public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(addTreeScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(addTreeScaleVarianceTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Scale variance can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect scale variance", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(addTreeInstancesTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Instances can not be parsed to a unsigned integer number", "Incorrect instances", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.assetExists(filenameTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("The filename selected does not exist in the asset repository", "Invalid Filename", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(sizeXTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("The SizeX entered can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Invalid size", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(sizeZTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("The SizeZ entered can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Invalid size", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isInt(priorityTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("The priority entered can not be parsed to an integer number", "Invalid Priority", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isInt(respawnTimeTextbox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Respawn time can not be parsed to a integer number", "Incorrect respawn time", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(numberOfSpawnsTextbox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Number of spanws can not be parsed to a unsigned integer number", "Incorrect number of spawns", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if ((!ValidityHelperClass.isInt(spawnRadiusTextbox.Text)) && (showRadius)) { MessageBox.Show("Spawn radius can not be parsed to a integer number", "Incorrect spawn radius", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } } return(true); }
private bool maxFPSValidate() { if (maxFramesPerSecondCheckBox.Checked) { if (ValidityHelperClass.isUint(maxFPSTextbox.Text) && uint.Parse(maxFPSTextbox.Text) > 0) { return(true); } maxFPSTextbox.ForeColor = Color.Red; return(false); } return(true); }
private void uintValidateEvent(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(((TextBox)sender).Text)) { Color textColor = Color.Red; ((TextBox)sender).ForeColor = textColor; } else { Color textColor = Color.Black; ((TextBox)sender).ForeColor = textColor; } }
private void intVerifyevent(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { TextBox textbox = (TextBox)sender; if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(textbox.Text)) { Color textColor = Color.Red; textbox.ForeColor = textColor; } else { Color textColor = Color.Black; } }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (String.Equals(ForestDialogSpeedWindFilenameComboBox.Text, "")) { return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isInt(ForestSeedTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Random number seed can not be parsed to a integer number", "Incorrect random number seed", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(forestAddDialogWindSpeedTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Wind speed can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect wind speed", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(forestAddDialogWindDirectionXTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Wind direction X can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect wind direction X", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(forestAddDialogWindDirectionYTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Wind direction Y can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect wind direction Y", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(forestAddDialogWindDirectionZTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Wind direction Z can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect wind direction Z", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } } } } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(positionScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Position scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect position scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(velocityScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Velocity scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect position scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(FogNearTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Start fog distance can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect start fog distance", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(FogFarTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum fog distance can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Maximum fog distance", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(autoSaveTimeTextBox.Text) || uint.Parse(autoSaveTimeTextBox.Text) == 0) { return(false); } else { if (!maxFPSValidate()) { return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(cameraNearDistanceTextBox.Text)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { string text = ValueTextbox.Text; switch (valueType) { case "Float": return(ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(text)); break; case "uInt": return(ValidityHelperClass.isUint(text)); break; case "int": return(ValidityHelperClass.isInt(text)); break; } return(true); }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (string.Equals(objectComboBox.Text, "")) { return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(minScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Minimum scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect minimum scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(maxScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect maximum scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } return(true); } }
public bool okButton_validating() { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(minimumWidthScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Minimum width scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect minimum width scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(maximumWidthScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum width scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Maximum width scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(minimumHeightScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Minimum height scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect minimum height scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(maximumHeightScaleTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Maximum height scale can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect maximum height scale", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(colorMultLowTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Color muliplier low can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect color multiplier low", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(colorMultHiTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Color multiplier high can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect color multiplier high", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isUint(instancesTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Instances can not be parsed to a unsigned integer number", "Incorrect instances", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } else { if (!ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(windMagnitudeTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Wind magnitude can not be parsed to a floating point number", "Incorrect wind magnitude", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } } } } } } } } return(true); }
protected void FromXml(XmlReader r) { bool adjustHeightFound = false; bool offsetFound = false; bool pRFound = false; // first parse name and mesh, which are attributes for (int i = 0; i < r.AttributeCount; i++) { r.MoveToAttribute(i); // set the field in this object based on the element we just read switch (r.Name) { case "Name": = r.Value; break; case "Mesh": this.meshName = r.Value; break; case "Sound": string filename = r.Value; if (!String.Equals(filename, "")) { ICommandFactory ret = new AddSoundCommandFactory(app, this, r.Value); ICommand com = ret.CreateCommand(); com.Execute(); } break; case "TerrainOffset": terrainOffset = float.Parse(r.Value); offsetFound = true; break; case "AllowHeightAdjustment": if (String.Equals(r.Value.ToLower(), "false")) { allowAdjustHeightOffTerrain = false; } break; case "AcceptObjectPlacement": acceptObjectPlacement = bool.Parse(r.Value); break; case "PerceptionRadius": pRFound = true; perceptionRadius = float.Parse(r.Value); break; case "CastShadows": castShadows = bool.Parse(r.Value); break; case "ReceiveShadows": receiveShadows = bool.Parse(r.Value); break; case "Azimuth": azimuth = float.Parse(r.Value); break; case "Zenith": zenith = float.Parse(r.Value); break; case "WorldViewSelect": worldViewSelectable = bool.Parse(r.Value); break; case "Targetable": targetable = bool.Parse(r.Value); break; } } r.MoveToElement(); //Moves the reader back to the element node. // now parse the sub-elements while (r.Read()) { // look for the start of an element if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { // parse that element // save the name of the element string elementName = r.Name; switch (elementName) { case "Position": location = XmlHelperClass.ParseVectorAttributes(r); break; case "Scale": scale = XmlHelperClass.ParseVectorAttributes(r); break; case "Rotation": Vector3 rotation = XmlHelperClass.ParseVectorAttributes(r); // force rotation to be between -180 and 180 while (rotation.y < -180) { rotation.y += 360; } while (rotation.y > 180) { rotation.y -= 360; } SetDirection(rotation.y, 90f); break; case "Orientation": orientation = XmlHelperClass.ParseQuaternion(r); break; case "SubMeshes": subMeshes = new SubMeshCollection(r); if (!subMeshes.CheckValid(app, meshName)) { app.AddPopupMessage(string.Format("Some submesh names in {0} changed. Submesh display and material parameters for this object were reset.", meshName)); // if the check fails, then reset the subMeshes from the mesh subMeshes = new SubMeshCollection(meshName); } break; case "NameValuePairs": nameValuePairs = new NameValueObject(r); break; case "ParticleEffect": ParticleEffect particle = new ParticleEffect(r, this, app); Add(particle); break; case "PathData": pathData = new PathData(r); locationDirty = pathData.Version != pathData.CodeVersion; break; case "Sound": Sound sound = new Sound(r, this, app); Add(sound); break; } } else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { break; } } if (!adjustHeightFound) { allowAdjustHeightOffTerrain = true; } if (!offsetFound) { terrainOffset = location.y - app.GetTerrainHeight(location.x, location.z); } if (!pRFound && nameValuePairs != null) { valueItem value = nameValuePairs.LookUp("perceptionRadius"); if (value != null && ValidityHelperClass.isFloat(value.value)) { perceptionRadius = float.Parse(value.value); } } return; }