public bool addTollBill(TollBills rt, out string TollBillId) { var result = tollBillsDAT.addTollBill(rt); if (result.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() == "0") { TollBillId = result.Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); return true; } TollBillId = ""; return false; }
public DataTable addTollBill(TollBills rt) { try { string[] names = new string[6]; object[] values = new object[6]; names[0] = "@p_SERVICENOTEID"; values[0] = rt.Servicenoteid; names[1] = "@p_DISCOUNTMONEY"; values[1] = rt.DiscountMoney; names[2] = "@p_DEBTUNTILDATE"; values[2] = rt.DebtUntilDate; names[3] = "@p_DATETOLL"; values[3] = rt.Datetoll; names[4] = "@p_TOTAL"; values[4] = rt.Total; names[5] = "@p_NOTE"; values[5] = rt.Note; return this.ExcuteStoreProcedure("TOLLBILLS_Ins", names, values); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Message = {1}", ex.Message); } return null; }
public bool updateTollBill(TollBills rt) { try { string sql = "Update TollBills " + "set servicenoteid = N'" + rt.Servicenoteid + "', " + "discountmoney = " + rt.DiscountMoney.ToString().Replace(',', '.') + ", " + "datetoll = CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + rt.Datetoll + "', 103), " + "debtuntildate = " + rt.DebtUntilDate.ToString().Replace(',', '.') + ", " + "total = " + rt.Total.ToString().Replace(',', '.') + ", " + "note = N'" + rt.Note + "' " + "where id = '" + rt.Id.Trim() + "'"; int result = this.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); if (result != 0) { return true; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Message = {1}", ex.Message); } return false; }
public DataTable searchTollBill(TollBills rt, string contractId, string roomName, string dateNoteService, decimal roomPrice, decimal serviceTotalMoney, decimal debt, decimal total) { try { string[] names = new string[13]; object[] values = new object[13]; names[0] = "@p_ID"; values[0] = rt.Id; names[1] = "@p_CONTRACTID"; values[1] = contractId; names[2] = "@p_SERVICENOTEID"; values[2] = rt.Servicenoteid; names[3] = "@p_DISCOUNTMONEY"; values[3] = rt.DiscountMoney; names[4] = "@p_DATETOLL"; values[4] = rt.Datetoll; names[5] = "@p_TOTAL"; values[5] = rt.Total; names[6] = "@p_NOTE"; values[6] = rt.Note; names[7] = "@p_ROOMNAME"; values[7] = roomName; names[8] = "@p_DATENOTESERVICE"; values[8] = dateNoteService; names[9] = "@p_PRICEROOM"; values[9] = roomPrice; names[10] = "@p_SERVICETOTALMONEY"; values[10] = serviceTotalMoney; names[11] = "@p_DEBT"; values[11] = debt; names[12] = "@p_TOP"; values[12] = 0; return this.ExcuteStoreProcedure("TOLLBILLS_Search", names, values); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Message = {1}", ex.Message); } return null; }
public bool updateTollBill(TollBills rt) { return tollBillsDAT.updateTollBill(rt); }
public DataTable searchTollBill(TollBills rt, string contractId, string roomName, string dateNoteService, decimal roomPrice, decimal serviceTotalMoney, decimal debt, decimal total) { return tollBillsDAT.searchTollBill(rt, contractId, roomName, dateNoteService, roomPrice, serviceTotalMoney, debt, total); }
private void btnSaveAndExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(MessageBox.Show("If you export to Tollbills, you will not be able to edit or delete it again?\n\nDo you want to continues?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { var serviceNoteId = SaveServiceNote(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceNoteId)) { DataTable debtTable = debtBLT.searchDebt(new Debt() { Contractid = txtContractID.Text, DateSet = "", }); decimal debt = 0, priceRoom = 0, totalTollsBill = 0; if (debtTable != null && debtTable.Rows.Count > 0) { debt = (debtTable.Rows[0] as DataRow).Field<decimal>("DEBTUNTILDATE"); } DataTable contractTable = contractBLT.searchContract(new Contract() { Id = txtContractID.Text, IsValid = true }); if (contractTable != null && contractTable.Rows.Count > 0) { priceRoom = (contractTable.Rows[0] as DataRow).Field<decimal>("PRICEROOM"); } totalTollsBill = priceRoom + decimal.Parse(txtTotalMoney.Text) + debt; TollBills tollBills = new TollBills() { Datetoll = dateTimePickerDate.Text, DiscountMoney = 0, DebtUntilDate = debt, Servicenoteid = serviceNoteId, Note = "", Total = totalTollsBill }; //Insert string id; if (tollBillsBLT.addTollBill(tollBills, out id)) { MessageBox.Show("Export to Tollbills of " + serviceNoteId.ToUpper() + " successfully!