public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { if (controlHeading) { if (heading != headingLast) { headingPID.Reset(); headingLast = heading; } double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading); if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim) { double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr); s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1); } } if (controlSpeed) { if (speed != speedLast) { speedPID.Reset(); speedLast = speed; } speedErr = speed - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.velocityVesselSurface, vesselState.forward); if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim) { double act = speedPID.Compute(speedErr); s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1); } } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to { // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up -- should be done now? if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody) { WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear(); } MechJebWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null); var brake = vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Brakes]; // keep brakes locked if they are curSpeed = Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity, vesselState.forward); CalculateTraction(); speedIntAcc = speedPID.intAccum; if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody) { if (ControlHeading) { heading = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1); } if (ControlSpeed) { var nextWP = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null)); var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position); if (wp.Target != null) { distance += (float)(wp.Target.srfSpeed * curSpeed) / 2; } //var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed); // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed : (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) : (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1))); minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 1 : minSpeed); // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last) var brakeFactor = Math.Max((curSpeed - minSpeed) * 1, 3); var newSpeed = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / brakeFactor, minSpeed)); // brake when getting closer newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed); // reduce speed when turning a lot if (LimitAcceleration) { newSpeed = curSpeed + Mathf.Clamp((float)(newSpeed - curSpeed), -1.5f, 0.5f); } // newSpeed = tgtSpeed + Mathf.Clamp((float)(newSpeed - tgtSpeed), -Time.deltaTime * 8f, Time.deltaTime * 2f); var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10); if (distance < radius) { if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count) // last waypoint { newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min(); // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons if (LoopWaypoints) { WaypointIndex = 0; } else { newSpeed = 0; // tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed); if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit) { if (wp.Quicksave) { //if (s.mainThrottle > 0) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex = -1; ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } else { WaypointIndex = -1; ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false; } } // else { // Debug.Log("Is this even getting called?"); // WaypointIndex++; // } } } else { if (wp.Quicksave) { //if (s.mainThrottle > 0) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } newSpeed = 0; // tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed); if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit) { if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex++; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } } else { WaypointIndex++; } } } brake = brake || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && newSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit); // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully tgtSpeed = (newSpeed >= 0 ? newSpeed : 0); } } if (ControlHeading) { headingPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)headingPID.intAccum, -1, 1); double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading); if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { float spd = Mathf.Min((float)speed, (float)turnSpeed); // if a slower speed than the turnspeed is used also be more careful with the steering float limit = (Mathf.Abs((float)curSpeed) <= turnSpeed ? 1 : Mathf.Clamp((float)(spd / Mathf.Abs((float)curSpeed)), 0.35f, 1f)); double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr); s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit); } } // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat) if (BrakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; // vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true); brake = true; } else if (ControlSpeed) { speedPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)speedPID.intAccum, -5, 5); speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed) - Vector3d.Dot(vessel.srf_velocity, vesselState.forward); if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { float act = (float)speedPID.Compute(speedErr); s.wheelThrottle = !LimitAcceleration?Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1) : // I think I'm using these ( ? : ) a bit too much (traction == 0 ? 0 : (act < 0 ? Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f) : (lastThrottle + Mathf.Clamp(act - lastThrottle, -0.005f, 0.005f)) * (traction < tractionLimit ? -1 : 1))); if (curSpeed < 0 & s.wheelThrottle < 0) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } // don't go backwards // if (Mathf.Sign(act) + Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) == 0) { s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f); } if (speedErr < -1 && StabilityControl && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) == 0) // StabilityControl && traction > 50 && // vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true); { brake = true; } // else if (!stabilityControl || traction <= 50 || speedErr > -0.2 || Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0) { // vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey() && vessel.isActiveVessel)); // } lastThrottle = s.wheelThrottle; } } if (StabilityControl) { if (!core.attitude.users.Contains(this)) { core.attitude.users.Add(this); // line.enabled = true; } // float scale = Vector3.Distance(FlightCamera.fetch.mainCamera.transform.position, vessel.CoM) / 900f; // line.SetPosition(0, vessel.CoM); // line.SetPosition(1, vessel.CoM + hit.normal * 5); // line.SetWidth(0, scale + 0.1f); var fSpeed = (float)curSpeed; // if (Mathf.Abs(fSpeed) >= turnSpeed * 0.75) { Vector3 