예제 #1
        //Check file exists or not before go and get reports
        public static bool CheckNegFileExist(Int32 UserID, DateTime ReportDate, Int64 BatchNo)
            bool   res              = false;
            String downloaddir      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFolderPath"];
            string downloadfilepath = MppUtility.GetFilelocation(UserID, downloaddir, "search");
            string fileName         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["negfilename"];
            string fileName1        = fileName + "-" + MppUtility.DateFormat(ReportDate, 4) + "-" + BatchNo + ".txt";
            string filePath         = Path.Combine(downloadfilepath, fileName1);

            if (File.Exists(filePath))
                res = true;
예제 #2
        //Check file exists or not before go and get reports
        public static String CheckFileExist(Int32 UserID, DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate, out String fileName)
            String res              = String.Empty;
            String downloaddir      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFolderPath"];
            string downloadfilepath = MppUtility.GetFilelocation(UserID, downloaddir, "bulk");

            fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["filename"];
            string fileName1 = fileName.PadRight(29) + MppUtility.DateFormat(startdate, 2).PadRight(11) + "-" + MppUtility.DateFormat(enddate, 2).PadLeft(11) + ".csv";
            string fileName2 = fileName.PadRight(29) + MppUtility.DateFormat(startdate, 5).PadRight(11) + "-" + MppUtility.DateFormat(enddate, 5).PadLeft(11) + ".csv";
            string filePath1 = Path.Combine(downloadfilepath, fileName1);
            string filePath2 = Path.Combine(downloadfilepath, fileName2);//New format

            if (File.Exists(filePath1))
                fileName = fileName1;
                res      = filePath1;
            else if (File.Exists(filePath2))
                fileName = fileName2;
                res      = filePath2;