예제 #1
        private void _initialise()
            Panel                  = UIView.GetAView().AddUIComponent(typeof(UIPanel)) as UIPanel;
            Panel.name             = "MoveIt_DebugPanel";
            Panel.atlas            = ResourceLoader.GetAtlas("Ingame");
            Panel.backgroundSprite = "SubcategoriesPanel";
            Panel.size             = new Vector2(300, 107);
            Panel.absolutePosition = new Vector3(Panel.GetUIView().GetScreenResolution().x - 412, 3);
            Panel.clipChildren     = true;
            Panel.isVisible        = MoveItTool.showDebugPanel;

            HoverLarge                  = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            HoverLarge.textScale        = 0.8f;
            HoverLarge.text             = "None";
            HoverLarge.relativePosition = new Vector3(6, 7);
            HoverLarge.width            = HoverLarge.parent.width - 20;
            HoverLarge.clipChildren     = true;
            HoverLarge.useDropShadow    = true;
            HoverLarge.dropShadowOffset = new Vector2(2, -2);

            HoverSmall                  = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            HoverSmall.textScale        = 0.65f;
            HoverSmall.text             = "No item being hovered\n ";
            HoverSmall.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 23);
            HoverSmall.width            = HoverSmall.parent.width - 20;
            HoverSmall.clipChildren     = true;
            HoverSmall.useDropShadow    = true;
            HoverSmall.dropShadowOffset = new Vector2(1, -1);

            ToolStatus                  = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            ToolStatus.textScale        = 0.65f;
            ToolStatus.text             = "";
            ToolStatus.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 63);
            ToolStatus.width            = HoverSmall.parent.width - 20;
            ToolStatus.clipChildren     = true;
            ToolStatus.useDropShadow    = true;
            ToolStatus.dropShadowOffset = new Vector2(1, -1);

            SelectedLarge                  = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            SelectedLarge.textScale        = 0.8f;
            SelectedLarge.text             = "Objects Selected: 0";
            SelectedLarge.relativePosition = new Vector3(6, 79);
            SelectedLarge.width            = SelectedLarge.parent.width - 20;
            SelectedLarge.clipChildren     = true;
            SelectedLarge.useDropShadow    = true;
            SelectedLarge.dropShadowOffset = new Vector2(2, -2);

            SelectedSmall                  = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            SelectedSmall.textScale        = 0.65f;
            SelectedSmall.text             = "B:0, P:0, D:0, S:0, T:0, PO:0, N:0, S:0\n ";
            SelectedSmall.relativePosition = new Vector3(5, 94);
            SelectedSmall.width            = SelectedSmall.parent.width - 20;
            SelectedSmall.clipChildren     = true;
            SelectedSmall.useDropShadow    = true;
            SelectedSmall.dropShadowOffset = new Vector2(1, -1);
예제 #2
        internal DebugPanel_ModTools(UIPanel parent)
                Assembly mtAssembly = null;
                foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
                    if (assembly.FullName.Length >= 12 && assembly.FullName.Substring(0, 12) == "000_ModTools")
                        mtAssembly = assembly;
                if (mtAssembly == null)

                tModTools       = mtAssembly.GetType("ModTools.ModTools");
                tSceneExplorer  = mtAssembly.GetType("ModTools.SceneExplorer");
                tReferenceChain = mtAssembly.GetType("ModTools.ReferenceChain");

                ModTools      = tModTools.GetField("instance", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null);
                SceneExplorer = tModTools.GetField("sceneExplorer", flags).GetValue(ModTools);