fwd = (Vector3)(traction > 0 ? // V when the speed is low go for the vessels forward, else with a bit of velocity // ((Mathf.Abs(fSpeed) <= turnSpeed ? vesselState.forward : vessel.srf_velocity / 4) - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer) * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) : // // ^ and then add the steering vesselState.forward * 4 - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) : // and then add the steering vessel.srf_velocity); // in the air so follow velocity Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref norm, ref fwd); var quat = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, norm); // if (traction > 0 || speed <= turnSpeed) { // var u = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // // var q = FlightGlobals.ship_rotation; // var q_s = quat; // // var q_u = new Quaternion(u.x, u.y, u.z, 0); // var a = Quaternion.Dot(q, q_s * q_u); // var q_qs = Quaternion.Dot(q, q_s); // var b = (a == 0) ? Math.Sign(q_qs) : (q_qs / a); // var g = b / Mathf.Sqrt((b * b) + 1); // var gu = Mathf.Sqrt(1 - (g * g)) * u; // var q_d = new Quaternion() { w = g, x = gu.x, y = gu.y, z = gu.z }; // var n = q_s * q_d; // // quat = n; // } core.attitude.attitudeTo(quat, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this); // } } if (BrakeOnEnergyDepletion) { var batteries = vessel.Parts.FindAll(p => p.Resources.Contains("ElectricCharge") && p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].flowState); var energyLeft = batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].amount) / batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources["ElectricCharge"].maxAmount); var openSolars = vessel.mainBody.atmosphere && // true if in atmosphere and there are breakable solarpanels that aren't broken nor retracted vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.panelState != ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.BROKEN && p.panelState != ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.RETRACTED).Count > 0; if (openSolars && energyLeft > 0.99) { vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.panelState == ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.EXTENDED).ForEach(p => p.Retract()); } if (energyLeft < 0.05 && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } // save remaining energy by not using it for acceleration if (openSolars || energyLeft < 0.03) { tgtSpeed = 0; } if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && (energyLeft < 0.05 || openSolars)) { brake = true; } if (curSpeed < 0.1 && energyLeft < 0.05 && !waitingForDaylight && vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.panelState == ModuleDeployableSolarPanel.panelStates.EXTENDED).Count > 0) { waitingForDaylight = true; } } // brake = brake && (s.wheelThrottle == 0); // release brake if the user or AP want to drive if (s.wheelThrottle != 0 && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Mathf.Sign((float)curSpeed) != 0) { brake = false; // the AP or user want to drive into the direction of momentum so release the brake } if (vessel.isActiveVessel) { if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKeyUp()) { brake = false; // release the brakes if the user lets go of them } if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey()) { brake = true; // brake if the user brakes and we aren't about to flip } } tractionLimit = (double)Mathf.Clamp((float)tractionLimit, 0, 100); vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, brake && (StabilityControl && curSpeed > brakeSpeedLimit ? traction >= tractionLimit : true)); // ^ brake but hopefully prevent flipping over, assuming the user set up the limit right if (brake && curSpeed < 0.1) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { if (core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleThrustWindow>().hidden&& core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleAscentGuidance>().hidden) { return; } if ((tmode != TMode.OFF) && (vesselState.thrustAvailable > 0)) { double spd = 0; switch (tmode) { case TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL: spd = vesselState.speedOrbital; break; case TMode.KEEP_SURFACE: spd = vesselState.speedSurface; break; case TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL: spd = vesselState.speedVertical; Vector3d rot = Vector3d.up; if (trans_kill_h) { Vector3 hsdir = Vector3.Exclude(vesselState.up, vessel.srf_velocity); Vector3 dir = -hsdir + vesselState.up * Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 20 * mainBody.GeeASL); if ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) > 5000) && (hsdir.magnitude > Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 100 * mainBody.GeeASL) * 2)) { tmode = TMode.DIRECT; trans_spd_act = 100; rot = -hsdir; } else { rot = dir.normalized; } core.attitude.attitudeTo(rot, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, null); } break; } double t_err = (trans_spd_act - spd) / vesselState.maxThrustAccel; if ((tmode == TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vessel.obt_velocity) < 0) || (tmode == TMode.KEEP_SURFACE && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vessel.srf_velocity) < 0)) { //allow thrust to declerate t_err *= -1; } double t_act = pid.Compute(t_err); if ((tmode != TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL) || !trans_kill_h || (core.attitude.attitudeError < 2) || ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) < 1000) && (core.attitude.attitudeError < 90))) { if (tmode == TMode.DIRECT) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = trans_spd_act / 100.0F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(trans_prev_thrust + (float)t_act); } } else { if ((core.attitude.attitudeError >= 2) && (vesselState.torqueThrustPYAvailable > Math.Min(vesselState.torqueAvailable.x, vesselState.torqueAvailable.z) * 10)) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0.1F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0; } } } // Only set throttle if a module need it. Othewise let the user or other mods set it // There is always at least 1 user : the module itself (why ?) if (users.Count() > 1) { s.mainThrottle = targetThrottle; } float throttleLimit = 1; limiter = LimitMode.None; if (limitThrottle) { if (maxThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Throttle; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, (float)maxThrottle); } if (limitToTerminalVelocity) { float limit = TerminalVelocityThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.TerminalVelocity; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventOverheats) { float limit = TemperatureSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Temperature; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitAcceleration) { float