예제 #1
 // If s is immediately adjacent to (shares a border with) us, then add it to the
 // appropriate direction list. If s is not "touching" us, then it will not get added to
 // any list. s can be added to at most one list (hence use of "else if" instead of just
 // a sequence of "if's").
 public void AddDirectionTo(SnagScreen s)
     if ((R.Right == s.R.Left) && GeometryUtil.OverlapY(R, s.R))
     else if ((R.Left == s.R.Right) && GeometryUtil.OverlapY(R, s.R))
     else if ((R.Top == s.R.Bottom) && GeometryUtil.OverlapX(R, s.R))
     else if ((R.Bottom == s.R.Top) && GeometryUtil.OverlapX(R, s.R))
예제 #2
        // May want to update the above routine, which arbitrarily selects the monitor that
        // happens to come first in the for() loop. We should probably do a little extra work,
        // and select the monitor that is closest to the mouse position.

        // Find the monitor that is closest to the point.
        //public static SnagScreen ScreenInDirection()

        // Find the best screen to "wrap" around the cursor, either horizontally or
        // vertically. We consider only the "OuterMost" screens. For instance, if
        // the mouse is moving to the left, we consider only the screens in the
        // RightMost[] array.
        public static SnagScreen WrapScreen(Point Dir, Point Cursor)
            int        DistClosest = int.MaxValue;
            SnagScreen WS          = null; // Our "wrap screen".

            if (Dir.X != 0)
                // Find closest Left- or Right-most screen, in Y direction.
                foreach (var S in (Dir.X == 1 ? LeftMost : RightMost))
                    int dist = Math.Abs(GeometryUtil.OutsideYDistance(S.R, Cursor));
                    if (dist < DistClosest)
                        DistClosest = dist;
                        WS          = S;

            // We should never get here, but if we do, just return the first screen.
예제 #3
        // CheckJumpCursor() returns TRUE, ONLY if the cursor is "stuck". By "stuck" we
        // specifically mean that the user is trying to move the mouse beyond the boundaries of
        // the screen currently containing the cursor. This is determined when the *current*
        // cursor position does not equal the *previous* mouse position. If there is another
        // adjacent screen (or a "wrap around" screen), then we can consider moving the mouse
        // onto that screen.
        // Note that this is ENTIRELY a *GEOMETRIC* method. Screens are "rectangles", and the
        // cursor and mouse are "points." The mouse/cursor hardware interaction (obtaining
        // current mouse and cursor information) is handled in routines further below, and any
        // Screen changes are handled by the DisplaySettingsChanged event. There are no
        // hardware or OS/Win32 references or interactions here.
        private bool CheckJumpCursor(Point mouse, Point cursor, out Point NewCursor)
            NewCursor = cursor; // Default is to not move cursor.

            // Gather pertinent information about cursor, mouse, screens.
            SnagScreen cursorScreen   = SnagScreen.WhichScreen(cursor);
            SnagScreen mouseScreen    = SnagScreen.WhichScreen(mouse);
            bool       IsStuck        = (cursor != LastMouse) && (mouseScreen != cursorScreen);
            Point      StuckDirection = GeometryUtil.OutsideDirection(cursorScreen.R, mouse);

            Debug.WriteLine($" StuckDirection/Distance{StuckDirection}/{GeometryUtil.OutsideDistance(cursorScreen.R, mouse)} " +
                            $"cur_mouse:{mouse}  prev_mouse:{LastMouse} ==? cursor:{cursor} (OnMon#{cursorScreen}/{mouseScreen})  " +
                            $"#UnSnags {NJumps}   {(IsStuck ? "--STUCK--" : "         ")}   ");

            LastMouse = mouse;

            // Let caller know we did NOT jump the cursor.
            if (!IsStuck)

            SnagScreen jumpScreen = SnagScreen.ScreenInDirection(StuckDirection, cursorScreen.R);

            // If the mouse "location" (which can take on a value beyond the current
            // cursor screen) has a value, then it is "within" another valid screen
            // bounds, so just jump to it!
            if (mouseScreen != null)
                if (!IsUnstickEnabled)
                NewCursor = mouse;
            else if (jumpScreen != null)
                if (!IsJumpEnabled)
                NewCursor = jumpScreen.R.ClosestBoundaryPoint(cursor);
            else if (StuckDirection.X != 0)
                if (!IsScreenWrapEnabled)

                SnagScreen wrapScreen = SnagScreen.WrapScreen(StuckDirection, cursor);
                Point      wrapPoint  = new Point(
                    StuckDirection.X == 1?wrapScreen.R.Left:wrapScreen.R.Right - 1, cursor.Y);

                // Don't wrap cursor if jumping is disabled and it would need to jump.
                if (!IsJumpEnabled && !wrapScreen.R.Contains(wrapPoint))

                NewCursor = wrapScreen.R.ClosestBoundaryPoint(wrapPoint);

            Debug.WriteLine("\n -- JUMPED!!! --");