                //Debug.Log($"\ntModTools:{tModTools}, tSceneExplorer:{tSceneExplorer}, tReferenceChain:{tReferenceChain}");
                //Debug.Log($"Fields:{tModTools.GetFields().Length}, Props:{tModTools.GetProperties().Length}, Methods:{tModTools.GetMethods().Length}");
                //Debug.Log($"{ModTools} ({ModTools.GetType()})\n{SceneExplorer} ({SceneExplorer.GetType()})");

                rcBuildings = Activator.CreateInstance(tReferenceChain);
                rcBuildings = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(GameObject) }, null).Invoke(rcBuildings, new object[] { BuildingManager.instance.gameObject });
                rcBuildings = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(BuildingManager) }, null).Invoke(rcBuildings, new object[] { BuildingManager.instance });
                rcBuildings = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcBuildings, new object[] { typeof(BuildingManager).GetField("m_buildings") });
                rcBuildings = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcBuildings, new object[] { typeof(Array16 <Building>).GetField("m_buffer") });

                rcProps = Activator.CreateInstance(tReferenceChain);
                rcProps = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(GameObject) }, null).Invoke(rcProps, new object[] { PropManager.instance.gameObject });
                rcProps = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(PropManager) }, null).Invoke(rcProps, new object[] { PropManager.instance });
                rcProps = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcProps, new object[] { typeof(PropManager).GetField("m_props") });
                rcProps = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcProps, new object[] { typeof(Array16 <PropInstance>).GetField("m_buffer") });

                rcTrees = Activator.CreateInstance(tReferenceChain);
                rcTrees = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(GameObject) }, null).Invoke(rcTrees, new object[] { TreeManager.instance.gameObject });
                rcTrees = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(TreeManager) }, null).Invoke(rcTrees, new object[] { TreeManager.instance });
                rcTrees = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcTrees, new object[] { typeof(TreeManager).GetField("m_trees") });
                rcTrees = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcTrees, new object[] { typeof(Array32 <TreeInstance>).GetField("m_buffer") });

                rcNodes    = Activator.CreateInstance(tReferenceChain);
                rcNodes    = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(GameObject) }, null).Invoke(rcNodes, new object[] { NetManager.instance.gameObject });
                rcNodes    = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(NetManager) }, null).Invoke(rcNodes, new object[] { NetManager.instance });
                rcSegments = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcNodes, new object[] { typeof(NetManager).GetField("m_segments") });
                rcSegments = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcSegments, new object[] { typeof(Array16 <NetSegment>).GetField("m_buffer") });
                rcNodes    = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcNodes, new object[] { typeof(NetManager).GetField("m_nodes") });
                rcNodes    = tReferenceChain.GetMethod("Add", flags, null, new Type[] { typeof(FieldInfo) }, null).Invoke(rcNodes, new object[] { typeof(Array16 <NetNode>).GetField("m_buffer") });

                //rcPO = MoveItTool.PO.GetReferenceChain(tReferenceChain);
            catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException)
                SceneExplorer = null;
                Debug.Log($"MoveIt failed to integrate ModTools (ReflectionTypeLoadException)");
            catch (NullReferenceException)
                SceneExplorer = null;
                Debug.Log($"MoveIt failed to integrate ModTools (NullReferenceException)");

            if (SceneExplorer == null)

            Id                   = InstanceID.Empty;
            Parent               = parent;
            btn                  = parent.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
            btn.name             = "MoveIt_ToModTools";
            btn.text             = ">";
            btn.textScale        = 0.7f;
            btn.tooltip          = "Open in ModTools Scene Explorer";
            btn.size             = new Vector2(20, 20);
            btn.textPadding      = new RectOffset(1, 0, 5, 1);
            btn.relativePosition = new Vector3(parent.width - 24, 22);
            btn.eventClicked    += _toModTools;

            btn.atlas            = ResourceLoader.GetAtlas("Ingame");
            btn.normalBgSprite   = "OptionBase";
            btn.hoveredBgSprite  = "OptionBaseHovered";
            btn.pressedBgSprite  = "OptionBasePressed";
            btn.disabledBgSprite = "OptionBaseDisabled";
예제 #3
        private void Initialise()
            Panel                  = UIView.GetAView().AddUIComponent(typeof(UIPanel)) as UIPanel;
            Panel.name             = "MoveIt_MoveToPanel";
            Panel.atlas            = ResourceLoader.GetAtlas("Ingame");
            Panel.backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel2";
            Panel.size             = new Vector2(190, 185);
            Panel.absolutePosition = new Vector3(Panel.GetUIView().GetScreenResolution().x - 220, Panel.GetUIView().GetScreenResolution().y - 600);
            Panel.clipChildren     = true;
            Panel.isVisible        = false;
            Panel.anchor           = UIAnchorStyle.None;

