//Does the same as the above method but for the student user type public void LoginStudent() { ModelRegisterLogin stud = new ModelRegisterLogin(); List <ModelRegisterLogin> list = cl.GetAllFromStudentLogin(connectionString); try { stud = list.Find((ModelRegisterLogin x) => x.STUD_USERNAME == Int32.Parse(tbUsernameLog.Text)); if (stud.STUD_USERNAME.ToString().Equals(tbUsernameLog.Text) && stud.STUD_PASSWORD.ToString().Equals(tbPasswordLog.Password)) { MessageBox.Show("Login Successful !\nWelcome STUDENT " + stud.STUD_USERNAME.ToString()); MainMenuStudent ms = new MainMenuStudent(Int32.Parse(tbUsernameLog.Text)); ms.Show(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error"); tbUsernameLog.Text = ""; tbPasswordLog.Password = ""; } } catch (System.Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect username or password\nPlease recheck your credentials and try again", "Error"); tbUsernameLog.Text = ""; tbPasswordLog.Password = ""; } }
//returns the user to the student dashboard private void BtMainMenu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainMenuStudent mms = new MainMenuStudent(currentUser); mms.Show(); this.Close(); }