limit = AccelerationLimitedThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Acceleration; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventFlameout) { // This clause benefits being last: if we don't need much air // due to prior limits, we can close some intakes. float limit = FlameoutSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Flameout; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (double.IsNaN(throttleLimit)) { throttleLimit = 0; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Clamp01(throttleLimit); vesselState.throttleLimit = throttleLimit; if (s.mainThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.None; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Min(s.mainThrottle, throttleLimit); if (smoothThrottle) { s.mainThrottle = SmoothThrottle(s.mainThrottle); } if (double.IsNaN(s.mainThrottle)) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(s.mainThrottle); if (s.Z == 0 && vesselState.rcsThrust) { s.Z = -s.mainThrottle; } lastThrottle = s.mainThrottle; }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { float threshold = 0.1F; bool _userCommandingRotation = !(Mathfx.Approx(s.pitch, s.pitchTrim, threshold) && Mathfx.Approx(s.yaw, s.yawTrim, threshold) && Mathfx.Approx(s.roll, s.rollTrim, threshold)); bool _userCommandingTranslation = !(Math.Abs(s.X) < threshold && Math.Abs(s.Y) < threshold && Math.Abs(s.Z) < threshold); if (_userCommandingRotation && !_userCommandingTranslation) { userCommandingRotationSmoothed = 2; } else if (userCommandingRotationSmoothed > 0) { userCommandingRotationSmoothed--; } if (core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleThrustWindow>().hidden&& core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleAscentGuidance>().hidden) { return; } if ((tmode != TMode.OFF) && (vesselState.thrustAvailable > 0)) { double spd = 0; switch (tmode) { case TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL: spd = vesselState.speedOrbital; break; case TMode.KEEP_SURFACE: spd = vesselState.speedSurface; break; case TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL: spd = vesselState.speedVertical; Vector3d rot = Vector3d.up; if (trans_kill_h) { Vector3 hsdir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.up); Vector3 dir = -hsdir + vesselState.up * Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 20 * mainBody.GeeASL); if ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) > 5000) && (hsdir.magnitude > Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 100 * mainBody.GeeASL) * 2)) { tmode = TMode.DIRECT; trans_spd_act = 100; rot = -hsdir; } else { rot = dir.normalized; } core.attitude.attitudeTo(rot, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, null); } break; } double t_err = (trans_spd_act - spd) / vesselState.maxThrustAccel; if ((tmode == TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.orbitalVelocity) < 0) || (tmode == TMode.KEEP_SURFACE && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.surfaceVelocity) < 0)) { //allow thrust to declerate t_err *= -1; } double t_act = pid.Compute(t_err); if ((tmode != TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL) || !trans_kill_h || (core.attitude.attitudeError < 2) || ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) < 1000) && (core.attitude.attitudeError < 90))) { if (tmode == TMode.DIRECT) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = trans_spd_act / 100.0F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(trans_prev_thrust + (float)t_act); } } else { bool useGimbal = (vesselState.torqueFromEngine.x / vessel.ctrlState.mainThrottle > vesselState.torqueAvailable.x * 10) || (vesselState.torqueFromEngine.z / vessel.ctrlState.mainThrottle > vesselState.torqueAvailable.z * 10); bool useDiffThrottle = (vesselState.torqueFromDiffThrottle.x > vesselState.torqueAvailable.x * 10) || (vesselState.torqueFromDiffThrottle.z > vesselState.torqueAvailable.z * 10); if ((core.attitude.attitudeError >= 2) && (useGimbal || (useDiffThrottle && core.thrust.differentialThrottle))) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0.1F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0; } } } // Only set throttle if a module need it. Othewise let the user or other mods set it // There is always at least 1 user : the module itself (why ?) if (users.Count() > 1) { s.mainThrottle = targetThrottle; } float throttleLimit = 1; limiter = LimitMode.None; if (limitThrottle) { if (maxThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Throttle; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, (float)maxThrottle); } if (limitToTerminalVelocity) { float limit = TerminalVelocityThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.TerminalVelocity; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitDynamicPressure) { float limit = MaximumDynamicPressureThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.DynamicPressure; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventOverheats) { float limit = (float)TemperatureSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Temperature; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitAcceleration) { float limit = AccelerationLimitedThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Acceleration; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (electricThrottle && ElectricEngineRunning()) { float limit = ElectricThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Electric; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventFlameout) { // This clause benefits being last: if we don't need much air // due to prior limits, we can close some intakes. float limit = FlameoutSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Flameout; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limiterMinThrottle && limiter != LimitMode.None && throttleLimit < minThrottle) { limiter = LimitMode.MinThrottle; throttleLimit = (float)minThrottle; } if (double.IsNaN(throttleLimit)) { throttleLimit = 0; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Clamp01(throttleLimit); vesselState.throttleLimit = throttleLimit; if (s.mainThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.None; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Min(s.mainThrottle, throttleLimit); if (smoothThrottle) { s.mainThrottle = SmoothThrottle(s.mainThrottle); } if (double.IsNaN(s.mainThrottle)) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(s.mainThrottle); if (s.Z == 0 && core.rcs.rcsThrottle && vesselState.rcsThrust) { s.Z = -s.mainThrottle; } lastThrottle = s.mainThrottle; if (!core.attitude.enabled) { Vector3d act = new Vector3d(s.pitch, s.yaw, s.roll); differentialThrottleDemandedTorque = -Vector3d.Scale(act.xzy, vesselState.torqueFromDiffThrottle * s.mainThrottle * 