public CompetingForLove(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2, Npc lover) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; this.lover = lover; }
public static string myHisHer(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { if (npcReferredTo == npcSpeaking) return "my"; else { if (npcReferredTo.gender == Npc.Gender.Male) return "his"; else return "her"; } }
public static string getSubjectPronoun(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { if (npcSpeaking == npcReferredTo) return "I"; else { if (npcReferredTo.gender == Npc.Gender.Male) return "he"; else return "she"; } }
public void setRelationships(Npc npc) { for (int i = 0; i < pg.npcs.Count; i++) { relationPanels[i].GetComponent<RelationSliderScript>().changedByUIManager = true; int relationLevel = pg.relationships[pg.npcs.IndexOf(npc), i]; GameObject relationPanel = relationPanels[i]; relationPanel.transform.FindChild("RelationSlider").GetComponent<Slider>().value = relationLevel; relationPanel.transform.FindChild("RelationValue").GetComponent<Text>().text = relationLevel.ToString(); } }
public void handleInteractionWith(Npc npc) { gameObject.GetComponent<UIManager>().setRelationships(npc); speakingNPC = npc; setAudioPitch(); if (npc.isAlive) { NPCGreeting(npc); } else examineBody(npc); }
public void getBody(Npc npc, GameObject go) { if (npc.gender == Npc.Gender.Male) { int i = Random.Range(0, maleBodies.Count); go.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = maleBodies[i]; maleBodies.RemoveAt(i); } else { int i = Random.Range(0, femaleBodies.Count); go.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = femaleBodies[i]; femaleBodies.RemoveAt(i); } }
public NPCLog(Npc npc, Rect rect) { this.npc = npc; nameRect = rect; nameRect.height = 20; rect.height -= 20; rect.y = rect.y + 20; this.rect = rect; if (npc.isMurderer) { color =; } else if (npc.isVictim) { color = Color.cyan; } else { color =; } }
public void kill(Npc npc, Weapon weapon) { Event e = new Murder(pg.timeSteps, this, npc, currentRoom, weapon); Timeline.addEvent(new Murder(pg.timeSteps, this, npc, currentRoom, weapon)); npc.die(); pg.murderWeapon = weapon; hasMurderWeapon = true; stress = Mathf.Min(stress + Random.Range(0.1f, 0.3f), 1.0f); if (pg.debugMode) Debug.Log(e.toString()); }
public static string selfOrNamePossessive(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { if (npcReferredTo == npcSpeaking) return "my"; else return npcReferredTo.firstname + "'s"; }
public static string selfOrName(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { if (npcReferredTo == npcSpeaking) return "I"; else return npcReferredTo.firstname; }
public void repositionNpc(Npc npc) { List<Npc> npcs = new List<Npc>(); npcs.Add(npc); placeNPCs(npcs); }
public static string getSubjectPronounHave(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { return getSubjectPronoun(npcReferredTo, npcSpeaking) + getHave(npcReferredTo, npcSpeaking); }
public FiredBy(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
void setMurderer(Npc npc) { npc.isMurderer = true; murderer = npc; }
void NPCGreeting(Npc npc) { if (npc.lieAccusations > 0) { dialogType = dialog.greeting; displayText("Good evening detective"); } else { dialogType = dialog.lockedOut; displayText("I have nothing more to say to you."); } }
bool SpreadRumour(History history, bool truth = false, Npc npc = null) { bool rumourSpread = false; //Give unrelated NPCs memory of this event List<Npc> NpcCopy = new List<Npc>(npcs); NpcCopy.Remove(victim); NpcCopy.Remove(murderer); if (npc!=null) NpcCopy.Remove(npc); for (int i = 0; i < NpcCopy.Count; i++) { float random = Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f); if (random < rumourSpreadChance) { if (truth) npcsWhoKnowTheTruth.Add(NpcCopy[i]); NpcCopy[i].addHistory(history); rumourSpread = true; } } return rumourSpread; }
public BadBreakup(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
public StoleLover(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2, Npc lover) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; this.lover = lover; }
public RejectedLove(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
public PutOutOfBusiness(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
public Nemeses(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
Npc findPotentialLover(Npc seeker) { List<Npc> potentialLovers = new List<Npc>(); Npc lover = null; foreach (Npc npc in npcs) { if (npc != murderer && npc != seeker && npc.gender != seeker.gender && != { potentialLovers.Add(npc); } } //If none in the right gender exist outside the seeker's family, then create one if (potentialLovers.Count == 0) { //Find a random NPC not in the seeker's family and not the possible murderer and make them the opposite gender while (lover == null || lover == seeker || == || lover == murderer) { lover = npcs[Random.Range(0, npcs.Count)]; } if (lover.gender == Npc.Gender.Female) lover.gender = Npc.Gender.Male; else lover.gender = Npc.Gender.Female; } //Otherwise, select one randomly from the potentials else { lover = potentialLovers[Random.Range(0, potentialLovers.Count)]; } return lover; }
Npc[] findSiblings() { //Find a family with two children int a = -1; int b = -1; Npc[] siblings = new Npc[2]; foreach (Family family in families) { if (family.children.Count > 1) { a = Random.Range(0, family.children.Count); while (b == -1 || b == a) { b = Random.Range(0, family.children.Count); } siblings[0] = family.children[a]; siblings[1] = family.children[b]; break; } } return siblings; }
public static string getHave(Npc npcReferredTo, Npc npcSpeaking) { if (npcSpeaking == npcReferredTo) return "'ve"; else return "'s"; }
void setVictim(Npc npc) { npc.isVictim = true; victim = npc; }
public FamilyFeud(int whichNpcIsVictim, Npc npc1, Npc npc2) { this.whichNpcIsVictim = whichNpcIsVictim; this.npc1 = npc1; this.npc2 = npc2; }
void Start() { Seed.setSeed(); Ceilings.findCeilings(); npcHolder = new GameObject("NPCS").transform; npcHolder.gameObject.AddComponent<DontDestroyOnLoad>(); itemManager = GetComponent<ItemManager>(); display = GetComponent<DebugRoomDisplay>(); mansion = GetComponent<Mansion>(); //mansion.setupRooms(); families = new List<Family>(); npcs = new List<Npc>(); npcsWhoKnowTheTruth = new List<Npc>(); relationships = new int[number_of_characters, number_of_characters]; for (int i = 0; i < number_of_characters; i++) { for (int x = 0; x < number_of_characters; x++) { relationships[i, x] = nullRelationship; } } victim = null; murderer = null; = this; loadNames(); generateCharacters(); gameObject.GetComponent<UIManager>().setupRelationPanel(); createFamilies(); if (motive == Motives.none) selectMotive(); createRelationships(); placeNPCs(); prepareMotive(); createRedHerrings(); bodyFound = false; weaponHidden = false; timeSteps = 0; }
void examineBody(Npc npc) { dialogType = dialog.corpse; displayText(npc.getFullName() + "'s lifeless body lies before you"); }