\nThe new tollbills Id = " + id + "."); this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("Export fail! Try again later."); } } }
/// <summary> /// //Tìm xem trong bảng TollBills đã có thông tin ServiceNoteID này chưa? // - Nếu có rồi thì không cho chỉnh sửa và xóa ServiceNoteId này nữa, chỉ cho xem thôi; // - Nếu chưa có thì cho phép chỉnh sửa và xóa. /// </summary> /// <param name="servicenoteid"></param> private void CheckEditServiceNote(string servicenoteid) { var temp = new TollBills() { Servicenoteid = servicenoteid }; DataTable result = tollBillsBLT.searchTollBill(temp, "", "", "", 0,0,0,0); if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0) { this.btnEdit.Text = "View detail"; this.btnDelete.Enabled = false; } else { this.btnEdit.Text = "Edit"; this.btnDelete.Enabled = true; } }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtId.Text == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("You don't choose a tollbills to " + btnEdit.Text + "!", "Infomations", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { TollBills tb = new TollBills() { Id = txtId.Text.Trim(), Datetoll = dateTimePickerDate.Text, Servicenoteid =((dgvTollBills.DataSource as DataTable).Rows[dgvTollBills.CurrentCell.RowIndex] as DataRow).Field<string>("SERVICENOTEID"), DiscountMoney = decimal.Parse(txtDiscountMoney.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountMoney.Text.Trim()), Note = txtNote.Text, Total = decimal.Parse(txtTotal.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotal.Text.Trim()) }; TollBillEdit serviceNoteEdit = new TollBillEdit(tb, txtContractId.Text.Trim(), (cmbRoom.SelectedValue == null) ? "" : cmbRoom.SelectedValue.ToString(), dateTimePickerNoteService.Text, txtPriceRoom.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtPriceRoom.Text.Trim(), txtTotalMoneyService.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotalMoneyService.Text.Trim(), txtDebt.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtDebt.Text.Trim(), txtTotal.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotal.Text.Trim(), btnEdit.Text == "Edit" ? true : false); if (btnEdit.Text == "Edit") serviceNoteEdit.EditCompletedHandler += FormTollBillsEdit_Completed; serviceNoteEdit.ShowDialog(); } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnSearch.Text == "Reset") { this.resetUI(); this.changeModeEditUI(true); } else { TollBills tb = new TollBills() { Id = txtId.Text.Trim(), Datetoll = dateTimePickerDate.Text, DiscountMoney= decimal.Parse(txtDiscountMoney.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtDiscountMoney.Text.Trim()), Note=txtNote.Text, Total = decimal.Parse(txtTotal.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotal.Text.Trim()) }; this.dgvTollBills.DataSource = tollBillsBLT.searchTollBill(tb, txtContractId.Text, (cmbRoom.SelectedValue == null) ? "" : cmbRoom.SelectedValue.ToString(), dateTimePickerNoteService.Text, decimal.Parse(txtPriceRoom.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtPriceRoom.Text.Trim()), decimal.Parse(txtTotalMoneyService.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotalMoneyService.Text.Trim()), decimal.Parse(txtDebt.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtDebt.Text.Trim()), decimal.Parse(txtTotal.Text.Trim() == "" ? "0" : txtTotal.Text.Trim())); } }