0.5f); } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { UpdatePID(); //SpeedHold (set AccelerationTarget automatically to hold speed) if (SpeedHoldEnabled) { double spd = vesselState.speedSurface; cur_acc = (spd - _spd) / Time.fixedDeltaTime; _spd = spd; RealAccelerationTarget = (SpeedTarget - spd) / 4; a_err = (RealAccelerationTarget - cur_acc); AccelerationPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(AccelerationPIDController.intAccum, -1 / AccKi, 1 / AccKi); double t_act = AccelerationPIDController.Compute(a_err); if (!double.IsNaN(t_act)) { core.thrust.targetThrottle = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(t_act, 0, 1); } else { core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0.0f; AccelerationPIDController.Reset(); } } //AltitudeHold (set VertSpeed automatically to hold altitude) if (AltitudeHoldEnabled) { RealVertSpeedTarget = convertAltitudeToVerticalSpeed(AltitudeTarget - vesselState.altitudeASL); RealVertSpeedTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealVertSpeedTarget, -VertSpeedTarget, VertSpeedTarget); } else { RealVertSpeedTarget = VertSpeedTarget; } pitch_err = roll_err = yaw_err = 0; pitch_act = roll_act = yaw_act = 0; //VertSpeedHold if (VertSpeedHoldEnabled) { // NOTE: 60-to-1 rule: // deltaAltitude = 2 * PI * r * deltaPitch / 360 // Vvertical = 2 * PI * TAS * deltaPitch / 360 // deltaPitch = Vvertical / Vhorizontal * 180 / PI double deltaVertSpeed = RealVertSpeedTarget - vesselState.speedVertical; double adjustment = 180 / vesselState.speedSurface * deltaVertSpeed / Math.PI; RealPitchTarget = vesselState.vesselPitch + adjustment; RealPitchTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealPitchTarget, -PitchDownLimit, PitchUpLimit); pitch_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealPitchTarget - vesselState.vesselPitch); PitchPIDController.intAccum = UtilMath.Clamp(PitchPIDController.intAccum, -100 / PitKi, 100 / PitKi); pitch_act = PitchPIDController.Compute(pitch_err) / 100; //Debug.Log (p_act); if (double.IsNaN(pitch_act)) { PitchPIDController.Reset(); } else { s.pitch = Mathf.Clamp((float)pitch_act, -1, 1); } } //HeadingHold double curFlightPath = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward); // NOTE: we can not use vesselState.vesselHeading here because it interpolates headings internally // i.e. turning from 1° to 359° will end up as (1+359)/2 = 180° // see class MovingAverage for more details curr_yaw = vesselState.currentHeading - curFlightPath; if (HeadingHoldEnabled) { double toturn = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curFlightPath); if (Math.Abs(toturn) < 0.2) { // yaw for small adjustments RealYawTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -YawLimit, YawLimit); RealRollTarget = 0; } else { // roll for large adjustments RealYawTarget = 0; RealRollTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -RollLimit, RollLimit); } } else { RealRollTarget = RollTarget; RealYawTarget = 0; } if (RollHoldEnabled) { RealRollTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealRollTarget, -BankAngle, BankAngle); RealRollTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealRollTarget, -RollLimit, RollLimit); roll_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealRollTarget - -vesselState.currentRoll); RollPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(RollPIDController.intAccum, -100 / RolKi, 100 / RolKi); roll_act = RollPIDController.Compute(roll_err) / 100; if (double.IsNaN(roll_act)) { RollPIDController.Reset(); } else { s.roll = Mathf.Clamp((float)roll_act, -1, 1); } } if (HeadingHoldEnabled) { RealYawTarget = UtilMath.Clamp(RealYawTarget, -YawLimit, YawLimit); yaw_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(RealYawTarget - curr_yaw); YawPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(YawPIDController.intAccum, -100 / YawKi, 100 / YawKi); yaw_act = YawPIDController.Compute(yaw_err) / 100; if (double.IsNaN(yaw_act)) { YawPIDController.Reset(); } else { s.yaw = Mathf.Clamp((float)yaw_act, -1, 1); } } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { float threshold = 0.1F; bool _userCommandingRotation = !(Mathfx.Approx(s.pitch, s.pitchTrim, threshold) && Mathfx.Approx(s.yaw, s.yawTrim, threshold) && Mathfx.Approx(s.roll, s.rollTrim, threshold)); bool _userCommandingTranslation = !(Math.Abs(s.X) < threshold && Math.Abs(s.Y) < threshold && Math.Abs(s.Z) < threshold); if (_userCommandingRotation && !_userCommandingTranslation) { userCommandingRotationSmoothed = 2; } else if (userCommandingRotationSmoothed > 0) { userCommandingRotationSmoothed--; } if (core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleThrustWindow>().hidden&& core.GetComputerModule <MechJebModuleAscentGuidance>().hidden) { return; } if ((tmode != TMode.OFF) && (vesselState.thrustAvailable > 0)) { double spd = 0; switch (tmode) { case TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL: spd = vesselState.speedOrbital; break; case TMode.KEEP_SURFACE: spd = vesselState.speedSurface; break; case TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL: spd = vesselState.speedVertical; Vector3d rot = Vector3d.up; if (trans_kill_h) { Vector3 hsdir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.up); Vector3 dir = -hsdir + vesselState.up * Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 20 * mainBody.GeeASL); if ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) > 5000) && (hsdir.magnitude > Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 100 * mainBody.GeeASL) * 2)) { tmode = TMode.DIRECT; trans_spd_act = 100; rot = -hsdir; } else { rot = dir.normalized; } core.attitude.attitudeTo(rot, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, null); } break; } double t_err = (trans_spd_act - spd) / vesselState.maxThrustAccel; if ((tmode == TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.orbitalVelocity) < 0) || (tmode == TMode.KEEP_SURFACE && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.surfaceVelocity) < 0)) { //allow thrust to declerate t_err *= -1; } double t_act = pid.Compute(t_err); if ((tmode != TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL) || !trans_kill_h || (core.attitude.attitudeError < 2) || ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) < 1000) && (core.attitude.attitudeError < 90))) { if (tmode == TMode.DIRECT) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = trans_spd_act / 100.0F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(trans_prev_thrust + (float)t_act); } } else { bool useGimbal = (vesselState.torqueGimbal.positive.x > vesselState.torqueAvailable.x * 10) || (vesselState.torqueGimbal.positive.z > vesselState.torqueAvailable.z * 10); bool useDiffThrottle = (vesselState.torqueDiffThrottle.x > vesselState.torqueAvailable.x * 