmit(userfloder); userFloderDB.SubmitChanges(); Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); ah.flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp CancelGx(string gxId,string userType) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { if (userType == "主用户") { var gxInfo = (from gx in zyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_zyhgx where gx.gx_id == Convert.ToInt32(gxId) select gx).First(); zyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_zyhgx.DeleteOnSubmit(gxInfo); zyhGxFilesDB.SubmitChanges(); } else { var gxInfo = (from gx in fsyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_fsyhgxb where gx.fsyhgx_id == Convert.ToInt32(gxId) select gx).First(); fsyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_fsyhgxb.DeleteOnSubmit(gxInfo); fsyhGxFilesDB.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp SetIsRead(string id) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var gx = (from g in zyhGxFilesDB.gxgl_zyhgx where g.file_id == id select g).First(); gx.gx_isread = "是"; zyhGxFilesDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// 好友移动 /// </summary> /// <param name="groupId"></param> /// <param name="friendId"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp MoveToNewGroup(string groupId,string friendId,int userId) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var friend = (from f in friendDB.hygl_friend where f.hy1_id == userId where f.hy2_id == Convert.ToInt32(friendId) select f).First(); friend.group_id = Convert.ToInt32(groupId); friendDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp SetNewPsw(int userId, string newPsw) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var user = (from u in userDB.yhgl_users where u.user_id == userId select u).First(); user.user_psw = newPsw; userDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// 启用好友 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp EnabledZyh(int userId) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var user = (from u in userDB.yhgl_users where u.user_id == userId select u).First(); user.user_qy = "是"; userDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="senderName"></param> /// <param name="receiver"></param> /// <param name="topic"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="psw"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp SendMail(string sender, string senderName, string receiver, string topic, string content, string psw,int userID) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { GlobalVar.message.From = new MailAddress(sender, senderName);//必须是提供smtp服务的邮件服务器 GlobalVar.message.To.Clear();//清空以前的收件人 GlobalVar.message.To.Add(new MailAddress(receiver)); //收件人 GlobalVar.message.Subject = topic; GlobalVar.message.IsBodyHtml = true; GlobalVar.message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; GlobalVar.message.Body = content; GlobalVar.message.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.High; SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 25); // 587;//Gmail使用的端口 client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(sender, psw); //这里是申请的邮箱和密码 client.EnableSsl = false; //必须经过ssl加密 string fj = string.Empty; client.Send(GlobalVar.message); foreach (var id in GlobalVar.AttachmentID) { fj += id + "|"; } yjgl_yjmx yjmx = new yjgl_yjmx { user_id = userID, yj_fssj = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), yj_nr = content, yj_zt = topic, yj_sjr = receiver, yj_fj = fj }; emailglDAO.SaveEmailInfo(yjmx); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
public ArgsHelp UpdateUserInfo(yhgl_users userInfo) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var user = (from u in userDB.yhgl_users where u.user_id == userInfo.user_id select u).First(); user.user_name = userInfo.user_name; user.user_mobile = userInfo.user_mobile; user.user_email = userInfo.user_email; user.user_avatar = userInfo.user_avatar; user.user_fax = userInfo.user_fax; user.user_tel = userInfo.user_tel; userDB.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// 文件移动到文件夹 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileID">文件ID</param> /// <param name="filePath">文件夹所在路径</param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp MoveFileToNewFloder(string fileID, string floderName, string filePath, string file_Prefix) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { var file = (from f in filesDB.wjgl_files where f.file_id == fileID select f).First(); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file_Prefix + file.file_path.Replace("/", "\\")); FileInfo fiPDF = new FileInfo(file_Prefix + file.file_path.Replace("/", "\\") + ".pdf"); FileInfo fiSWF = new FileInfo(file_Prefix + file.file_path.Replace("/", "\\") + ".swf"); string fileName = file.file_path.Split('/').Last(); fi.MoveTo(filePath + "\\" + fileName); if (fiPDF.Exists == true) fiPDF.MoveTo(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".pdf"); if (fiSWF.Exists == true) fiSWF.MoveTo(filePath + "\\" + fileName + ".swf"); file.floder_name = floderName; file.file_path = filePath + "\\" + fileName; filesDB.SubmitChanges(); ah.flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; } return ah; }
/// <summary> /// 增加用户操作 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AddNewZyh2SQL() { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { string userName = Request.Form["username"]; string psw = Request.Form["psw"]; string email = Request.Form["email"]; string bm = Request.Form["bm"]; string mobile = Request.Form["mobile"]; string tel = Request.Form["tel"]; string fax = Request.Form["fax"]; var userInfo = new yhgl_users { user_name = userName, user_email = email, user_psw = psw, user_bm = bm, user_mobile = mobile, user_tel = tel, user_fax = fax, level_id = 2, user_qy = "是", user_avatar = GlobalVar.AvatarPath ?? GlobalVar.DefaultAvatar }; ah = yhglDAO.AddNewUser(userInfo); } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('增加成功!');refresh();"); else return JavaScript("alert('增加失败!');"); }
public ActionResult SetNewPsw(int userId) { string newPsw = Request.Form["newPsw"].ToString(); ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); ah = yhglDAO.SetNewPsw(userId, newPsw); if (ah.flag) return JavaScript("alert('修改成功!');"); else return JavaScript("alert('修改失败!" + ah.msg + "');"); }
/// <summary> /// 注册新用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="user"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ArgsHelp AddNewUser(yhgl_users user) { ArgsHelp ah = new ArgsHelp(); try { userDB.yhgl_users.InsertOnSubmit(user); userDB.SubmitChanges(); ah.flag = true; } catch (Exception e) { ah.flag = false; ah.msg = e.Message; } return ah; }