            TitleContainer          = Panel.AddUIComponent <UISlicedSprite>();
            TitleContainer.position = new Vector3(0, 0);
            TitleContainer.size     = new Vector2(Panel.width, 40);

            TitleIcon = TitleContainer.AddUIComponent(typeof(UISprite)) as UISprite;
            TitleIcon.relativePosition = new Vector3(4, 4);
            TitleIcon.size             = new Vector2(32, 32);
            TitleIcon.atlas            = UIMoveItButton.GetAtlas(new string[] { "MoveIt" });
            TitleIcon.spriteName       = "MoveIt";

            TitleCaption        = TitleContainer.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            TitleCaption.anchor = UIAnchorStyle.CenterHorizontal | UIAnchorStyle.CenterVertical;
            TitleCaption.size   = new Vector2(Panel.width, 40);
            TitleCaption.text   = Str.setpos_Title;

            TitleDrag = TitleContainer.AddUIComponent(typeof(UIDragHandle)) as UIDragHandle;
            TitleDrag.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
            TitleDrag.size             = new Vector2(Panel.width, 40);
            TitleDrag.target           = Panel;

            TitleClose                  = TitleContainer.AddUIComponent <UIButton>();
            TitleClose.atlas            = ResourceLoader.GetAtlas("Ingame");
            TitleClose.normalBgSprite   = "buttonclose";
            TitleClose.pressedBgSprite  = "buttonclosepressed";
            TitleClose.hoveredBgSprite  = "buttonclosehover";
            TitleClose.size             = new Vector2(32, 32);
            TitleClose.relativePosition = new Vector3(Panel.width - 36, 4);
            TitleClose.eventClicked    += (UIComponent c, UIMouseEventParameter p) =>

            XLabel = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            XLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(8, 52);
            XLabel.text             = "X:";
            XInput = UIUtils.CreateTextField(Panel);
            XInput.relativePosition    = new Vector3(30, 48);
            XInput.size                = new Vector2(148, 24);
            XInput.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            XInput.tabIndex            = 0;
            XInput.eventLostFocus     += (UIComponent c, UIFocusEventParameter f) => { Validate(XInput); };

            ZLabel = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            ZLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(8, 86);
            ZLabel.text             = "Y:";
            ZInput = UIUtils.CreateTextField(Panel);
            ZInput.relativePosition    = new Vector3(30, 82);
            ZInput.size                = new Vector2(148, 24);
            ZInput.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            ZInput.tabIndex            = 1;
            ZInput.eventLostFocus     += (UIComponent c, UIFocusEventParameter f) => { Validate(ZInput); };

            YLabel = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            YLabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(8, 120);
            YLabel.text             = "H:";
            YLabel.tooltip          = Str.setpos_H_Tooltip;
            YInput = UIUtils.CreateTextField(Panel);
            YInput.relativePosition    = new Vector3(30, 116);
            YInput.size                = new Vector2(148, 24);
            YInput.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            YInput.tabIndex            = 2;
            YInput.eventLostFocus     += (UIComponent c, UIFocusEventParameter f) => { Validate(YInput); };

            ALabel = Panel.AddUIComponent <UILabel>();
            ALabel.relativePosition = new Vector3(8, 154);
            ALabel.text             = "A:";
            ALabel.tooltip          = Str.setpos_A_Tooltip;
            AInput = UIUtils.CreateTextField(Panel);
            AInput.relativePosition    = new Vector3(30, 150);
            AInput.size                = new Vector2(100, 24);
            AInput.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            AInput.tabIndex            = 3;
            AInput.eventLostFocus     += (UIComponent c, UIFocusEventParameter f) => { Validate(AInput); };

            Submit = UIUtils.CreateButton(Panel);
            Submit.relativePosition = new Vector3(138, 146);
            Submit.size             = new Vector2(40, 30);
            Submit.text             = Str.setpos_Go;
            Submit.tabIndex         = 4;
            Submit.eventClicked    += (UIComponent c, UIMouseEventParameter p) =>