10) || (vesselState.torqueDiffThrottle.z > vesselState.torqueAvailable.z * 10); if ((core.attitude.attitudeError >= 2) && (useGimbal || (useDiffThrottle && core.thrust.differentialThrottle))) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0.1F; print(" targetThrottle = 0.1F"); } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0; } } } // Only set throttle if a module need it. Otherwise let the user or other mods set it // There is always at least 1 user : the module itself (why ?) if (users.Count > 1) { s.mainThrottle = targetThrottle; } throttleLimit = 1; throttleFixedLimit = 1; limiter = LimitMode.None; if (limitThrottle) { if (maxThrottle < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit((float)maxThrottle, LimitMode.Throttle); } } if (limitToTerminalVelocity) { float limit = TerminalVelocityThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.TerminalVelocity); } } if (limitDynamicPressure) { float limit = MaximumDynamicPressureThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.DynamicPressure); } } if (limitToPreventOverheats) { float limit = (float)TemperatureSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.Temperature); } } if (limitAcceleration) { float limit = AccelerationLimitedThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.Acceleration); } } if (electricThrottle && ElectricEngineRunning()) { float limit = ElectricThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.Electric); } } if (limitToPreventFlameout) { // This clause benefits being last: if we don't need much air // due to prior limits, we can close some intakes. float limit = FlameoutSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { setFixedLimit(limit, LimitMode.Flameout); } } // Any limiters which can limit to non-zero values must come before this, any // limiters (like ullage) which enforce zero throttle should come after. The // minThrottle setting has authority over any other limiter that sets non-zero throttle. if (limiterMinThrottle && limiter != LimitMode.None) { if (minThrottle > throttleFixedLimit) { setFixedLimit((float)minThrottle, LimitMode.MinThrottle); } if (minThrottle > throttleLimit) { setTempLimit((float)minThrottle, LimitMode.MinThrottle); } } /* auto-RCS ullaging up to very stable */ if (autoRCSUllaging && s.mainThrottle > 0.0F && throttleLimit > 0.0F) { if (vesselState.lowestUllage < VesselState.UllageState.VeryStable) { Debug.Log("MechJeb RCS auto-ullaging: found state below very stable: " + vesselState.lowestUllage); if (vessel.hasEnabledRCSModules()) { if (!vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.RCS]) { Debug.Log("MechJeb RCS auto-ullaging: enabling RCS action group for automatic ullaging"); vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.RCS, true); } Debug.Log("MechJeb RCS auto-ullaging: firing RCS to stabilize ulllage"); setTempLimit(0.0F, LimitMode.UnstableIgnition); s.Z = -1.0F; } else { Debug.Log("MechJeb RCS auto-ullaging: vessel has no enabled/staged RCS modules"); } } } /* prevent unstable ignitions */ if (limitToPreventUnstableIgnition && s.mainThrottle > 0.0F && throttleLimit > 0.0F) { if (vesselState.lowestUllage < VesselState.UllageState.Stable) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(preventingUnstableIgnitionsMessage); Debug.Log("MechJeb Unstable Ignitions: preventing ignition in state: " + vesselState.lowestUllage); setTempLimit(0.0F, LimitMode.UnstableIgnition); } } // we have to force the throttle here so that rssMode can work, otherwise we don't get our last throttle command // back on the next tick after disabling. we save this before applying the throttle limits so that we preserve // the requested throttle, and not the limited throttle. if (core.rssMode) { SetFlightGlobals(s.mainThrottle); } if (double.IsNaN(throttleLimit)) { throttleLimit = 1.0F; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Clamp01(throttleLimit); /* we do not _apply_ the "fixed" limit, the actual throttleLimit should always be the more limited and lower one */ /* the purpose of the "fixed" limit is for external consumers like the node executor to consume */ if (double.IsNaN(throttleFixedLimit)) { throttleFixedLimit = 1.0F; } throttleFixedLimit = Mathf.Clamp01(throttleFixedLimit); vesselState.throttleLimit = throttleLimit; vesselState.throttleFixedLimit = throttleFixedLimit; if (s.mainThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.None; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Min(s.mainThrottle, throttleLimit); if (smoothThrottle) { s.mainThrottle = SmoothThrottle(s.mainThrottle); } if (double.IsNaN(s.mainThrottle)) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(s.mainThrottle); if (s.Z == 0 && core.rcs.rcsThrottle && vesselState.rcsThrust) { s.Z = -s.mainThrottle; } lastThrottle = s.mainThrottle; if (!core.attitude.enabled) { Vector3d act = new Vector3d(s.pitch, s.yaw, s.roll); differentialThrottleDemandedTorque = -Vector3d.Scale(act.xzy, vesselState.torqueDiffThrottle * s.mainThrottle * 0.5f); } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { //detect user input: if (s.mainThrottle < 1e-4 && lastThrottle > 1e-4) { targetThrottle = 0; //detect player pressing 'x' } else if (Mathf.Abs(s.mainThrottle - lastThrottle) > 1e-4) { targetThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01((s.mainThrottle - lastThrottle) + targetThrottle); } if ((tmode != TMode.OFF) && (vesselState.thrustAvailable > 0)) { double spd = 0; switch (tmode) { case TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL: spd = vesselState.speedOrbital; break; case TMode.KEEP_SURFACE: spd = vesselState.speedSurface; break; case TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL: spd = vesselState.speedVertical; Vector3d rot = Vector3d.up; if (trans_kill_h) { Vector3 hsdir = Vector3.Exclude(vesselState.up, vesselState.velocityVesselSurface); Vector3 dir = -hsdir + vesselState.up * Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 20 * mainBody.GeeASL); if ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) > 5000) && (hsdir.magnitude > Math.Max(Math.Abs(spd), 100 * mainBody.GeeASL) * 2)) { tmode = TMode.DIRECT; trans_spd_act = 100; rot = -hsdir; } else { rot = dir.normalized; } core.attitude.attitudeTo(rot, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, null); } break; } double t_err = (trans_spd_act - spd) / vesselState.maxThrustAccel; if ((tmode == TMode.KEEP_ORBITAL && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.velocityVesselOrbit) < 0) || (tmode == TMode.KEEP_SURFACE && Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.forward, vesselState.velocityVesselSurface) < 0)) { //allow thrust to declerate t_err *= -1; } double t_act = pid.Compute(t_err); if ((tmode != TMode.KEEP_VERTICAL) || !trans_kill_h || (core.attitude.attitudeError < 2) || ((Math.Min(vesselState.altitudeASL, vesselState.altitudeTrue) < 1000) && (core.attitude.attitudeError < 90))) { if (tmode == TMode.DIRECT) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = trans_spd_act / 100.0F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(trans_prev_thrust + (float)t_act); } } else { if ((core.attitude.attitudeError >= 2) && (vesselState.torqueThrustPYAvailable > vesselState.torquePYAvailable * 10)) { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0.1F; } else { trans_prev_thrust = targetThrottle = 0; } } } s.mainThrottle = targetThrottle; float throttleLimit = 1; limiter = LimitMode.None; if (limitThrottle) { if (maxThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Throttle; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, (float)maxThrottle); } if (limitToTerminalVelocity) { float limit = TerminalVelocityThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.TerminalVelocity; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventOverheats) { float limit = TemperatureSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Temperature; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitAcceleration) { float limit = AccelerationLimitedThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Acceleration; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (limitToPreventFlameout) { // This clause benefits being last: if we don't need much air // due to prior limits, we can close some intakes. float limit = FlameoutSafetyThrottle(); if (limit < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.Flameout; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Min(throttleLimit, limit); } if (double.IsNaN(throttleLimit)) { throttleLimit = 0; } throttleLimit = Mathf.Clamp01(throttleLimit); vesselState.throttleLimit = throttleLimit; if (s.mainThrottle < throttleLimit) { limiter = LimitMode.None; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Min(s.mainThrottle, throttleLimit); if (smoothThrottle) { s.mainThrottle = SmoothThrottle(s.mainThrottle); } if (double.IsNaN(s.mainThrottle)) { s.mainThrottle = 0; } s.mainThrottle = Mathf.Clamp01(s.mainThrottle); lastThrottle = s.mainThrottle; }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { if (! { users.Clear(); return; } core.attitude.attitudeTo(Vector3d.back, AttitudeReference.TARGET_ORIENTATION, this); Vector3d targetVel =; Vector3d separation =; Vector3d zAxis =; double zSep = -Vector3d.Dot(separation, zAxis); //positive if we are in front of the target, negative if behind Vector3d lateralSep = Vector3d.Exclude(zAxis, separation); double zApproachSpeed = FixSpeed(vesselState.rcsThrustAvailable.GetMagnitude(-zAxis) * approachSpeedMult / vesselState.mass); double latApproachSpeed = FixSpeed(vesselState.rcsThrustAvailable.GetMagnitude(-lateralSep) * approachSpeedMult / vesselState.mass); if (zSep < 0) //we're behind the target { if (lateralSep.magnitude < 10) //and we'll hit the target if we back up { core.rcs.SetTargetWorldVelocity(targetVel + zApproachSpeed * lateralSep.normalized); //move away from the docking axis status = "Moving away from docking axis at " + zApproachSpeed.ToString("F2") + " m/s to avoid hitting target on backing up"; } else { double backUpSpeed = FixSpeed(-zApproachSpeed * Math.Max(1, -zSep / 50)); core.rcs.SetTargetWorldVelocity(targetVel + backUpSpeed * zAxis); //back up status = "Backing up at " + backUpSpeed.ToString("F2") + " m/s to get on the correct side of the target to dock."; } lateralPID.Reset(); } else //we're in front of the target { //move laterally toward the docking axis lateralPID.max = latApproachSpeed * lateralSep.magnitude / 200; lateralPID.min = -lateralPID.max; Vector3d lateralVelocityNeeded = -lateralSep.normalized * lateralPID.Compute(lateralSep.magnitude); if (lateralVelocityNeeded.magnitude > latApproachSpeed) { lateralVelocityNeeded *= (latApproachSpeed / lateralVelocityNeeded.magnitude); } double zVelocityNeeded = 0.1 + Math.Min(zApproachSpeed, zApproachSpeed * zSep / 200); if (lateralSep.magnitude > 0.2 && lateralSep.magnitude * 10 > zSep) { //we're very far off the docking axis if (zSep < lateralSep.magnitude) { //we're far off the docking axis, but our z separation is small. Back up to increase the z separation zVelocityNeeded *= -1; status = "Backing at " + zVelocityNeeded.ToString("F2") + " m/s up and moving toward docking axis."; } else { //we're not extremely close in z, so just stay at this z distance while we fix the lateral separation zVelocityNeeded = 0; status = "Holding still in Z and moving toward the docking axis at " + lateralVelocityNeeded.magnitude.ToString("F2") + " m/s."; } } else { if (zSep > 0.4) { //we're not extremely far off the docking axis. Approach the along z with a speed determined by our z separation //but limited by how far we are off the axis status = "Moving forward to dock at " + zVelocityNeeded.ToString("F2") + " m/s."; } else { // close enough, turn it off and let the magnetic dock work users.Clear(); return; } } Vector3d adjustment = lateralVelocityNeeded + zVelocityNeeded * zAxis; double magnitude = adjustment.magnitude; if (magnitude > 0) { adjustment *= FixSpeed(magnitude) / magnitude; } core.rcs.SetTargetWorldVelocity(targetVel + adjustment); } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) { UpdatePID(); //SpeedHold (set AccelerationTarget automatically to hold speed) if (SpeedHoldEnabled) { double spd = vesselState.speedSurface; cur_acc = (spd - _spd) / Time.fixedDeltaTime; _spd = spd; RealAccelerationTarget = (SpeedTarget - spd) / 4; a_err = (RealAccelerationTarget - cur_acc); AccelerationPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(AccelerationPIDController.intAccum, -1 / AccKi, 1 / AccKi); double t_act = AccelerationPIDController.Compute(a_err); if (!double.IsNaN(t_act)) { core.thrust.targetThrottle = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(t_act, 0, 1); } else { core.thrust.targetThrottle = 0.0f; AccelerationPIDController.Reset(); } } //AltitudeHold (set VertSpeed automatically to hold altitude) if (AltitudeHoldEnabled) { RealVertSpeedTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(fixVertSpeed(AltitudeTarget - vesselState.altitudeASL), -VertSpeedMax, VertSpeedMax); } else { RealVertSpeedTarget = VertSpeedTarget; } //VertSpeedHold if (VertSpeedHoldEnabled) { double vertspd = vesselState.speedVertical; v_err = RealVertSpeedTarget - vertspd; VertSpeedPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(VertSpeedPIDController.intAccum, -1 / (VerKi * VerPIDScale), 1 / (VerKi * VerPIDScale)); double p_act = VertSpeedPIDController.Compute(v_err); //Log.dbg(p_act); if (double.IsNaN(p_act)) { VertSpeedPIDController.Reset(); } else { s.pitch = Mathf.Clamp((float)p_act, -1, 1); } } //HeadingHold double curHeading = vesselState.HeadingFromDirection(vesselState.forward); if (HeadingHoldEnabled) { double toturn = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curHeading); RealRollTarget = MuUtils.Clamp(toturn * 2, -RollMax, RollMax); } else { RealRollTarget = RollTarget; } if (RollHoldEnabled) { double roll_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(vesselState.vesselRoll + RealRollTarget); RollPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(RollPIDController.intAccum, -100 / AccKi, 100 / AccKi); double roll_act = RollPIDController.Compute(roll_err); s.roll = Mathf.Clamp((float)roll_act / 100, -1, 1); } if (HeadingHoldEnabled) { double yaw_err = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(HeadingTarget - curHeading); YawPIDController.intAccum = MuUtils.Clamp(YawPIDController.intAccum, -YawLimit * 100 / AccKi, YawLimit * 100 / AccKi); double yaw_act = YawPIDController.Compute(yaw_err); s.yaw = (float)MuUtils.Clamp(yaw_act / 100, -YawLimit, +YawLimit); } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to { // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up -- should be done now? if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody) { WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear(); } MechJebWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null); var brake = vessel.ActionGroups[KSPActionGroup.Brakes]; // keep brakes locked if they are curSpeed = Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.forward); CalculateTraction(); speedIntAcc = speedPID.intAccum; if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody) { if (ControlHeading) { heading.val = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1); } if (ControlSpeed) { var nextWP = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null)); var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position); if (wp.Target != null) { distance += (float)(wp.Target.srfSpeed * curSpeed) / 2; } // var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed); // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed : (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) : (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1))); minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 1 : minSpeed); // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last) var newSpeed = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / curSpeed, minSpeed)); // brake when getting closer newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed); // reduce speed when turning a lot var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10); if (distance < radius) { if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count) // last waypoint { newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min(); // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons if (LoopWaypoints) { WaypointIndex = 0; } else { newSpeed = 0; brake = true; if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit) { if (wp.Quicksave) { if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex = -1; ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } else { WaypointIndex = -1; ControlHeading = ControlSpeed = false; } } } } else { if (wp.Quicksave) { newSpeed = 0; if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit) { if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex++; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } } else { WaypointIndex++; } } } brake = brake || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && newSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit); // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully tgtSpeed = (newSpeed >= 0 ? newSpeed : 0); } } if (ControlHeading) { headingPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)headingPID.intAccum, -1, 1); double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading); if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { float limit = (Math.Abs(curSpeed) > turnSpeed ? Mathf.Clamp((float)((turnSpeed + 6) / Square(curSpeed)), 0.1f, 1f) : 1f); // turnSpeed needs to be higher than curSpeed or it will never steer as much as it could even at 0.2m/s above it double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr); if (traction >= tractionLimit) { s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit); // prevents it from flying above a waypoint and landing with steering at max while still going fast } } } // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat) if (BrakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; brake = true; } else if (ControlSpeed) { speedPID.intAccum = Mathf.Clamp((float)speedPID.intAccum, -5, 5); speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed) - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.surfaceVelocity, vesselState.forward); if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { float act = (float)speedPID.Compute(speedErr); s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f); if (curSpeed < 0 & s.wheelThrottle < 0) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } // don't go backwards if (Mathf.Sign(act) + Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) == 0) { s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(act, -1f, 1f); } if (speedErr < -1 && StabilityControl && Mathf.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) == 0) { brake = true; } lastThrottle = Mathf.Clamp(s.wheelThrottle, -1, 1); } } if (StabilityControl) { if (!core.attitude.users.Contains(this)) { core.attitude.users.Add(this); } var fSpeed = (float)curSpeed; Vector3 fwd = (Vector3)(traction > 0 ? // V when the speed is low go for the vessels forward, else with a bit of velocity vesselState.forward * 4 - vessel.transform.right * s.wheelSteer * Mathf.Sign(fSpeed) : // and then add the steering vesselState.surfaceVelocity); // in the air so follow velocity Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref norm, ref fwd); var quat = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwd, norm); if (vesselState.torqueAvailable.sqrMagnitude > 0) { core.attitude.attitudeTo(quat, AttitudeReference.INERTIAL, this); } } if (BrakeOnEnergyDepletion) { var batteries = vessel.Parts.FindAll(p => p.Resources.Contains(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode) && p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).flowState); var energyLeft = batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).amount) / batteries.Sum(p => p.Resources.Get(PartResourceLibrary.ElectricityHashcode).maxAmount); var openSolars = vessel.mainBody.atmosphere && // true if in atmosphere and there are breakable solarpanels that aren't broken nor retracted vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.deployState != ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.BROKEN && p.deployState != ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.RETRACTED).Count > 0; if (openSolars && energyLeft > 0.99) { vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.isBreakable && p.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED).ForEach(p => p.Retract()); } if (energyLeft < 0.05 && Math.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) != 0) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } // save remaining energy by not using it for acceleration if (openSolars || energyLeft < 0.03) { tgtSpeed = 0; } if (curSpeed < brakeSpeedLimit && (energyLeft < 0.05 || openSolars)) { brake = true; } if (curSpeed < 0.1 && energyLeft < 0.05 && !waitingForDaylight && vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <ModuleDeployableSolarPanel>().FindAll(p => p.deployState == ModuleDeployablePart.DeployState.EXTENDED).Count > 0) { waitingForDaylight = true; } } if (s.wheelThrottle != 0 && (Math.Sign(s.wheelThrottle) + Math.Sign(curSpeed) != 0 || curSpeed < 1)) { brake = false; // the AP or user want to drive into the direction of momentum so release the brake } if (vessel.isActiveVessel) { if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKeyUp()) { brake = false; // release the brakes if the user lets go of them } if (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey()) { brake = true; // brake if the user brakes and we aren't about to flip } } tractionLimit = (double)Mathf.Clamp((float)tractionLimit, 0, 100); vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, brake && (StabilityControl && (ControlHeading || ControlSpeed) ? traction >= tractionLimit : true)); // only let go of the brake when losing traction if the AP is driving, otherwise assume the player knows when to let go of it // also to not constantly turn off the parking brake from going over a small bump if (brake && curSpeed < 0.1) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; } }
public override void Drive(FlightCtrlState s) // TODO put the brake in when running out of power to prevent nighttime solar failures on hills, or atleast try to { // TODO make distance calculation for 'reached' determination consider the rover and waypoint on sealevel to prevent height differences from messing it up if (orbit.referenceBody != lastBody) { WaypointIndex = -1; Waypoints.Clear(); } MechJebRoverWaypoint wp = (WaypointIndex > -1 && WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex] : null); var curSpeed = vesselState.speedSurface; etaSpeed.value = curSpeed; if (wp != null && wp.Body == orbit.referenceBody) { if (controlHeading) { heading = Math.Round(HeadingToPos(vessel.CoM, wp.Position), 1); } if (controlSpeed) { var nextWP = (WaypointIndex < Waypoints.Count - 1 ? Waypoints[WaypointIndex + 1] : (LoopWaypoints ? Waypoints[0] : null)); var distance = Vector3.Distance(vessel.CoM, wp.Position); //var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? Math.Min((float)speed, wp.MaxSpeed) : speed); // use waypoints maxSpeed if set and smaller than set the speed or just stick with the set speed var maxSpeed = (wp.MaxSpeed > 0 ? wp.MaxSpeed : speed); // speed used to go towards the waypoint, using the waypoints maxSpeed if set or just stick with the set speed var minSpeed = (wp.MinSpeed > 0 ? wp.MinSpeed : (nextWP != null ? TurningSpeed((nextWP.MaxSpeed > 0 ? nextWP.MaxSpeed : speed), heading - HeadingToPos(wp.Position, nextWP.Position)) : (distance - wp.Radius > 50 ? turnSpeed.val : 1))); minSpeed = (wp.Quicksave ? 0 : minSpeed); // ^ speed used to go through the waypoint, using half the set speed or maxSpeed as minSpeed for routing waypoints (all except the last) var brakeFactor = Math.Max((curSpeed - minSpeed) * 1, 3); var newSpeed = Math.Min(maxSpeed, Math.Max((distance - wp.Radius) / brakeFactor, minSpeed)); // brake when getting closer newSpeed = (newSpeed > turnSpeed ? TurningSpeed(newSpeed, headingErr) : newSpeed); // reduce speed when turning a lot var radius = Math.Max(wp.Radius, 10 / 0.8); // alternative radius so negative radii can still make it go full speed through waypoints for navigation reasons if (distance < radius) { if (WaypointIndex + 1 >= Waypoints.Count) // last waypoint { newSpeed = new [] { newSpeed, (distance < radius * 0.8 ? 0 : 1) }.Min(); // ^ limit speed so it'll only go from 1m/s to full stop when braking to prevent accidents on moons if (LoopWaypoints) { WaypointIndex = 0; } else { newSpeed = -0.25; tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed); if (curSpeed < 0.85) { if (wp.Quicksave) { if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex = -1; controlHeading = controlSpeed = false; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } else { WaypointIndex = -1; controlHeading = controlSpeed = false; } } // else { // Debug.Log("Is this even getting called?"); // WaypointIndex++; // } } } else { if (wp.Quicksave) { newSpeed = -0.25; tgtSpeed.force(newSpeed); if (curSpeed < 0.85) { if (FlightGlobals.ClearToSave() == ClearToSaveStatus.CLEAR) { WaypointIndex++; QuickSaveLoad.QuickSave(); } } } else { WaypointIndex++; } } } vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, (GameSettings.BRAKES.GetKey() && vessel.isActiveVessel) || ((s.wheelThrottle == 0 || !vessel.isActiveVessel) && curSpeed < 0.85 && newSpeed < 0.85)); // ^ brake if needed to prevent rolling, hopefully tgtSpeed.value = Math.Round(newSpeed, 1); } } if (controlHeading) { if (heading != headingLast) { headingPID.Reset(); headingLast = heading; } double instantaneousHeading = vesselState.rotationVesselSurface.eulerAngles.y; headingErr = MuUtils.ClampDegrees180(instantaneousHeading - heading); if (s.wheelSteer == s.wheelSteerTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { float spd = Mathf.Min((float)speed, (float)turnSpeed); // if a slower speed than the turnspeed is used also be more careful with the steering float limit = (curSpeed <= turnSpeed ? 1 : Mathf.Clamp((float)((spd * spd) / (curSpeed * curSpeed)), 0.2f, 1f)); double act = headingPID.Compute(headingErr); s.wheelSteer = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -limit, limit); } } // Brake if there is no controler (Pilot eject from seat) if (brakeOnEject && vessel.GetReferenceTransformPart() == null) { s.wheelThrottle = 0; vessel.ActionGroups.SetGroup(KSPActionGroup.Brakes, true); } else if (controlSpeed) { if (speed != speedLast) { speedPID.Reset(); speedLast = speed; } speedErr = (WaypointIndex == -1 ? speed.val : tgtSpeed.value) - Vector3d.Dot(vesselState.velocityVesselSurface, vesselState.forward); if (s.wheelThrottle == s.wheelThrottleTrim || FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != vessel) { double act = speedPID.Compute(speedErr); s.wheelThrottle = Mathf.Clamp((float)act, -1, 1); } } }